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yet another idiotic tirad by poloidiot


May 17, 2014
Reaction score
Texas GOP and S.N. Mods are Nothing but a Bunch of......we get it

What a bunch of racist fascists these scumbags are, don't even get me started on jailbird Prick Perry. They so fear the hispanic/black/ woman vote that they act criminally to hold on to their power.

Not to worry in 10-15 years that state will be blue from the panhandle to the border.


“From the [voter] registrar to the attorney general to the district attorney, all the players were Republicans, so no one can point to partisan protection from indictment. Instead, one can point to a lack of evidence,” she said.

When Haver was interviewed by Abbott’s office in late 2010, her attorney asked if Haver could get some folders returned to her. They’d been taken in the Houston raid and contained research Haver had done on possible irregularities in how GOP officials in Harris County were handling voter registration.

Haver told the attorney general’s office that the research had no relationship to the Houston Votes investigation.

“We kept following up, and they kept giving us the runaround about getting it returned,” she said recently.

In late 2013, Abbott’s office asked judges in Harris and Travis counties for permission to destroy the records seized in the two raids. The request said records contained the names of people who were not suspects, partial Social Security numbers and forged voter registration applications.

When the attorney general’s office received a green light from judges, Haver’s research, which did not contain personal identifying information, was among the materials destroyed.
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What a bunch of racist fascists these scumbags are, don't even get me started on jailbird Prick Perry. They so fear the hispanic/black woman vote that they act criminally to hold on to their power.

Not to worry in 10-15 years that state will be blue from the panhandle to the border.
Not to worry. Most of life, as we know it, will be gone. Climate change n'at
weird how you missed this little gem from the article

Studies have reached different conclusions about the effect of Voter ID laws on turnout across the nation.
The strictest measures lowered turnout among less educated and lower-income citizens — for both minorities and whites, according to a 2008 study led by a California Institute of Technology professor.
But earlier this year, Judicial Watch, a conservative group, released a study showing that turnout increased after North Carolina’s Voter ID law took effect, especially among black voters.

I've gotta ask: why is it you think only Hispanics and black women are feared?
Yes because assuring that only those who are citizens and legally eligible to vote is wrong. Whycome these disadvantaged poor folks can show ID for EBT, Section 8 vouchers and the like but cant be bothered to show ID to vote? Maybe because the dead would be disenfranchised in places like Chicago.
weird how you missed this little gem from the article

I've gotta ask: why is it you think only Hispanics and black women are feared?

I left off a slash. I'll fix it.
They so fear the hispanic/black/ woman vote that they act criminally to hold on to their power.

You better get in touch with Bammy and Holden ... they insist that voter fraud is not a genuine problem. They need ElfieMalo to set them straight.
I can't even buy that your outrage is genuine at this point. Seems like a put-on simply to stir everyone up.
I found a video of ElfieMalo. Oh, sorry, this is actually the video of the Democrat District Attorney who "indicted" Perry:

I **** you not ... that is the DA.
I can't even buy that your outrage is genuine at this point. Seems like a put-on simply to stir everyone up.
I tend to agree. Polo is nothing more than a sad little troll, who thinks her snake oil will sell here. I also think that her stay here is drawing to it's inevitable conclusion.
I tend to agree. Polo is nothing more than a sad little troll, who thinks her snake oil will sell here. I also think that her stay here is drawing to it's inevitable conclusion.

I also tend to agree, to the point of putting her on ignore and moving on to constructive comments.

..and I'll also add.

Sam Rolley at the Personal Liberty blog wrote that his organization for years has been “warning readers that the well-connected and ruling elite, displeased by this newfound proletariat freedom, have been prolific in attempts to undermine and marginalize information provided by any media outlet unwilling to obey the same unspoken rules that govern the content choices of major media outlets.”

“Now, thanks to the efforts of National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden and journalist Glenn Greenwald, readers no longer have to take the word of ‘paranoid’ bloggers who relate tales of paid government trolls lurking in comment sections and other concentrated top-down efforts to muddy the information provided by alternative media,” Rolley said.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that voters can eliminate affirmative action programs. For years, blacks, women and Hispanics had an edge. However the tide recently turned in favor of white males when they figured out that at any given moment they can discover they are gay.
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Not to worry in 10-15 years that state will be blue from the panhandle to the border.

That's the goal of Bomma's immigration policies, yes.
Someone off his meds today?
...paid government trolls lurking in comment sections and other concentrated top-down efforts to muddy the information provided by alternative media

I've no doubt this is what PoloElfie is, a paid troll. It's the only thing that justifies the behavior, the hours spent, the illogical arguments, and the objection to all things posted.
I've no doubt this is what PoloElfie is, a paid troll. It's the only thing that justifies the behavior, the hours spent, the illogical arguments, and the objection to all things posted.

