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What's up with #QAnon?

Well no ****. Everyone in the world knows that's true. It started before he was even elected.

But not before he announced he was running as a Republican. They all loved him then lol. They literally turned against him overnight......they all lost their rationality overnight as well.
Sounds pretty silly. I would correct you and say this would be Trumps fringe loony base, not the mainstream base. I can give you 101 reasons why I support Trump and they are all grounded in stark reality, not tinfoil conspiracies.

you're Russian?!?
So, I was interested in seeing what this is...front page has a video of President Trump clearly pointing at a Qanon sign holder in a very positive manner. Everybody talking about their ages and how their parents turned them on to this (woah).

Some John Birchers and neo-cons talking about...well, themselves and their backgrounds.

Didn't see any crumbs.
I was on a business trips 3 weeks ago in Minnesota. Sitting at the airport, I saw a link on a Twitter feed to an overview of QAnon. Read about it then for the first time. Great read if you like spy thrillers.
This explains everything you need to know about QAnon, nice and neat.

Trump Fans Are Suckers and QAnon Is Perfect for Them

And aggrieved, and paranoid, and thrilled to have “An Answer” that explains everything about the world they hate and tells them Trump is great and they’re pretty good, too.

Conspiracies are hard. They're even harder when you're stupid.

They are, however, deeply compelling. Some people need a single, grand unifying theory of why the world refuses to line up with their expectations. When difficult realities confront people without the intellectual horsepower to understand and accept the truth, some turn to conspiracy theories to paper over the holes in their worldview. No matter how absurd, baroque, and improbable, conspiracies grow on their own like mental kudzu where inconsistencies aren't signs of illogical conclusions, but of another, deeper layer of some hidden truth, some skein of powerful forces holding the world in its grip.

After Donald Trump's rally in Tampa this week, the notorious QAnon scam became America's conspiracy of the moment. And why not? In the face of Trump's daily meltdowns, mood swings, and unmedicated rage episodes in which he lashes out at every target in reach, his base is desperately looking for a version of reality that gives them some comfort and stability.

This Q conspiracy is filling the political bloodstream of the Trumpentariat and has been bubbling up inside the right for the last few months, and while Will Sommer and others have covered the story, there seemed to be a media shock moment after the Qbots showed up at Trump’s Tampa rally.

Conspiracies—this one in particular—give their devotees a sense of coherence that is lacking in everything Trump does. QAnon presents Trump as the character he plays on TV; bold, commanding, strategic, and brilliant...as opposed to the real Donald Trump, who displays the dignity, intelligence, and honesty of a strip-club tout with tertiary syphilis.

In Q's world, Donald Trump is courageously leading an effort to round up and punish—I'm not exaggerating—tens of thousands of child predators who occupy the highest reaches of government. Q and Don, side by side, doling out the secret knowledge to the new elite. Instead of getting a clearance, all you need to do is check out 4chan, Reddit, or YouTube.

Some even believe Q composes these messages for their eager consumption and interpretation at Trump's direction, the amanuensis to an orange Nostradamus whose quatrains appear on the same image boards that feature bronie porn, hentai spank-bank material, and tween Neo-Nazi shitposter incels, instead of penned on parchment.

They're desperate to believe "Q" is a senior official cleared at the highest levels (as one former NSA official jokingly called it, “TS/SCI NOSEBLEED”) who is busily leaking cryptic messages to them. Set aside that the Q clearance is a Department of Energy designation, and is for access to particular nuclear weapons matters, not the Bondian highest-reaches-of-government shenanigans to which Q claims access; this entire thing reeks of enough bullshit to fertilize Mars.

The claims of Q-Anon make Nostradamus look like Hemingway. Naturally, they're elliptical, variable, and impossible to cross-check. Hundreds of YouTube videos, blog posts tweets, Facebook items, and speculation follow each post, a Confederacy of Dunces that ramifies this idiocy out into dumber and dumber dead ends. QAnon asks its believers to "follow the breadcrumbs" and fill in the blanks. Those blanks get filled with epic idiocy.

