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Tulsi gabbard


A Legend In My Spare Time
Apr 8, 2014
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She was on Joe Rogan’s podcast today. While I don’t agree with a lot of her thoughts on “the way things ought to be”, she is probably the most rational and pragmatic politician I’ve heard in quite some time. While she’s got a D behind her name, I believe she’s a DINO. She said some things on the podcast today that I’m sure ruffled some party feathers. She called out some Dems and told a story of her reaching out across the isle even when her own party told her not to. I need to read up on her, but this 3 hour interview has me intrigued. If you got the time, it’s more than worth the listen. I was surprised by a lot of her views.

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Endorsed by the likes of Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. I cant respect her all despite her polished delivery.
Endorsed by the likes of Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. I cant respect her all despite her polished delivery.

I have ZERO love for planned abortionhood.

However, the ACLU defends the WHOLE spectrum, far left to far right.
They're a tough pill to swallow because of the nutjobs they defend, but they don't discriminate who'll they help.

I'm NOT endorsing her or saying you should vote for her.
Just refreshing to hear someone engage in civil discourse and willing to actually listen to the other side and negotiate.
We don't have that in Washington right now. It's been missing since Clinton's 2nd term.

But from everything I'm reading, I don't see her financially backed by either or beholden to them in any manner.
Kind of hard to fault her for people that like her.
It's the same irrational argument that Trump is obviously a racist person because white supremacists were wearing MAGA hats.
First I ever saw anything about her, so I did a search and picked the first article from a source familiar to me.

Tulsi Gabbard’s Bizarre Foreign Policy

Her ideas, paradoxical and lacking moral clarity, would strengthen dangerous dictators and endanger Americans

Another problem with Gabbard, implicit in many of her foreign-policy stances, is that she blames America for much of the world's chaos, not the adversaries who murder without regret. Last year, she justified North Korea's belligerent pursuit of nuclear weapons, saying that Kim Jong Un was pressured into building an arsenal. "Our country's history of regime change has led to countries like North Korea to develop these weapons," she said, adding that Pyongyang "sees what we have done in countries like Iraq." Gabbard went on to blame "decades" of American policies by Republicans and Democrats for the current situation.

And she is picking up some support from both sides.

First, she’s at least interesting. The rest of the Democrats will be accusing each other of deviationism over trivialities. Gabbard’s been accused of being a toady of Bashar al-Assad and a Hindu-nationalist fifth columnist. She also grew up in a socially conservative household and, as a very young woman, she participated in her activist father’s campaigns against the legal recognition of same-sex partnerships as marriage. You can imagine how that’s going over among Democrats. But she’s also young and attractive. She’s a veteran of the Iraq war, and still serves in the Hawaii Army National Guard. And unlike Barack Obama, who basically appropriated his wife’s South-Side Chicago identity, Gabbard fully embraces her Hawaiian roots. If one made a word cloud of her first campaign speech, “Aloha” would outrank “love,” “sacrifice,” and even “neocon.”

She’s also willing to tilt against her party. She defended a generous vision of liberal religious pluralism and social respect when she went after a fellow Hawaii Democrat, Senator Mazie Hirono, for attacking federal-judiciary nominee Brian Buescher based solely on his membership in the Knights of Columbus, a fraternal Catholic charitable order. Writing in The Hill, Gabbard said that while she opposed the nominee for other reasons, “I stand strongly against those who are fomenting religious bigotry, citing as disqualifiers [his] Catholicism and his affiliation with the Knights of Columbus.” This is good, and she seems to be paying a price for it as Hawaiian Democrats work up a primary challenger in her House district. It’s also not clear whether Democrats are angrier that Gabbard once had tea with Bashar al-Assad, or with Donald Trump when he was filling out his Cabinet picks.

She's not too hard on the eyes though, not usually a Democrat trait.

I have ZERO love for planned abortionhood.

However, the ACLU defends the WHOLE spectrum, far left to far right.
They're a tough pill to swallow because of the nutjobs they defend, but they don't discriminate who'll they help.

I'm NOT endorsing her or saying you should vote for her.
Just refreshing to hear someone engage in civil discourse and willing to actually listen to the other side and negotiate.
We don't have that in Washington right now. It's been missing since Clinton's 2nd term.

