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Why Biden?

I still have no idea why a dude from Germany, Japan, Europe where ever the **** he is from constantly “knows what’s good for America”.
I think the way America - and Americans - have changed over the past four years, Donald Trump is the best leader for the country right now. Trump and Trumpism is the direction the country is heading in. He understands the heart & soul of the nation - the pent-up anger and emotion - and that’s reflected in the type of man he is, the type of leader he is. What more do you want from a President? America - and Trump - deserve each other. It’s a perfect match. I don’t see a path forward where he doesn’t win a second term, it seems inevitable at this stage.

What, bupkes from you as well?
What, bupkes from you as well?

Nope, Trump’s got this wrapped up. Plus, what’s there to discuss about Biden? It’s like taking a deep-dive into the politics of a Walter Mondale, Dan Quall, or even Pence, to see what makes them tick. There’s a reason guys like this end up being VP’s and not the other way around.

A vote for Biden is simply a protest vote against Trump. Nothing more, nothing less. And there aren’t enough of those type of voters in the country, as far as the electoral college goes. Biden will be a bug on the windshield for Trump.

If you’re dying for a list of positives for Biden... I dunno, maybe he won’t teargas your mom at a protest or turn the western world upside down, like Trump has. But who cares about **** like that. At best Biden is a bookmark, a placeholder, to steady the ship for a few years, keep things from coming apart at the seams. But Americans don’t care about any of that, which is why Trump’s a shoo-in for a 2nd term.
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Nope, Trump’s got this wrapped up. Plus, what’s there to discuss about Biden? It’s like taking a deep-dive into the politics of a Walter Mondale, Dan Quall, or even Pence, to see what makes them tick. There’s a reason guys like this end up being VP’s and not the other way around.

A vote for Biden is simply a protest vote against Trump. Nothing more, nothing less. And there aren’t enough of those type of voters in the country, as far as the electoral college goes. Biden will be a bug on the windshield for Trump.

If you’re dying for a list of positives for Biden... I dunno, maybe he won’t teargas your mom at a protest or turn the western world upside down, like Trump has. But who cares about **** like that. At best Biden is a bookmark, a placeholder, to steady the ship for a few years, keep things from coming apart at the seams. But Americans don’t care about any of that, which is why Trump’s a shoo-in for a 2nd term.

I like the way you are embracing Stockholm Syndrome.
I follow Biden on Twitter (***** and giggles) and I can assure you that what he tweets is NOT from him directly. Words more than 2 letters long, coherent sentences...yeah...not him.
Nope, Trump’s got this wrapped up. Plus, what’s there to discuss about Biden? It’s like taking a deep-dive into the politics of a Walter Mondale, Dan Quall, or even Pence, to see what makes them tick. There’s a reason guys like this end up being VP’s and not the other way around.

A vote for Biden is simply a protest vote against Trump. Nothing more, nothing less. And there aren’t enough of those type of voters in the country, as far as the electoral college goes. Biden will be a bug on the windshield for Trump.

If you’re dying for a list of positives for Biden... I dunno, maybe he won’t teargas your mom at a protest or turn the western world upside down, like Trump has. But who cares about **** like that. At best Biden is a bookmark, a placeholder, to steady the ship for a few years, keep things from coming apart at the seams. But Americans don’t care about any of that, which is why Trump’s a shoo-in for a 2nd term.

You are correct even if you don't mean it.
I think the way America - and Americans - have changed over the past four years, Donald Trump is the best leader for the country right now. Trump and Trumpism is the direction the country is heading in. He understands the heart & soul of the nation - the pent-up anger and emotion - and that’s reflected in the type of man he is, the type of leader he is. What more do you want from a President? America - and Trump - deserve each other. It’s a perfect match. I don’t see a path forward where he doesn’t win a second term, it seems inevitable at this stage.

Here's how America has changed in the past 4 years. Previous to Trump America took a hard, radical left turn that many people rejected and were so fed up with Washington politicians, that they elected a non politician, businessman to fight against it. In the past 4 years since Trump was elected, America has veered so much farther left that it is on the verge of a complete breakdown and anarchy. The reasons that Trump was elected in the first place now have become even more of a dire need that he is re-elected. Yep, the need for a Trump like figure has only increased and you can thank the American media, Democrats in power and the education system for even further radicalizing people and as a result causing Trump to again look like the safer option. The same people that caused us to vote for Trump in the first place. Their America hating, anarchist platform has succeeded in waking many more people up to the benefits of Trump this time around especially in the minority community.
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Care to wager that if Biden wins, it is a "landslide" (meaning he gets at least 52% of the vote and at least 320 delegates)??

