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where's my Blue buddies?...a law is a law, right?

This. Once again, this shows your basic misunderstanding of the most fundamental aspect of this discussion. You’ve attempted to indicate, in a perverse manner, that the Republicans have broken a law and done something heinous, that’s never been done before. You’ve tried to isolate this incident as somehow unique, when in fact, it pales in the compare to your party’s prior actions.

You then make the statement that these 7 incidents of Democrats intervening was to prevent war, while insinuating Republicans are attempting to start war.

Really Elfie? You believe Republicans writing a letter to Iran is war mongering? They are trying to prevent the signing of a deal that would allow them to further develop their nuclear capacity. Their attempts are to protect the American people and Israel. Not to begin a war.

The fact that you see their intervention as War Mongering is, in and of itself, the only evidence any of us needs to see just how truly disillusioned you are, and how far you will go to twist facts into lies then scream that they are truths. Kinda like Darren Wilson killing Michael Brown. I digress.

Which never happened Elfie? Hmmm?

Let’s revisit what the Logan Act is: “Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

You are attempting to redefine the Logan Act to fit your argument. Each represented act of a Democrat is in violation of the Logan Act, period. Each involved “a citizen of the US…without authority of the US…corresponding with or interacting with a foreign government with intent to influence measures or conduct in relation to disputes and/or controversies with the US.” Each case fits the letter of the law.

Ahhh, here we go. If the source is Conservative, it cannot be trusted. If it is Liberal, it cannot be questioned.

Yes, the document exists. You’ve just stated as such.

Just because Kennedy was working for human rights wins in the USSR (mainly, exit visas), doesn’t mean at the same time he wasn't working an inside deal to discuss the Nuclear Arms race. Your choice of words - constantly - exaggerates the man's interactions with the USSR at the time on Human Rights. SMH.

The KGB Letter was written in 1983, when in fact Ted Kennedy was still considered by himself and others to be a Presidential candidate. It wasn’t until 1985 that he pulled his name out of the running.

No, it does not. I repeat, the KGB letter was written in 1983. Ted Kennedy didn’t announce until 1985 he wasn’t going to run for office in 1988.

You might want to re-read that Forbes article. It does not state this. Breitbart incorrectly quotes this out of context. They say “Teddy would help stifle Reagan’s anti-Soviet foreign policy if the Soviets would help Teddy run against Reagan in 1984.” The Forbes article does not say this. See below.

What is specifically quoted in Forbes is: “In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election.” Re-read that, Comrade. The Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan. NOT Kennedy.

Also note from the Forbes article it states ““Tunney remarked that the senator wants to run for president in 1988,” the memorandum continued. Wait a minute, you previously stated that Kennedy had no intention of running for President in 1988? But his good friend (friend from childhood mind you – boom) states it IS the Senator’s intent to run in 1988…

Further from the article: “Kennedy does not discount that during the 1984 campaign, the Democratic Party may officially turn to him [Andropov] to lead the fight against the Republicans and elect their candidate president.””

Nowhere does Forbes indicate that Kennedy planned to run for President in 1984. ONLY that they were trying to figure out a way to overturn Reagan in the 1984 election. Kennedy only ever planned to run in 1988.

This decimates everything you’ve written.

As I’ve effectively destroyed you, let me repeat. Tunney – Kennedy’s boyhood friend - in your own quote above, states Kennedy planned to run for President in 1988. You previously stated Kennedy never had intention of running in 1988. Whoops.

The KGB letter was written in 1983. Until 1985 Kennedy was still a candidate for President in the 88 race. Kennedy, in exchange for nuclear information, expected Soviet help in the election.

Let me repeat that Tunney and Kennedy are boyhood friends. Let me also repeat that you’ve quoted Tunney stating “Tunney remarked that the senator wants to run for president in 1988.” Then you offer up another quote of Tunney’s where he says Kennedy never had any intention of running at all in 1988.

WHOOPS again Comrade. Your claims are just that.

It's been a pleasure pointing out that you eliminated yourself on this one. Quoting Tunney who refutes the very claims you've made.

