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18 MORE Gitmo detainees freed by our Muslim Brotherhood terrorist appeaser in chief


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
The group being released will be drawn from those held at Guantanamo - who include an accused senior al Qaeda bomb-maker, the terror group's top financial manager, and two intended 9/11 hijackers, who have all been held in the Cuba-based U.S. detention facility for more than a decade.

Obama will likely focus on moving detainees who have been 'cleared for transfer' – a group that includes the alleged head of al Qaeda's bomb-manufacturing operation in eastern Afghanistan, the head of al Qaeda's Tunisian faction in Afghanistan, and senior weapons trainers.

Those held in Guantanamo in recent years have been dubbed 'the worst of the worst' by military and intelligence officials.

Fifty-nine enemy combatants in total still remain at Guantanamo, including terror 'mastermind' Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, two of the '20th hijackers' for the 9/11 attacks, and the strategists behind the USS Cole bombing of 2000.

The group includes al Qaeda henchmen from around the world who are trained in lethal military tactics – ranging from sniper assassins and rocket-propelled grenade operators, to explosives and chemical weapons experts.


A series of those already freed from the Cuban facility have gone straight back to jihad. They include:

Ibrahim Sen: Held in Guantanamo Bay from February 2002 until November 8, 2003. Released to Turkey because U.S. officials reportedly could not find strong evidence tying him to al Qaeda. Has since been arrested twice in Turkey and charged with leading an al Qaeda cell.

Abdullah Mahsud (above): Freed to Pakistan in March 2004. Later that year, he 'kidnapped two Chinese engineers and claimed responsibility for an Islamabad hotel bombing', according to a report by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency. Blew himself up in 2007 after being accused of orchestrating a suicide attack which killed 31.

Abdallah Salih al Ajmi: Freed to Kuwait in 2005. Three years later he blew himself up in the Iraqi city of Mosul, killing seven people.

Ibrahim Qosi (above): Freed in 2012 to Sudan. Two years later, became a leader in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and has been featured in the terror group's videos. The group has a at least three other senior members who were in Guantanamo and freed. It has taken credit for a string of international terror attacks, including the Charlie Hebdo shooting in 2015 and the attempted Christmas Day 'underwear' bombing in 2009.

(much more)



Someone in Congress needs to step up and stop Obama’s Islamic Jihadist Terrorist Cell

"The news" won't cover this, he doesn't even have to play the race card anymore to try and destroy America
I've been saying for 8 years this guy does not play for team USA. His actions in his last days prove it beyond a shadow of doubt.
You say this...

CHICKENSHITS don't show up for REAL news

At the same time, you say this....

**** off piss boy - get your stupid ignorant hick *** the **** out of my threads, grow some balls and go start your own.

Make up your ******* mind, for Christ's sake.

Is that all you do? follow me around all day like a lost pup?

Still afraid to comment on the content of my threads I see?


Ur just a ******* troll now - worse than POP - at least he started threads