Second, your comment about "bringing a sense of normalcy" to politics is absurd. You just admitted that Biden will be gone right around the time they stop counting the mail-in ballots, so you don't even know who the **** you are voting for.

That's "normalcy"?

This is intriguing to me. Closer to election time if polls and what not are close to what they are now I will do some quick math, but 320 and 52% seems about right. I am sure we can wager something maybe mid / early october we will revisit this.....I do think Biden will be gone early, but Im sure others do not feel that way or just dont care. They seem to think Biden is "fine" or will vote for him just to get Trump out.
Nope, Trump’s got this wrapped up. Plus, what’s there to discuss about Biden? It’s like taking a deep-dive into the politics of a Walter Mondale, Dan Quall, or even Pence, to see what makes them tick. There’s a reason guys like this end up being VP’s and not the other way around.

A vote for Biden is simply a protest vote against Trump. Nothing more, nothing less. And there aren’t enough of those type of voters in the country, as far as the electoral college goes. Biden will be a bug on the windshield for Trump.

If you’re dying for a list of positives for Biden... I dunno, maybe he won’t teargas your mom at a protest or turn the western world upside down, like Trump has. But who cares about **** like that. At best Biden is a bookmark, a placeholder, to steady the ship for a few years, keep things from coming apart at the seams. But Americans don’t care about any of that, which is why Trump’s a shoo-in for a 2nd term.

Remember also that prior to Jim Clyburn rallying/lording over the black vote in SC, Joe Biden had never won a state primary in 3 Presidential Primary cycles to that point -- and in 2 of them when he actually had some animation, faculties, and testosterone.

Biden brings no national energy nor political charisma to the ticket. One of those cycles was 1988 in the ring against Dukakis. That's why the election strategy by the D's is by hook or by crook.

Joe Biden's dream was always to be the nominee and not a bridesmaid.

When Clyburn pulled rank and Buttigieg, Klob, and all the others dropped out and lined up behind him, what we saw and are now seeing now is akin to a Make-A-Wish scene during a college football spring practice when the offense puts the ball in the hands of kid with a disease or intellectual disability and everyone suspends belief as they point the way and form a convoy for the kid to stumble to Pay Dirt.
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you do realize that AOC cheered the Left Wingnuts that requested tickets, but never showed up to skew the numbers? Why should we not believe it will be a fair election again?

Biden hasn't insulted the black community? He said "that poor kids are as smart as white kids", "you aint black enough if they don't vote for him" or his description of BO how how clean and well-spoken he is. Want to go back to his record of things he voted for or supported? He's not the nice, uncle-type that blacks are being told he is. He has a past and if they were honest, they would hold it against Biden like they do to every other politican.

This is exactly my point, but if you look further into it there are 2 options neither are good for Trump. Option 1 is the dems trolled the trump campaign to skew the data. Who is to say the mysterious trump supporters not giving their opinions are not really dem plants. Option 2 if you believe the trump campaign was that the dems had 0 effect on the piss poor tulsa rally turn out. If that is the case seems to show people are way less enthusiastic about trump this time around.

I am not saying Biden has not insulted the black community, but it has not hurt him. Trump has said all kinds of stupid stuff that has previously not hurt him in the polls, but it seems to be catching up to him now.
This is exactly my point, but if you look further into it there are 2 options neither are good for Trump. Option 1 is the dems trolled the trump campaign to skew the data. Who is to say the mysterious trump supporters not giving their opinions are not really dem plants. Option 2 if you believe the trump campaign was that the dems had 0 effect on the piss poor tulsa rally turn out. If that is the case seems to show people are way less enthusiastic about trump this time around.

I am not saying Biden has not insulted the black community, but it has not hurt him. Trump has said all kinds of stupid stuff that has previously not hurt him in the polls, but it seems to be catching up to him now.

