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UCSB shooting

The whole gun/knife analysis is pretty silly anyone knows you can kill a lot more people in a short period of time with a gun rather than a knife.

I would support gun laws that keep guns out of the hands of people who have had mental therapy within 5 years of trying to buy a gun.

damn straight. put that ***** on auto pew pew pew and just fire away like you're in a shooting gallery.
should I post this twice?
The most obvious thing about this kid in listening to him and reading his words is the incredible amount of Narcissism in him. It oozes out of every word. He says repeatedly that he is entitled to this and that and he is so much better than everyone else. The one thing all the "experts" agree on is that murderers and serial murderers in general almost always have a very Narcissistic personality. It allows them to kill guilt free because their own lives and feelings are much more important than their victims. The victims' feelings don't even factor in to the equation. He fits that profile to a T.

Yup. It's not, "What can I do to be more likable?", it's "How dare these women not like me when I'm so awesome?".
Its very difficult to game-plan for crazy.
Its very difficult to game-plan for crazy.

Yup, dude thought he was playing GTA. And for the record I was getting laid at age 16 with a really ****** job and an '82 Plymouth. Maybe we should outlaw guns from rich virgins.
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Its very difficult to game-plan for crazy.
You hit it on the head... The only thing you can do is arm yourself. Get a CC permit. Practice with your firearm so you can become proficient and most importantly safe. That's really all you can do.
Women's and Gender Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University,

What a worthless steaming pile of vermin **** that curriculum is.
I would support gun laws that keep guns out of the hands of people who have had mental therapy within 5 years of trying to buy a gun.

Wasn't Feinstein trying to get ALL veterans declared mentally ill recently? That type of power to keep "mentally ill" folks away from guns is just one law from being confiscation.

No thanks.
“I was giving the female gender one last chance to provide me with the pleasures I deserved from them,” he later wrote in a 137-page manifesto.

Sounds like we need a war on the entitled mindset.
Start with the damn parents who have raised their kids in an enabling environment. They try to be their "friends" instead of parents. I see it all around me.... 6 year olds with the latest tablets/phones, talking back to their parents if they don't get what they want or if, God forbid, their parents actually have them do chores or their homework or to go look for a part-time job. Parents who have raised their kids without disciplining them are reaping what they sowed.
Women's and Gender Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University,

What a worthless steaming pile of vermin **** that curriculum is.
Any university department whose title ends in the word "studies" is a waste of space (and money).
Skirts don't often play shoot 'em up. When they go kablooie it's usually with an axe, knife or by drowning/suffocation.

Or cutting off penises....