I'm tired and bored of explaining this to you over and over...lol...you are a piece of work that makes steeltime seem coherent.

You are so dense...I can't even visualize how you wrote all that, re-read it, AND STILL CAN'T COMPREHEND!

Below is WHAT THE KGB AGENT CLAIMS, not a Tunney quote you idiot, do you not know the difference?

Here is part of the translated document, where the KGB agent "embellished"(not the only part):

Tunney remarked that the senator wants to run for president in 1988. At that time, he will be 56 and his personal problems, which could hinder his standing, will be resolved (Kennedy has just completed a divorce and plans to remarry in the near future).

Here is the Tunney quote concerning what the KGB agent CLAIMED:

Tunney now a lawyer in Los Angeles rejects the thrust of the KGB memo, claiming Kennedy had no intention of running in 1988, and that there had been no discussion of the senator's electoral chances, he called it "bullshit".

Do I have to also keep repeating what the senate historian stated? One more time; "it is unprecedented"

The U.S. Senate Historian’s Office has so far been unable to find another example in the chamber’s history where one political party openly tried to deal with a foreign power against a presidential policy, as Republicans have attempted in their open letter to Iran this week. […]

In the past, [Senate Historian Donald Ritchie] said, “what usually happened is a senator would sign a ‘round robin’ letter or a sense of the Senate resolution, or write a letter to the president or secretary of State voicing objections to some particular policy.

Individual senators have also on occasion met with the foreign leaders on policy issues, Ritchie said. In this case, he said his office conducted a general search on disarmament issues to see if an episode similar to the Iran letter could be found.

Ritchie told McClatchy his office looked, but “really didn’t find anything.”

The same report quoted Alan K. Henrikson, director of Diplomatic Studies and a professor of diplomatic history at Tufts University, said this week marks a first: “Neither the Senate nor the House has sought to interfere with actual conduct of negotiations by writing an open letter to the leadership of a country with which the U.S. is negotiating.”

A Politico report added yesterday, “Experts say the Senate GOP’s Iran letter may be an unprecedented breach of foreign policy protocol both in its form and its boldness.”

What part of that do you not understand? Never has a u.s. politician/s tried to undermine a negotiation by in effect saying "don't pay attention to the white house" THAT HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE! Not with Wright, not with Kennedy and not with Pelosi( Some of Bush's State Department team were in the room at the Pelosi/Assad meeting)

So we conclude that:

1. You have the comprehension skills of a mentally challenged child

2. Your source is a Reagan groupie with a document that no one outside of Limbaugh ditto head circles takes seriously.

3. This document is to be taken as gospel because it was written by a KGB agent with a personal agenda, and we know how much Repugnicans love and trust communist KGB agents.....right?

4. Ted Kennedy is friends with the envoy they sent to the USSR so that friend's word is not to be taken over a KGB agent's.

You're holding an empty bag and are to blind to see that fact.

Cue Joey...what Joey is tired too? Okay.
Your balls must be all wrinkly and sore from Elfie gagging on them. Do us a favor and dont pull them out next time. just end the suffering.

Hey badcat you racist Jesus freak! Have you killed anybody with your rifle.... what's its name? You know someone that's the "wrong" shade lately?

I wouldn't be speaking of balls till the Nazarene removes his from your mouth and stops your suffering...wait he likes suffering! Never mind!

Oh and if you follow my posts here you would see that I'm the one who has many around me on their knees......
Hey badcat you racist Jesus freak! Have you killed anybody with your rifle.... what's its name? You know someone that's the "wrong" shade lately?

I wouldn't be speaking of balls till the Nazarene removes his from your mouth and stops your suffering...wait he likes suffering! Never mind!

Oh and if you follow my posts here you would see that I'm the one who has many around me on their knees......

yep on their knees laughing at your ******* stupidity......
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Hey badcat you racist Jesus freak! Have you killed anybody with your rifle.... what's its name? You know someone that's the "wrong" shade lately?

I wouldn't be speaking of balls till the Nazarene removes his from your mouth and stops your suffering...wait he likes suffering! Never mind!

