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Woke SCOTUS Nominee May Be In Trouble

I feel like we are living in South Africa now.
Apparently a Harvard graduate doesn't know the details of the Dread Scott case, something I was taught in 8th grade.
Apparently a Harvard graduate doesn't know the details of the Dread Scott case, something I was taught in 8th grade.
I haven't been following this too much, but it's troubling to me (not that it means anything), that she isn't familiar with likely the worst decision ever made by the supreme court.
Moot point, because the socialist loons love her because she isn't a white male, and those with any reasoning ability will be left shaking their heads.
FF to 3:46.
Two sides of the coin. both actions are equally wrong. but she minimizes the ease of which someone can receive/distribute via internet. bad thing is, she doesn't realize that.

Good lord...does she not understand why child pornography is a bad thing and why it is illegal? It's not illegal because society are killjoys. The reason for punishing distributors and possessors of child pornography is because it does massive, irreparable psychological and physical harm to the children who are exploited and abused. The harm that goes into 1,000 photos is the same whether they're sent on the internet in 10 minutes, or sent in the post over 30 years.
The communists that control Joe Biden picked her for Joe. Joe goes through the process of nomination. She will be appointed the position because 51 communists in the senate will vote yes.
The communists that control Joe Biden picked her for Joe. Joe goes through the process of nomination. She will be appointed the position because 51 communists in the senate will vote yes.
Also the three RINO's.
They don't have the votes to stop her, so she will be the next justice on the supreme court. We can only hope no one else dies or retires in the next 3 years.

Nah, mid terms will give us the house and possibly the senate. A liberal like Jackson Brown will never get in after Mid terms.
Rooney Rule
Gotta disagree here. The Rooney rule is not affirmative action as it does not require the hiring of anyone based on minority status. It only requires a chance for an interview for more of those of minority status. As conservative as I am I have no problem with a rule that only asks for the opportunities to be heard not a requirement to hire based on minority status or requires quotas to be hit. It is still best man gets the job it justs opens the door to more people to have that chance. That is far different than saying I will only consider black women(assuming one can even define that) for SCOTUS.
that was kinda tongue-in-cheek, SIL
Moot point, because the socialist loons love her because she isn't a white male, and those with any reasoning ability will be left shaking their heads.

Janice Rogers Brown would like a word.
**** the Rooney rule. It’s bullshit. Always hire based on merit and qualifications, regardless of color. Piece of **** Xiden nominated a commie **** based solely on color. It’s absolutely crazy.
**** the Rooney rule. It’s bullshit. Always hire based on merit and qualifications, regardless of color. Piece of **** Xiden nominated a commie **** based solely on color. It’s absolutely crazy.
You're talking about affirmative action. All the Rooney rule does is to make sure minorities that are qualified get the opportunity to be interviewed and not ignored.
That woman? Ok,I'm not a biologist. It could slit a newborn baby's throat live on tv and she would still get in. They'd just say it was a retroactive abortion. Probably give her some award for being brave.
As much as Biden's reasoning for nominating this woman is ****** up, that isn't what bothers me about her. It's the way she rules and ignores the constitution that troubles me. It's why the news media gets everyone all frothed up over the fact that he nominated a black woman. That she refuses to define a woman. Blah blah. If you're talking about that, you aren't talking about her judicial record, which is the only disqualifying thing about her.