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WR coach out, who you gonna call, Hines Ward

I dunno. Every workday I have an authenticator number given to me to sign on. Today it was number 86. Ok girl just had talked about Hines before I went to work.
A very odd can only mean one thing, he is coming aboard.

Not sure which one she would rather be referred to as,,? "Old girl" which is what u normally call her,,,, or "ok girl" ?
Won't happen. Who was the last Steeler player to make a name for themselves as a coach under Coach T?
Joey Porter for getting into a scrum on the field with the Bungles.
I don’t really count The Bruce because he was already here when Shades arrived.
I really hope that's not he's about. That's not leadership. You surround yourself with the best in order to succeed. Anything less is doing a disservice to the team.

It's not a popularity contest. It should be about formulating a championship culture with a sole purpose of being the best.
You’re funny.
The sole purpose now is to surround yourself with friends who won’t challenge you and get to a minimum of 8-8-1.
Not sure which one she would rather be referred to as,,? "Old girl" which is what u normally call her,,,, or "ok girl" ?
Ol... Auto correct doesn't like me shortening old.😁
I really hope that's not he's about. That's not leadership. You surround yourself with the best in order to succeed. Anything less is doing a disservice to the team.

It's not a popularity contest. It should be about formulating a championship culture with a sole purpose of being the best.

I don't think I'm ever going to see that again.
Not being in the locker room or the front office, I have no idea whether that's the case or not, but from a fan's perspective, and after so many years of mediocre assistants, it certainly appears to be the case.
Not being in the locker room or the front office, I have no idea whether that's the case or not, but from a fan's perspective, and after so many years of mediocre assistants, it certainly appears to be the case.

..or run off the good ones. It's not a good picture when they talk about NOT being able to do their job.
And his growth to HC was in spite of association with Shades, not because of it.
And he was essentially fired by the Steelers (contract not renewed) for getting their QB killed.
Best part was The Bruce reading in the morning paper that he retired when the day before Shades said that his coaching staff would return intact.
And he was essentially fired by the Steelers (contract not renewed) for getting their QB killed.
Best part was The Bruce reading in the morning paper that he retired when the day before Shades said that his coaching staff would return intact.
Yes, that story showcased how Shades was NOT truly "running things." And then there was the dishonest claim that Bruce "retired" when in fact he never said that but Rooneys didn't want to look too cold for showing him the door so they made it up. And Tomlin was clueless about it.
Yes, that story showcased how Shades was NOT truly "running things." And then there was the dishonest claim that Bruce "retired" when in fact he never said that but Rooneys didn't want to look too cold for showing him the door so they made it up. And Tomlin was clueless about it.
Although as it turned out, they’d have done better to keep making the coaching hires for him.
The O hasn’t come close to those stats under Haley since he’s been gone.
Until now when they hired Smith we’ve had a steady assortment of Shades’ buddies at all coaching positions.
As bad as Canaduh sucked and as unqualified as he was…he was hired as QB coach because he was Shades’ buddy…and promoted to OC because he was Shades’ buddy. Left to his own devices, Matt Canaduh is what you get.
Heck, even Cook and Joe mentioned on 93.7 this morning.

Well, hell's bells. Another coach showcasing a lack of discipline. Geez louise, Cripes on a popsicle stick. I am sure Jackson was just trying to fit in; the entire team is replete with lack of discipline. And now another article comes out and makes the same statement: the team lacks discipline. Oh, let's blame the WR coach, he can't do anything to defend himself, we'll make him the scapegoat. That will do the trick. Oh, let's not spread any blame to the most obvious source. The head coach has nothing to do with team discipline or the lack thereof. Let's just blame some obscure WR coach for it.

Yea, that's the ticket, the head coach has nothing to do With team discipline. No, that can't be the reason why so many players have spoken out about it. Tomlin is all about discipline. As a matter of fact, when discipline gets really bad, he will take ping pong privileges away from players, but only the rookies (it would be too Machiavellian to take ping pong privileges from the ENTIRE team. What is he, a monster?)

can we have a Tomlin free February. Just stop referring to Tomlin in any way for a month. Lets talk about other things.... I dont know how you do it.
Although as it turned out, they’d have done better to keep making the coaching hires for him.
The O hasn’t come close to those stats under Haley since he’s been gone.
Of course, you are 100% right. Shades hiring his "buddies" is a sure fire FAIL, if there has ever been one. The entire team, functioning on "buddy hires" is simply a FAIL from the get go. The fact Rooney allowed us to get here is an abomination. They were much more proper in leaving assistant coach hires out of Shades' hands.
an we have a Tomlin free February. Just stop referring to Tomlin in any way for a month. Lets talk about other things.... I dont know how you do it.
It's hard to not bring him up when he is the root cause of most of the team's issues. How do you NOT bring him up, if you care about the team's success?
It's hard to not bring him up when he is the root cause of most of the team's issues. How do you NOT bring him up, if you care about the team's success?

You're like Old Man Jenkins from Scooby Doo. Everything was fine if it werent for that meddling coach and his dog.
Of course, you are 100% right. Shades hiring his "buddies" is a sure fire FAIL, if there has ever been one. The entire team, functioning on "buddy hires" is simply a FAIL from the get go. The fact Rooney allowed us to get here is an abomination. They were much more proper in leaving assistant coach hires out of Shades' hands.
Nothing wrong with hiring people you know or worked with before, sometimes that can be good, problem comes when that’s the ONLY people you hire.
You're like Old Man Jenkins from Scooby Doo. Everything was fine if it werent for that meddling coach and his dog.
And you're like the current adm. on all the actual faults of what's wrong with the country: "Oh, all those illegal immigrants coming in, it's all because of the last adm. i tell you!"
can we have a Tomlin free February. Just stop referring to Tomlin in any way for a month. Lets talk about other things.... I dont know how you do it.
LOL...If you want a free month of non-Tomlin talk just don't jump into the site for a month. Nothing wrong with taking a break from here. Seriously though. You need to blame Mr. Rooney. If he had fired Tomlin this off-season I doubt his name would be mentioned on here at all. :oops:
LOL...If you want a free month of non-Tomlin talk just don't jump into the site for a month. Nothing wrong with taking a break from here. Seriously though. You need to blame Mr. Rooney. If he had fired Tomlin this off-season I doubt his name would be mentioned on here at all. :oops:
Oh yes it would. Some of these guys will ***** about him 15 years after he retires