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UCSB shooting


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Trampa, FL
It's Obama's fault he should lower the price of prostitutes immediately. This guy obviously flipped out over the Obama economy---Fox News
Stabbed 3 to death. Killed one with car. Killed and wounded several with guns. GUNS ARE TO BLAME. --- CNN, MSNBC
Stabbed 3 to death. Killed one with car. Killed and wounded several with guns. GUNS ARE TO BLAME. --- CNN, MSNBC

Part of his manifesto is on FB. Dude has a Muslim view of women. He needs to convert if he hasn't already.
Crazy ****.

It's Obama's fault he should lower the price of prostitutes immediately. This guy obviously flipped out over the Obama economy---Fox News

What no blame for Booooosh! Coming from you?
The video has been removed.
Oh gee, maybe girls don't want to have sex with you because you're a creepy ******* who's obsessed with getting laid? Nah...
How am I just now hearing about this? Usually I am the first to know what with my news obsession and all. Then again, I've been tuned out of the news as of late, so maybe that's why.
No wonder he couldn't get laid, even his 'manifesto of murder' bored me to tears.
So, how many of the fatalities in this incident were shot, how many were killed by other methods? I know we'll only hear about the 'gun violence' from the media.
regrding the next wave of gun control outrage, I have a question....

What's the typical response to the "Gun control doesnt work on criminals because they dont follow laws" argument from the Dems?
I mean, that seems as iron-clad and logical an "argument" as it gets...
I feel horrible for the families of those gunned down, but blaming lacking gun control laws is as misguided as EdReed4Prez's NFL allegiance.
So, how many of the fatalities in this incident were shot, how many were killed by other methods? I know we'll only hear about the 'gun violence' from the media.

If I'm not mistaken its 3 stabbed 3 shot. The car victims just got messed up badly, still alive. Zero calls for knife bans so far.
So, how many of the fatalities in this incident were shot, how many were killed by other methods? I know we'll only hear about the 'gun violence' from the media.

That was ALL that was mentioned last night on the NBC news, as well as the local NBC affiliate.
Saw this morning that the killer blames all his issues on a girl he had a crush on in elementary school. WTF?
Saw this morning that the killer blames all his issues on a girl he had a crush on in elementary school. WTF?

'Cause she was a big meanie. With cooties too I bet.
What I don't understand is that Feinstein said some time ago, that it's human nature to put your gun down when you come into an area full of un-armed people. Why didn't this guy do that?

My theory is that he is not human, and we need gun control because of the alien presence in our nation. I finally get it!
What I don't understand is that Feinstein said some time ago, that it's human nature to put your gun down when you come into an area full of un-armed people. Why didn't this guy do that?

My theory is that he is not human, and we need gun control because of the alien presence in our nation. I finally get it!

You are starting to think like a California politician.
Poor guy was complaining that rich kids have all the girls. Then he goes on a murdering rampage in his brand new BMW. When will we address this poverty problem in America?
new BMW and a trunkload of cash. he couldnt have gone to Tijuana for a weekend?
new BMW and a trunkload of cash. he couldnt have gone to Tijuana for a weekend?

Or scored a hot Russian mail order bride...