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What do you like about Trump?


Podcast/ VidCast/ Writer
Apr 9, 2014
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Section 228
I know we have a lot of Trump supporters here. As an undecided voter, if like to know what is it about his policy or platform do you like?

The only rule is you can't mention Democrats, Hilary or Obama.

Conversely, this isn't a bash Trump thread, so Trump haters, keep it in the other thread.

Looking foreword to your thoughts.
Well, he pisses off the globalists... And dnc... And rnc... And all of that is funny greatness in my eyes. Also if he won we could see how impotent a president truely is
I like that he's a successful businessman. Yeah, he has filed for bankruptcy a few times, but that's all legal. The vast majority of his companies are successful. So while he as fallen down (the aforementioned bankruptcies) he's not given up. Some will say that he's a silver-spoon kid given a large sum of money and been pampered. In my eyes, giving a kid a million bucks gives him two options. the first and easiest is to party that **** away with hookers and coke. Trump didn't do that. he instead used that money to make more and more money.

That led him to being able to negotiate. Hell, he even wrote a book about negotiating. I'd like to see a President who can bring BOTH sides together - as not all Rs are geniuses and not all Ds are tree hugging jackass hippies."Stronger together" than divided.

I like that he's not PC. Not Pitt Charlie. He'll call a ************ out if it's warranted. He's openly questioned Bomma's birth certificate since the beginning.

He's an "outsider" and we cannot continue to put the same people in various offices to fix the vast mistakes that they've made time and time again. That's the definition of insanity.
I like quite a bit about his policies as he has stated them. I, like the belated OFTB, have seen no evidence that these are what he actually believes rather than things he says.
You don't make the rules.....so

What do you like about Hillary?....oh wait, Tibs wants to start that thread.
The fact that he is pisses so many people off by being politically incorrect. I have no idea if he would be good I just know Hillary would be the worst.
I think he is the last hope to get back on track through the voting process rather than the violence I believe is necessary to actually change the almost unavoidable **** storm that is coming by continuing business as usual.
He's not a politician. He's a leader. He knows about business here and international. He is not afraid to tell it how it is - you know, the truth.

With that said, many people that don't like him for his business savvy will say he has filed bankruptcy multiple times and that is true. But, the average entrepreneur fails 3.8 times before making it. Henry Ford failed countless times before getting Ford running successfully. Trump filed chapter 11 several times and each time had to give up all or most of his ownership interests in the venture that was filing bankruptcy and agree to terms with his creditors. So, he didn't just get to wipe his slate clean like he could have. He never filed bankruptcy personally. Plus, the system is set up for companies to file bankruptcy. They do it all the time and more so in the past.
Actually, did. My thread, my rules. Hillary thread is coming
Fair enough - Trump is our last hope.

It's US vs. them.

Capitalists vs. Socialists.

Good vs. Evil.

Christians vs. Muslims

It's a HOLY WAR!
Trump is our last hope. If not elected, when we wake up on Nov 9th, the America we knew will be lost forever.

Trying to think of something I don't like, just can't come up with it.
I like how he is not afraid to speak his mind. His willingness to shove it to the MSM. He has a lot of guts
I don't understand the love affair with Hillary Clinton. The Clintons are not nice people. They hide behind their Clinton Foundation donors who are complete scum and support terrorist groups like Boko Harum while Hillary turns the other cheek and ignores Boko Harum as a terror organization because her Clinton Foundation donors make money off Boko Harum who proceeds to go through their country of Nigeria and kill thousands of innocent citizens. IMO she's a bi-polar nut job who flies off the handle and lashes out emotionally at security people assigned to protect her and she's mentally unstable. The only thing Hillary Clinton cares about is herself! Heck she doesn't even care about her hubby, she's just riding his coat tails

The media is all over Trump saying he's a narcissist but he is no more of a narcissist than Hillary Clinton and IMO Clinton is a bi-polar ***** who is not capable of making decisions for American since she only cares about herself and her friends on Wall Street who contribute to her Clinton Foundation.

I honestly think our entire government is conspiring together to try and get Hillary in as President as they fear a Trump presidency! He will expose politicians in our country for the dirtballs they are because he's sick and tired of politicians completely raping this country financially and dragging the average american down with them.

I am amazed that people still stand behind Hillary Clinton despite the e-mail scandal, despite the DNC colluding with her over the super delegates basically rigging the Democratic Election for President then she goes on to make the former DNC who resigned in disgrace an honorary chairman in her campaign for president. But people still stand with her.....I'm amazed how many dumb people in this world there are. The evidence is right in front of their eyes and they still are going to vote for her.

I think Ted Cruz said he'd stand with Trump as long as he doesn't shoot someone. I think Hillary could shoot and kill someone in cold blood right on stage and she'd still have her supporters...they are that st00pid!

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A businessman at his level knows more about fixing the economy than most any politician. Border wall and less illegal immigration. Less Muslim immigration.
And Trump is NOT a Muslim appeaser...unlike our Muslim Brotherhood Lover in Chief...and Europe's appeasers

Muslim terrorists murder priests in cold blood, while the lard core leftist American media pretend it never happened

France: brutally dragging Christians and priest out of church while Muslim terrorist appeaser Hollande bashes Trump.

