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Why isn't Maryland a sanctuary state? Dreamer hopes this happens quickly


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL

Illegal immigrant raped Maryland girl, 16, at knifepoint in her bedroom, police say

By Travis Fedschun | Fox News

An illegal immigrant in Maryland is alleged to have crawled into the bed of a teenage girl while she was taking a nap and placed a knife against her throat before proceeding to rape her, according to authorities.

Federal officials have requested to keep the man in custody.

The Montgomery County Police Department said Nelson Saul Reyes-Medrano, 46, is charged with first-degree rape, sex abuse of a minor, and first-degree assault in connection with the late August 2018 attack.

A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman told Fox News that Reyes-Medrano was living in the U.S. illegally and the federal law enforcement agency has lodged a detainer against him.

Local police said the victim, who was 16 at the time, was taking a nap at the apartment where Reyes-Medrano also lived when she felt someone else get on the bed. She opened her eyes and saw the 46-year-old had positioned himself on top of her.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">NEW: Nelson Reyes-Medrano is accused of crawling into bed with a 16yo Germantown, Md. girl as she napped. The 46yo proceeded to rape the teen at knifepoint, police say.<br><br>This is the fifth undocumented immigrant arrested on rape charges in Montgomery County, Md. in the last month. <a href="https://t.co/l4YXwSPFLI">pic.twitter.com/l4YXwSPFLI</a></p>— Kevin Lewis (@ABC7Kevin) <a href="https://twitter.com/ABC7Kevin/status/1166380686065971200?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 27, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

"Take your clothes off," Reyes-Medrano allegedly told the victim twice according to court documents obtained by WJLA, before placing the dull side of a knife against the victim's neck.

After the victim slowly started to undress, he allegedly grew impatient and proceeded to rape her.

The victim told detectives she was in pain during the entire assault, which only ended after a noise was heard outside the apartment and Reyes-Medrano got off the bed, put his clothes back on and left the apartment with the knife he allegedly used to threaten the teenager.

A Montgomery County District Court denied bond for Reyes-Medrano, citing the severity of the allegations and pending ICE detainer, WJLA reported.

"The allegations are incredibly serious," Judge Amy Bills said in court. "The allegations are that a knife was brandished and a first-degree rape occurred."

ICE detainers serve as a legally authorized request, upon which a law enforcement agency may rely, to continue to maintain custody of an illegal immigrant for up to 48 hours so that ICE may assume custody for removal purposes, according to the federal agency.

"Pursuant to ICE policy, all ICE detainers are submitted with an accompanying administrative arrest warrant or warrant of removal depending upon the circumstances of the individual case," an ICE spokesman told Fox News.

The latest arrest comes after another illegal immigrant accused of rape was released from the Montgomery County Detention Center just three days after being arrested. At the time, county officials said they notified ICE that the suspect was being processed for release that day, even after the federal agency filed a detainer.

Montgomery County, Md., designated itself for “sanctuary” status in July, according to FOX5.

The order signed by County Executive Mark Elrich says no county agency – including police departments – can cooperate with ICE. Immigration agents are now barred from entering secure portions of county jails, and now have to take custody of illegal immigrants in public areas, such as jail parking lots.
Montgomery County, Md., designated itself for “sanctuary” status in July, according to FOX5.

The order signed by County Executive Mark Elrich says no county agency – including police departments – can cooperate with ICE. Immigration agents are now barred from entering secure portions of county jails, and now have to take custody of illegal immigrants in public areas, such as jail parking lots.

God, I wish that the guy had raped Elrich's wife and daughter instead of the 16-year old who did nothing to deserve this.
They don’t want to venture out west to the redneck part of the state, if they know what’s good for them.
One of thousands of illegal aliens committing crimes against innocent American citizens. This is what liberals are good with. Sanctuary cities and states are fine with criminal illegals killing and raping. Makes me sick.
I would have help his return status if I was home. Their be a big hole in the back of his head, he could go back in a box
This is my home. My hood. Montgomery County MD made itself a sanctuary county. The case you mention is but one.