The glee with which the followers of this absurdity latch on to imaginary deportations of Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and others to Gitmo is notable. Several times, Q has promised them that any moment now the rest of the Deep State will occupy the darkest holes of the American prison system. QAnon tells them that retribution is at hand, and they’re ravenous for more. Lurid and exciting for the rubes, but as of yet, Hillary Clinton walks free. If that even is Hillary Clinton, and not a shapeshifting reptilian overlord.

Those of us with the unfortunate awareness of the clownishly risible QAnon conspiracy cult have been reveling in the comedy gold, lavishly overwrought, dangerously stupid proclamations of Q for months. We've alternated between laughter and wide-eyed shock at how credulous Trump’s Army of Cletuses must be to fall for such an obvious, ludicrous con. Then again, Donald Trump put the “con” in “conspiracy” as far back as his embrace of birtherism. If the puzzle surrounding QAnon is a fever dream wrapped in an enigma, coated with nougat, rolled in nuts and filled with a creamy center of delusional paranoia, Trump's own role in fostering it is right out of the Lil Tots' First Book of Authoritarian Strategy.

For actual authoritarians and the merely dictator-curious, building a separate, hermetic truth defined only by the Dear Leader is 101 stuff, and goes hand in hand with the relentless attacks on the free press an enemy of the people.

Of course, it's just trolling. It’s just a prank by some chan-autists. It makes me shake my head to explain to people that the idea of a conspiracy this grand and elaborate has as much chance of working as Skeeter's plan to cook meth in the WalMart bathroom.

Why has Q eaten the Trump-right's minds? Why does it work on them when it's so obviously, evidently a gigantic pyramid of digital horseshit?

It works because stupid people are stupid and because Donald Trump's Administration loves what QAnon does to stoke the fires of paranoia, resentment, and division. QAnon works for Trump because people who are not knowledgeable about the world, politics, government, the intelligence community and reality more broadly are desperately looking for confirmation that they're on the winning team. Q tells them that they're on the right side of history and that for once in their dreary little lives they and only they possess the secret, hermetic knowledge from inside the esoteric cult.

Q represents where the former GOP has gone in the era of Trump; possessed the desire to have a private space that makes even Fox News look mild in comparison, grasping desperately for a different reality.

When even aggressive conspiracy-pusher faux-journalist loons and alt-lite thought leaders Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec find QAnon too crazy to promote, it should make you pause. Both men were aggressive promoters of the Pizzagate theory, in which a Washington D.C. restaurant was falsely alleged to be the center of a global child sex-trafficking, cannibalism and prostitution ring. Both were all-in on the cruel and false Seth Rich story, and a raft of other pro-Trump efforts to mainline fantasy conspiracies into the American body politics.

If it's too crazy for those edge cases, it's too crazy.

No, Trump fans, the storm isn't coming. There is no Great Awakening. "Where we go one we go all" is a path to disappointment and madness, not to some brave new future where Donald Trump's genius and his army of secret soldiers purge America of a vast, secret deep state of hostile insiders and pedophiles.

Q is a meta-hoax, a recursive scam in service of a scam called the Trump Presidency. The "drops" are meaningless claptrap, noise without real signal, and most certainly not the signs of the new reality its eager marks desire.
Uhhhh in response to your bolded point Tibs......their are certainly daily meltdowns and temper tantrums as the article discusses but they are by the media not Trump. Trump is the one who says **** to trigger them into said tantrums and fake morale outrage.....daily. Trump is a wild card with what he says sometimes but in comparison to the media idiots, he appears reserved, measured and calm. The media meanwhile is running around in a constant frenzy predicting the literal end of the world at every turn. No, Trump cannot hold a candle to them in terms of wild irrational behavior.
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Tibs, you do understand that you are prattling on about some conspiracy theory by some unidentified number of people, some of whom support Trump ...

While the vast majority of (D)'s believe that Trump is involved in a conspiracy with Vladimir Putin to tear down America.

Tibs, you do understand that you are prattling on about some conspiracy theory by some unidentified number of people, some of whom support Trump ...

While the vast majority of (D)'s believe that Trump is involved in a conspiracy with Vladimir Putin to tear down America.


And the chasm widens.
Tibs, you do understand that you are prattling on about some conspiracy theory by some unidentified number of people, some of whom support Trump ...

While the vast majority of (D)'s believe that Trump is involved in a conspiracy with Vladimir Putin to tear down America.