But from everything I'm reading, I don't see her financially backed by either or beholden to them in any manner.
Kind of hard to fault her for people that like her.
It's the same irrational argument that Trump is obviously a racist person because white supremacists were wearing MAGA hats.

I used to believe that about the ACLU. They've shifted to the left a great deal it seems.
First I ever saw anything about her, so I did a search and picked the first article from a source familiar to me.

And she is picking up some support from both sides.

She's not too hard on the eyes though, not usually a Democrat trait.


See, I think she has a point.
The US has stuck its nose in too many businesses around the world.
Whether it was Obama or Trump, Clinton or W. Bush......if another country came here and forcefully removed our sitting leader and told us our way of living was stupid and too much not like them, you don't think we'd be a bit pissed? And that Canada and England might start arming themselves to prevent the same thing?
We're NOT the rulers of this planet.
On this podcast, she talks about us spending 40 BILLION, with a B, BILLION dollars per month on the war in the middle east.
If that's even remotely true, that's absurd.
That money should come home.
The old adage, "clean up your own backyard before you go knocking on your neighbors door".
We have too many problems here at home that need addressing to be spinning our wheels trying to convert other countries to our way of living.
She was on Joe Rogan’s podcast today. While I don’t agree with a lot of her thoughts on “the way things ought to be”, she is probably the most rational and pragmatic politician I’ve heard in quite some time. While she’s got a D behind her name, I believe she’s a DINO. She said some things on the podcast today that I’m sure ruffled some party feathers. She called out some Dems and told a story of her reaching out across the isle even when her own party told her not to. I need to read up on her, but this 3 hour interview has me intrigued. If you got the time, it’s more than worth the listen. I was surprised by a lot of her views.

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Well... if she is really a DINO ...
She is alright with me!
Well... if she is really a DINO ...
She is alright with me!

Don't get me wrong, she leans more left than right. Zero denying that.
But she has also stepped out from them and called them out on several occasions that I'm reading/hearing.
She doesn't toe the party line nor blindly follow for the good of the party over her convictions.
Maybe the left's answer to Rand Paul?
See, I think she has a point.
The US has stuck its nose in too many businesses around the world.

Not picking on you Fed, but I always have a problem with this cliched quote....

We ARE the world's police. We pay the lions share with NATO. We do because others countries will not. We do because often times our intervention is necessary as no other countries will or can do the dirty work.

In addition, we are the most charitable nation on the planet. When there is a tragedy, overseas, anywhere...we send aid. When we have a tragedy, we never get $$.

These traits have been our traits for a hundred years and the world has become dependent on the USA to provide military and financial aid and support. When we opt not to engage, we are lambasted for for not engaging.

In short, we almost have no choice but to engage much of the time. We don't just "stick" our noses in. We are in every aspect of the world's politics, and we its police force, its Red Cross...hell we are NATO.

I would guess the majority of Americans don't want us to be doing this. Trump doesn't (one of the reasons he's so popular). He's asking and demanding other countries pay their fair share and do their equal duty. As it should be.
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Not picking on you Fed, but I always have a problem with this cliched quote....

We ARE the world's police. We pay the lions share with NATO. We do because others countries will not. We do because often times our intervention is necessary as no other countries will or can do the dirty work.

In addition, we are the most charitable nation on the planet. When there is a tragedy, overseas, anywhere...we send aid. When we have a tragedy, we never get $$.

These traits have been our traits for a hundred years and the world has become dependent on the USA to provide military and financial aid and support. When we opt not to engage, we are lambasted for for not engaging.

In short, we almost have no choice but to engage much of the time. We don't just "stick" our noses in. We are in every aspect of the world's politics, and we its police force, its Red Cross...hell we are NATO.

I would guess the majority of Americans don't want us to be doing this. Trump doesn't (one of the reasons he's so popular). He's asking and demanding other countries pay their fair share and do their equal duty. As it should be.

You're misunderstanding what I'm saying.
Besides China, who hordes their money and is communist, we're the wealthiest nation on the planet.
We're also a cornucopia of every other country on the planet. Americans are mutts from all other countries, sans Native Americans.
Of course we do more humanitarian aid around the world than all others and dole out military troops more free willingly.