To say I am outraged is beyond belief. The problem is bigger than one case. Thank you, ******* Liberals, for bringing this **** to my doorstep.


Fourth Accused Illegal Immigrant Rapist Arrested In Maryland County In Less Than A Month

An illegal immigrant accused of first-degree rape and attempted second-degree murder was arrested in Montgomery County, Maryland on Monday, making the 26-year-old Honduran national the fourth suspected rapist unlawfully in the country arrested by Montgomery County police in the past month.

According to the police report, Kevin Mendoza of Silver Spring brutally raped and attempted to murder an unidentified adult woman in an apartment complex on August 16.

The details are gruesome:

via Montgomery Country PD:

Investigation by SVID detectives has determined that the victim was carrying items from her vehicle parked in the parking lot to the apartment building when she noticed a male that appeared to be following her. As she unlocked the door to the building, the male suspect grabbed her from behind and threw her to the floor. The victim attempted to yell and resist but the suspect began to strangle her with his hands. As the victim continued to attempt to escape the suspect struck her multiple times in the face and head with a closed fist. The suspect then raped the victim.

It is unclear where Mendoza went next, but the victim was taken to a local hospital for her injuries. While there, "doctors advised detectives that the severity of the strangulation the victim suffered could have resulted in her death."

The police determined Mendoza to be a suspect in the course of their investigation, and after learning he formerly lived at the apartment complex where the alleged crime took place.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed to Kevin Lewis of ABC 7 that Mendoza is in the country illegally. ICE has lodged a detainer, requesting Montgomery Country Police to notify the federal agency before Mendoza is released -- whether on bond or for other reasons -- and transfer him to federal authorities for detainment.

While Montgomery County does not officially recognize itself a sanctuary county, its protocol makes it a de facto sanctuary county. This means they do not comply with ICE in most situations.

"Our law enforcement and other support agencies will continue to follow local laws, rules and regulations. As a matter of policy, we do not inquire about anyone's immigration status to support immigration enforcement, nor do we conduct immigration raids or investigations," County Executive Marc Elrich said in a July 2019 government resource page titled, "Montgomery County Supports Immigrants."

"We also encourage residents to seek help from organizations that provide legal assistance and advice, so individuals will know their rights if they are stopped or detained by ICE," County Council President Nancy Navarro added.
It goes on. Montgomery County MD is one of the wealthiest counties in the USA.

Not for long.

Illegal immigrant rape suspect released from Maryland jail, violating detainer policy, ICE says


An illegal immigrant accused of rape was released from a Maryland jail three days after being arrested -- despite a request from Immigration and Customs Enforcement to keep the man in custody, according to federal officials.

Rodrigo Castro-Montejo, a Salvadoran national in the country illegally, was arrested Aug. 10 on charges of second-degree rape and second-degree assault. The 25-year-old allegedly assaulted a female friend after a night of heavy drinking, according to court documents obtained by FOX5.

During the investigation, police said they monitored the woman while she was at a local hospital. At one point she conversed with Castro-Montejo via text message and he allegedly admitted to the assault.

The woman reportedly asked Castro-Montejo in the messages if he stopped at touching her or went further and engaged in sexual intercourse. Castro Montejoto allegedly replied "Oo a little bit of both to be honest" and "I'm sorry," according to court documents obtained by WJLA.

On Aug. 12, ICE said it filed a detainer with the Montgomery County Detention Center to hold the 25-year-old for up to 48 hours so immigration officers could travel to the lockup and take him into custody. But federal officials said the jail declined to honor the detainer, and let Castro-Montejo walk out of jail Aug. 13 after he posted bond.

The Montgomery County Department of Correction and Rehabilitation told FOX5 in a statement the jail notified ICE at noon on Aug. 13 to inform them Castro-Montejo was being processed for release that day.
Dreamers. They are all dreamers.