There are always people out there who get their jollies taking the opposing viewpoint on any subject simply to stir up chaos. Look on a comments section of any article on any website, you'll find them. It can be an article on a child who has died of cancer and there will always be that one guy in the comments who says he's glad they are dead. For no other reason than to cause outrage and anger in people. They just simply get a thrill from doing it. I'm not saying Polo would say something as evil as that mind you, just using it as an example of people who get of saying outrageous things to stir up the masses.

I kinda picture him getting a big thrill and smiling the whole time when he posts something he knows is really going to piss everyone off. I question whether he even believes the **** he posts.
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There are always people out there who get their jollies taking the opposing viewpoint on any subject simply to stir up chaos. Look on a comments section of any article on any website, you'll find them. It can be an article on a child who has died of cancer and there will always be that one guy in the comments who says he's glad they are dead. For no other reason than to cause outrage and anger in people. They just simply get a thrill from doing it. I'm not saying Polo would say something as evil as that mind you, just using it as an example of people who get of saying outrageous things to stir up the masses.

I kinda picture him getting a big thrill and smiling the whole time when he posts something he knows is really going to piss everyone off. I question whether he even believes the **** he posts.

How can you say any of that with a straight face? Have you seen the stuff these right wing wackos post on here? Outrageous doesn't cut it, more like paranoid delusional. Just read the stuff about the president alone.
How can you say any of that with a straight face? Have you seen the stuff these right wing wackos post on here? Outrageous doesn't cut it, more like paranoid delusional. Just read the stuff about the president alone.

Like the not a smidgen stuff? More missing emails being reported. Paranoid delusional indeed.
That's the goal of Bomma's immigration policies, yes.

Well, then, Texas' future is golden, no? Why, just look at the tremendous benefits California has seen from the influx of 6 million illegal aliens, the vast majority of whom receive public assistance (Section 8 housing, school lunches, WIC, Medicaid, etc.):


For instance, half of California's pupils are [now] Hispanic, and 40% of those hardly speak English.





What could go wrong?
I've no doubt this is what PoloElfie is, a paid troll. It's the only thing that justifies the behavior, the hours spent, the illogical arguments, and the objection to all things posted.
She hasn't denied it.
I read a while ago (and I believe) that Bomma's group Organizing For America pays people to look for what is being posted all over the internets with Bomma's name. This is why I use the word "Bomma" or "President" to refer to Him and keep Lois Lerner and the IRS off my back.

Well, then, Texas' future is golden, no? Why, just look at the tremendous benefits California has seen from the influx of 6 million illegal aliens, the vast majority of whom receive public assistance (Section 8 housing, school lunches, WIC, Medicaid, etc.)
The Dems own CA* and NY already. If they can tip TX into the blue column then we will never elect another Republican President again. You think they haven't figured that out?

*It's really only the coastal counties that are blue in CA, but that's where the bulk of the people live. Central and interior CA are solidly Republican.
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This is why I use the word "Bomma" or "President" to refer to Him and keep Lois Lerner and the IRS off my back.

Yeah, I may go back to "kenyan interloper". The "homosexual ******* of a communist pornographer" schtick could ruffle feathers. 'Sides, Vis isn't here to get his sphincter all in a knot.

On second thought. Nah. Keep it real.
I see Tea Baggers paradise Coolio personally offended by me insulting the Texas GOP(of which he is a member, trust me) decided to pull a 5th grade prank and change the title of my thread, maybe he can call me doodie face too.
Yeah, I may go back to "kenyan interloper". The "homosexual ******* of a communist pornographer" schtick could ruffle feathers. 'Sides, Vis isn't here to get his sphincter all in a knot.

On second thought. Nah. Keep it real.
Now, now, we don't know for sure that He is a homosexual (not that there's anything wrong with that). That Larry guy from Chicago failed the polygraph test.

"Why would anyone think I'm gay? Just because I'm thin and neat...oh wait...." -- Seinfeld
CoolieMan is actually registered as an Independant....unlike douchebags like you polo...I don't vote along party lines. I vote based on the person involved and their stance on issues that concern me....

now **** off you ******* douchebag ******* troll
...maybe he can call me doodie face too.

The Mods here are restrained from calling members "doodie faces", however egregious their behavior or ludicrous their posts, and may I say, you've sounded the depths in both regards. So, I'll step in and take up for the team.

Doodie face!
now **** off you ******* douchebag ******* troll

I think I'll put PoloElfie on ignore too since it's obvious that she is a paid troll only here to parrot the Democrat party line. Waste of screen space.
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