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Voting Early?


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2014
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I'm right here. Can't you understand plain English
Who here is voting early? What's the process where you live? In VA the lawmakers in Richmond say you can vote by mail (absentee ballot), vote early at your local county/city Registrars office or on at the polls on Election Day. Our county somehow found the funds to set up a new office separate from the county courthouse for this. Conveniently located in a strip mall and a few doors down from the state run liquor store. How nice of them.

We used to have a voter ID law but that disappeared this year with a lot more of our rights:


If you don't have a valid ID you can fill out a "Confirmation Form"...Unfreaking believable. Third World countries must look at us in awe.

First off does anyone here work in a Registrars Office or know someone who does? I'd like to know how they process the mail in ballots. Do they count them as they come in or store them in the event of a recount?

What's to prevent someone from submitting a paper ballot just before election day and then voting at the polls? What's to prevent someone from taking the absentee ballot of a neighbor, etc or worse yet get a box full of counterfeit ballots and send them in?

Also what are Red states doing? Is it business as usual?

If you think the political climate is unstable now, just wait...The sad thing is, this is all by design to further destabilize our country. If Trump wins, the media will harp on and on about there being fraud. If he loses which is what's going to happen because you know as well as I, they are going to find the votes. The Soros DAs are not going to investigate and the media will say how there is no fraud. Nothing like a questionable election to cause massive turmoil.

I've been worried about a ton of things in my life I really have no control over, but the plans for the upcoming election tops them all. I can see the most cherished form of power that we the people have being bastardized right in front of us and we're powerless to do anything about it.

Guess I'll go grab a fifth of rock gut whiskey and go vote (again) ;)
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I looked into what is now required to vote in VA as far as ID goes. All you have to do is sign a statement verifying you are whoever is listed on the Registrar's list of registered voters....

"A voter who does not bring an acceptable ID to the polls will be required to sign an ID Confirmation Statement attesting that they are the named registered voter they claim to be. A voter who does not bring an acceptable ID and refuses to sign the Statement will need to vote a provisional ballot and will have until 12 pm on the Friday following the election to either supply a copy of their ID to the Electoral Board or to sign an ID Confirmation Statement.

Yeah nothing suspicious about that....Goodbye USA, it was great while it lasted..
I will vote early by mail in PA. In order to receive a ballot , you must apply online with your driver's license info. They will then mail you a ballot. Once they receive your ballot, they will confirm via email that your vote has been counted. You have to request a ballot, it will not be mailed out en masse.

I do not understand why we have to extend the deadline past election day.
You can only vote either by person or by absentee ballot here. You need a picture ID to vote in person, must be on the rolls, and the ID must be up to date. They scan your ID (usually a driver's license) when you come in. An absentee ballot has to be notarized and must be post marked before or on election day. Why other states can't figure this out is beyond me.
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I'm voting early in person at one of the early voting sites. Our County has numerous sites open for two weeks prior to the General Election. No ID needed (the courts shot that down after it was approved). I always show them my ID and they say it isn't needed but I tell them to look at it anyway. Absentee ballots for two of my kids at school. They just got their ballots, completed them and mailed them in. The County counts the absentee ballots as they arrive in the Elections Office. One can check the State voting logs to see that it has been accepted and counted.