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Warehousing children ... yet one more facet of bullshit under The Great Omnistration


Don't worry, Virginia is going to absorb a few of these undocumented Democrats. This old college is in part of my sales territory. This town is as poor as it gets, no jobs and I bet at least half of the town is on welfare. They will not be happy with an influx of Hispanics. This may be a brilliant move, they will want to go back to Central America.
Misogyny is cool aint it?

I have never understood why any woman in America today would want to associate with or join the right wing.

The first analogy that pops into my mind is a Jew wanting to join the Nazi party in 1930's Germany.

Its just a joke man. If you want to confront misogyny take up against honor killings, forced child marriages, prohibitions against educating females and gang rapes in muslim nations.
Its just a joke man. If you want to confront misogyny take up against honor killings, forced child marriages, prohibitions against educating females and gang rapes in muslim nations.

Yes it was just a joke, a joke that implies the primary role of a women is to serve men. All comedy has truth in it and in this case it's the ugly truth that some men have old ideas that die hard.


For clarity:

According to sociologist Allan G. Johnson, "misogyny is a cultural attitude of hatred for females because they are female." Johnson argues that:

Misogyny .... is a central part of sexist prejudice and ideology and, as such, is an important basis for the oppression of females in male-dominated societies. Misogyny is manifested in many different ways, from jokes to pornography to violence to the self-contempt women may be taught to feel toward their own bodies

Dictionaries define misogyny as "hatred of women"[5][6][7] and as "hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women".[8] In 2012, primarily in response to events occurring in the Australian Parliament, the Macquarie Dictionary (which documents Australian English and New Zealand English) expanded the definition to include not only hatred of women but also "entrenched prejudices against women"

Oh and I don't have to go halfway around the world to observe Muslims engaging in it. All I have to do is look in the Steelers backyard at the Amish, or go to Utah and observe the Mormons.

This place is going to need grief counseling and suicide watch after Hillary is elected to POTUS.
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Speaking of misogyny, this administration likes to pick women to run point on their terrible failures and then have them go out and lie about it to Congress and the public and take all the heat. Real stand up guy, this president.
Where do I fit in? Secretary of State? Secretary of Defense?

Thinking State Lyn. Saw an ad last night where Tia Leone (sp) will be staring in a new fall show where she will portray the Sec of State.

Can we all say go Hillary? Although looking at Tia and H, don't think anyone would confuse one for the other.
Polo has that deflect and dodge liberal **** down. God forbid you answer a question directly elfie.
Misogyny is cool aint it?

I have never understood why any woman in America today would want to associate with or join the right wing.

The first analogy that pops into my mind is a Jew wanting to join the Nazi party in 1930's Germany.

You should own a mirror. So amazing how divisive you really can be, seeing things that don't exist on the other side of the fence, seeing nothing on your own staring you right in the face. Democrats have had a long history of keeping women in chains, while convincing them they are fighting for their rights. The same with African Americans. Women and African Americans who are Democrats draw no sympathy from me for being too stupid to see through the veil under which the Democrats keep them down.

"In rocky job market, more moms stay at home," is a familiar tale in the age of Obama. "More mothers have been staying home with their children since the recession ended, but a growing number of them say that's primarily because they can't find a job," according to a new survey study by the Pew Research Center.

under Obama, women have lost seven times as many jobs as men.

Under President Obama, 3.7 million women have moved into poverty. Under President Obama, the median income for women has dropped over $700.

The Obama Administration has implemented a significant 14 percent cut in funding for home health care over the next four years. Some analysis has determined that this could impact 498,000 jobs, of which as many as 90 percent are held by women. The cuts are intended to help cover the cost of the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare.

It was Democrats who didn’t want women to get the right to vote nationally:

From the New York Times: "Sunday, February 15, 1920, Booms Mrs. Catt for Presidency, Minnesota Delegate's Suggestion Rouses Furor in Suffrage Convention, Praise Hays and Cummings, League Takes the Place of Old Association That Won the Fight -- CHICAGO, Feb. 14 - The National American Woman's Suffrage Association today came to the defense of Will Hays, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, who has been attacked by anti-suffragists for aid rendered to the suffrage cause, and congratulated the Republican Party "for having a Chairman who is astute enough to recognize the certain trend of public affairs and to lead his party in step with the inevitable march of human progress."

