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What's up with #QAnon?


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Any of you fringe Trump supporters want to weigh in on this? Maybe it would help explain why we're having such a hard time reaching middle ground on this board. If any of you buy into this, please raise your hand. There is a boatload of talk about the 'deep state' on here, why not bring it out in the open? Stand up and be accounted for.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fnewshour%2Fvideos%2F10156673451748675%2F&show_text=1&width=560" width="560" height="445" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
I don't know what you want people here to say. This story and your opinion seem to want black/white, yes/no questions to things that are much more "gray" in nature and across a wide spectrum of possible inproprieties by anything defined by "Deep State".

I think the rich and powerful have coaslesced themselves since the Supreme Court ruling allowing unlimited campaign financing and politicians have long been attached to money (on both sides of the aisle). There might not be anything new to that over the past 50 years. But the money seems to have gotten even greater and the reliance by those in goverment "service" to keep the money flowing is likely the highest it's ever been. We are also seeing more "career" politicians (especially in the Senate) that are weilding more and more power than ever before.

Does the combination of increased money, billionaires that are now "global" in scale, and career politicians in the Senate with greater political power sow the seeds of inpropriety and a "deep state"? I think the ingrediants are there.

Combine that with career intelligence officers that seem "cozy" with the Senate in general and a media that is more fixated on sowing the seeds of right/left division (all for the purpose of more clicks and eyeballs) and I'm not sure there is a legitamate "watchdog" out there looking out for the Constitution or doing legit investigative journalism into Senate or Intelligence Community inproprieties.

Look, I don't know how a "deep state" would manifest itself. I worry that the right/left divide in this country is sort of a figment/desire of those in power. I think high ranking Republican/Democrats LIKE the clear division lines. They like fanning the flames against each other as it provides cover for the secret "back room" deals that keep them in power and reward their rich doners. I'm not sure the moral compass and logical decision making process are what is determining how Senators vote or act in front of the camera. And the 24 hour new media cycle has allowed and profited from the very problems I see arising in our government functionality.

I do think the Judicial branch is on the up and up. I have faith in that. I have no faith in Congress, I have no faith in our high-ranking intelligence community and I have no faith at some of the career people in major executive branch agencies.

The government is too big. And with that shear size comes a lot of hidden nooks and crannies where bad things can and will happen. I just don't know the extent of it.

Look, it's been obvious since Trump started his run for President that congress HATED him. That it wasn't just about his demeanor or policies. And a text from Strzok that says "We'll stop it (Trump becoming President)" is an awfully damning sign that something is going on. Who the hell is "We" Tibs? Really, who do you think he was talking about?

So how "deep" the deep state is, who knows. There is always corruption in every government. We've had corruption going on forever to some degree or another. I just think it's manifesting itself front and center right now because of Trump. He's kind of a lightning rod for everything.
I don't know what you want people here to say.
Why so coy and mysterious? I was simply wondering if anyone’s familiar with - or believes - this particular conspiracy theory? It seems more prevalant lately among Trump supporters. I guess your answer is no.
I don't go chasing ghosts. Count me out.

But I feel the same way about the MSM. Utter BS.
Again, the deep state concept transends this era... its just this is the second time in decades of conspiracy theories that right wingers are driving the talk and liberal are defending it... it wasnt all that long ago the libs were screaming that the fbi, nsa and cia was behind 9/11 and that they all lied about wepons of mass destruction to push for an oil war...

Its just more hypocrisy from both sides.... this country has been broken by these people forever... who believes what conspiracies depends on what party os in power...
Again, the deep state concept transends this era... its just this is the second time in decades of conspiracy theories that right wingers are driving the talk and liberal are defending it... it wasnt all that long ago the libs were screaming that the fbi, nsa and cia was behind 9/11 and that they all lied about weapons of mass destruction to push for an oil war...

