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What do you like about Trump?

So you're worried about, among other things, adults having relationships with kids becoming legal due to a socially liberal agenda being pushed?

Well, it's odd that most of the states with the lowest age of consent laws are red states, while those with the highest age of consent are blue states.

Again you refuse to answer the question. What are you afraid of? If the standard continues to be that what people do in their private lives should not matter, should be nobodies business, are there any limits to that?

Do you refuse to answer because you want no limits?

I ask this because if truth be told, where we are today could not have been imagined 10 years ago. What will 10 years in the future look like?

And before you go off that I am anti-gay or whatever you may say, try to read. Ready? What I think we are doing in this country now is mainstreaming, legitimizing mental illness. Now, in an effort to be consistent, over the years we all have been told that homosexuality is biological, not a choice. You are born that way. Gays have stated they knew very early. OK. I agree with that assessment. I knew I liked girls real early. But if we are to be consistent, as it pertains to transgender, shouldn't they know right away? I am sure some do, but I read these situations in which a guy has to live like a girl for a while to see if its right before any operation and so on. He can change his mind. They can be a girl for a bit then a guy again. If we are consistent, they should know, right? I would call that mental illness.

So what is the next mental illness we will mainstream?
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All this liberal, media anti-Trump this and he said that is going all the way to Nov. A leopard can no more change his spots than libtards can stop their unconscionable, deceitful and unethical attacks on Donald. We might as well face the facts, they will say and do anything to make him look bad, true or not.

Here's an example.....http://www.conservativehq.com/article/23746-close-report-donald-trump-media-won’t-tell-you-about

On that same note, I would add that any so called Republican in office, or running for office that openly declares to vote for Hillary should be run out of town on a rail, never to see any position in the Rep Party ever again.....Disgraceful.

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Do you refuse to answer because you want no limits?

I ask this because if truth be told, where we are today could not have been imagined 10 years ago

You cannot be serious!

There are laws (limits) on the books restricting people's personal lives (who they can and cannot ****) that NOBODY is questioning or challenging. There have been a huge recent crackdowns on human trafficking and child luring.

What planet were you living on 10 years ago? "Don't ask, don't tell" was over 20 years ago. People mocked the fact that there were still laws against sodomy and politicians like Rick Santorum. Celebrities like Elton John have been out of the closet for over 40 years. 35 years ago I went through serious culture shock after visiting Provincetown while vacationing in Cape Cod. It couldn't have been imagined 10 years ago? How could you not see it coming?
You cannot be serious!

There are laws (limits) on the books restricting people's personal lives (who they can and cannot ****) that NOBODY is questioning or challenging. There have been a huge recent crackdowns on human trafficking and child luring.

What planet were you living on 10 years ago? "Don't ask, don't tell" was over 20 years ago. People mocked the fact that there were still laws against sodomy and politicians like Rick Santorum. Celebrities like Elton John have been out of the closet for over 40 years. 35 years ago I went through serious culture shock after visiting Provincetown while vacationing in Cape Cod. It couldn't have been imagined 10 years ago? How could you not see it coming?

I am very serious. Are you telling me you had the foresight for example, to see 10 years ago that boys could identify as girls or vice versa, and change their identification daily, that a white woman could identify as black and lead an NAACP chapter, and that saying all lives matter could lead to you getting removed from your job or the college you attend? You had the foresight to see that things like this? Well, ****, why didn't you warn us?

And in the event, ya dumb ***, homosexuality is not my focus here. The transgender issue is, if you could ******' read.

Lastly, laws can be changed. My feeling, as I said previously, is we are making mental illness legitimate. Are you saying it is that far-fetched that if someone makes the argument that he identifies as someone who likes to have sex with 14 year olds that in the future it couldn't be accepted? I have garnered a strong reaction from you for objecting to the idea that someone can identify as a boy one day and a girl the next. Live and let live you say. Is it safe to assume that sometime in the future I could garner the same type of reaction to the scenario I included above?
All this liberal, media anti-Trump this and he said that is going all the way to Nov. A leopard can no more change his spots than libtards can stop their unconscionable, deceitful and unethical attacks on Donald. We might as well face the facts, they will say and do anything to make him look bad, true or not.

Here's an example.....http://www.conservativehq.com/article/23746-close-report-donald-trump-media-won’t-tell-you-about

On that same note, I would add that any so called Republican in office, or running for office that openly declares to vote for Hillary should be run out of town on a rail, never to see any position in the Rep Party ever again.....Disgraceful.


