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Will Obama ever lecture radical muslims against killing Christians?


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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Just a question. Would be nice to hear. He sort of missed the Easter massacre window.
Silence speaks louder than words in his case. I still can't believe he's been elected twice. The electorate is clueless.
Silence speaks louder than words in his case. I still can't believe he's been elected twice. The electorate is clueless.

Given the chance, I believe he would be elected for a 3rd. There are too many people out there that either do not care or do not know any better.
Given the chance, I believe he would be elected for a 3rd. There are too many people out there that either do not care or do not know any better.

Yep. The alternatives aren't particularly enticing either. Thank God for term limits, although I don't think Michelle would let him run again anyway.
Just a question. Would be nice to hear. He sort of missed the Easter massacre window.

I can't believe you would bring that up at a time when we have Cuban relations to worry about.

He kinda worked the subject into his busy Cuban experience when he gave us this little speech 'bus' .

Obama: Wrong To Assume Brussels Attackers Muslim

HAVANA (WNB) - President Obama took time out of his Cuban vacation Tuesday to react to the terrorist attack that killed dozens and injured over 100 in Brussels, Belgium by cautioning against assuming the attackers were Muslim.

"Blaming this attack on individuals of a particular faith such as Islam is almost as bad as the attack itself," said Obama. "This incident could just as much be domestic terrorism by zealous conservative fanatics like we've seen in our own country or simply workplace violence. Justice is not served by the groundless impugning of a peaceful religion practiced by nearly 2 billion people."

President Obama made the remarks while touring the Che Guevara memorial with his family (below).


Yinz see Burgandy's coverage ?

He kinda worked the subject into his busy Cuban experience when he gave us this little speech 'bus' .

Obama: Wrong To Assume Brussels Attackers Muslim

HAVANA (WNB) - President Obama took time out of his Cuban vacation Tuesday to react to the terrorist attack that killed dozens and injured over 100 in Brussels, Belgium by cautioning against assuming the attackers were Muslim.

"Blaming this attack on individuals of a particular faith such as Islam is almost as bad as the attack itself," said Obama. "This incident could just as much be domestic terrorism by zealous conservative fanatics like we've seen in our own country or simply workplace violence. Justice is not served by the groundless impugning of a peaceful religion practiced by nearly 2 billion people."

President Obama made the remarks while touring the Che Guevara memorial with his family (below).


It took me a minute to realize that was satire, sounds like something he'd say.The picture gave it away though.
Aside from Oduma never condemning Islamic terrorism, you never hear Muslims condemn it either. Very telling...
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Obama Doesn’t Like To Say ‘Islamic Terrorism.’ Neither Did George W. Bush.

Obama made clear his reasons for his more careful word choices at the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism in February.

“All of us have a responsibility to refute the notion that groups like [ISIS] somehow represent Islam, because that is a falsehood that embraces the terrorist narrative,” he said.

“We are not at war with Islam,” Obama added. “We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.”

That distinction was not a partisan one — until very recently.

In fact, former President George W. Bush made a very similar remark in a speech he delivered to airline employees just weeks after the 9/11 attacks.

“Americans understand we fight not a religion,” he said. “Ours is not a campaign against the Muslim faith. Ours is a campaign against evil.”

Although the two have taken very different approaches to combatting terrorism, it’s strikingly hard to tell the difference between their statements on the divide between the majority of those who practice Islam and those who invoke the faith to carry out violence.

“There are thousands of Muslims who proudly call themselves Americans, and they know what I know — that the Muslim faith is based upon peace and love and compassion,” Bush once said.

Echoing that sentiment, Obama said in February, “The terrorists do not speak for over a billion Muslims who reject their hateful ideology.”
Tibs, I've got some beachfront property I'd like to sell. You interested?
It's a nuanced issue, but ask yourself this. As the leader of the free world, do you want to declare war on 1.6 billion muslims around the world, or rather limit that scope to several thousand jihadist terrorists? You guys can't be that dumb to suggest Obama and the entirety of American political and military leadership don't know that with Al Queda & ISIS they're up against radical islamic terrorists. Well, on second thought, maybe you are. There is a very specific reason Obama, the rest of the cabinet, as well as Western leaders around the world use the terminology they do. Just think about it, as painful as that may be.
It's a nuanced issue, but ask yourself this. As the leader of the free world, do you want to declare war on 1.6 billion muslims around the world, or rather limit that scope to several thousand jihadist terrorists? You guys can't be that dumb to suggest Obama and the entirety of American political and military leadership don't know that with Al Queda & ISIS they're up against radical islamic terrorists. Well, on second thought, maybe you are. There is a very specific reason Obama, the rest of the cabinet, as well as Western leaders around the world use the terminology they do. Just think about it, as painful as that may be.

