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US Capitol breached

The *deprogramming* most of you need is taking a long walk, getting some fresh air, a remedial course in critical thinking, reason & logic and a month or so with zero right wing propaganda rotting your brains. That should suffice, no shock collars or cattle prods needed.
Context - showing real violent insurrection. This was May 2020 when blm/antifa attacked the White House for three days. Dozens of officers injured. Fires set, including St. Johns Church. The left-wing extremist establishment condemned the police for stopping them.

Andy Ngo's original thread here...it's a must watch: https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1479245177248174081

Insurrectionists clashing with police trying to storm the White House

Police officer suffers head injury as insurrectionists try to storm the White House.

More insurrectionists attempting to take over the White House. They set fires in attempts to storm the White House.

The *deprogramming* most of you need is taking a long walk, getting some fresh air, a remedial course in critical thinking, reason & logic and a month or so with zero right wing propaganda rotting your brains. That should suffice, no shock collars or cattle prods needed.

All we need to do is embrace communism and totalitarian government and we will be fine.

Tiborat you ignorant slut,

We are just fine with logic and critical thinking That’s why we don’t believe in the bullshit about the elections being fair and square that the main stream media is pushing and it is why we are small government conservative Republicans.
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All we need to do is embrace communism

Please cite a few specific examples of how the raging, imminent threat of *Communism* is taking over the US. Thanks, on behalf of bolsheviks the world over.

Communism is a political and economic system that seeks to create a classless society in which the major means of production, such as mines and factories, are owned and controlled by the public.
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Please cite a few specific examples of how the raging, imminent threat of *Communism* is taking over the US. Thanks, on behalf of bolsheviks the world over.
All you have to do TIbs is see who are the darlings of the left. Unapologetic socialists. Bernie, AOC and her squad. They fully admit it.
All you have to do TIbs is see who are the darlings of the left. Unapologetic socialists. Bernie, AOC and her squad. They fully admit it.

And how does having a handful of Dem politicians in DC - who are fans of Democratic Socialism - affect you, your life, the country, the stock market, the economy, the Constitution, the Supreme Court, the two houses of Congress, the Executive branch, State governments, private businesses and private land ownership?

Every other post on this board is screaming about Communism and Communists. Surely, this dire, imminent threat rages all around you, with the complete and utter breakdown of Capitalism and our Constitutional Republic just moments away. Correct?
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And how does having a handful of Dem politicians in DC - who are fans of Democratic Socialism - affect you, your life, the country, the stock market, the economy, the Constitution, the Supreme Court, the two houses of Congress, the Executive branch, State governments, private businesses and private land ownership?

Every other post on this board is screaming about Communism and Communists. Surely, this dire, imminent threat rages all around you, with the complete and utter breakdown of Capitalism and our Constitutional Republic just moments away. Correct?
All these things you mention have absolutely no affect on you yet, here you are every day, squealing like a stuck pig.
who are fans of Democratic Socialism

The *rest of America* is roughly 70% of the population who don't buy into the Qanon/MAGA/Trump lies & bullshit.

MAGA/Trump lies and bullshit? What did he lie about? It is common knowledge that all the BS heaped upon him and his administration by the Left was all lies and BS. You do have to hand it to them. Your team knows how to obstruct

I'm not even sure what Qanon is. If I had to guess I'd say it is a boogeyman derived by and queued up by the Left when needed.


Is this Qanon?

I'm sorry to dissapoint Tibs, but I do not think 70% of the US population wants your and the darlings of the Left's brand of socialism/communism in their lives. Maybe that number in Hungary is higher, perhaps that is where you are getting confused.

MAGA/Trump lies and bullshit? What did he lie about? It is common knowledge that all the BS heaped upon him and his administration by the Left was all lies and BS. You do have to hand it to them. Your team knows how to obstruct

I'm not even sure what Qanon is. If I had to guess I'd say it is a boogeyman derived by and queued up by the Left when needed.


Is this Qanon?

I'm sorry to dissapoint Tibs, but I do not think 70% of the US population wants your and the darlings of the Left's brand of socialism/communism in their lives. Maybe that number in Hungary is higher, perhaps that is where you are getting confused.