Its just more hypocrisy from both sides imo... this country has been broken by these people forever... who believes what conspiracies depends on what party os in power... we have enough documentation that the FBI CIA and NSA have been fairly corrupted by politics and private agendas for a very long time...
Why so coy and mysterious? I was simply wondering if anyone’s familiar with - or believes - this particular conspiracy theory? It seems more prevalant lately among Trump supporters. I guess your answer is no.

First I've heard of it.
First I've heard of it.

me too....


The New York Times slammed President Trump for inviting Putin to the White House without consulting aides. The media frenzy isn't working. The Gallup Poll says the number of Americans who believe the situation with Russia is a major problem is less than one percent, tied with skim milk.

Tibs, just the fact that you, and some in the msm are asking this tells me all I need to know about how yuge Q has become.

QAnon started around October 2017 on Reddit, R/pol/, a sub-reddit and was referred to as #thegreatawakening. Consider r /pol/ a thread such as this one which sometimes became really long in terms of posts on the subject matter. Original Q posts could be found on 4 chan, but switched to 8 chan for what, I still don't understand, maybe the volume of traffic it was inviting, but I think it was around Feb. this year because of interference from persons thought not to have the best interest of Q, (referred to as shills, black hats, gov't level computer geeks, enemies of POTUS), or the autists (researchers) of the crumbs Q dropped , in mind. It was around April this year where the the shill attacks and misdirections started to become more frequent.

Crumbs are "inside" information to what was/is going on inside the Trump administration, Muh Russia, and the other swirling bullshit around him. Q will post, and the autists will dig for information about the subject matter and provide more links and assessments of Q's post. Crumbs could be links to web pages, photographs of random items, names associated with the subject including names all the way up to 0bomma, just about anything. Funny thing is, the Q drops consistently point to something that is either already being reported by the msm or WILL be in the next few days. Q will respond IF an autist happens onto something that he/she was referring to. And it's often very high level, highly classified stuff. It's eery **** at times.

So far, Q and the autists who follow him/her have remained indiscriminate. They use VPN's to hide their computer identity, and give no clues as to who they are. Nobody knows yet who Q is but some have speculated it's Don, Jr. or someone very high in military intelligence. I have no idea but don't consider it important.

You can go as deep as you want to with Q. I personally have been following from the beginning and at times become bored by the sheer volume of info as it relates to real life. But you should know, Q is either a brilliant LARP, or the best spy novel you'll ever read in your life. And Trump seems to know all about Q.


If anyone wants to follow down the rabbit hole, I'll send you a link.
I got nothin'. I do find it interesting that the commentator led off with the crowd was "visibly angry" at the media, then showed a clip of people holding signs.

I stopped watching at that point, because her bias was in full bloom.
oh yeah, they wanna make whitey the minority?

Police: New York Man Attacked on Bus Just for ‘Being Whit

Police in New York City are looking for an African American man who they say attacked a man on a city bus just because the victim was white.

The attack reportedly occurred on Monday, July 30, at about 10 AM in Brooklyn, Fox 5 New York reported.

Police say that a 29-year-old white man was riding the bus on Fulton Street when a black man approached him, yelled racial epithets, and punched him in the face causing swelling and pain.

CCTV surveillance video released by the NYPD shows a black man dressed all in black and wearing a baseball cap backwards walking away from the bus stop. The suspect had a gray back pack. He is approximately five foot ten inches tall and weighs between 180 and 200 pounds. He also had an earring in his left ear.


oh yeah, they wanna make whitey the minority?

Police: New York Man Attacked on Bus Just for ‘Being Whit

Police in New York City are looking for an African American man who they say attacked a man on a city bus just because the victim was white.

The attack reportedly occurred on Monday, July 30, at about 10 AM in Brooklyn, Fox 5 New York reported.

Police say that a 29-year-old white man was riding the bus on Fulton Street when a black man approached him, yelled racial epithets, and punched him in the face causing swelling and pain.

CCTV surveillance video released by the NYPD shows a black man dressed all in black and wearing a baseball cap backwards walking away from the bus stop. The suspect had a gray back pack. He is approximately five foot ten inches tall and weighs between 180 and 200 pounds. He also had an earring in his left ear.