The scammed piss poor turnout in Tulsa was still 95% more people than Biden could ever hope to draw.
There’s a rally in piece of **** Cleveland next week. It might not be a full house because of the scamming libtards and Chinamen, but the enthusiasm will be there, bigly.
Trump and Trumpism is the direction the country is heading in. He understands the heart & soul of the nation - the pent-up anger and emotion

Yeah, that's it. I don't have the time to waste on the hundreds of examples of where the 'pent-up anger and emotion' is coming from, but here are a few examples from just the last 24 hours:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Left-wing activists bring a stack of Bibles to burn in front of the federal courthouse in Portland. <a href="https://t.co/lYWY0x8n8P">pic.twitter.com/lYWY0x8n8P</a></p>— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) <a href="https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1289512762733785088?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Antifa rioters try to provoke a response from retreating federal officers in downtown Portland. Every night they do this so then cameras capture when police eventually respond. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PortlandRiots?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#PortlandRiots</a> <a href="https://t.co/h9eo4ZNxo2">pic.twitter.com/h9eo4ZNxo2</a></p>— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) <a href="https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1289629792979935234?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The rioters message here in Portland is clear <a href="https://t.co/ax5X4q8gXs">pic.twitter.com/ax5X4q8gXs</a></p>— Drew Hernandez (@livesmattershow) <a href="https://twitter.com/livesmattershow/status/1289470608577708032?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 1, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Delusional troll.
Just like 1 million supporters were coming to his Tulsa rally? Things go both ways......If Trump somehow pulls a rabbit out of his hat I think it will be a super slim margin. If Biden wins I think it will be a landslide victory. People will vote for Biden to bring a sense of normalcy to politics. Whether it is right or wrong you can debate, but Trump is far from "the norm." Alot of the reason Trump won was because people were tired of politicians. Unfortunately Trump too it too extreme, insulted everyone, turned a lot of people out, and now people will play it "safe". People can cry voter fraud and all that, but if Trump would simply act like a decent human being he would win this election easily.

I also believe that if Trump had just shut up and run the country he'd be better off right now. Pathetic that an election will be partly decided over stupid stuff a man says rather than his record....speaking of which I believe there are 4 factions on the left that will vote for Biden.

The TDS types...those that hate Trump just because. The economy, record low unemployment, trade deals, self dependency on oil...none of that matters. TDS types have an irrational hatred for Trump, and cannot provide a rational reason why he shouldn't be re-elected. "He tweets to much" or "he doesn't act presidential", or "he says stupid stuff" are the typical reasons uttered by those afflicted with TDS.

The low information types...those that are clueless oblivious or have lukewarm interest in politics that believe whatever anti Trump rhetoric and lies they hear or being fed to them by CNN, comedians, late night talk show hosts, and Hollywood. Listened to a guy on some video say that Bill Maher is a good news source for him.

The socialists/progressives/commies...those that believe voting demonrat is the easier path to socialism.

Then there are the Jews and Blacks who always vote demonrat. The hardest group to make sense of.
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(1)The TDS types...(2)The low information types...(3)The socialists/progressives/commies...(4)Jews and Blacks who always vote democrat.

As we saw in 2016, as far as the electoral college, those groups together are still not enough to overcome the 'silent majority' of Trump supporters, who will vote in droves in the midwest to ensure a 2nd term for Trump.

As we've learned, Trump personifies what America has turned into these past four years. He is the people's representative, with his finger on the pulse of the nation. He is the candidate, an incumbent at that, who best encapsulates the soul of America right now.

The election in November will be a referendum on how the country views Trump as its leader. It seems those in support outnumber those opposed, among those who actually get out and vote, mail-in a ballot, participate in an election at all. The left is loud and boisterous on twitter, likes to march at rallies and protests, but when it comes time to vote, the momemtum peters out.

Perhaps the Dems can assemble a more broadly-appealing platform and candidate in 2024. Until then, it's Trump's race to lose, and it's Trump's country to lead.
As we saw in 2016, as far as the electoral college, those groups together are still not enough to overcome the 'silent majority' of Trump supporters, who will vote in droves in the midwest to ensure a 2nd term for Trump.

As we've learned, Trump personifies what America has turned into these past four years. He is the people's representative, with his finger on the pulse of the nation. He is the candidate, an incumbent at that, who best encapsulates the soul of America right now.

The election in November will be a referendum on how the country views Trump as its leader. It seems those in support outnumber those opposed, among those who actually get out and vote, mail-in a ballot, participate in an election at all. The left is loud and boisterous on twitter, likes to march at rallies and protests, but when it comes time to vote, the momemtum peters out.

Perhaps the Dems can assemble a more broadly-appealing platform and candidate in 2024. Until then, it's Trump's race to lose, and it's Trump's country to lead.

