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Washongton Post:Hillary Clinton is the most exonerated politician ever.

It's true. Yet another investigation by Trump's DOJ just wrapped up days ago, finding nothing. Zero, zilch, nada. All those 'lock her up' chants at the rallies, all the hate and vitriol and baseless attacks by Trump? Fell flat on its face, as to be expected. Those poor Qanon folks - and the hardcore Trump zealots - must be going crazy by now, having bought into all the lies about Hillary. Oh well, too bad for them. They'll never get those lost brain cells back.
Expected nothing less. The "government" (ahem deep state) has been protecting her and Bill since day 1.

Most exonerated? Most pardoned, perhaps.

How many scandal-gates did the two suffer through? Isn't it like 26? A scary-*** number, but then again they are both vermin. And true, loyal Americans see it.

When a corrupt Government tells us that Hillary's use of a non-classified server containing 33,000 emails (scrubbed, bleached, cleaned, emails destroyed) was ok, but sentences General Petraeus to 2 years and $100K in fines for infractions FAR FAR less severe, the intelligent American sees through it. The Clintons are not held to the same laws you and I are, hell that even a United States General is.

This crack Rubin chick works for WashPo (Al Bagdhadi, austere religious leader) - and doesn't have an ounce of objectivity in her body. The article is an opinion piece. If you look her up on Twitter, you'll see that she has an axe to grind. She's like Tibs, but on Twitter. Non stop *****, whine and moan.

Tibs be like "Hit Hit Hit!!!"


It's true. Yet another investigation by Trump's DOJ just wrapped up days ago, finding nothing. Zero, zilch, nada. All those 'lock her up' chants at the rallies, all the hate and vitriol and baseless attacks by Trump? Fell flat on its face, as to be expected. Those poor Qanon folks - and the hardcore Trump zealots - must be going crazy by now, having bought into all the lies about Hillary. Oh well, too bad for them. They'll never get those lost brain cells back.

Hillary and Bill remind me of the Billy Martin line about Reggie Jackson and George Steinbrenner:

"One's a born liar, and the other one is convicted."
Or you can be like Tim, ignore the facts, attack the messenger and wallow in your misery! #winning #maga
Or you can be like Tim, ignore the facts, attack the messenger and wallow in your misery! #winning #maga

Misery! :smile2: Says the guy who's spent 3 years bitching, moaning, complaining, whining, angry and.....


Dude, I'm just winning. Have been for 3 years and will be 5 more. I couldn't be more happy about the state of the union, the state of my affairs, and the state of affairs in general.

Now...back to your dark, hateful place that keeps you from seeing the light of this bright, glorious time period in America (well for those of us in America).
Misery! Says the guy who's spent 3 years bitching, moaning, complaining, whining, angry and.....

I'm not angry at all. Nor is my critical view of Trump equal to bitching, moaning, complaining or whining.

I'm relatively content and happy, consider myself very fortunate for the life I live....for my friends, my family, the businesses I've built over the years.

I just happen to think Trump is a raging ******* who stands polar opposite to everything I believe in when it comes to the United States of America and the principles the country was founded on.

Sorry to burst your bubble and your faulty, preconceived notion about me. Not that any of that matters to you, as you have everything already figured out.
Sorry to burst your bubble and your faulty, preconceived notion about me. Not that any of that matters to you, as you have everything already figured out.

It's not preconceived. It's built upon your behavior here. Evident for everyone to see. Behavior everyone sees. You are angry. You do ***** and moan. Incessantly.
It's not preconceived. It's built upon your behavior here. Evident for everyone to see. Behavior everyone sees. You are angry. You do ***** and moan. Incessantly.

Or you can be like Tim, ignore the facts, attack the messenger and wallow in your misery! #winning #maga

There's no one here in misery except for you (at least what I gather from what you post here). Prepare to stay in misery for another 4.5 years.
It's true. Yet another investigation by Trump's DOJ just wrapped up days ago, finding nothing. Zero, zilch, nada. All those 'lock her up' chants at the rallies, all the hate and vitriol and baseless attacks by Trump? Fell flat on its face, as to be expected. Those poor Qanon folks - and the hardcore Trump zealots - must be going crazy by now, having bought into all the lies about Hillary. Oh well, too bad for them. They'll never get those lost brain cells back.

