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Will Obama ever lecture radical muslims against killing Christians?

I don't know if that chart helps you much Tibs...
Not sure what type of help I'm looking for. The truth is always halfway out there, somewhere in between ALL muslims support and condone terrrorism and NO muslims support terrorism. I'm just trying to point out the overrriding opinion of this board - that ALL muslims are terrorist scum - is in fact, inaccurate.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:

Isis threatens Europe with further terrorist attacks while celebrating 'blessed' Brussels bombings

Isis has threatened more attacks on Europe after celebrating its “blessed” bombings in Brussels in the latest issue of its Dabiq propaganda magazine.

The terrorist group sought to present the massacres on 22 March as a well-planned operation, but investigators said the Belgian capital was only targeted in desperation as authorities closed in on a cell planning further attacks in France.

One of the four intended suicide bombers, Mohamed Abrini, is now in police custody after fleeing Brussels Airport and dumping his explosives vest in a bin.

He was conspicuously absent from Isis’ account of the atrocities, where it praised brothers Ibrahim and Khalid el-Bakraoui, and Najim Laachraoui, who conspired with Abrini to attack the airport and Maalbeek Metro station, killing more than 30 people.

The propaganda magazine confirmed investigators’ findings that Laachraoui was a bomb-maker for both the Paris and Brussels attacks, saying he “completed his training” after being injured fighting in Syria.

Isis also paid tribute to Mohamed Belkaid, who was shot dead in the Brussels police raid that led to the capture of Salah Abdeslam.

His testimony, alongside that of Abrini and several arrested accomplices, is expected to be crucial allowing intelligence agencies to rout out any remaining Isis networks in Europe.

A spokesperson for the Belgian federal prosecutor’s office said the cell that carried out the Brussels attacks “initially had the intention to strike in France again”.

“Eventually, surprised by the speed of the progress in the ongoing investigation, they urgently took the decision to strike in Brussels,” he added.

The account was supported by a panicked note allegedly left by Brahim el-Bakraoui shortly before he blew himself up.

Found on a discarded laptop, it said he felt “in a rush, not knowing what to do, being hunted everywhere, no longer being safe” and feared being caught.

There was little evidence of the supposed resolve presented in Dabiq, where Isis claimed el-Bakraoui “decided to live for his religion in prison”.

Alongside photos of the dead attackers, the magazine contains images of the aftermath of the Brussels attacks including the destroyed airport terminal and train, and bloodied victims.

Isis vowed to continue carrying out global atrocities until all Muslims live under its brutal interpretation of Sharia law.

“Flames ignited years ago in Iraq have now scorched the battleground of Belgium, soon to spread to the rest of crusader Europe and the West,” it said.

“Paris was a warning. Brussels was a reminder."

“What is yet to come will be more devastating and more bitter by the permission of Allah…soldiers of the Islamic State promise their adversaries dark days of death and destruction in their own lands.”

The so-called Islamic State outlined its intention to damage Western economies and infrastructure, repeating previous threats as it continues to feel the impact of air strikes on its territories.

And a sliver of good news...though it probably doesn't diminish ISIS's current capabilities on mainland Europe.

Fighters’ salaries were reportedly halved earlier this year, as a string of money-making schemes were imposed amid a campaign targeting oil revenue.

The US-led coalition has been bombing the terrorist group’s oil fields, supply lines and cash stores since October as part of Operation Tidal Wave II, and an Isis document warning of cuts due to “exceptional circumstances” appeared to show it working.

American officials claimed that operations were already “putting significant damage on Isil’s ability to fund itself” within weeks and vowed to “step up the attack”.

General Lloyd Austin, head of the US Central Command, told reporters in January that it had deprived the group of “millions of dollars” and Antony Blinken, the Deputy Secretary of State, recently outlined significant territory losses.

“Working with local partners, we have taken back 40 per cent of the territory Daesh (Isis) controlled a year ago in Iraq and 10 per cent in Syria,” he said.

“We assess Daesh’s numbers are the lowest they’ve been since we began monitoring their manpower in 2014.”
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Isis not supported by overwhelming majority of young Arabs, research suggests

The comprehensive study of young people living in 16 different countries in the Middle East and North Africa found very little support for the terror group and most believe the group will fail

An overwhelming majority of Arab young people don’t support Islamic State and think it will fail, new research has suggested.

The Arab Youth Survey has found that contrary to the terror group’s claims to represent the region, relatively few young people support their aims and most describe themselves as deeply concerned by Isis.

The major study involved face-to-face interviews with 3,500 people aged 18 to 24 living in 16 different countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The research is conducted annually by public relations firm ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller. It found that the terror group’s “savage tactics and twisted interpretation of Islam are roundly rejected by the overwhelming majority of young Arabs.”