I am sure this is being treated as a hate crime.
The deep cynicism of Bernie Sanders's chief strategist

Tad Devine, during his run as chief strategist for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, railed against the corrupting influence of money in politics.

He repeatedly echoed the Sanders message that “our economy is rigged,” that “special interests” buy politicians, that “all of the new wealth is going to the top of America,” that there is a “corrupt system of campaign finance” of which Hillary Clinton offered an “egregious” example. Sanders, by contrast, “supported the little guy.”

Those who heard Devine’s interviews and watched his Sanders TV ads therefore may be surprised to know that, in the years and months leading up to the Sanders presidential campaign, Devine was making gobs of money to secure the election of one of the world’s most corrupt political figures and then his allies.



Go Bank Fraud Bernie Bots!...Vote 3rd Party!

Yes there is a deep state.

Yes they are trying to undermine the Trump administration because a political outsider being elected means their positions of power are in jeopardy.

Yes the media is the enemy of the people because they are shills for globalists and socialists and the DNC that have abandoned even the pretense of objectivity.

Yes we have no common ground because you folks on the left want more government, destruction of the Constitution, less liberty and socialism. Socialism is evil, never compromise with evil.

Yes I fully expect another civil war in the next few years.
But..but , hey it's cool now to bash whitey.

The New York Times’ newest editorial hire has a history of racist tweets against white people.

NYT announced on Wednesday that they hired Sarah Jeong to join their editorial board. Jeong previously wrote for the Verge and authored “The Internet of Garbage,” a book about online harassment and free speech.

Shortly after Jeong’s hire, Twitter users unearthed old tweets in which she expressed an extreme distaste for white people.

“Dumbass f**king white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” she tweeted in 2014.


Yes we have no common ground because you folks on the left want more government, destruction of the Constitution, less liberty and socialism. Socialism is evil, never compromise with evil.

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I've heard of QAnon but don't even know how to see what its all about.
Tibs, just the fact that you, and some in the msm are asking this tells me all I need to know about how yuge Q has become.

QAnon started around October 2017 on Reddit, R/pol/, a sub-reddit and was referred to as #thegreatawakening. Consider r /pol/ a thread such as this one which sometimes became really long in terms of posts on the subject matter. Original Q posts could be found on 4 chan, but switched to 8 chan for what, I still don't understand, maybe the volume of traffic it was inviting, but I think it was around Feb. this year because of interference from persons thought not to have the best interest of Q, (referred to as shills, black hats, gov't level computer geeks, enemies of POTUS), or the autists (researchers) of the crumbs Q dropped , in mind. It was around April this year where the the shill attacks and misdirections started to become more frequent.

Crumbs are "inside" information to what was/is going on inside the Trump administration, Muh Russia, and the other swirling bullshit around him. Q will post, and the autists will dig for information about the subject matter and provide more links and assessments of Q's post. Crumbs could be links to web pages, photographs of random items, names associated with the subject including names all the way up to 0bomma, just about anything. Funny thing is, the Q drops consistently point to something that is either already being reported by the msm or WILL be in the next few days. Q will respond IF an autist happens onto something that he/she was referring to. And it's often very high level, highly classified stuff. It's eery **** at times.

So far, Q and the autists who follow him/her have remained indiscriminate. They use VPN's to hide their computer identity, and give no clues as to who they are. Nobody knows yet who Q is but some have speculated it's Don, Jr. or someone very high in military intelligence. I have no idea but don't consider it important.

You can go as deep as you want to with Q. I personally have been following from the beginning and at times become bored by the sheer volume of info as it relates to real life. But you should know, Q is either a brilliant LARP, or the best spy novel you'll ever read in your life. And Trump seems to know all about Q.


If anyone wants to follow down the rabbit hole, I'll send you a link.

I must be getting really old because I don't understand one word of what of what you just said.
I must be getting really old because I don't understand one word of what of what you just said.