French riot police DRAG Christians out of church

The angry protests come just a day after Father Jacques Hamel, who had his throat slit by two depraved Islamic State fighters, was laid to rest in Rouen Cathedral on Tuesday.



I've voting because I want the Republican platform to move away from a Religious/Social platform of superiority to a Fiscal and Nationalist platform of superiority.

As a direct result of the "European Socialism/Globalization" rise throughout the world (being promoted by super elites that are looking for ways to solidify power outside of the election process in my opinion), Trump is representing old-school right-wing Nationalism with a strong message of self-interest, immigration reform and military fairness.

If we don't stop the snowball started by Obama/Clinton/EU, I'm not sure when we can stop it.
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I've voting because I want the Republican platform to move away from a Religious/Social platform of superiority to a Fiscal and Nationalist platform of superiority.

As a direct result of the "European Socialism/Globalization" rise throughout the world (being promoted by super elites that are looking for ways to solidify power outside of the election process in my opinion), Trump is representing old-school right-wing Nationalism with a strong message of self-interest, immigration reform and military fairness.

If we don't stop the snowball started by Obama/Clinton/EU, I'm not sure when we can stop it.

I agree with pretty much everything you're sayin here other than the fact that Trump is the completely wrong person to usher this change in. ALso don't pretend like things weren't going in this direction before the Obama Administration.
Along with what others have said, I truly believe he will put the right people in place to do the job correctly. He has a history of getting things done, under budget. THAT's what we need!
Because for the first time in a very long time....he says what A LOT of god loving, hard working Americans are thinking. Yes he says some stuff many won't agree with, or wouldn't say. but his love of this country can't be questioned.
Trump supports our constitution, that in and of itself should be enough to support him. Why would a man that has everything anyone could dream of want this job, that should be the question. awesome kids, awesome wife, awesome business, and an awesome life all around, yet he chooses to run for the highest office in the world. Some will say it's a power trip, But the Donald is already one of the most powerful people in the world. I say it's because he loves this country, and he is concerned about the future it holds for his kids and his grand kids, but more important not just HIS but OURS as well.

What do I like about him? Border control, position on second Amendment, Vetting refugees, great business sense, not politically correct, playing hard ball with countries that are ******* us so hard right now that non of us should be walking, and getting rid of the stink that is old government. I am sick of the same old corrupt government that gets rich while the rest of us pay for everything. It really is time for a change, a TRUE change.

Does Trump have negatives? Hell yes he does but show me ANYONE running for office that doesn't. Donald J Trump loves this country, he believes in our constitution, and wants to get us back to a time where government doesn't control every aspect of our lives, I'm actually old enough to remember such a time, and my hope and dream is that some day my kids and grand kids will get to enjoy what America was built on and get to live with those same freedoms and privileges I once knew.

So vote for who you want to that is your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT, but for me come Nov, I will proudly walk in and cast my vote for Donald Trump.
I don't understand the love affair with Hillary Clinton. The Clintons are not nice people. They hide behind their Clinton Foundation donors who are complete scum and support terrorist groups like Boko Harum while Hillary turns the other cheek and ignores Boko Harum as a terror organization because her Clinton Foundation donors make money off Boko Harum who proceeds to go through their country of Nigeria and kill thousands of innocent citizens. IMO she's a bi-polar nut job who flies off the handle and lashes out emotionally at security people assigned to protect her and she's mentally unstable. The only thing Hillary Clinton cares about is herself! Heck she doesn't even care about her hubby, she's just riding his coat tails

The media is all over Trump saying he's a narcissist but he is no more of a narcissist than Hillary Clinton and IMO Clinton is a bi-polar ***** who is not capable of making decisions for American since she only cares about herself and her friends on Wall Street who contribute to her Clinton Foundation.

I honestly think our entire government is conspiring together to try and get Hillary in as President as they fear a Trump presidency! He will expose politicians in our country for the dirtballs they are because he's sick and tired of politicians completely raping this country financially and dragging the average american down with them.

I am amazed that people still stand behind Hillary Clinton despite the e-mail scandal, despite the DNC colluding with her over the super delegates basically rigging the Democratic Election for President then she goes on to make the former DNC who resigned in disgrace an honorary chairman in her campaign for president. But people still stand with her.....I'm amazed how many dumb people in this world there are. The evidence is right in front of their eyes and they still are going to vote for her.

I think Ted Cruz said he'd stand with Trump as long as he doesn't shoot someone. I think Hillary could shoot and kill someone in cold blood right on stage and she'd still have her supporters...they are that st00pid!


Reading comprehension seems to not be your strong suit, right?
Not much.

I do not think Trump is much of a small government conservative and he has already said that he has no problems with ignoring the Constitution which is what has gotten us to the sad state our nation is in now. That said I can agree with his stance on securing our border, controlling immigration and placing a moratorium on immigration from Muslim states that are hotbeds of terrorist groups like ISIS.