77 per cent of those surveyed said that they are “concerned” by the rise of Isis. Just 15 per cent believe that the group will ultimately succeed in its aim of establishing an Islamic state, while 76 per cent say they believe it will fail.


The study found that young people not only disagreed with Isis’ violence but also with the group’s fundamental beliefs. When asked if they could be drawn to support Isis if they used less violent tactics, the results remained strongly against, with 78 per cent disagreeing, 13 per cent agreeing and 9 per cent of respondents saying they were unsure.

When asked what they felt the primary factors luring people into the group were, the young people most commonly suggested lack of employment opportunities among youth leading to disenfranchisement and economic desperation.

Hassan Hassan, a fellow for Middle East Policy in Washington DC said of the findings: “As responders to the survey show, lack of jobs and opportunities is often identified as a top driver behind membership in such organisations. Members do not say they join for economic reasons, but other factors they identify- including ones related to religious reasons could be a proxy of economic or social factors."

Mr Hassan added that this meant that in order to secure long term peace and stability, Isis could not be tackled only as a military threat, but that underlying social and economic factors in the Middle East must be addressed also especially among vulnerable and disaffected youth. He said: “The solution to Daesh must not be limited to military and security responses. The organisation thrives on political, economic, social and religious failures. Daesh may weaken and disappear, but the underlying sickness will remain and similar groups will emerge if that sickness is not addressed.”

Concerns over the threat of Isis are growing, with 50 per cent of young people saying that the group’s presence is their single biggest fear, up 37 per cent from last year. Isis’ violence has been perceived as increasing in recent months, following a series of bombings in Europe and accounts of horrific physical and sexual violence by victims captured by the group for forced marriages with Isis fighters.

Research conducted in November across all age groups in 11 different countries in the Middle East found that residents had “overwhelmingly negative views” of the group.

Due to the covert nature of Isis operations, the groups’ membership numbers are difficult to accurately ascertain and intelligence organisations’ estimates vary widely. The CIA has estimated that it has between 10,000 and 20,000 members, however the Russian government puts the number at 70,000.

Last year, Jeb Bush claimed in a speech that the group had 200,000 members but later stated that he had meant to say 20,000 but misspoke.

Completely utter bullshit you Libs buy into. Let me remind you, the smallest percentages of heathens cause tens of millions of deaths. How many times must we remind you of the facts? The vast majority do not support Jihad. It only takes a small percentage to wreak carnage. 1% of them are willing to die for their religion. 1.6 Million. Worldwide. 19 of them killed over 3,500 here in the US on 9/11. 7 or so killed 130+ in Paris. What the **** do you not understand about the numbers? It does not matter one iota if the VAST majority of them view ISIS or Jihad. Not a bit. It's the radicals and the number of them that is the problem.

I don't think you can watch this enough. We can't post it enough.

I'm just trying to point out the overrriding opinion of this board - that ALL muslims are terrorist scum - is in fact, inaccurate.

You are a scary individual. I mean, really. You scare me with your thinking.

I challenge you to find a post by anyone here that validates that they believe that ALL Muslims are terrorists.

Go on, we wait.
correct. there is at least 80,000,000 Muzzies who fully endorse ISIS (that's .5 of the total Muslim population), yet the 99.5% remainder will not rise up to squash these *******. Thus, we can justly conclude that they actually do support this **** or don't give a **** enough about their fellow man to stop this ****.
correct. there is at least 80,000,000 Muzzies who fully endorse ISIS (that's .5 of the total Muslim population), yet the 99.5% remainder will not rise up to squash these *******. Thus, we can justly conclude that they actually do support this **** or don't give a **** enough about their fellow man to stop this ****.

You better not draw a picture of Mohamed though....
The sad thing is they blame the attraction to ISIS on lack of economic opportunity, but they don't seem to grasp that the lack of economic opportunity is directly related to their oppressive, backward, misogynist, racist, violent belief system.
The sad thing is they blame the attraction to ISIS on lack of economic opportunity, but they don't seem to grasp that the lack of economic opportunity is directly related to their oppressive, backward, misogynist, racist, violent belief system.

Awesome ^^^

I should make it my signature. But elfiePoloAfricanJewIndian's admission is tough to replace.
The sad thing is they blame the attraction to ISIS on lack of economic opportunity, but they don't seem to grasp that the lack of economic opportunity is directly related to their oppressive, backward, misogynist, racist, violent belief system.

You say that, like you believe de-evolving your society into a 4th century, Arab warlord culture is a bad thing.