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WTF is wrong with this Pope? Are the aliens controlling him?

I always despise when Neo-Socialists try and politicise Jesus and make his admonitions on charity about government theft and redistribution. I personally don't see what is hateful about being mistrustful of a large political movement with a thin disguise of religion and mysticism. The discussions of what could be done to deter these types suicide attack operations is purely theoretical and quite valid because we are faced with an enemy that hates us enough to disregard his own survival so long as he can kill as many of us as possible. Since wars are one strategically by taking the away the enemies will and ability to fight this sort of thing has to be on the table. Break the enemies will to attack by putting in his mind that someone he cares about more than himself will be destroyed. The Israelis stopped suicide bomb attacks by demolishing the homes of suicide bombers families. As to your attempted insult by implying fear is bad: There is nothing wrong with having a healthy fear and respect for an implacable enemy who has vowed to kill or subjugate us and destroy the way of life that we hold so dear.
Well that would be my exact concern about Mr. Trump. He doesn't talk about we. As in we need to find answers to this problem. It is, I have the answers. Don't worry. I got it. So it isn't ceding moral authority to a government, but to a man. A single person who acts as though he has all the answers. I find that extremely frightening and cannot believe people are being seduced by this.

The current occupant of the Oval Office does the same thing, or at least often talks about it without actually fixing anything. How do you feel about that?
I'm not all warm and fuzzy towards people who want to kill me simply because I'm not in their cult.
Then hunt the ones that feel that way and kill them. I'm all for that. It is war. There is no doubt about that. Just don't extend it to the people who want to live out their lives in peace please.
I will not pretend to know the Qur'an, because frankly, I've never read a word of it. From what I've heard of it, and people who do know it, that would be an incredible reach.
It's not. It's right there in black and white.

Some people have taken that text and bastardized it, which can be done with any Holy Text for their own sick agenda. I laugh frequently when I hear fundamental Christians quoting the Old Testament for their purpose (which has some pretty ****** up ideas too, by the way). I always think to myself, "Did you read the end part, the part where Christ talks" I mean you are a Christian.
As I say to every Liberal who says this, the New Testament supersedes the Old Testament and nowhere in the NT does is say to kill non-believers. The Quoran has no such second edition except for the Hadith, that in most respects is worse, which gives the proper Islamic instructions for beating your wife, raping non-Muslim women, and ******* goats. You might think I'm kidding but I'm not.
Back in this country - Obama's legacy of hate marches on

Man Suing Museum for Exhibiting Paintings Depicting Jesus as White Because That’s Racist

A man is actually suing the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York for exhibiting masterpiece paintings of Jesus Christ because Jesus is white and blond in the paintings � and that is racist.

Justin Renel Joseph has filed a lawsuit in the Manhattan Supreme Court alleging that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 demands that the four paintings be removed, according to an article in New York Post.

"They completely changed his race to make him more aesthetically pleasing for white people," he told the Post. "I'm suing a public venue which by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 can't discriminate on a protected basis."

Joseph said that seeing a white Jesus in Ricci's "The Holy Family with Angels," Perugino's "The Resurrection," Tintoretto's "The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes" and Granacci's "The Crucifixion" caused him "personal stress."


That starts with stopping them from coming into our country while we hunt the ones that are already here.

Also one would think that if they want to live their lives in peace, such as peace is in Islam, they would stick to predominantly Muslim countries where they would not have to be offended by the sight of pulled pork BBQ, homosexuals cavorting about, and women not wearing hijabs and driving cars.

Ron, totally off topic as I realize this thread is about Our Holy Father being a communist/ marxist bent on taking our money through taxation in the false name of the environment. However, I picked up on your statement about trying to hire people from the welfare office and Craigslist, but no one is willing to work because it is difficult to get their *** off the couch for just above welfare wages. I'll assume you are trying to hire laborers, possibly construction. Cause you probably aren't looking for a physicist or an IT expert at the welfare office. Now the truth here is that it isn't just the poor who aren't willing to do manual labour anymore, it is our youth who refuse to get up on a roof and tear shingles. We have made them soft with technology and pampering and a blue ribbon for anything. So the US has a self imposed Slave force willing to pick vegetables, rip shingles or any other job that very few if any of our own youth would do. Now Mr. Trump would deport these people to rid yourselves of rapists and murderers and then let the good ones in legally. So who will be paying the higher wages and benefits of these citizens. And if they clue in that they aren't making anymore at minimum wage then welfare, won't they just suckle at the tit like the rest of the losers?
Now Mr. Trump would deport these people to rid yourselves of rapists and murderers and then let the good ones in legally. So who will be paying the higher wages and benefits of these citizens. And if they clue in that they aren't making anymore at minimum wage then welfare, won't they just suckle at the tit like the rest of the losers?