It was under Democrat President Wilson that women (suffragettes) who were protesting for their right to vote outside of the White House were arrested and confined to prison.

The Democrats’ ‘War on Poverty’ has done nothing to ease poverty but has increased the number of women IN poverty and dependent on the government.

"What was the message of the social programs that came out of LBJ's Great Society? One of the most devastating to the family was that if an unwed woman became pregnant, moved out of the home of her parents, did not name or know who the father was, then Big Daddy in Washington would provide for all her essential needs. Ergo she no longer needed a husband or the support of her family. In fact, the more children she had out of wedlock, the more money she would receive from the government."

The 'Great Society' hurt black women and families the most and still does to this day: "…That's the deal that the Great Society struck with low-income black women in the 1970s. The result: the marginalization of black men, an explosion of single-parent households, and the institutionalization of a near-permanent under-class.

Forty years ago, social scientists devised a clever euphemism to sum up the effects of a government program that picks taxpayers' wallets, weakens the family, and turns women into wards of the state: the feminization of poverty.

And then we have the feminist movement of the 60s and 70s: "The social and political changes effected by the early women's movement thus were in the service of a sex-neutral model of society. In this, each individual would be afforded an equal opportunity to shape her or his own life regardless of sex. The notion of gender difference was deemphasized by a movement focused on equality, as women sought to gain the right to fully participate in all aspects of society. Differences between women and men, which had consistently been a central ideological and behavioral component of limiting women to a separate stereotyped "feminine" sphere, came under attack. The personal fact of one's sex became an arena of political struggle, as increasing numbers of feminists challenged the prevailing ideology that sex and gender were legitimate constraints on the right to self-determination. Political justice demanded that gender make no difference. Expectations were high that women would achieve the freedom they had been denied and that sexism would be defeated."

This sounds completely contrary to the Affirmative Action put into place by Elizabeth Warren (Harvard Professor now running for Senate in MA) in the Frank-Dodd Financial Reform bill.

"With the new financial regulation law, the federal government is moving from outlawing discrimination to setting up a system of quotas. Ultimately, the only way that financial firms doing business with the government would be able to comply with the law is by showing that a certain percentage of their workforce is female or minority."

Apparently Democrats do not believe in gender equality in 2012 and believe that businesses should be forced to hire women based on their body parts rather than their job qualifications. Thanks but no thanks. Women have worked hard for decades to prove themselves in the workforce. Forcing quotas on businesses is essentially saying ‘we know women are inferior so we are going to force you to hire them’.

Even though Obama only plays golf with women when forced to, he has to pretend he cares about Women’s issues because that is what all good Liberal Democrats do – pretend - while putting policies into place that hurt women of all color, sexual orientation and economic class. Obama has been waging a war on the entire country with his failed economic, energy and jobs policies. To now use women in his political propaganda game is not only repulsive but extremely chauvinistic and anti-women on the Democrats’ part but as we’ve seen, we should expect no less from the 'War on Women' that Democrats have been waging for decades.

There's only a million articles like these showing Democrats look down on women as lower life forms:




This last article illustrates it best. Democrats try to convince women to believe they are the party for them. They back them, they support them. They are on their side. And the naive believe - "Well Gosh, Gomer...cuz they said it it must be true." The naive Hispanics and Blacks and Women that vote for them just swallow the bait. If they investigated, looked, they'd see it's a promise and nothing more, that the Dem policies perpetually hurt women. Democratic actions are always contrary to their words. B. Hussein had the nerve to rant and rave about "income inequality" and what an injustice it is - yet his White House pays women less than men. Naive women around the country cheered, because the message sounded great and they stop there - "I'm satisfied." If they only looked a little bit deeper.
Yes it was just a joke, a joke that implies the primary role of a women is to serve men. All comedy has truth in it and in this case it's the ugly truth that some men have old ideas that die hard.


