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While I'm not specifically trying to be a dick here...

... well nobody is really white.

The royals were until Harry n' the little.... conceived. It's fun watching those people squirm.

I've always referred to myself as a "Heinz' - 57 varieties. Heinz supremacy, n'all. Condimentist.
2015, the most recent year for which we have statistics, 638,169 abortions were reported in the U.S. (This is down 2% from 2014, btw).

Fewer immigrant children died on the U.S. Mexico border in 2018-19.

I find it interesting, the stereotypical view of both republicans and democrats.

It would seem republicans don't care what happens to the child AFTER it's born while democrats don't care one bit about it UNTIL it's born!

Trump won 22 of the top 25 states with the heights birth rate. This means, liberals might change their view on abortion over time.

Republicans care about American babies. Democrats seem to talk more about the care of non USA children.
I agree with the rest of that post. How do you figure that upwards of 70 million (US alone) murdered children isn't material to population decline? That number alone is well more than three times the numbers of illegals we've welcomed to avail themselves of our coffers. If you apply normal birth rates to that 70M over the three generations since RvW, the number more than doubles. With an additional 140M+ (and they would multiply as well), we would have long since shut down immigration.

Whether or not abortion is acknowledged to be the culprit by the tools that lead us, it's clearly the cause of the debacle we find ourselves in, spiritually and otherwise.

Yeah no.

The reason is most woman are having one or two kids and you need almost 3 per to maintain replacement level birth rates. Feminism not abortion is the reason. Women are believing the feminist lie that they can have it all and not even attempting to have children until their fertility window is almost closed.
Yeah no.

The reason is most woman are having one or two kids and you need almost 3 per to maintain replacement level birth rates. Feminism not abortion is the reason. Women are believing the feminist lie that they can have it all and not even attempting to have children until their fertility window is almost closed.

For us it was "who can afford three kids?". With daycare and everything else, we couldnt. And 8f course Billy Boy Clinton soaking us in payroll taxes. I couldn't believe my ears when a conservative talk show host assured me that we were paying less under Bush. I immediately logged in to my ADP account and sure as ****, we were. I was almost in a daze in disbelief. My liberal, democrat leaders wouldn't do that to us, would they? As I came out of my daze I became more and increasingly more angry. I've never voted dim since.
I know you probably hate whitey as well. I get it. To you color is an imagined construct. But in reality it is important. Why do you think blacks want to see black dolls? You should tell them to STFU because there is no race. Everyone sees color whether they admit it or not. If you have any black friends ask them about black identity and how they feel about black pride. I promise you if there was a chance of black people being destroyed you'd damn well hear about it and you'd probably agree it was a bad thing. You've been brainwashed into thinking that whites have no common interest and that we don't deserve to live. Sorry if I disagree.

Also your "mongrels" comment is just ignorant. If we were all mongrels we'd all be the same color. But we're not. Nobody has any issue of saying who is white when it suits them. Is Warren an Indian? Hell, no she's a white woman. And you have no issue say it. But now that we are talking about the destruction of the white race... well nobody is really white. It's just silly.

Because I don't have an interest in keeping the white race pure, I hate whitey? You are hilarious. I am white. But my ancestors are Croatian, Irish, and Polish. There is no pure "white race" to be destroyed. The vast majority of us are of different ethnicities and from different origins.

If your daughter married a black man would you accuse her of helping to destroy the white race? That's vile and disgusting. Human beings are human beings.The idea that mixing people of different races destroys anything is incredibly racist.

You are the embodiment of every embarrassing, damaging stereotype of Trump supporters, conservatives and people who oppose illegal immigration. You just confirm that for some people it's not about national security, it's not about crime, it's not about economics, it's about racism plain and simple.
Also your "mongrels" comment is just ignorant. If we were all mongrels we'd all be the same color.

There are thousands-nay, millions of mongrel dogs in the world. They aren't all the same color.
You are the embodiment of every embarrassing, damaging stereotype of Trump supporters, conservatives and people who oppose illegal immigration. You just confirm that for some people it's not about national security, it's not about crime, it's not about economics, it's about racism plain and simple.

Just change the word "white" to "black" and what Vader says is immediately appropriate. (I would say "kosher," but you know ... Omar.)

The simple, undeniable fact is this: Just one race is not allowed to proclaim pride, or a desire for progress for its race, or a preference for its own race. One. And we damn well know what race that is.

One example - a powerful lobby for Hispanic rights is "La Raza," which means literally, "The Race." Nobody says a word in protest about that name. If a group says it is lobbying for the interests of white people under the name "The Race," what do you think the reaction would be?

So white people - cannot say a syllable in favor of your own race, a racist for even thinking good things about the race, and a bigot if you protest other races overtly professing their supremacy to whites and a desire to see their races gain power and money at the expense of white people.
Just change the word "white" to "black" and what Vader says is immediately appropriate. (I would say "kosher," but you know ... Omar.)

The simple, undeniable fact is this: Just one race is not allowed to proclaim pride, or a desire for progress for its race, or a preference for its own race. One. And we damn well know what race that is.