Qanon is a conspiracy fringe group who gives republicans a bad rep.
And you're too damn stoopid to see the truth, that the MSM has MAGAs hating liberals and liberals hating MAGAs and dividing us up into ideologies and stuffing us into compartments of race, 50 genders, gays, straight, snowflakes, racists, illegals, and the list goes on. At some point we need to starting looking at one another as Americans first and stop believing the utter bullshit on your TV, politco web sites and social media. It's all ******* spin, hell bent on keeping us distracted and divided.

Keep being a tool of the elite and keep spreading the spin like a good little lemming.
Ex-*******-cactly this!
Please cite a few specific examples of how the raging, imminent threat of *Communism* is taking over the US. Thanks, on behalf of bolsheviks the world over.
The riots this summer?

BLM and AntiFa are Marxist organiztions.
This is inconvenient.

Self-absorbed congressional Democrats held a group therapy session on Capitol Hill on Thursday as they work tirelessly to immortalize Jan. 6 as an annual day of doom, but the rest of us are old enough to remember a few more times when riots and protests overwhelmed government buildings with no such theatrical response.

More than a few times, actually. The 2020 summer of rage was more or less “incited” by these same top Democrats, who race-baited as if their lives depended on it, and even our vice president, who helped bail violent rioters out of jail. It featured a number of these attacks on the government (which strangely weren’t called attacks on democracy at the time).

1. Interior Department Overtaken​

Can you spot the difference between these two insurrection photos?


Didn’t think so. One of them was compared to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 by our vice president. The other one barely made the news and was referred to as a mere “sit-in.” Both were attacks by political activists on government buildings.

On Oct. 14, 2021, climate activists breached the Interior Department, with demonstrators who were left outside struggling with law enforcement officers as they reportedly tried to force their way in, shouting “Go inside! Go inside!” Some activists vandalized a building, while others pinned police against a wall. The ordeal resulted in a number of injuries, according to multiple sources, with a police officer being transported to the hospital.

2. President Moved to Bunker After White House Fence Breach​

In June 2020, then-President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, and their son Barron were reportedly rushed to a secure bunker when a group of protesters breached temporary barricades that had been set up around the White House complex.

Secret Service reportedly arrested and charged at least four protesters with unlawful entry at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

3. Wisconsin Capitol Overwhelmed​

In 2011, thousands of people opposed to Republican Gov. Scott Walker filled the Wisconsin state Capitol, screaming in opposition to the governor’s budget repair bill.

4. Portland Federal Courthouse Overtaken by Violence​

The federal courthouse in Portland has been a repeated target of violent Antifa rioters. In July 2020, a mob began setting fires inside the fence protecting the courthouse, shaking the fence, launching projectiles over it, and even trying to take it down. Several people even breached it, with rioters launching projectiles and flashing lasers at the federal police officers who responded.

The next month, the courthouse was shut down completely over domestic terrorism threats that someone might drive a vehicle filled with explosives into the building.

Just hours after a security fence was removed from the courthouse in March 2021, rioters broke glass and lit fires once again.

5. Democracy Halted at the Texas Capitol​

In July 2013, an unruly mob of pro-abortion demonstrators interfered with the democratic process when thousands of them occupied the Texas Capitol and screamed at the top of their lungs, “grinding the Senate to a halt” with the noise.

6. SCOTUS Police Lines Breached, Senate Overwhelmed by Anti-Kavanaugh Activists​

During the dustup over now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination and confirmation to the Supreme Court, which was radically amplified thanks to the Christine Blasey Ford circus, demonstrators forced their way past law enforcement, breaching police lines at both the Senate and the Supreme Court, where they stormed the steps and beat on the doors.

After announcing that he planned to vote for Kavanaugh’s confirmation, then-Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., was accosted on an elevator by several women, who shouted in his face and wouldn’t let him move.

At the beginning of October, shortly before the Senate voted to confirm Kavanaugh, a mob of protesters took over a part of the Hart Senate Office Building, which is part of the Capitol complex.

Some even made their way into the gallery during the final vote.


7. Senate Bombed by Left-Wing Terrorists​

Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg, two left-wing extremists, along with five others planted a bomb outside the Senate chamber inside the U.S. Capitol, where it detonated and caused $1 million in damage in 1983.