The funny part is....I don't know if many of them even actually believe the Russia garbage. I think it's more of a hail mary pass to stop something they don't like.
The funny part is....I don't know if many of them even actually believe the Russia garbage. I think it's more of a hail mary pass to stop something they don't like.

Riling up their base because the illegal immigrant vote in the Southwest didn’t steal the election for them.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 965371 No.2768429 📁
Aug 28 2018 13:40:53 (EST)
[Hassan Rouhani]
Who is Prince Alwaleed bin Talal?
Why would Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (Saudi Royal) pay HUSSEIN to attend HARVARD LAW SCHOOL?
Was HUSSEIN a prominent political figure or a person of influence at the time?
Who is Valerie Jarrett?
Where was she born?
When did Valerie Jarrett hire Michelle Robinson?
Who is Mayor (former) Richard Daley?
Who is Mayor (current) Rahm Emanuel?
HUSSEIN should be VERY nervous.
BRENNAN should be VERY nervous.
KERRY should be VERY nervous.
MERKEL should be VERY nervous.
How were the pallets of cash divided?
How many planes were used to transport?
Who operated the planes?
What 'shadow' agency directed operations?
Why wasn't the money [simply] wire transferred?
US had AUTH to open bank-to-bank transfers.
How do you prevent financial T logs?
How were the cash withdrawals in EU categorized/labeled?
Where did the cash originate from?
What time of day did the withdrawals occur?
Who provided SECURITY?
Why wasn't Congress notified?
Why was the U.S. Gov't kept in the DARK?
US law broken?
Did ALL planes land in the same location (airport)?
Why did [1] particular plane land outside of Iran?
Why was a helicopter involved?
[WHO] did the money go to?
Did Rouhani keep 'unknown' comms as insurance?
What agency collects ALL FORMS OF DATA?
What agency did @Snowden work for orig?
Did he train on THE FARM?
When did @Snowden join No Such Agency?
Define 'Contractor'.
Define the 'PRISM' program.
What year did @Snowden release spec-details of PRISM?
Mid 2013?
IMPACT-LIMIT NSA's ability to utilize/collect?
FAKE NEWS push for Congressional restrictions?
When was the Joint Plan of Action (IRAN DEAL) executed?
Late 2013?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Nothing to See Here.

****'s about to get real.
The government is too big. And with that shear size comes a lot of hidden nooks and crannies where bad things can and will happen. I just don't know the extent of it.

That is exactly right. We now spend 40% of GDP on government so is it any surprise that unsavory characters flock to that big pile of money like flies on ****.

Most people don't really understand that our country is run by lobbyists. Not figuratively, literally. There is no legislation passed or money spent that lobbyists don't have a hand in. How it affects Mr and Mrs. John Q. Public factors very little into the decisions that are made.

Is it a conspiracy? No. It's a behemoth with a whole lot of parasites nibbling away at it.
Support for the QAnon conspiracy has become more prevalant and visible among Trump's hardcore base, to no surprise.

It has? According to whom?
That is exactly right. We now spend 40% of GDP on government so is it any surprise that unsavory characters flock to that big pile of money like flies on ****.

Most people don't really understand that our country is run by lobbyists. Not figuratively, literally. There is no legislation passed or money spent that lobbyists don't have a hand in. How it affects Mr and Mrs. John Q. Public factors very little into the decisions that are made.

Is it a conspiracy? No. It's a behemoth with a whole lot of parasites nibbling away at it.

All of your post should be required study in 7th grade civics. The bolded part is what made DJT 45 Potus. The meaning of that sentence was like a hanging curveball to anyone with the $$$ and acumen to relate to and capture an audience. And Trump did.

Well said OFTB.

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All of your post should be required study in 7th grade civics. The bolded part is what made DJT 45 Potus. The meaning of that sentence was like a hanging curveball to anyone with the $$$ and acumen to relate to and capture an audience. And Trump did.

Well said OFTB.

Beautiful. I can’t give you enough karma for posting that. It’s exactly why I love Trump. Look how successful he has been in less than two years, despite constant attacks from the fake news democrat propaganda media and the witch hunt started by Obama’s corrupt DOJ and FBI.
Even you poor clueless saps who hate the man should be thankful that he is President. Unless, of course, you hate America.
All of your post should be required study in 7th grade civics. The bolded part is what made DJT 45 Potus. The meaning of that sentence was like a hanging curveball to anyone with the $$$ and acumen to relate to and capture an audience. And Trump did.