One example - a powerful lobby for Hispanic rights is "La Raza," which means literally, "The Race." Nobody says a word in protest about that name. If a group says it is lobbying for the interests of white people under the name "The Race," what do you think the reaction would be?

So white people - cannot say a syllable in favor of your own race, a racist for even thinking good things about the race, and a bigot if you protest other races overtly professing their supremacy to whites and a desire to see their races gain power and money at the expense of white people.

Are you saying if someone said "We need to keep the black race pure. There are too many white people mixing with us and that's going to destroy the black race" ...you don't think that's racist? Sorry, have to disagree.

And there is a difference between an organization that attempts to advance the interests of an oppressed minority and one that tries to advance the interests of a powerful, dominant majority.
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And there is a difference between an organization that attempts to advance the interests of an oppressed minority and one that tries to advance the interests of a powerful, dominant majority.

In fairness OFTB, I am not so sure how powerful and dominant the majority is anymore.
Seems to me projections show that within our children's lifetime caucasian will indeed be a minority in the U.S.

And that's fine, but does that mean my great grandchildren can get in on the United White-Kid fund to go to college? (I'm thinking no...)
Are you saying if someone said "We need to keep the black race pure. There are too many white people mixing with us and that's going to destroy the black race" ...you don't think that's racist? Sorry, have to disagree.

And there is a difference between an organization that attempts to advance the interests of an oppressed minority and one that tries to advance the interests of a powerful, dominant majority.

Wasn't there an uproar in the black community about too many of their black men marrying white women? Isn't that the same thing you describe? So just to clarify, those black women that complained they are losing out to white women for black men are racist, correct? Can you find anything in the media describing those women as racist? I'm curious. I really am.
How do you figure that upwards of 70 million (US alone) murdered children isn't material to population decline?

Because there’s no way to know the final net impact of those 70 million abortions. For example, who is more likely to snag a husband and have three kids: A 25 year-old with no kids because she had an abortion nine years ago, or a 25 year-old with a eight-year old? So some of those women ended up +2 instead of -1.
Are you saying if someone said "We need to keep the black race pure. There are too many white people mixing with us and that's going to destroy the black race" ...you don't think that's racist? Sorry, have to disagree.

First, that is not what Vader says. Second, I hear that statement or the equivalent ALL THE TIME.

And there is a difference between an organization that attempts to advance the interests of an oppressed minority and one that tries to advance the interests of a powerful, dominant majority.

Uhh, no. This idea that one race can argue its "cause" while others cannot is the living, breathing definition of differential treatment on the basis of race, also known as racism. If an idea or argument is racist for a white person to say, it is racist for a black person or a brown person or what-the-****-ever color Tlaib is to say.
Wasn't there an uproar in the black community about too many of their black men marrying white women? Isn't that the same thing you describe? So just to clarify, those black women that complained they are losing out to white women for black men are racist, correct? Can you find anything in the media describing those women as racist? I'm curious. I really am.

Yes, they are racist. I don't speak for the media. I'm discussing my own opinions.
The simple, undeniable fact is this: Just one race is not allowed to proclaim pride, or a desire for progress for its race, or a preference for its own race. One. And we damn well know what race that is.

Uh, do you not understand that is because of a long, painful history of white supremacist ideology that has resulted in the deaths and enslavement of millions of people? If not I don't know what to say to you. I thought you were more reasonable than that.
Uh, do you not understand that is because of a long, painful history of white supremacist ideology that has resulted in the deaths and enslavement of millions of people? If not I don't know what to say to you. I thought you were more reasonable than that.

How many deaths has black supremacy caused in Africa? How about Asian supremacy in China or Japan, or Muslim supremacy in the Middle East??

The notion that "white people bad, so racism towards whitey good" is somehow appropriate is just not valid. Seriously, racism and religious bigotry are rampant across the world - and whites are almost certainly the least likely to engage in it.
How many deaths has black supremacy caused in Africa? How about Asian supremacy in China or Japan, or Muslim supremacy in the Middle East??

The notion that "white people bad, so racism towards whitey good" is somehow appropriate is just not valid. Seriously, racism and religious bigotry are rampant across the world - and whites are almost certainly the least likely to engage in it.

Except I never said white people are bad or racism towards whitey is good. White supremacy is bad. If you all want to embrace it here in your little echo chamber be my guest.
I'm not racist. I think everyone should be allowed to own sla....er, ah, I think everyone should have equal rights.
Except I never said white people are bad or racism towards whitey is good. White supremacy is bad. If you all want to embrace it here in your little echo chamber be my guest.

Jee-zus, the definition of "white supremacy" now includes Donald Trump as a white supremacist, and Ben Shapiro as a white supremacist. Ben Carson as well, for that matter.

The definition has diverged from reality. I believe that Nazis and white supremacists are a made-up boogeyman. A fiction. Minorities are more likely to get hit by lightning than suffer due to the actions of a Nazi or white supremacist. Further, the simple, undeniable fact is that blacks face vastly more danger from other blacks - by a factor of thousands - than they do from "white supremacists."