On his last day as president, Jan. 20, 2001, Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of the violent pair, spurred on by his Democrat buddy Jerry Nadler.

Each of the women served only 16 years of her long sentence. Rosenberg escaped 42 years of a 58-year sentence, and Evans trimmed 24 years off her 40-year sentence.

8. Senate Chamber Breached by Biden Himself​

In now-President Joe Biden’s farewell address to the Senate in 2009, he claimed to have broken into the chamber and sat in the vice president’s chair when he was 21 years old. The first time he stood on the Senate floor was when he visited with friends in the early 1960s, he said.

“I remember vividly the first time I walked in this chamber. I walked through those doors, but I walked through those doors as a 21-year-old tourist,” Biden claimed. “In those days, you could literally drive right up to the front steps. … I drove up to the steps and there had been a rare Saturday session. It had just ended. So I walked up the steps, found myself in front of what we call the elevators, and I walked to the right to the Reception Room.”

“There was no one there. The glass doors, those French doors that lead behind the chamber, were open. There were no signs then. I just walked,” Biden continued. “…I sat in the presiding officer’s chair. I was mesmerized.”

He was then caught by a Capitol Police officer. I wonder if Biden thinks his self-guided Capitol tour “borders on sedition“?
The riots this summer?

BLM and AntiFa are Marxist organiztions.
How about vaccine mandates? Get the booster or lose your job...We demand everyone be lockstep with the govt mandate or else....Seems pretty tyrannical/communist to me.

How about the **** they were pulling where landlords couldn't evict someone for not paying their rent...Free housing at the expense of someone else...Ah, ah, ah chooocommie.
Still don't smell even a whiff of Communism coming anywhere near the deeply ingrained political and economic structures & institutions of these great United States.

Which can lead to only one logical conclusion. That *Communism* and *Communists* are simply a catch-phrase for the right to describe all that ails you.
Please cite a few specific examples of how the raging, imminent threat of *Communism* is taking over the US.
  • Publicly-run education, a monopoly if (D)imbos had their way.
  • Publicly-run housing, edicts on who can build, what they can build, where they can build, etc.
  • Publicly-run student loans
  • Publicly-run energy via limits on who can develop energy, who can deliver energy, how much they can charge, etc.
  • One-party rule by way of fraudulent elections and bullshit "investigations" of their political opponents.
  • Blatant and unending propaganda from the corrupt allies in the media
  • Disgusting corruption rampant among the filthy liars who run the (D)imbo party, with the politicians becoming absurdly wealthy despite an absolute lack of any genuine skill or intellect
  • Corrupt politicians living in luxury while those they rule live under a completely different set of rules
  • Corrupt politicians exempting themselves from the rules they impose on the less fortunate, i.e., non-politicians
All signs of the corruption and self-serving lies of communism and (D)imbos.
And how does having a handful of Dem politicians in DC - who are fans of Democratic Socialism - affect you, your life, the country, the stock market, the economy, the Constitution, the Supreme Court, the two houses of Congress, the Executive branch, State governments, private businesses and private land ownership?

Every other post on this board is screaming about Communism and Communists. Surely, this dire, imminent threat rages all around you, with the complete and utter breakdown of Capitalism and our Constitutional Republic just moments away. Correct?
We are one maybe two Senators votes from a major step towards one party rule. Manchin and to a degree Sinema have kept the Democrats from changing the system fundamentally and possibly irrevocably. It isn't hyperbole or conspiracy it is a cold hard fact but you are probably cheering for it.
We are one maybe two Senators votes from a major step towards one party rule. Manchin and to a degree Sinema have kept the Democrats from changing the system fundamentally and possibly irrevocably. It isn't hyperbole or conspiracy it is a cold hard fact but you are probably cheering for it.

I just hope if there's ever a big throw down again in this country, he will bring his *** over to fight alongside his comrades.
Tibor? Yeah, right.


Well maybe those European commies hardened him up...lol. In fact all of the commies are pretty hard minus the American communist. Which are a soft like butter clueless bunch.They have a long way to go to reach that level of cold brutality of their comrades.