Oh and if you follow my posts here you would see that I'm the one who has many around me on their knees......
You talk this ****, like you expect folks here to accept your bullshit claims as fact. This is real life, not academia. Your mind has rotted.
Either make a legitimate argument, or **** off.
Lol its amazing, isnt it Tim? Like trying to teach physics to a newborn kitten
Lol its amazing, isnt it Tim? Like trying to teach physics to a newborn kitten

I already posted the Lead the Horse to Water bit. It is amazing indeed. The ***** slap hurt her this time, and she's reeling. She's quoting Tunney, Kennedy's friend, as a reliable source. She's confusing dates. She's contradicting herself. And she's ignoring 8 posted incidents of Democrats violating the Logan Act, focusing only on this one...and yet she still ***** the bed.

I've no time left to try to educate. When a person somehow truly believes that Congressional Republicans sending a letter to Iran is worse than a gaggle of Democrats traveling to a foreign country to negotiate foreign policy...well, to quote Cool Hand Luke..."Some men you just can't reach." Same for morons I suppose.

You talk this ****, like you expect folks here to accept your bullshit claims as fact. This is real life, not academia. Your mind has rotted.
Either make a legitimate argument, or **** off.

Elfie is not real.. it is a made up persona meant to get a rise... its Ok to play along as long as you understand that debating with it is not different than debating with your bathroom wall. Its trolling 101
Oh and if you follow my posts here you would see that I'm the one who has many around me on their knees......

Keep telling yourself that Elfie.
Who are you trying to convince anyway... us or yourself?
Elfie is not real.. it is a made up persona meant to get a rise... its Ok to play along as long as you understand that debating with it is not different than debating with your bathroom wall. Its trolling 101

No. I think she is real. I'm certain she works in academia. I know people just like her. Many in academia have an distorted understanding of reality......much like many living in the DC area. This attitude that things are great here, therefore what you are doing is wrong. Their lives are not subject to the ebbs and flows of the free enterprise system, and they just don't understand how it works. Yeah, they know academic theory, but we all know how flawed and skewed that can get. Should their academic wonderland dry up, and they are forced fend for themselves, they will suffer the same fate as the government tit suckers of Katrina.
I've no time left to try to educate. When a person somehow truly believes that Congressional Republicans sending a letter to Iran is worse than a gaggle of Democrats traveling to a foreign country to negotiate foreign policy...well, to quote Cool Hand Luke..."Some men you just can't reach." Same for morons I suppose.

It's a pretty simple concept really. Whatever Democrats do is right and whatever Republicans do is wrong. Get with the program.
It's a pretty simple concept really. Whatever Democrats do is right and whatever Republicans do is wrong. Get with the program.

You didn't say that with enough condescending attitude.
It's a pretty simple concept really. Whatever Democrats do is right and whatever Republicans do is wrong. Get with the program.

Especially because when democratic policies fail it doesn't matter...it was the good intentions that count.
All is forgiven.
Holder/Wilson??? I guess O.J. didn't kill Ron and Nicole either huh?

Hadn't really followed this thread.....but, whaaaat?

Hey badcat you racist Jesus freak! Have you killed anybody with your rifle.... what's its name? You know someone that's the "wrong" shade lately?

I wouldn't be speaking of balls till the Nazarene removes his from your mouth and stops your suffering...wait he likes suffering! Never mind!

Oh and if you follow my posts here you would see that I'm the one who has many around me on their knees......

You must get your *** kicked a lot in real life too.
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Especially because when democratic policies fail it doesn't matter...it was the good intentions that count.
All is forgiven.

When their policies fail, it is only because of lack of funding.
Hey badcat you racist Jesus freak! Have you killed anybody with your rifle.... what's its name? You know someone that's the "wrong" shade lately?

I wouldn't be speaking of balls till the Nazarene removes his from your mouth and stops your suffering...wait he likes suffering! Never mind!

Oh and if you follow my posts here you would see that I'm the one who has many around me on their knees......

Damnit Tim!!!! I told you to leave your balls jammed in there. end the suffering