It's not that we don't think it matters at all. It's that we're smart enough to understand that given the choice between the two, her propensity for corruption is far less of a threat to the future of America than are Trump's propensity for stupidity and lack of qualifications. Let me see if I can make this simpler for you guys. Kennedy was a womanizer that cheated on his wife, which I personally think makes him a scumbag. But that didn't make him a bad president. Nixon was a paranoid, racist, control freak, but those character flaws didn't keep him from understanding how to do his job.... most of the time.The point is that most former presidents had their issues.. some worse than others. Hillary may be all those things Faux News has made it their mission statement to remind everyone of, every minute of every day. But at least she is smart enough to know better than to get into a pissing contest with the family of an American war hero who died saving the lives of, I think, 10 of his buddies. A man running for POTUS can't be that ******' dumb..... but evidently he is.... and you guys want to put him in the Oval Office. He's a ******* cartoon character. Hillary may be a ruthless ***** that lies to cover her *** and rolls over anyone that stands in her way.... which I think will serve her well should she win.
I am very serious. Are you telling me you had the foresight for example, to see 10 years ago that boys could identify as girls or vice versa, and change their identification daily, that a white woman could identify as black and lead an NAACP chapter, and that saying all lives matter could lead to you getting removed from your job or the college you attend? You had the foresight to see that things like this? Well, ****, why didn't you warn us?

And in the event, ya dumb ***, homosexuality is not my focus here. The transgender issue is, if you could ******' read.

Lastly, laws can be changed. My feeling, as I said previously, is we are making mental illness legitimate. Are you saying it is that far-fetched that if someone makes the argument that he identifies as someone who likes to have sex with 14 year olds that in the future it couldn't be accepted? I have garnered a strong reaction from you for objecting to the idea that someone can identify as a boy one day and a girl the next. Live and let live you say. Is it safe to assume that sometime in the future I could garner the same type of reaction to the scenario I included above?

First of all, I couldn't care less what someone else identifies as, why the hell should I? It's no skin of my ***.

Secondly, your frame of reference is incredibly small and you seem extremely naive. A century ago, grown men used to marry 14 year old girls all the time. We created laws against it since then.
Thinking Hillary is qualified and has good ideas for the country is dumber than the people who will vote for her simply because they vote Dem no matter what or just want to vote for a woman.

Her qualifications are what? She did nothing as a Senator and as Secretary of State she was laughed at by Russia when she handed them a big plastic Easy Button. Then she looted Haiti and sold Uranium to Russia for personal gain. She presided over a dumpster fire of foreign policy.

She will appoint Supreme Court justices who push the court dangerously left.

She will raise taxes and stifle businesses. She will open the border and make us less safe as well as burden the welfare system even further.

BTW, Hillary's DNC ended up fact checking the speech of the mother of one of the Benghazi victims. Chris Mathews declared that her speech in which she pointed out that Hillary lied to her face, was dragging the convention into the gutter. Hillary had previously called the woman a liar.

The difference is Hillary has an obedient and eager media filled with shills to carry her water.
First of all, I couldn't care less what someone else identifies as, why the hell should I? It's no skin of my ***.

Secondly, your frame of reference is incredibly small and you seem extremely naive. A century ago, grown men used to marry 14 year old girls all the time. We created laws against it since then.

Should we have those laws? I do not like to infer, but it appears you disagree with them. If so, while I would think you are wrong, at least you are consistent with the idea of staying out of private lives.

I hope this consistency applies to, lets say, the 2nd Amendment. If in my private life I want to own guns, who should say otherwise?

See, this is one of my big issues and what I objected to originally. And that is the idea that it is only the Republican Party that is nosing around in people's personal affairs. It is taken as a given. The Democrats do the same damn thing. They want to be more and more in my personal business as it pertains to me owning firearms. But libs seem to be OK with that invasion of privacy. How about health insurance? Let's say I am 21 and healthy as a horse and I don't think I will worry about that bill right now. That is a private, personal choice that the Dems say I can't make. I have to have insurance. No issue with being in a private life there.
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Should we have those laws? I do not like to infer, but it appears you disagree with them. If so, while I would think you are wrong, at least you are consistent with the idea of staying out of private lives.

I hope this consistency applies to, lets say, the 2nd Amendment. If in my private life I want to own guns, who should say otherwise?

See, this is one of my big issues and what I objected to originally. And that is the idea that it is only the Republican Party that is nosing around in people's personal affairs. It is taken as a given. The Democrats do the same damn thing. They want to be more and more in my personal business as it pertains to me owning firearms. But libs seem to be OK with that invasion of privacy. How about health insurance? Let's say I am 21 and healthy as a horse and I don't think I will worry about that bill right now. That is a private, personal choice that the Dems say I can't make. I have to have insurance. No issue with being in a private life there.

Yes, I think we should have laws protecting minors. However, it's problematic. For example, what do you do with a 12 year-old who murders someone?

I'm also a gun owner, but I understand why I can't own a RPG. Name the republicans who don't want to limit that right in some form or another.