Finally, your apparent claims about the danger of "white supremacists" is stunningly overstated. The ADL defined hate crimes as broadly as humanly possible (at least as it pertains to crimes by white people, but I digress) and reported that 18 deaths in 2018 were due to "hate crimes" by whites.

18 murders, most of them Jewish citizens. 8 African-Americans murdered in "hate crimes." Horrible. But blacks are VASTLY more likely to die from drowning in an inflatable pool - nearly 900 in the years 1999-2010, or an average of more than 80 per year - than they are of dying at the hands of a "white supremacist."


Number of deaths due to lightning strikes, 2002-2011, a span of ten years? 125, or about 12-13 people per year.


Number of people who died because of texting while driving? "263 teens (age 15 to 19) were killed as a result of distracted driving in 2016."


So inflatable wading pools are far more dangerous to African-Americans than "white supremacists." Getting struck by lightning is about an equal danger, and texting-while-driving vastly more likely to cause injury or death.

"White Supremacy" - a make-believe danger that acts as a convenient political tool.
Because I don't have an interest in keeping the white race pure, I hate whitey? You are hilarious. I am white. But my ancestors are Croatian, Irish, and Polish. There is no pure "white race" to be destroyed. The vast majority of us are of different ethnicities and from different origins.

If your daughter married a black man would you accuse her of helping to destroy the white race? That's vile and disgusting. Human beings are human beings.The idea that mixing people of different races destroys anything is incredibly racist.

You are the embodiment of every embarrassing, damaging stereotype of Trump supporters, conservatives and people who oppose illegal immigration. You just confirm that for some people it's not about national security, it's not about crime, it's not about economics, it's about racism plain and simple.

Why do you keep bring up PURE? Where did I ever say that? You can't debate the point so you come up with strawmen so you can slay them. Please stop being so obtuse. Again you flip flop on race and try to make it difficult to understand. There is a difference between nationalities and races. Please take a science class so you can understand it. I don't care who anyone marries. I believe in freedom. If some people want to remain white why is that your concern? Why do you get to decide who is racists because it doesn't fit what you believe? You are the embodiment of everything wrong with liberal white hatred.

And again you won't answer one single question. You just go on your diatribe and scream racism. So again, every single race and creed can have their identity and groups but whites can't because that's RAAAAACIIISSST. Whites have the same issues that other races have and they have commonalities within them just like other races have. The only difference is that you've been brainwashed into thinking otherwise.
Uh, do you not understand that is because of a long, painful history of white supremacist ideology that has resulted in the deaths and enslavement of millions of people? If not I don't know what to say to you. I thought you were more reasonable than that.

@#$% that 'white supremacist ideology' leftist pap.

Slavers weren't white. White slave traders didn't go into jungles and capture natives. They bought them at African Atlantic ports from slavers, black and muslim who had captured them and dragged them to port. 10 million entered boats headed to 'the new world'. 8 million made it. Of that 8 million, less than 9% made it to North America. Less than 400,000 made it to the American colonies. Those are Henry Louis Gates' numbers. He marvels that that number grew to around 4 million by the Civil War. Congress prohibited the importation of slaves in 1807. Coast Guard ships interdicted slaves ships off the coast and summarily executed the crews if slaves were on board. 4% of American households (6.5% in the South and 1.5% in the North) owned slaves, some black households. The largest household of slaves in New Orleans was owned by a black woman. She had 200. More than 350,000 Yankee soldiers (nearly as many as imported black slaves) gave their lives to free the slaves. God alone knows how many more suffered the horrendous collateral damage of that war.

Reality is that muzloids are history's most prolific slavers. muzloids enslaved millions of European and American whites they stole from Europe or captured on the high seas. Nobody says a word about that. Slavery has been a feature of humanity since there were humans. There are 45 million slaves all over the world as we speak. Nobody gives @#$% one about them. Here's an interesting little irony - there are 6,245,000 black slaves in sub-Saharan Africa right now, and another 3M in North Africa. Anybody give a @#$% about them? Oh yeah, the irony is that equals the numbers that came to the New World.

On the long and painful subject of 'white supremacy', western civilization is the ONLY reason that slaves were freed in Europe and North America. Any technology of any importance was invented by white people. White people fall all over themselves to lift the world's poor out of their mire. This formerly white nation gives 90% of the world's charity.

I grow weary of the white bashing. Visualize a world without white people. Yeah, it turns your stomach.

Oh, and human history is long and painful. Get over it.
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There are thousands-nay, millions of mongrel dogs in the world. They aren't all the same color.

Most recent dog breeds are from human's selectively breeding them. If you look at mongrel dogs, like the African dogs, they look the same. Just like the dingo's down under. They look the same because of their DNA similarity.
Jee-zus, the definition of "white supremacy" now includes Donald Trump as a white supremacist, and Ben Shapiro as a white supremacist. Ben Carson as well, for that matter.

Don't forget Milo Yiannopolis, a Jewish gay man who is married to a black man, and the left calls him a Nazi racist bigot and he's been banned by Twitter and FB.