I hope you're correct.
It's all real simple folks.

Vote republican in the house. Replace Nancy with a conservative republican Speaker of the House.

If Biden should win... assassinate the VP immediately. That leaves the Speaker as next in line to the Presidency.

See... two can play the "coup" game.

Obviously, that's just a dark, twisted, and not serious threat. But imagine the turmoil in the democratic party if they were faced with either propping up Dementia Joe or removing him and putting a republican speaker in the presidency.

That would be the BEST popcorn event EVER!
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As we saw in 2016, as far as the electoral college, those groups together are still not enough to overcome the 'silent majority' of Trump supporters, who will vote in droves in the midwest to ensure a 2nd term for Trump.

As we've learned, Trump personifies what America has turned into these past four years. He is the people's representative, with his finger on the pulse of the nation. He is the candidate, an incumbent at that, who best encapsulates the soul of America right now.

The election in November will be a referendum on how the country views Trump as its leader. It seems those in support outnumber those opposed, among those who actually get out and vote, mail-in a ballot, participate in an election at all. The left is loud and boisterous on twitter, likes to march at rallies and protests, but when it comes time to vote, the momemtum peters out.

Perhaps the Dems can assemble a more broadly-appealing platform and candidate in 2024. Until then, it's Trump's race to lose, and it's Trump's country to lead.

Dems tend to be concentrated in large numbers in cities and a smaller number of states. If they get another million votes in CA, IL, NY, NJ, MA, it doesn't make any difference, that's why they want to get rid of the electoral college. Their candidates at a national level will not appeal to most of the midwest and swing states. And any Presidential candidate who would appeal to the midwest would not appeal to the Commie base and could not win the nomination. That's why they went with Biden, he won't scare the old-school Labor Democrats but everyone knows that if he gets elected he will just be a figurehead and the Commies will actually be running things.

This is intriguing to me. Closer to election time if polls and what not are close to what they are now I will do some quick math, but 320 and 52% seems about right. I am sure we can wager something maybe mid / early october we will revisit this.....I do think Biden will be gone early, but Im sure others do not feel that way or just dont care. They seem to think Biden is "fine" or will vote for him just to get Trump out.

So what are you looking to bet? $500? $1000?

We both send checks to Justin, he deposits and sends the money to the winner.
Biden will likely win on his character and likeability. You might not like his politics, but he lost his first wife and 1 year old daughter to a car accident in his first year as a Senator.
He endured a 3 hour train commute the rest of his Senate career, so he could be home each night for his surviving 2 sons. One of which he lost to cancer later in life. He has always
been a moderate working well with Republicans to try to do what is best for the country and not just his base.

Many people are tired of having an embarrassment for a President that makes the US a laughing stock worldwide.
So what are you looking to bet? $500? $1000?

We both send checks to Justin, he deposits and sends the money to the winner.

More like $50 unfortunately I'm not made of money. I have a checking account, but not checks. Paypal maybe? Thinking maybe after first debate if they have them
I am hopeful that a few debates help Trump's cause but we shall see.

This whole 2020 has definitely hurt his chances. I mean all the gambling sites had Trump as a big favorite in January-February. Now the money is dead even or Biden as the favorite.

Always count on the gambling public. They know what the **** they are doing (even though it's rigged against them to win, they do the research).

I mean, if Covid is still everywhere and there are outbreaks in schools that open (even partially) all over the country, and the media runs with that story 24-7 (which they will), it will be very hard for an incumbent President to win with THAT amount of negative news cycle every day, every night for months.

At this point, the media is going to double down on doom and gloom from now until November. The more tragic the story, the better.

I can't even watch the evening news for more than 2-3 minutes before I yell at the TV and turn it off. David Muir makes me want to break his face with a brick. Everything out of his "acting" mouth is just dripping with negativity and contempt and fake concern. It's disgusting.

Every new "milestone" of cases gets a headline story. Every hot spot gets focused on. Any healthy person that gets sick and dies gets a personal obituary on National TV. If they are a parent, all the better. Anything to pull on the emotions of voters.

I love how democrats tell me Trump EMOTIONALLY connected with his racist voting base and that's why he won (or SCARED blue-collar America into voting for him).

What the democrats/media are doing with Covid and Civil unrest is the EXACT SAME ******* THING. Scare up their voter base in any way they can.
Biden will likely win on his character and likeability. You might not like his politics, but he lost his first wife and 1 year old daughter to a car accident in his first year as a Senator.