2 illegal aliens accused of raping 11-year-old girl in sanctuary Maryland county


The video of a crying 11-year-old girl is being used by the Left to militate against enforcing our sovereignty and immigration laws. Apparently the rule should be that anyone can come here and remain here illegally if they have a child, because enforcing our laws will result in hardship to the kids. But no such heart-tugging imagery exists for all the girls raped and harmed by criminal aliens thanks to the lack of enforcement or loopholes in our laws. The latest atrocity involves a different 11-year-old girl who will never be seen on camera.

Yesterday, WJLA news reported that Montgomery County, Maryland, police arrested two illegal aliens from El Salvador, Mauricio Barrera-Navidad, 29, and Carlos Palacios-Amaya, 28, for raping an 11-year-old child known to the alleged attackers. The investigation was triggered by a discussion the child had with a school social worker last month, and the rapes are alleged to have occurred last September.

In September 2018, the victim was introduced to her older brother’s friend, Palacios-Amaya. Over the course of the next few months, the then 27-year-old man raped the middle schooler on multiple occasions, authorities allege. The victim recalled one instance where Palacios-Amaya “used his cell phone to video record the two of them having sex,” police noted in court documents.

The victim told the social worker that Palacios-Amaya would often pressure her not to attend school so that she could stay home while her parents were at work. That gave Palacios-Amaya unsupervised access to the girl.

Palacios-Amaya is charged with four counts of second-degree rape, and Barrera-Navidad is charged with one.
Resisting rape by illegal immigrants is racist.
It's ridiculous that anyone has to argue that illegal aliens are a problem. I would love for Trump to start calling them that again.
It’s ridiculous that LAW ENFORCEMENT is releasing criminals into the public just to spite conservatives.

I mean, we aren’t talking about a cat stealing a candy bar. These are rapists, and child rapists at that. It’s disgusting.
Literally letting the third world take over our country.
Literally letting the third world take over our country.

The left worships the Soviet Union, circa 1968. The elite (lefties) have cars, and nice apartments, and can travel while the government regulates speech and makes sure those elite (lefties) are immune from criticism. The deplorables (us) can wait in the freezing cold for buses and trains, wait in lines for bread, drink ourselves into oblivion, cannot speak out against the raging hypocrisy of the "elite," and take the punishment because we have been disarmed.

Anybody who doubts that this is EXACTLY what the left wants is just too stupid for words.
Literally letting the third world take over our country.

It's here. The only issue is whether it is too late. There needs to be a purge of illegals. And I don't mean to kill anyone. I mean they should be rounded up and taken back. The wall needs to be finished ASAP. It's a national emergency. Birth right citizenship should end, companies should be fined and CEO given jail sentences as well.
There was a SIXTH rape. SIXTH happened today in Montgomery County.

Now it seems Marc Erlich may be changing his mind. Had no god damned common sense at first. Had to be politically pressured into this.


Montgomery County may revise order banning ICE agents from secure jail areas

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich is thinking about revising his executive order banning federal agents from secured areas of the county jail following its release of an illegal immigrant charged with rape for whom immigration enforcement officers had issued a detainer.

Mr. Elrich, a Democrat, said Tuesday during a press conference that he intends to “look into” changing the section of the Promoting Community Trust executive order he signed last month that prohibits Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from entering the secured part of the jail to retrieve detainees.

As it stands now, immigrants have to exit the secure part of the jail into the lobby area or parking lot before ICE officials can take custody of them.

“There are questions people have raised not just about the safety of the ICE officials but the safety of anybody else who might be out there [in the lobby area],” the county executive said.

Mr. Elrich said his executive order is merely continuing the previous administration’s policy for the county’s Department of Correction and Rehabilitation, which notifies ICE when an immigrant is released via a court order.

