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WTF is wrong with this Pope? Are the aliens controlling him?

I was just pulling your chain Ron. You know I like reading your ****, its usually very entertaining, but I must admit that I prefer the Steelers stuff and am pretty surprised with the level of hate in here.

I hate Muslims and I freely admit that. It's not because they are a different religion or tend to be darker-skinned people (the Tsarnaev brothers were white Chechnyans), but simply because their holy book tells them to kill me, and you too, and they take that **** seriously.
Follow your faith Man. You seem to have a good heart. Know this though. When you cede individual moral authority to a government, very bad things always happen because people suck. You get Stalin, Mao, the Khmar Rouge, and most recently ISIS. The Founders researched extensively on forms of government and economics that would provide the most freedom to the citizens, and religious freedom was a prerequisite. Read Thomas Paine, De Tocqueville, and The Federalist Papers.
Well that would be my exact concern about Mr. Trump. He doesn't talk about we. As in we need to find answers to this problem. It is, I have the answers. Don't worry. I got it. So it isn't ceding moral authority to a government, but to a man. A single person who acts as though he has all the answers. I find that extremely frightening and cannot believe people are being seduced by this.
Well that would be my exact concern about Mr. Trump. He doesn't talk about we. As in we need to find answers to this problem. It is, I have the answers. Don't worry. I got it. So it isn't ceding moral authority to a government, but to a man. A single person who acts as though he has all the answers. I find that extremely frightening and cannot believe people are being seduced by this.
So we will never agree on anything. This is about national security and common sense. It's called being the President. It's been a while since we've seen it, and I don't know how old you are, so you might not be familiar with it. You are conflating it with something else.
I hate Muslims and I freely admit that. It's not because they are a different religion or tend to be darker-skinned people (the Tsarnaev brothers were white Chechnyans), but simply because their holy book tells them to kill me, and you too, and they take that **** seriously.
I will not pretend to know the Qur'an, because frankly, I've never read a word of it. From what I've heard of it, and people who do know it, that would be an incredible reach. Some people have taken that text and bastardized it, which can be done with any Holy Text for their own sick agenda. I laugh frequently when I hear fundamental Christians quoting the Old Testament for their purpose (which has some pretty ****** up ideas too, by the way). I always think to myself, "Did you read the end part, the part where Christ talks" I mean you are a Christian.
- Jesus should we pay taxes.
- Let me see the coin friend.
- Who's face is on it.
- Caeser's.
- Render unto Caeser, the things that are Caeser's. And render unto God the things that are God's.

aint one of these muther ******* in office on my coins.
So we will never agree on anything. This is about national security and common sense. It's called being the President. It's been a while since we've seen it, and I don't know how old you are, so you might not be familiar with it. You are conflating it with something else.
So which was this last President you speak of, who talked about rounding up people. Excluding people based upon their religious belief, building walls. Insulting people in vial ways and then hiding like a coward behind double speak. Who was this last great President.
I will not pretend to know the Qur'an, because frankly, I've never read a word of it. From what I've heard of it, and people who do know it, that would be an incredible reach. Some people have taken that text and bastardized it, which can be done with any Holy Text for their own sick agenda. I laugh frequently when I hear fundamental Christians quoting the Old Testament for their purpose (which has some pretty ****** up ideas too, by the way). I always think to myself, "Did you read the end part, the part where Christ talks" I mean you are a Christian.
Do you laugh frequently when Muslims stab Jews or bomb innocent people? Did you laugh at the massacre in California? You are a twit. Go **** yourself.
So which was this last President you speak of, who talked about rounding up people. Excluding people based upon their religious belief, building walls. Insulting people in vial ways and then hiding like a coward behind double speak. Who was this last great President.

Roosevelt. A hero of the liberals.
It was because they were transacting business inside the temple that Jesus chased out the money changers. It had nothing to do with the actual business, it had everything to do with profaning the sacred grounds.
Which is probably why the current Pope has rejected the huge king like Trappings of the Vatican for simpler digs. Though a Catholic myself, I've always considered overly ornate Churches and the Vatican regalia to be hypocritical and contrary to Christs message.
Do you laugh frequently when Muslims stab Jews or bomb innocent people? Did you laugh at the massacre in California? You are a twit. Go **** yourself.
No I take that very seriously, but just as I don't blame gun owners when some crazy ******** walks into an elementary school and slaughters little children, I don't blame individuals who have nothing to do with the actions of others who make up a small minority of their religion. And in fact are often victims of the same violence by the same radical nut jobs.
No I take that very seriously, but just as I don't blame gun owners when some crazy ******** walks into an elementary school and slaughters little children, I don't blame individuals who have nothing to do with the actions of others who make up a small minority of their religion. And in fact are often victims of the same violence by the same radical nut jobs.
Now its gun owners. You are such a typical liberal. You cannot stay on a linear train of thought because your **** makes no sense.
Explain to me exactly how that is not on the same train of thought. I don't blame a gun owner or call for banning guns because of the actions of one individual and I don't condemn a faith based on the actions of an individual. Explain to me how that is not the same idea or principle.
Explain to me exactly how that is not on the same train of thought. I don't blame a gun owner or call for banning guns because of the actions of one individual and I don't condemn a faith based on the actions of an individual. Explain to me how that is not the same idea or principle.
I can't. I am not trained in abnormal psychology. Carry on.
The surest sign of defeat in an argument is those who resort to insults. I laugh that you call me a liberal. Most people in the real world would think of me as a redneck. I just don't agree with hypocrisy and men trying to set themselves up like some type of dictator in a country that is supposed to be the freest land in the world.
The surest sign of defeat in an argument is those who resort to insults. I laugh that you call me a liberal. Most people in the real world would think of me as a redneck. I just don't agree with hypocrisy and men trying to set themselves up like some type of dictator in a country that is supposed to be the freest land in the world.
You argue like a liberal. You make false equivalencies, and you don't respond to callouts on your own inconsistencies. You are a mess and very familiar.
To your credit, you have been consistent. The rest of the sentence involved false equivalencies. You equated muslim "extremism" interpretation of the Koran, which involves killing infidels, with people quoting the Old Testament. You said that made you chuckle. In one case, they kill non-muslims, in the other they don't even think about killing anybody. The next one was gun owners. You magnanimously did not paint all gun owners as mass killers, and drew the equivalence to radical muslim terrorists. We completely disagree on the threat and how to deal with it. You keep making excuses for the perps, and we keep trying to figure out how to defeat them.
To your credit, you have been consistent. The rest of the sentence involved false equivalencies. You equated muslim "extremism" interpretation of the Koran, which involves killing infidels, with people quoting the Old Testament. You said that made you chuckle. In one case, they kill non-muslims, in the other they don't even think about killing anybody. The next one was gun owners. You magnanimously did not paint all gun owners as mass killers, and drew the equivalence to radical muslim terrorists. We completely disagree on the threat and how to deal with it. You keep making excuses for the perps, and we keep trying to figure out how to defeat them.
That isn't a false equivalency. In the one case I'm saying that lots of people misquote or use Holy Scripture for their own purpose instead of Love thy Neighbor. Now sure, when you use the scripture for hatred and violence that is worse. Kind of like the KKK.
The point of Gun Owners is this. I don't paint gun owners as violent nuts even though some people do horrible things with guns. You are a law abiding person. Why would I persecute you.
I understand you are all very scared and afraid right now. But I think you need to step back and see what some of you are saying
Liberals don't think. They emote.
Really. I'm listening to people talk about hating billions of people, in another thread someone advocating murdering the child of these two lunatics. That isn't emotion Really. And this Demagogue you support, whenever confronted with a truth or a fact rails into a ball of viscous emotion.
I just don't agree with hypocrisy and men trying to set themselves up like some type of dictator in a country that is supposed to be the freest land in the world.