Oh, you mean the accident where Biden's wife drove directly into the path of a semi, and then Biden later LIED, ******* LIED, about what happened for political gain and claimed the truck driver was "drunk"? That accident?

Biden lied for years about the accident that killed his wife & daughter
By M. Dowling -
May 5, 2020


Dunn was the tractor-trailer driver involved in the December 1972 accident that took the life of the newly-elected U.S. Senator’s first wife, Neilia Biden, and 13-month-old daughter, Naomi. The facts are that Joe Biden’s wife accidentally drove into the path of the tractor-trailer. She was killed, along with their baby daughter. His two sons were seriously injured.

For decades, Joe Biden lied about the cause of the accident as he exploited the accident to promote his candidacy. He shamefully changed the details of the story, claiming the driver was drunk and responsible for the accident.

Alcohol was not involved. Somehow the police reports were lost. But, fortunately, Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the police investigation as chief prosecutor, remembered. He said there is no evidence supporting Biden’s claim. “The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said in 2008.

Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck. Dunn did everything he could to avoid hitting the car. He even overturned his rig while swerving to avoid a collision. He ran to the wrecked car and was the first to render assistance. Police filed no charges against Dunn, who at that time lived in North East, Md. with his wife, Ruby, and their seven children.

Beginning in the new Millenium, Biden started to embellish the story, seemingly for political gain. During a speech in 2001, Biden told an audience at the University of Delaware that a drunken driver crashed into his family. He told a similar story during a public appearance in 2007.

The vice-presidential candidate’s misrepresentation of Dunn found its way into major newspapers, including the New York Times. It also has been repeated on radio and on television by major news journalists, including CBS anchorwoman Katie Couric.

A video of Biden making his unfounded assertion during a public appearance in 2007 was particularly disturbing.

Biden told the crowd, “A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly — and I never pursued it — drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly and killed my daughter instantly and hospitalized my two sons …


Joe Biden LIED about how his wife was killed, to gin up some sort of weird political support/sympathy?

You would vote for a guy who LIED about how his ******* WIFE WAS KILLED??

The detestable loser scum badmouthed a guy doing his ******* job, and who risked his own life trying to save a woman who did not see a ******* semi and pulled out directly in front of it??

I wish Biden's dad had pulled out.

He endured a 3 hour train commute the rest of his Senate career, so he could be home each night for his surviving 2 sons. He has always been a moderate working well with Republicans to try to do what is best for the country and not just his base.

Joe Biden has always been one of the dumbest people in Congress - and that is saying A LOT. He graduated at the bottom of a ****** law school, never practiced law, and instead ran for office to become a professional thief.

He lied about his academic background, plagiarized a paper in law school and should have been expelled, plagiarized a Neil Kinnock speech about being from a family of coal miners, lied about every facet of his life, and is now a dottering old man suffering dementia and talking about facing off with Corn Pop.

The fact that you would vote for him is, I posit, definitive evidence that you are insane and should be deemed ineligible to vote.

Many people are tired of having an embarrassment for a President that makes the US a laughing stock worldwide.

Liberals repeat this mantra as if it mattered. First off, do you think I give a flying **** that China "respected" Bathhouse Barry as they stole our industry, stole our technology, spied on Feinstein for 20 years, and lied about all of it?? Do you think I give a **** that Angela Merkel liked Bowing Barry and his ripping off of taxpayers to defend Germany so they could sign a huge energy deal with Russia?!?

Do you think I give a rat's *** about the fact that Upper Nigeria and Lower Somalia and Middle Buttfuckistan loved Barry and his giving away of OUR money to them?

**** them all. America first, America middle, America last.
Biden will likely win on his character and likeability. You might not like his politics, but he lost his first wife and 1 year old daughter to a car accident in his first year as a Senator.
He endured a 3 hour train commute the rest of his Senate career, so he could be home each night for his surviving 2 sons. One of which he lost to cancer later in life. He has always
been a moderate working well with Republicans to try to do what is best for the country and not just his base.

Many people are tired of having an embarrassment for a President that makes the US a laughing stock worldwide.

One of Biden's problems is that he doesn't stand for anything. Much like Hillary he wants to be President simply because he wants to be President and he will tell one audience one thing today and tomorrow tell another audience the exact opposite. Even if you're a Democrat you can't rely on the guy to follow through on anything you want.