Economics is what will happen. Ron will no longer have to compete with people who hire illegals at lower wages. Those people will have to pay higher wages, the same ones Ron has to pay, or close to it. Now, they cannot artificially undercut Ron. Now that Ron and his competitors are now on equal footing, wages should go up for everyone in their locales as Ron and his competitors compete for the best employees. Now wages should go up enough to get people off of the couch.

Ron has a lot of good stories about the cost/harassment of doing business legally and about employees. Such as the one employee who wanted their hours cut so they wouldn't lose some of their free benefits.
Ron, totally off topic as I realize this thread is about Our Holy Father being a communist/ marxist bent on taking our money through taxation in the false name of the environment. However, I picked up on your statement about trying to hire people from the welfare office and Craigslist, but no one is willing to work because it is difficult to get their *** off the couch for just above welfare wages. I'll assume you are trying to hire laborers, possibly construction. Cause you probably aren't looking for a physicist or an IT expert at the welfare office. Now the truth here is that it isn't just the poor who aren't willing to do manual labour anymore, it is our youth who refuse to get up on a roof and tear shingles. We have made them soft with technology and pampering and a blue ribbon for anything. So the US has a self imposed Slave force willing to pick vegetables, rip shingles or any other job that very few if any of our own youth would do. Now Mr. Trump would deport these people to rid yourselves of rapists and murderers and then let the good ones in legally. So who will be paying the higher wages and benefits of these citizens. And if they clue in that they aren't making anymore at minimum wage then welfare, won't they just suckle at the tit like the rest of the losers?

I do not disagree. I will point out that there are not jobs Americans won't do but there are wages Americans won't work for. I am opposed to illegal immigration, I am not opposed to people who want to come here legally, do their jobs, and pay their fair share of taxes. What hurts my business is that I am legit and most of my competitors work under-the-table for much less because they don't spend the $6000 a month on taxes and insurance that I do, and most customers frankly don't care. In the 90's I didn't have much trouble finding workers after Slick Willie signed welfare reform with a 5 year lifetime limit but Bammy removed that a couple years ago and combined with my company requiring drug testing of new hires 10 years ago my number of applicants has dropped to almost zero.

The Republicans see a labor class and the Democrats see people on welfare who will reliably vote for them. This is part of Europe's problem, the Muslim immigrants are 1) taking over the continent with a much higher birthrate and 2) coming there for welfare benefits paid for by an increasingly smaller number of native citizens. This is why most do not settle in Italy, I have posted earlier that Italy is not especially friendly to Muslims although it is more due to the bureaucratic incompetence of the Italian government than a political ideology so most of the ones who land there are trying to get to Germany or Sweden. I've been there and worked a soup kitchen in Rome feeding homeless Muslim immigrants and talked to them. Also I can't see letting large numbers of people into our country whose religion tells them to kill everyone else and surveys show that 20% of them are either jihaidis or support jihad. To me that number is high enough to keep all Muslims out. I don't have a problem with that, further if you piss off the non-violent ones enough then they may do something about the jihadis. Trump is the only candidate who you can reasonably believe will do something about it. We are a sovereign nation and we can let in or not let in whoever we damn well please.

Burgundy cooks halal style for Muzzie refugees in Italy in 2012:


Ostensibly most of them said they were fleeing Iraq because they DID NOT want to be conscripted into the army, but again, it's all men, no women, and you wonder how many are jihadis just waiting on the word to go. BTW, that's not a smile, I was still recovering from rotator cuff surgery and I'm gritting my teeth because it hurt like hell to lift my left arm that high. Note shirt repping Steelers in Rome.
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But the Republican party also never supports labor and considers any movement of minimum wage (which I'm pretty sure we can all agree that no one could possibly live even reasonably on anymore) as an act of treason or communism. So which way is it. Pay people a decent wage or let them live on the government tit. I also take issue with the concept that if you piss these people (the good ones we will call them) off enough they will turn on the bad ones. I think it is the opposite. They will turn on you in greater numbers. This is an unwinnable war in the traditional sense, because it will not end with gaining territory. It is a war of wack a mole so that when the ISIS member pops his head up , you blow it off. If you expand it beyond the villains, you make it worse. I will also, take your assertions about the Quar'an at face value (never read a word of it). However, you as a practicing Catholic (I believe you said you were) seem to reject Church doctrine that states that the Pope knows the will of God and is bound to bear witness to it on earth. So you are capable of rejecting parts of your faith that you deem incorrect, but others are not capable.
Furthermore, Dick Chenney, who was probably the most aggressive defender of America against terrorism, believes this has gone too far. George Bush embraced the Muslim community after 911, knowing that alienating them will prevent them from disclosing information about the bad seeds around them.
I do applaud your willingness to pay fair wages and benefits and not taking the easy route to keep your bottom line good. Also, your charity I'm sure was appreciated by those you helped.
It's not. It's right there in black and white.