Rodrigo Castro-Montejo, 25, of El Salvador, was detained Aug. 11 after being charged with second-degree rape and second-degree assault of a woman at a hotel in Rockville.

The next day, ICE issued a detainer to the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation (DOCR), and the court set Mr. Castro-Montejo’s bail, which he posted.

On Aug. 13, DOCR officials contacted ICE to notify them six hours before Mr. Castro-Montejo’s release.

ICE requests to be notified as soon as possible about a release or at least 48 hours in advance.

“I resent this notion they need 48 hours notice. There’s only one jail in Montgomery County. We’re an hour’s drive from Baltimore. The idea that they can’t get here is ludicrous,” Mr. Elrich said.

ICE confirmed in a statement that DOCR tried to contact an off-duty officer who was traveling outside the area. It added that it directs local officials in its detainers to contact the Law Enforcement Support Center, which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, “ensuring there are no breakdowns in good-faith communication efforts.”

Mr. Elrich said it is not the county government’s responsibility to determine when someone is released from jail but the responsibility of the courts.

“County police and our Correction and Rehabilitation departments are not authorized to detain someone based on an ICE detainer since it is not a judicial warrant, and no court has directed corrections to detain people beyond their release date,” Mr. Elrich said in a statement, adding that the county is following the legal guidance of Maryland’s attorney general.

ICE officials have said they also send with a detainer an administrative arrest warrant, which a judge does not need to sign. It gives local law enforcement the authority to detain immigrants for up to 48 hours so that ICE can assume custody of them.

“The public has been misled to believe that certain judges have the authority to sign a warrant for civil immigration violations, but no such judicial authority exists,” said ICE spokeswoman Justine Whelan. “This idea is a myth created by those who either oppose immigration enforcement efforts, are misinformed, or who do not understand how the immigration system works.”

Christoper Hajec, director of litigation at the Immigration Reform Law Institute, said the country has been using administrative warrants to detain illegal immigrants since 1790.

“You don’t have a right to be in the country in the first place, so the Fourth Amendment doesn’t really apply,” Mr. Hajec said.
I remember Montgomery County back in the 80's. It was a model community, from Chevy Chase to Germantown. I don't remember things being overtly political, people just enjoying their affluence, thanks to Ronald Reagan. It is sad what the liberals have done to it.

I see Elrich was from Tacoma Park, which is a bunch of libtard moonbats. How did he gain momentum?
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I remember Montgomery County back in the 80's. It was a model community, from Chevy Chase to Germantown. I don't remember things being overtly political, people just enjoying their affluence, thanks to Ronald Reagan. It is sad what the liberals have done to it.

I see Elrich was from Tacoma Park, which is a bunch of libtard moonbats. How did he gain momentum?

Montgomery County is still great. It's a tremendous area to live/raise a family. It's just Liberal. Always has been. And across America, Liberal policies have evolved into the utterly stupid.

I've lived here since 1991. Haven't seen much change.

However....they do this forced segregation thing I'm not sure works or doesn't. Each time there is a community built, low income house must be included. So you'll see a development going up of $500K, $600K, $700K homes and at the end of the street they will be forced to build 20 low income town house units. Blending the rich with the poor.

I live three houses away from ours in our development. Twice this year we have seen the police evicting people. It's louder than the rest of the neighborhood (go figure). Their cars drive faster with windows down music blaring. More ambulance visits to that group of homes than anywhere else in the neighborhood. What doesn't happen, oddly enough (said in jest) is intermingling. They are their own mini community, we are ours.

However, I know one woman there who's one of life's angels and we have known her for the time we have lived here. I coached her kids. Her kids, besides one naturally born, are kids she adopted from Guatemala and Africa. Literally paid and flew to these places and got the kids. She works at a law firm. Isn't even a paralegal. Scrapes by I'm guessing. Yet has this love in her heart to raise kids.

Montgomery County hasn't changed, IMHO. Liberal policies have. And they've become more dangerous.