As far as the 21 year-old not wanting health insurance, the problem with that is we don't allow healthcare providers to refuse that person treatment due to their inability to pay. It's not a simple personal issue.
Yes, I think we should have laws protecting minors. However, it's problematic. For example, what do you do with a 12 year-old who murders someone?

I'm also a gun owner, but I understand why I can't own a RPG. Name the republicans who don't want to limit that right in some form or another.

As far as the 21 year-old not wanting health insurance, the problem with that is we don't allow healthcare providers to refuse that person treatment due to their inability to pay. It's not a simple personal issue.

OK. So you believe in these things with some limits, due to the fact that others could possibly be harmed in some way. It is fine to limit some privacy due to that.

Turning back to the trangender issue. I submit that it is a mental health issue that if we legitimize, we are harming those people instead of helping them. The young 7 year old girl I hypothesized about could be harmed if she has to share a bathroom with an adult male who feels he is a girl today because of a serious mental health issue. Yet you are against nosing into the private life on this issue. I would assume you would be against the NC bathroom bill.
Turning back to the trangender issue. I submit that it is a mental health issue that if we legitimize, we are harming those people instead of helping them. The young 7 year old girl I hypothesized about could be harmed if she has to share a bathroom with an adult male who feels he is a girl today because of a serious mental health issue. Yet you are against nosing into the private life on this issue. I would assume you would be against the NC bathroom bill.

It's such an obscure occurrence I don't worry about it, and I think it's silly to legislate based on obscure possibilities. There are far more likely and more terrible events that can and will happen to our children. For example, traffic accidents. There are all kinds of limits we could put on cars that would improve the safety of our children. I'm not in favor of them, but if you're going to worry about ****, at least put things in perspective.
It's such an obscure occurrence I don't worry about it, and I think it's silly to legislate based on obscure possibilities. There are far more listoriesmore terrible events that can and will happen to our children. For example, traffic accidents. There are all kinds of limits we could put on cars that would improve the safety of our children. I'm not in favor of them, but if you're going to worry about ****, at least put things in perspective.

I would think that the incidence of reversal of sexual identify be more obscure than pedophilia. I have no stats to back that up, just my own personal awareness of news stories.

It is not his policies that stand as the clearest guide to Trump's wickedness, contempt, stupidity, meanness and lack of moral character, it is his atrocious and life-throttling taste.

Get the book, it demonstrates quite wonderfully and hilariously how a gross, greedy appetite for power and gross, vulgar taste go hand in hand.:




Which is Trump's, which is Mugabe's, which is Yanukovych's?

It is not his policies that stand as the clearest guide to Trump's wickedness, contempt, stupidity, meanness and lack of moral character, it is his atrocious and life-throttling taste.

Get the book, it demonstrates quite wonderfully and hilariously how a gross, greedy appetite for power and gross, vulgar taste go hand in hand.:




Which is Trump's, which is Mugabe's, which is Yanukovych's?

That's pretty weak. Trying to compare something that a man who is very successful financially via his real estate development businessesBought and paid for with his own money to what Socialist dictator's paid for by looting their countries is not a valid comparison.
That's pretty weak. Trying to compare something that a man who is very successful financially via his real estate development businessesBought and paid for with his own money to what Socialist dictator's paid for by looting their countries is not a valid comparison.

Do like the pictures?
Do like the pictures?

If Trump would publicize those pics he would pick up more of the black vote. (At my now-former company we worked in peoples' houses. Black folks love that stuff.)
Do like the pictures?


I'm not into all the Baroque furnishings though. Since you equate people having nice things to evil I surmise that you must live in a hovle, sit on milk crates and sleep on a palet on the dirt floor to show your virtue and goodness.

I'm not into all the Baroque furnishings though. Since you equate people having nice things to evil I surmise that you must live in a hovle, sit on milk crates and sleep on a palet on the dirt floor to show your virtue and goodness.

nice things and tacky things don't equate.

proper use of riches:

nice things and tacky things don't equate.

proper use of riches:


Sorry, but comparing that to Trump's estates is comparing apples and oranges. One is nice, for sure - your picture. I prefer that style personally, save for the vinyl-covered bar stools purchased through Amazon for $89.99 each. There's really nothing "rich" in there. Trumps is a King's castle. Your picture of a home in Laguna Beach from Zillow is just that, a home. Probably an expensive home, but it's not a Trump mansion. We can't tell if those floors are laminate or not - though I'm quite sure it's real, wide-plank hardwood.

Fact is, tastes are personal. I'm also not a fan of baroque. So I don't go for Trump's style.

But like the good Conservative I am, I don't judge people on their styles, their tastes, their skin color, or their sexual preference.

Funny how Liberals do...until it's convenient for them not to.
I'm a Frank Lloyd Wright fan myself.