It's basically an internet-driven tinhat conspiracy theory which rolls a bunch of other tinhat conspiracy theories into one, that a globalist cabal has been secretly running the US government for decades, driven by the Clintons, Obama, Soros et al and that Trump is working feverishly behind the scenes with the US military (and Mueller!) to wipe the entire government clean and arrest all the actors, including Hillary, Obama and Soros.

Support for the QAnon conspiracy has become more prevalant and visible among Trump's hardcore base, to no surprise. Though it is a relief to learn most here on the board are not card-carrying members.
Tibs, just the fact that you, and some in the msm are asking this tells me all I need to know about how yuge Q has become.

QAnon started around October 2017 on Reddit, R/pol/, a sub-reddit and was referred to as #thegreatawakening. Consider r /pol/ a thread such as this one which sometimes became really long in terms of posts on the subject matter. Original Q posts could be found on 4 chan, but switched to 8 chan for what, I still don't understand, maybe the volume of traffic it was inviting, but I think it was around Feb. this year because of interference from persons thought not to have the best interest of Q, (referred to as shills, black hats, gov't level computer geeks, enemies of POTUS), or the autists (researchers) of the crumbs Q dropped , in mind. It was around April this year where the the shill attacks and misdirections started to become more frequent.

Crumbs are "inside" information to what was/is going on inside the Trump administration, Muh Russia, and the other swirling bullshit around him. Q will post, and the autists will dig for information about the subject matter and provide more links and assessments of Q's post. Crumbs could be links to web pages, photographs of random items, names associated with the subject including names all the way up to 0bomma, just about anything. Funny thing is, the Q drops consistently point to something that is either already being reported by the msm or WILL be in the next few days. Q will respond IF an autist happens onto something that he/she was referring to. And it's often very high level, highly classified stuff. It's eery **** at times.

So far, Q and the autists who follow him/her have remained indiscriminate. They use VPN's to hide their computer identity, and give no clues as to who they are. Nobody knows yet who Q is but some have speculated it's Don, Jr. or someone very high in military intelligence. I have no idea but don't consider it important.

You can go as deep as you want to with Q. I personally have been following from the beginning and at times become bored by the sheer volume of info as it relates to real life. But you should know, Q is either a brilliant LARP, or the best spy novel you'll ever read in your life. And Trump seems to know all about Q.


If anyone wants to follow down the rabbit hole, I'll send you a link.
I'll take a link. Thanks!
It's basically an internet-driven tinhat conspiracy theory which rolls a bunch of other tinhat conspiracy theories into one, that a globalist cabal has been secretly running the US government for decades, driven by the Clintons, Obama, Soros et al and that Trump is working feverishly behind the scenes with the US military (and Mueller!) to wipe the entire government clean and arrest all the actors, including Hillary, Obama and Soros.

Support for the QAnon conspiracy has become more prevalant and visible among Trump's hardcore base, to no surprise. Though it is a relief to learn most here on the board are not card-carrying members.
You libs have it made. To get updates on your latest tinhat conspiracies, all you have to do is turn on the evening news.
It's basically an internet-driven tinhat conspiracy theory which rolls a bunch of other tinhat conspiracy theories into one, that a globalist cabal has been secretly running the US government for decades, driven by the Clintons, Obama, Soros et al and that Trump is working feverishly behind the scenes with the US military (and Mueller!) to wipe the entire government clean and arrest all the actors, including Hillary, Obama and Soros.

Support for the QAnon conspiracy has become more prevalant and visible among Trump's hardcore base, to no surprise. Though it is a relief to learn most here on the board are not card-carrying members.

Sounds pretty silly. I would correct you and say this would be Trumps fringe loony base, not the mainstream base. I can give you 101 reasons why I support Trump and they are all grounded in stark reality, not tinfoil conspiracies.
What does the group believe?
There are several conspiracy theories this group has latched on to, especially the belief there is a network of people, including in the U.S. government, that wants to take down Trump and his administration, according to The New York Times.

Well no ****. Everyone in the world knows that's true. It started before he was even elected. These guys call out Fake News MSM, so that's good.