Until Muzzloids condemn Islamic terrorism they are supporters of it. They've had a lot of years and opportunities but haven't done it.
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Obama Doesn’t Like To Say ‘Islamic Terrorism.’ Neither Did George W. Bush.

Not many called it "Islamic terrorism" at that time, because it was probably the right thing to do at that time. But since 9/11 the attacks and murders have increased and intensified, and everyone is tired of appeasing these murderous mother ******* and finally calling it what is, "Islamic Terror".
Furthermore since 9/11 these murderous ******* clearly have made it known it is about Islam, its thrown in your faces and you tolerant compassionate ***** refuse to see it see it... what the **** does "ALLAH AHKBAR " mean to you before every bomb explosion or attack by gunfire by a Muslim?
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Until Muzzloids condemn Islamic terrorism they are supporters of it. They've had a lot of years and opportunities but haven't done it.
Pray tell, how would you prefer 1.6 billion muslims around the world to condemn Islamic terrorism? Send out a press release? Send you an email? Get off your lazy *** and look around, maybe read something other than breibart and oldwhiteguyswillruleagain.com, or wherever it is you get your information from.

Muslims against terrorism and extremism

Muslims Against Terrorism (M-A-T)

Muslims Around the World Speak Out Against Terrorist Attacks in Paris

How 70,000 Muslim Clerics Are Standing Up To Terrorism

Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again

Furthermore since 9/11 these murderous ******* clearly have made it known it is about Islam, its thrown in your faces and you tolerant compassionate ***** refuse to see it see it... what the **** does "ALLAH AHKBAR " mean to you before every bomb explosion or attack by gunfire by a Muslim?
You can't possibly be this dense. Well, actually. Who do you think doesn't understand who these terrorists are? Obama? The US military? Because they don't go screaming it in your face, you really think they don't know who these groups are?
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Pray tell, how would you prefer 1.6 billion muslims around the world to condemn Islamic terrorism? Send out a press release? Send you an email? Get off your lazy *** and look around, maybe read something other than breibart and oldwhiteguyswillruleagain.com, or wherever it is you get your information from.

Muslims against terrorism and extremism

Muslims Against Terrorism (M-A-T)

Muslims Around the World Speak Out Against Terrorist Attacks in Paris

How 70,000 Muslim Clerics Are Standing Up To Terrorism

Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again

You can't possibly be this dense. Well, actually. Who do you think doesn't understand who these terrorists are? Obama? The US military? Because they don't go screaming it in your face, you really think they don't know who these groups are?

If they are such a small minority like you say they are, stay and fight and wipe the earth of the scum. But they don't because down deep its in there DNA to hate anything different than there screwed up religion.
Pray tell, how would you prefer 1.6 billion muslims around the world to condemn Islamic terrorism? Send out a press release? Send you an email? Get off your lazy *** and look around, maybe read something other than breibart and oldwhiteguyswillruleagain.com, or wherever it is you get your information from.

Muslims against terrorism and extremism

Muslims Against Terrorism (M-A-T)

Muslims Around the World Speak Out Against Terrorist Attacks in Paris

How 70,000 Muslim Clerics Are Standing Up To Terrorism

Think Muslims Haven’t Condemned ISIS? Think Again

You can't possibly be this dense. Well, actually. Who do you think doesn't understand who these terrorists are? Obama? The US military? Because they don't go screaming it in your face, you really think they don't know who these groups are?

That isn't ****. They haven't done anything but try to save a little face for their fear of discrimination or profiling. Preach against it in the mosques. All imams should go public. Their leaders should be on all the major networks, globally, railing against it. You're a ******* idiot. And probably a terrorist too.
It's a nuanced issue, but ask yourself this. As the leader of the free world, do you want to declare war on 1.6 billion muslims around the world, or rather limit that scope to several thousand jihadist terrorists? You guys can't be that dumb to suggest Obama and the entirety of American political and military leadership don't know that with Al Queda & ISIS they're up against radical islamic terrorists. Well, on second thought, maybe you are. There is a very specific reason Obama, the rest of the cabinet, as well as Western leaders around the world use the terminology they do. Just think about it, as painful as that may be.

I think you make life difficult enough for ALL Muslims that they root out the extremists in their midst and stop raising their kids that way. Don't do like Europe did and cave in to their bullshit. For example this is America and if someone wants to open a BBQ joint next to a mosque, well they have that right so too ******* bad.
I'd like to see Muslim demonstrations in the streets as large and voicifferous against terrorist attacks as the ones over the Mohamed cartoons.