For clarity:

According to sociologist Allan G. Johnson, "misogyny is a cultural attitude of hatred for females because they are female." Johnson argues that:

Misogyny .... is a central part of sexist prejudice and ideology and, as such, is an important basis for the oppression of females in male-dominated societies. Misogyny is manifested in many different ways, from jokes to pornography to violence to the self-contempt women may be taught to feel toward their own bodies

Dictionaries define misogyny as "hatred of women"[5][6][7] and as "hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women".[8] In 2012, primarily in response to events occurring in the Australian Parliament, the Macquarie Dictionary (which documents Australian English and New Zealand English) expanded the definition to include not only hatred of women but also "entrenched prejudices against women"

Oh and I don't have to go halfway around the world to observe Muslims engaging in it. All I have to do is look in the Steelers backyard at the Amish, or go to Utah and observe the Mormons.

This place is going to need grief counseling and suicide watch after Hillary is elected to POTUS.

Keep in mind that in all humor someone or some thing or some group is the butt of the joke. Making fun of something is not hatred. You are falling into what Orwell called newspeak.
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Polo has that deflect and dodge liberal **** down. God forbid you answer a question directly elfie.

Why are you so concerned about peoples nationalities or race?
Yes it was just a joke, a joke that implies the primary role of a women is to serve men. All comedy has truth in it and in this case it's the ugly truth that some men have old ideas that die hard.


For clarity:

According to sociologist Allan G. Johnson, "misogyny is a cultural attitude of hatred for females because they are female." Johnson argues that:

Misogyny .... is a central part of sexist prejudice and ideology and, as such, is an important basis for the oppression of females in male-dominated societies. Misogyny is manifested in many different ways, from jokes to pornography to violence to the self-contempt women may be taught to feel toward their own bodies

Dictionaries define misogyny as "hatred of women"[5][6][7] and as "hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women".[8] In 2012, primarily in response to events occurring in the Australian Parliament, the Macquarie Dictionary (which documents Australian English and New Zealand English) expanded the definition to include not only hatred of women but also "entrenched prejudices against women"

Oh and I don't have to go halfway around the world to observe Muslims engaging in it. All I have to do is look in the Steelers backyard at the Amish, or go to Utah and observe the Mormons.

This place is going to need grief counseling and suicide watch after Hillary is elected to POTUS.

Wow. You mean there is actually a website that gives definitions of words? That is awesome. Now I have a website that I can cut and paste from too.
Why are you so concerned about peoples nationalities or race?

When you get on your high horse about American atrocities I figured you'd at least have the balls to say where you're from. But I'd bet you're American too. You just don't feel like you're part of the group cause you feel really bad for those atrocities.
Here is my problem. How much money do we spend taking care of these illegal immigrants, and how much is spent yearly in general on illegals? I see numbers roughly 20-30% of inmates are illegal immigrants. We are paying big bucks to keep illegal immigrants in jail. I just do not understand why we can not just send them back. We need to take care of our own people first and then maybe we can help others out.
I think this country needs 4 major changes. I would get our troops out of the middle east. The people over there are never going to stop fighting so it is pointless for us to be there. I think we need to keep some intelligence over there, but as far as interfering with their wars I say let them go at it. Second thing is to cut the foreign aid drastically. If all these bleeding heart people care that much then they can donate their own money to help out. There are enough people that make millions of dollars to help out if they so choose. Instead of buying 10 cars donate the money to the country or village or whatever it is you want to help out. Third thing is heavy welfare reform. The welfare system in this country sickens me and I get pissed everytime I think about it. I am not against helping people who need it, but the drug addict/alcoholics/chain smokers with 10 kids should not be getting it. I know someone who is on Megans law, been arrested numerous time, alcoholic, smokes, no job or even an attempt at a job, who collects social security, food stamps, and totally free medical. I imagine there are many many others out there like him. Then you got the single fathers/mothers out there working 2-3 jobs trying to make ends meet and get basically nothing from the system. Its terrible to have a system that rewards people for being total bums. The last thing is the illegal immigrant reform as I mentioned before. This one is harder to control because people will constantly be trying to come across and we would have to ship them back someway. A big electrified wall would be costly, but I think in the long run it would pay for itself. Drones could monitor the borders and alert the proper officials.
Wow. You mean there is actually a website that gives definitions of words? That is awesome. Now I have a website that I can cut and paste from too.

