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What Other Numbers Would You Retire?

All I'll say about Holmes was this kid was in the "THE ZONE" on the final drive of Super Bowl XLIII. After he caught that pass I went nuts then I saw him do mimic LeBron James powder celebration and I thought...."OH ****....Penalty for excessive celebration...but the refs had luckily turned their backs to his crazy antics.

No hate on Holmes here....

That last drive made the Holmes pick worth it. We don't win that game without Holmes. Would you trade a first round pick for a Super Bowl? I would every time. If we had taken Mangold, we might still be waiting for number 6. Remember, Santonio made the play in Baltimore that kept us from having to play the AFC Championship game in Ratland instead of at home as well.
RETIRE none!

Its got to be a kick to watch others wear ur number.

And, its only a number...doesn't mean ****....except for the NFL jersey sales