Well said OFTB.

So, these lobbyist... were they in favor of Trumps tax bill, or opposed to it? Do they have less influence now or more?
So, these lobbyist... were they in favor of Trumps tax bill, or opposed to it? Do they have less influence now or more?

There are lobbyists for and opposed to the tax bill, and for and opposed to EVERYTHING else.

Yes, of course they still have influence. I'm not suggesting Trump has changed that. He can't fix something that's been built and expanded over decades. I'd certainly like to see him do a lot more to shrink government. He has reduced regulations which are in large part the way lobbyists get legislators to pick winners and losers.
The deep cynicism of Bernie Sanders's chief strategist

Tad Devine, during his run as chief strategist for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, railed against the corrupting influence of money in politics.

He repeatedly echoed the Sanders message that “our economy is rigged,” that “special interests” buy politicians, that “all of the new wealth is going to the top of America,” that there is a “corrupt system of campaign finance” of which Hillary Clinton offered an “egregious” example. Sanders, by contrast, “supported the little guy.”

Those who heard Devine’s interviews and watched his Sanders TV ads therefore may be surprised to know that, in the years and months leading up to the Sanders presidential campaign, Devine was making gobs of money to secure the election of one of the world’s most corrupt political figures and then his allies.


Couldn't find a 'Bernie' thread, so here goes...

"the corrupting influence of money in politics." That's rich coming from a commie rat ******* with millions in the bank and three houses. Did you know that that @#$% had never held a real job before running for mayor? At 40. So in his years on the public dole he has amassed his fortune and has the unmitigated gall to suggest socialism should be our way. Anyway, I'm off track here....

This is a clip in a video of him in 1985 praising the Communist Castro regime in Cuba and admitting on camera that he traveled to Nicaragua to advise the Ortega regime on how to successfully fight the United States.

The full interview is here. Pass it around. People need to know the depth of Bernie's hypocrisy and treason.
Couldn't find a 'Bernie' thread, so here goes...

"the corrupting influence of money in politics." That's rich coming from a commie rat ******* with millions in the bank and three houses. Did you know that that @#$% had never held a real job before running for mayor? At 40. So in his years on the public dole he has amassed his fortune and has the unmitigated gall to suggest socialism should be our way. Anyway, I'm off track here....

This is a clip in a video of him in 1985 praising the Communist Castro regime in Cuba and admitting on camera that he traveled to Nicaragua to advise the Ortega regime on how to successfully fight the United States.

The full interview is here. Pass it around. People need to know the depth of Bernie's hypocrisy and treason.

Funny how he is talking **** about the media, but now he banks them
Couldn't find a 'Bernie' thread, so here goes...

"the corrupting influence of money in politics." That's rich coming from a commie rat ******* with millions in the bank and three houses. Did you know that that @#$% had never held a real job before running for mayor? At 40. So in his years on the public dole he has amassed his fortune and has the unmitigated gall to suggest socialism should be our way. Anyway, I'm off track here....

This is a clip in a video of him in 1985 praising the Communist Castro regime in Cuba and admitting on camera that he traveled to Nicaragua to advise the Ortega regime on how to successfully fight the United States.

The full interview is here. Pass it around. People need to know the depth of Bernie's hypocrisy and treason.

Bernie was a commie back then as well. Damn *******
Its crystal clear the media and some in government such as FBI people were out to get Trump. It might not be an organized deep state, but we can see it, and I tend to think there is a lot more to it than just the media and a few people. Anyone who disagrees with this is either badly informed or lying.

When you have several instances of a press out to get someone who was never charged with anything, and FBI texting going back and forth, you got some fire, and smoke. With the smoke comes conspiracy theirs.

I prefer to point out what's known as proof of the problem and am willing to listen to a conspiracy theory if there are enough known facts around the problem.

Once Meuller shows his poker hand with nothing but 10 high on the president, I think fingers will be pointed and voices from within hoping for something will be raised. A full discourse on how the investigation is a need. Otherwise more mindshare will shift to the deep state.