My problem, Rand Paul's problem, Tulsi Gabbard's problem, is us with our penchant for overthrowing regimes and installing a government into a foreign country.
There's a HUGE difference in helping an ally/country when they ask for help vs just picking a fight on the grounds of "they're an evil dictator because they're not a republic like us and they kill people in ways we don't like even though we kill people, too in ways other countries don't like."

It's not cliche.
Either BE the ultimate power on the planet and BE the world's Emperor, or be a sovereign nation and only break out the big guns when absolutely necessary.....ala WWI and WWII.
Can't fight politically correct wars. Can't police the entire planet unless you want to control the entire planet. Doesn't work like that.
You're misunderstanding what I'm saying.
Besides China, who hordes their money and is communist, we're the wealthiest nation on the planet.
We're also a cornucopia of every other country on the planet. Americans are mutts from all other countries, sans Native Americans.
Of course we do more humanitarian aid around the world than all others and dole out military troops more free willingly.

My problem, Rand Paul's problem, Tulsi Gabbard's problem, is us with our penchant for overthrowing regimes and installing a government into a foreign country.
There's a HUGE difference in helping an ally/country when they ask for help vs just picking a fight on the grounds of "they're an evil dictator because they're not a republic like us and they kill people in ways we don't like even though we kill people, too in ways other countries don't like."

It's not cliche.
Either BE the ultimate power on the planet and BE the world's Emperor, or be a sovereign nation and only break out the big guns when absolutely necessary.....ala WWI and WWII.
Can't fight politically correct wars. Can't police the entire planet unless you want to control the entire planet. Doesn't work like that.

There was obviously a big shift from WWII days when it took an invasion to get us involved. I'd say it was between the end of WWII and Korea that the gubmint really started growing exponentially and the Swamp got its roots. I'm going to guess the war machine helped fund it. I hope we can find a happy medium between the pre-WWII days and now where we are involved just about everywhere. If that is not possible I'd prefer the pre WWII days. You can see how well we do at nation building. Just look at Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc. Just stay the hell out of their business and let the chips fall where they may. Sure Russia and Russian backed entities will fill that vacuum but their over-expansion hurt them in the past. It will do so again. Its a known fact that countries can only get so big before they fall in under their own weight.
She's just another wacky lib. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politi...elieve-where-the-candidate-stands-on-7-issues

Ban fossil fuels for electric production by 2050. Free community college and free public university for most. Universal healthcare. Pro-abortion rights. From the article -
In both of these areas, Gabbard has changed her position since she entered politics at age 21. She was initially anti-abortion, or opposed to increased abortion access. In 2004, she opposed a bill allowing civil unions for same-sex couples in Hawaii. Hawaii’s LGBT caucus withheld their endorsement from her in 2016. She has said that her time in Iraq sparked soul-searching and led to changes in her beliefs.
Tells you something about her. You don't often find people soul searching and coming to a pro-abortion position. Much more likely that the votes from the LGBT endorsement were the reason.
She's just another wacky lib. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politi...elieve-where-the-candidate-stands-on-7-issues

Ban fossil fuels for electric production by 2050. Free community college and free public university for most. Universal healthcare. Pro-abortion rights. From the article - Tells you something about her. You don't often find people soul searching and coming to a pro-abortion position. Much more likely that the votes from the LGBT endorsement were the reason.

Why would homosexuals care if abortion was legal or not?
Would they ever have need for one, sans a male heterosexual raping a female homosexual?
Why would homosexuals care if abortion was legal or not?
Would they ever have need for one, sans a male heterosexual raping a female homosexual?

Lots of people are fighting for what they think is "right". Why would a post menopausal woman care? Some women see it as a right that shouldn't be taken away. I disagree with that but that's what they believe.
Lots of people are fighting for what they think is "right". Why would a post menopausal woman care? Some women see it as a right that shouldn't be taken away. I disagree with that but that's what they believe.

I was being a bit facetious/sarcastic with the reply.
I was just trying to point out that it's probably unfair to draw a correlation between the LGBT community and a person's revelation or soul searching regarding individual rights/abortion.
I don't think LGBT directly influenced her shift purely for trying to garner their support and favor for an election.
I second the Hit.
I agree with her somewhat on a noninterventionist foreign policy. She’s pretty big government tax and spend on everything else though.
Lbgqtiou think we're useless breeders. They absolutely hate that about us. So open minded and tolerant. Its insane.