As I say to every Liberal who says this, the New Testament supersedes the Old Testament and nowhere in the NT does is say to kill non-believers. The Quoran has no such second edition except for the Hadith, that in most respects is worse, which gives the proper Islamic instructions for beating your wife, raping non-Muslim women, and ******* goats. You might think I'm kidding but I'm not.

My only issue is that I don't believe the NT supersedes the OT. Every single NT doctrine and teaching was backup by OT scripture. Paul uses the OT ad nauseum to prove his theological points. There isn't one place in the entire OT that tells followers to kill all non-believers anywhere you find them. Israel was given command to destroy certain cities and peoples. It was always a one time thing and is part of the historical context of the OT. But the 10 commandments, prophecy and doctrines were never done away with. Jesus uses the 10 commandments time and time again. Paul, Peter, James and John use the OT to show continuity. None of them say it was superseded. When they stood up to read (even after Jesus' death) in the synagogues they still read from the OT. All the NT churches were reading the OT.

I'll get off my soap box now.
But the Republican party also never supports labor....[/B]

When I read stupid **** like this, it's time to tune out.

One never uses absolutes like "never," especially in politics. Coupled with the fact that the statement is incorrect, well.

Sorry, you are correct about absolutes. However, see a labor issue come up. Which side will Republican leadership be on? Really?
So which was this last President you speak of, who talked about rounding up people. Excluding people based upon their religious belief, building walls. Insulting people in vial ways and then hiding like a coward behind double speak. Who was this last great President.

President Carter blocked Iranians back during the Hostage Crisis....but nobody wants to talk about that cause Trump is evil.
But the Republican party also never supports labor and considers any movement of minimum wage (which I'm pretty sure we can all agree that no one could possibly live even reasonably on anymore) as an act of treason or communism. So which way is it. Pay people a decent wage or let them live on the government tit.

Minimum wage is not and never was supposed to be a living wage...it's the minimum...for entry level, completely unskilled workers. Only 2.6% of the workforce earns minimum wage. Of that small number, 64% are part-time workers, 50% are age 24 and under. 89% of them live in households that are at 150% of the poverty line and up...meaning they are not their family's sole breadwinner. Only 6% of them live households below the poverty line.

Wages are stagnant because the costs of hiring have gone up so drastically due to government regulations (thanks Obamacare!). Companies cannot afford to hire people. Competition for workers is what drives wages up, not an artificially set minimum. Making it even more expensive to hire unskilled labor will not help that situation.
Dems want to artificially drive up wages by government control of the economy. Most conservatives want to deal with it through reduced regulations and forcing companies to compete for workers that are here legally. Anybody that just wants to raise the MG without dealing with the 94 MILLION people that are out of work is just whistling past the grave yard. If you really care about labor then get rid of the ACA. Deport the illegals. Shut down the border. Force companies to hire Americans. Clamp down on foreign visas. Lower the taxes on business. Stop over regulating the coal industry... ETC.... Just focusing on wages is shortsighted and political at it's core.
Sorry, you are correct about absolutes. However, see a labor issue come up. Which side will Republican leadership be on? Really?

The idea of a federally enforced minimum wage is not free market, which is why I don't support it. Labor is a good. My labor is a good for which I can seek compensation. I grew up very poor. Fortunately, white privelege granted me a bunch of money...oh wait, that didn't happen.

What did happen is that I went to college. First in my family. ****** around and dropped out. Not saved, surprisingly, by white privelege. Swept floors in a rice mill. Good pay, shifty job. Made sure to do my best at it, though. Decided, instead, to bust my assignment finishing college with a degree that would get me employed at a compensation that I desired. Oddly, that worked! Shocking, I know.

Now, there are, certainly, groups/companies that would abuse employees if there was no minimum wage. No one denies it. However, in this day and age, with ubiquitous cameras and videos and instant access to information, would that person stay in business?

Another "labor issue" I disagree with is forced union membership and, especially, government employee unions. Want to be in a union? No problem. If I want to do your job for 80% of your pay and benefits, I should be allowed to do so without being threatened or prevented.

The US government actually looked into or tried to stop a private company from moving locations to a right-to-work state. ******* ridiculous.
The idea of a federally enforced minimum wage is not free market, which is why I don't support it. Labor is a good. My labor is a good for which I can seek compensation. I grew up very poor. Fortunately, white privelege granted me a bunch of money...oh wait, that didn't happen.

What did happen is that I went to college. First in my family. ****** around and dropped out. Not saved, surprisingly, by white privelege. Swept floors in a rice mill. Good pay, shifty job. Made sure to do my best at it, though. Decided, instead, to bust my assignment finishing college with a degree that would get me employed at a compensation that I desired. Oddly, that worked! Shocking, I know.