Its odd that the "Trump DOJ" that is giving her a pass is still staffed with tons of leftovers from the Obama era.
Its odd that the "Trump DOJ" that is giving her a pass is still staffed with tons of leftovers from the Obama era.

You mean the DOJ led by Trump lackey Bill Barr? You think he'd let it slide if there was even a shred of evidence of any type of wrongdoing by Hillary? Knowing how Trump and the base has been frothing at the mouth over this for the past three years? Don't think so. But the 'deep state' conspiracy always comes in handy when these investigations don't turn in the direction you want them to. Totally understandable.
In other news, where there is actually something of substance to investigate:

Giuliani associate Lev Parnas turns over thousands of pages of documents to impeachment investigators

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">After our trip to DC, we worked through the night providing a trove of Lev Parnas’ WhatsApp messages, text messages & images—not under protective order—to <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HPSCI?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#HPSCI</a>, detailing interactions with a number of individuals relevant to the impeachment inquiry. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/LetLevSpeak?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#LetLevSpeak</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/LevRemembers?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#LevRemembers</a> <a href="https://t.co/HdHaCyZXIm">pic.twitter.com/HdHaCyZXIm</a></p>— Joseph A. Bondy (@josephabondy) <a href="https://twitter.com/josephabondy/status/1216718465438035970?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 13, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
In other news, where there is actually something of substance to investigate:

Giuliani associate Lev Parnas turns over thousands of pages of documents to impeachment investigators

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">After our trip to DC, we worked through the night providing a trove of Lev Parnas’ WhatsApp messages, text messages & images—not under protective order—to <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HPSCI?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#HPSCI</a>, detailing interactions with a number of individuals relevant to the impeachment inquiry. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/LetLevSpeak?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#LetLevSpeak</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/LevRemembers?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#LevRemembers</a> <a href="https://t.co/HdHaCyZXIm">pic.twitter.com/HdHaCyZXIm</a></p>— Joseph A. Bondy (@josephabondy) <a href="https://twitter.com/josephabondy/status/1216718465438035970?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 13, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

"Thousands and thousands of pages of documents"

It, it, it could be MILLIONS!! Oh, this time we got him!! We GOT HIM!! There is going to be some text message, where Trump writes, "I am withholding Ukranian funds unless they investigate Biden, e.g., overt and obvious corruption"!! Oh. My. God. That would be the end of Trump, he would be FINISHED if information like that comes to light. Finally, FINALLY, after three long years of hoaxes and investigations, $40 million and 20 lawyers, millions of pages of documents, FINALLY, the key evidence will come from Vlade Divac or Yakov Smirnoff or Lev Parnas or Smirnoff vodka, or some other Russian-sounding name. What say you, America??

I just happen to think Trump is a raging ******* who stands polar opposite to everything I believe in when it comes to the United States of America and the principles the country was founded on.

So your saying you're for record unemployment and a stock market crash, because that would be the polar opposite when it comes to the United States of America in 2020.
So your saying you're for record unemployment and a stock market crash, because that would be the polar opposite when it comes to the United States of America in 2020.

Hey, let's give free healthcare to illegals, because that was what our country was founded on. And so is, not cooperating with Federal law enforcement officers, who are trying to enforce our immigration laws.
I just happen to think Trump is a raging ******* who stands polar opposite to everything I believe in when it comes to the United States of America and the principles the country was founded on.

Translation: Trump's a meanie! Seriously, yeah Trump is an ******* and he's rough around the edges, but are you that naive to think 95% of Politicians aren't raging ********? They're just polished ******** who prey on simpletons like you by promising the world to you and always talk about "hope!" and "change!" and "inclusiveness!" and blah ******* blah. The government and their constant peddlers that insist you need them for everything aren't the answer, nor are they anything even remotely resembling the principles of what this country was founded on.
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I'm not angry at all. Nor is my critical view of Trump equal to bitching, moaning, complaining or whining.

I'm relatively content and happy, consider myself very fortunate for the life I live....for my friends, my family, the businesses I've built over the years.

I just happen to think Trump is a raging ******* who stands polar opposite to everything I believe in when it comes to the United States of America and the principles the country was founded on.

Sorry to burst your bubble and your faulty, preconceived notion about me. Not that any of that matters to you, as you have everything already figured out.

Don’t you miss the days when Elfie was the extreme liberal pov here and you were the moderate liberal view? Lol