You have to be able to read though and understand context. Good luck.
Here is my problem. How much money do we spend taking care of these illegal immigrants, and how much is spent yearly in general on illegals? I see numbers roughly 20-30% of inmates are illegal immigrants. We are paying big bucks to keep illegal immigrants in jail. I just do not understand why we can not just send them back. We need to take care of our own people first and then maybe we can help others out.
I think this country needs 4 major changes. I would get our troops out of the middle east. The people over there are never going to stop fighting so it is pointless for us to be there. I think we need to keep some intelligence over there, but as far as interfering with their wars I say let them go at it. Second thing is to cut the foreign aid drastically. If all these bleeding heart people care that much then they can donate their own money to help out. There are enough people that make millions of dollars to help out if they so choose. Instead of buying 10 cars donate the money to the country or village or whatever it is you want to help out. Third thing is heavy welfare reform. The welfare system in this country sickens me and I get pissed everytime I think about it. I am not against helping people who need it, but the drug addict/alcoholics/chain smokers with 10 kids should not be getting it. I know someone who is on Megans law, been arrested numerous time, alcoholic, smokes, no job or even an attempt at a job, who collects social security, food stamps, and totally free medical. I imagine there are many many others out there like him. Then you got the single fathers/mothers out there working 2-3 jobs trying to make ends meet and get basically nothing from the system. Its terrible to have a system that rewards people for being total bums. The last thing is the illegal immigrant reform as I mentioned before. This one is harder to control because people will constantly be trying to come across and we would have to ship them back someway. A big electrified wall would be costly, but I think in the long run it would pay for itself. Drones could monitor the borders and alert the proper officials.

Wow that's quite a long laundry list of negativity. Does it bother you that illegal immigrants pay billions into Social Security then return home and never collect a dime? Do you know how much immigrants contribute to this economy?

Or does it just bother you that a lot of them are brown?


A report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated the impact the immigration bill passed in the Senate would have at the federal level and found that it would decrease the deficit and generate more than $450 billion in additional federal revenue over the next decade.

The 'bums' on welfare argument is old and tired. Picking on the poorest among us because you see one guy that plays the system(I know there is more than one,please) when those programs have helped untold millions pull themselves out of poverty.

Does this kind of welfare below bother you? I ask because you guys never complain about this kind of stuff and that would be because along with the domestic/economic xenophobia you all possess is the paranoia that conservative hucksters have brainwashed you with while they and their fellow 1%ers get rich.

Does it bother that veterans always get the short end of the stick when it comes to health care yet these parasites are swimming in money?


Lawmakers force Pentagon to buy tanks, keep ships and planes it doesn’t need

The U.S. spends more money on defense than any other nation in the world. So in an era of fiscal challenge, the Pentagon looked for ways to reduce costs.

Too bad Congress wasn’t listening.

Lawmakers have nixed several of the money-saving ideas, instead forcing the Defense Department to purchase or maintain equipment it says it doesn’t need.

Take for instance the half-billion dollars in Abrams tanks that Congress ordered up for the next two years, or the seven obsolete ships the Navy is being forced to keep.

The Pentagon says it doesn’t want them, or need them. But taxpayers will keep paying the price.

Does the graph below even bother you? Think about it next time they are selling us on what a threat 'country x is to us today'



The illegals take way more money out on the front end than they pay in on the back end. Plus there is the hidden costs from money they send back home and the wattering down of the wage structure.

Yes because we know the #1 priority for latino immigrants is VOTING. That's the main reason they come here.

This kids is the text book definition of xenophobia. Nice touch with the mustaches, sombreros, and sandals too.....unbelievable.
Yes because we know the #1 priority for latino immigrants is VOTING. That's the main reason they come here.

This kids is the text book definition of xenophobia. Nice touch with the mustaches, sombreros, and sandals too.....unbelievable.

No they come for the free **** courtesy of the looney-left.
Wow that's quite a long laundry list of negativity. Does it bother you that illegal immigrants pay billions into Social Security then return home and never collect a dime? Do you know how much immigrants contribute to this economy?

Or does it just bother you that a lot of them are brown?


A report from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated the impact the immigration bill passed in the Senate would have at the federal level and found that it would decrease the deficit and generate more than $450 billion in additional federal revenue over the next decade.

The 'bums' on welfare argument is old and tired. Picking on the poorest among us because you see one guy that plays the system(I know there is more than one,please) when those programs have helped untold millions pull themselves out of poverty.