Now, there are, certainly, groups/companies that would abuse employees if there was no minimum wage. No one denies it. However, in this day and age, with ubiquitous cameras and videos and instant access to information, would that person stay in business?

Another "labor issue" I disagree with is forced union membership and, especially, government employee unions. Want to be in a union? No problem. If I want to do your job for 80% of your pay and benefits, I should be allowed to do so without being threatened or prevented.

The US government actually looked into or tried to stop a private company from moving locations to a right-to-work state. ******* ridiculous.
Minimum wage in Canada is 10.50/ hr with some at 12/ hr. Hasn't choked out opportunity North of the Border. Teachers and Cops are paid sometimes nearly double. Can't speak for the Police, but the Canadian Educational is superior to almost every one except for a few Northern European and some smaller Asian Countries. Both the teachers and Police are highly unionized in Canada.
Minimum wage in Canada is 10.50/ hr with some at 12/ hr. Hasn't choked out opportunity North of the Border. Teachers and Cops are paid sometimes nearly double. Can't speak for the Police, but the Canadian Educational is superior to almost every one except for a few Northern European and some smaller Asian Countries. Both the teachers and Police are highly unionized in Canada.

That is fine and dandy. That isn't part of a free market economy and that is what I support. If I wanted to live in a place like Canada, I'd move to Canada. This shows your unemployment is 7%. If accurate, I don't consider that a healthy economy.


People here want $15/hour to flip burgers. A min wage in NY is not what is needed as a min wage in MS If we have a $15 min wage, how does Ron hire someone at $15/hour to work for an ******* and do manual labor when they can do an easy job like running the fry machine.
That is fine and dandy. That isn't part of a free market economy and that is what I support. If I wanted to live in a place like Canada, I'd move to Canada. This shows your unemployment is 7%. If accurate, I don't consider that a healthy economy.


People here want $15/hour to flip burgers. A min wage in NY is not what is needed as a min wage in MS If we have a $15 min wage, how does Ron hire someone at $15/hour to work for an ******* and do manual labor when they can do an easy job like running the fry machine.
Canada's economy was pumping till oil went to 40 dollars a barrel. I would imagine it will get worse with Trudeau in power, though I do find it funny that you are citing unemployment statistics as the American economy being better. I thought Obama had ruined your economy at it was in the **** tank. Perhaps not. At any rate I digress. Clearly, my opinion is not shared here and I respect that. I would imagine some of our beloved Steelers are of the Muslim faith. I hope they are the "good ones". I wonder if the Patriots have Muslims. Or maybe Mr. Trump has used his influence with Brady and Kraft to exclude them.
God Bless you all and good luck in choosing your next President. The rest of the world hopes you choose wisely which ever way it goes.
Minimum wage in Canada is 10.50/ hr with some at 12/ hr. Hasn't choked out opportunity North of the Border. Teachers and Cops are paid sometimes nearly double. Can't speak for the Police, but the Canadian Educational is superior to almost every one except for a few Northern European and some smaller Asian Countries. Both the teachers and Police are highly unionized in Canada.

You do realize that 10.50 Canadian equals 7.75 American, and that in addition to similar income and payroll taxes to ours, Canadians also pay a national sales tax and outrageous local sales taxes on everything they purchase? They also have a 7.1% unemployment rate.
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Canada's economy was pumping till oil went to 40 dollars a barrel. I would imagine it will get worse with Trudeau in power, though I do find it funny that you are citing unemployment statistics as the American economy being better. I thought Obama had ruined your economy at it was in the **** tank. Perhaps not. At any rate I digress. Clearly, my opinion is not shared here and I respect that. I would imagine some of our beloved Steelers are of the Muslim faith. I hope they are the "good ones". I wonder if the Patriots have Muslims. Or maybe Mr. Trump has used his influence with Brady and Kraft to exclude them.
God Bless you all and good luck in choosing your next President. The rest of the world hopes you choose wisely which ever way it goes.

I don't see where I am citing unemployment as saying the American economy is "better". I just said I don't consider 7% as healthy. That has nothing to do with what I think of our economy. I believe our economy is being artificially propped up and could crumble any minute. The reason is that the propping up cannot go on indefinitely.
You do realize that 10.50 Canadian equals 7.75 American, and that in addition to similar income and payroll taxes to ours, Canadians also pay a national sales tax and outrageous local sales taxes on everything they purchase? They also have a 7.1% unemployment rate.

I didn't realize he was using Canadian $ or that there was that much difference! In any event, neither is free market.
Republicans support Labor. They are for free and open trade. They support labor being moved to the low cost source, so the Corporation
can maximize returns to the investors. They don't necessarily support Labor being done in the United States.