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Who ya wanna smack (beside Collinsworth)?

I'm in too good a mood this morning to turn on the hate switch. I have to admit, had you told me Sunday morning we would be celebrating a Steeler playoff berth, I would have thought you were nuts. Three things had to happen and geez, they all happened, and two were nail biters while the one that everyone thought improbable was an easy win.
We narrowly beat the Ravens in OT.
Jags walloped the hapless Colts. Who knew!
In a heart stopping game that went to OT no less, the Raiders avoid a tie and edge the Chargers. Hell, they could have just run out the clock and both teams would have been in but I give them credit for playing to win. Hats off to you Raiders, fine job!
someone said -- who would you rather play in the first round KC or Bengals -- I think that is why they played to win and did not take the tie
You are not a playoff team when its the last game of the week and you need to still do work, need other teams to do work for you and also hope certain outcomes dont happen. That's called sneaking into the playoffs. This team gets crushed in the first round.

Sorry not a huge pessimist but a realist. This team stands almost zero chance of doing anything in the playoffs. You never know which defense is gonna show up, and for how many quarters they are going to play for. The offense at best all season has played good for one half of a game. I honest hate to say this but barring a miracle this team is not playing point for point with the chiefs.

Its a cool little stat for the end of Ben's career to say he went out his last season my making the playoffs but thats all it is. Just a stat that will look good on the HOF resume but means absolutely nothing for possibility of winning a super bowl. This is not a good team. Its a slightly OK team that has a flash here and there but really just got lucky. Hats off for the grit and continuing to try but in the playoffs they are going to be very sadly outmatched in every facet of the game.
Actually, the commonly used term here would be "backing in".
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You are not a playoff team when its the last game of the week and you need to still do work, need other teams to do work for you and also hope certain outcomes dont happen. That's called sneaking into the playoffs. This team gets crushed in the first round.
You should tell that to the Super Bowl XL Steelers...
2005 says "hello"...
While I vehemently disagree with livingthrudying's idea that a franchise which makes the postseason with outside assistance is somehow not a "playoff team," the 2005 Steelers didn't fall under that category. They were in a win-and-you're-in scenario the final week of that season, and didn't need help from anyone else.
The guys on the fan morning show in Pittsburgh. We're in the playoffs and this douche Dunlap is still bitching that Ben came back.
The guys on the fan morning show in Pittsburgh. We're in the playoffs and this douche Dunlap is still bitching that Ben came back.
Does he think we're in the playoff's with Rudolph? Why they give some of these asshats a microphone I'll never know.
The guys on the fan morning show in Pittsburgh. We're in the playoffs and this douche Dunlap is still bitching that Ben came back.
This reminds me. I would pay good money to charity for the opportunity to smack the living **** out of Filliponi. I'd pay triple if they let me do it twice in a row.
Does he think we're in the playoff's with Rudolph? Why they give some of these asshats a microphone I'll never know.
Because it generates listeners. If people quit listening they would all be gone as their advertising money would be gone. Much like Madden, Rome, and all the other shock jocks, being over the top gets listeners.
This reminds me. I would pay good money to charity for the opportunity to smack the living **** out of Filliponi. I'd pay triple if they let me do it twice in a row.
Hahaha, there'd probably be a pretty big line for that.
Bob Papa at it again today, Charlie Weiss sat in silence during his rant and just said, anything can happen but that is your opinion today. Papa said, KC is 2-3 steps better and faster than the Steelers in every way, they only game not a coil flip, should be over by halftime, look at the last time and this time it should be worse. Said, look, its Maholmes vs Ben is just a mismatch, sure Ben could be a borderline HOF; but Maholmes is one of the best ever. Not sure why the hate from him, but whatever.

I don't THINK the Steelers are gonna win, however I will be horse rooting my *** off for Ben and one more week! But upsets happen.... Chiefs are not undefeated, are they? Hill may not play? Sure they killed the Steelers recently. Didn't the Jags have NO chance vs Colts and they molly whopped them. How about the Jets beating Pats twice? Hell, Steelers were given no chance against Colts or Broncos in SB run. That is why they play the game and I get opinions but to talk in FACTS like many of the talking heads do with predictions is bullshit. Here is to another win and maybe this time Bob Papa admitting Steelers won a game he did not expect. Unlike the LUCK of beating the Ravens and according to him was only cause former MVP Jackson did not play, the fluke in Jacksonville and addiment that Raiders/Chargers should played for a tie at kickoff.
Tomlin - for wasting 10 years of Ben's career dicking around without any drive to win another ring and mailing it in - **** him and his cliche's.
Canada for being such a ******* idiot and worthless POS OC.
Bush for being such a raunchy ***** of an ILB.
Colbert - for letting Tomlin ride with this Oline instead of draft better or hitting FA harder!
Hate to say it, but maybe Tuitt for pussying out of the season - I doubt his brother would have wanted him to do this (unless his knee is still ******, then ignore this)!
Lot's of ***** slapping to go around in house, no need to care what the **** sticks on a network say!