Does this kind of welfare below bother you? I ask because you guys never complain about this kind of stuff and that would be because along with the domestic/economic xenophobia you all possess is the paranoia that conservative hucksters have brainwashed you with while they and their fellow 1%ers get rich.

Does it bother that veterans always get the short end of the stick when it comes to health care yet these parasites are swimming in money?


Lawmakers force Pentagon to buy tanks, keep ships and planes it doesn’t need

The U.S. spends more money on defense than any other nation in the world. So in an era of fiscal challenge, the Pentagon looked for ways to reduce costs.

Too bad Congress wasn’t listening.

Lawmakers have nixed several of the money-saving ideas, instead forcing the Defense Department to purchase or maintain equipment it says it doesn’t need.

Take for instance the half-billion dollars in Abrams tanks that Congress ordered up for the next two years, or the seven obsolete ships the Navy is being forced to keep.

The Pentagon says it doesn’t want them, or need them. But taxpayers will keep paying the price.

Does the graph below even bother you? Think about it next time they are selling us on what a threat 'country x is to us today'




For the first part I do not care what color they are. As a matter of fact my GF is "brown". Also they are only paying state and local taxes not federal and what percentage "goes back home" as you say. More importantly how much money do we spend taking care of illegals whether in jail or just in society in general? I bet it far outweighs their tax contributions.
How does welfare help people out of poverty? The system promotes laziness. The more you work the less you get. If you can sit at home on your *** and collect $200 in food stamps and $500 on social security OR get a job work 40 hours a week for peanuts and lose most of your welfare benefits which would you choose? I am not saying to destroy welfare I want to help the people that want help not the ones not even trying. I would give more to the people with jobs and take away from the ones who do nothing but collect money. As of right now I bet over 50% of the people are abusing the system.
It does bother me about the vets which also ties in the the welfare thing. You have vets who can not get health care or taken care of properly, but as my example above wastes of society can just walk into any hospital and get taken care of like that for free.
I also think we spend too much in defense, but if we stay in our own country for the most part then we could reduce those costs as well. I think we need to keep an eye on other countries, but all their petty little infighting should not be our concern.
The illegals take way more money out on the front end than they pay in on the back end. Plus there is the hidden costs from money they send back home and the wattering down of the wage structure.

Really? What front end? The food stamps they can't collect, the unemployment they can't collect, the welfare they can't collect?

Where? In hospital emergency room use maybe.

Yeah they take it back to Mexico and spend our dollars on their corporations like this Mexican retailer below.

Wally Martinez in Mexico city


Not to mention the supermarkets full of the only thing we still manufacture and export, unhealthy food products.



Yeah they just take that money............ and send it right back...............



Demand for American-Made Products Growing in Mexico

There is surprising cargo showing up on trains in Mexico.

Straight from Dearborn, Mich., Ford vehicles are heading into Mexico City, where demand is high among Mexico’s growing middle class. It’s the quality, locals say, that they’re after.

Vehicles like the Ford Escape travel for 14 days on a train from plants in Avon Lake, Ohio; Oakville, La.; Chicago; and Kansas City, Mo.

But cars aren’t the only American-made products in demand in Mexico. Exports to Mexico and all of Latin America, including Brazil and Argentina, are up 121 percent in the last decade.

Even the beef burgers at Carl’s Jr. in Mexico are imported from the United States. The fast food chain, which has opened 20 new restaurants in Mexico this year, brings fries from Louisiana and burgers from Texas, all made by American workers.

ABC News sent David Muir to Mexico to investigate and he found several American-made products in wholesaler Costco’s Mexico stores. Products like Tide detergent, Reynolds Wrap, WD40 and the original Big Wheel, made in Michigan, were all found in Costco. Even the soy sauce is made in America.

Either you're just ignorant in which case you are excused, or you just need to come out and say it. It will be therapeutic;


Not all of them......Ay Ay AY! I think I'll stay open minded.


Not to mention the supermarkets full of the only thing we still manufacture and export, unhealthy food products.
If that's the way it is then don't ever claim any American moral high ground or 'exceptionalism' Right? They were killing each other already you guys just came and committed genocide.

The Indians aren't exceptional and neither are 'Americans'.

Thank You.

Which is it?
Hope&Change....love it love it...forward comrades!