We've seen 8 years of that.....I pray it ends soon.

Really. I'm listening to people talk about hating billions of people, in another thread someone advocating murdering the child of these two lunatics. That isn't emotion Really. And this Demagogue you support, whenever confronted with a truth or a fact rails into a ball of viscous emotion.

Are you familiar with the term "hyperbole"? How about sarcasm? This forum is rife with both. I'm quite certain that there is not even one person here who would actually advocate killing a baby.
Really. I'm listening to people talk about hating billions of people, in another thread someone advocating murdering the child of these two lunatics. That isn't emotion Really. And this Demagogue you support, whenever confronted with a truth or a fact rails into a ball of viscous emotion.

I'm not all warm and fuzzy towards people who want to kill me simply because I'm not in their cult.
Ok Chief, what was Jesus about. You tell me, cause I've read the book at least 20 times and he sounded about as much like a radical type communist as they come. Take care of the poor, don't judge other people, forgive people who wrong you even if they harm you in his name. Sounds like a real capitalist stance to me. What do I have to do to get to heaven Jesus- Sell everything you own and give it to the poor and come follow me.

He is talking specifically to people that follow him. He never mentions government doing anything. Please show me ONE passage where he tells the government what to do.. just ONE. Also his command to sell everything only happened when he called his disciples. He didn't give that command to everyone. Seriously if you've read it 20 times and don't understand the basic fundamentals then you need some help.

Also Joseph of Arimathea was one of the wealthiest men in all Judea. He could have feed tons of villages. Jesus never tells him to sell everything. Jesus' problem isn't wealthy people but people that love money more than God. Many of his followers were wealthy. And Jesus had NO problem with it... why should you?
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So it was the high prices in the Temple (sorry I noted synagogue). It wasn't that they had turned the Lord's house into a place of capitalism? Render onto Caesar the things that are Caesar, and render unto God the things that are God's. Sounds like he talked about tax there a little bit sport.

It wasn't capitalism at all. The money changers were taking advantage of Jews coming in from other parts of the Roman empire. Jesus threw them out of the temple because it was a place of "prayer" not a place of business. He was dealing directly with a spiritual issue NOT a business issue. It would be like a judge throwing out a popcorn salesman out of a courtroom. It doesn't belong there. Doesn't mean selling popcorn is bad. Also the "render unto Caesar what is Caesar" is a clear example of Jesus taking an issue and spinning it around on those that hated him. They wanted him to talk about overthrowing the Roman government. He didn't take the bait. Obviously you did.....
I will not pretend to know the Qur'an, because frankly, I've never read a word of it. From what I've heard of it, and people who do know it, that would be an incredible reach. Some people have taken that text and bastardized it, which can be done with any Holy Text for their own sick agenda. I laugh frequently when I hear fundamental Christians quoting the Old Testament for their purpose (which has some pretty ****** up ideas too, by the way). I always think to myself, "Did you read the end part, the part where Christ talks" I mean you are a Christian.

This is simply you being obtuse. You have a belief, and even if it's wrong (as I shall prove here), you won't cede. So why show to the discussion?

It isn't bastardized. It's written, in the book, many times. The 109 verses that call for Muslims to slice your head off are listed in the link below.


The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text (although many Muslims choose to think of them that way). They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran.

The context of violent passages is more ambiguous than might be expected of a perfect book from a loving God. Most contemporary Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret their holy book's call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Their apologists cater to these preferences with tenuous arguments that gloss over historical fact and generally do not stand up to scrutiny. Still, it is important to note that the problem is not bad people, but bad ideology.

Unfortunately, there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to abrogate or even balance out the many that call for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed. Muhammad's own martial legacy, along with the remarkable stress on violence found in the Quran, have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history.