If your still not able to grasp the difference and how low your party is willing to go:
Nancy Pelosi met with Assad of Syria in 2007. Read what she discussed with him and the nature of her visit, then read what the GOP had to say. If you still can't(or won't) see the hypocrisy, and see that your party does nothing but bow down and cater to the extremists and racists in it's mist(Tea baggers, evangelicals, Israel, etc.) by opposing the President no matter what, on whatever issue; then you really do represent that intellectual bastion of truth that is the modern GOP.<----SARCASM in RED
Dick Cheney called Pelosi’s trip “bad behavior” and said in an interview with Rush Limbaugh: “The president is the one who conducts foreign policy, not the speaker of the House.” Writing in National Review, then-Minority Whip Eric Cantor complained that “Mrs. Pelosi usurped the executive branch’s time-honored foreign-policy authority”; “at such a critical moment in the volatile Middle East,” he inveighed, “this is no time for the United States to be sending out mixed signals to our enemies.” The right-wing extremist Congressman Steve King actually introduced legislation to bar Pelosi from traveling to “terrorist states,” arguing:
The Speaker of the House is not the President of the United States. Nancy Pelosi does not represent the Administration. In fact, her policy positions seek to contravene the foreign policy of the United States. Nancy Pelosi, by defying the specific request of the administration to refrain from traveling to Syria, blatantly infringed upon the Constitutional duties of the President. Additionally, I believe her trip was the most blatant violation of the Logan Act by a top elected official in the history of our country. . . . Nancy Pelosi thinks it’s her job to conduct foreign policy in defiance of the President. She is wrong on the Constitution and wrong on the law.
Apples and Oranges, do you know the difference? I wonder how Steve King and Dick Cheney feel today?
Once again Joey speaks for me:
Nancy Pelosi met with Assad of Syria in 2007. Read what she discussed with him and the nature of her visit, then read what the GOP had to say. If you still can't(or won't) see the hypocrisy, and see that your party does nothing but bow down and cater to the extremists and racists in it's mist(Tea baggers, evangelicals, Israel, etc.) by opposing the President no matter what, on whatever issue; then you really do represent that intellectual bastion of truth that is the modern GOP.<----SARCASM in RED
Dick Cheney called Pelosi’s trip “bad behavior” and said in an interview with Rush Limbaugh: “The president is the one who conducts foreign policy, not the speaker of the House.” Writing in National Review, then-Minority Whip Eric Cantor complained that “Mrs. Pelosi usurped the executive branch’s time-honored foreign-policy authority”; “at such a critical moment in the volatile Middle East,” he inveighed, “this is no time for the United States to be sending out mixed signals to our enemies.” The right-wing extremist Congressman Steve King actually introduced legislation to bar Pelosi from traveling to “terrorist states,” arguing:
The Speaker of the House is not the President of the United States. Nancy Pelosi does not represent the Administration. In fact, her policy positions seek to contravene the foreign policy of the United States. Nancy Pelosi, by defying the specific request of the administration to refrain from traveling to Syria, blatantly infringed upon the Constitutional duties of the President. Additionally, I believe her trip was the most blatant violation of the Logan Act by a top elected official in the history of our country. . . . Nancy Pelosi thinks it’s her job to conduct foreign policy in defiance of the President. She is wrong on the Constitution and wrong on the law.
Apples and Oranges, do you know the difference? I wonder how Steve King and Dick Cheney feel today?
Once again Joey speaks for me: