It sounds to me that we are in agreement, Hypothetical, possible, not impossible looks the same to me. I don't have a conspiracy theory just saying it is possible to manipulate things. Your last line is where you loose me, when you invoke journalism and investigative journalism. The level and integrity of that institution has dropped like it was falling from the top of a new york skyscraper in recent years. I see more and more agenda driven reporting that is based on misinformation simply designed to stir the pot.
Now I have some inside information on different things that lead me to believe this, some is classified and some goes back to my years as a police officer. One thing from being a cop and being there vs the person on the street that reads about it in the paper is the big difference between what happened and what was reported to have happened. Based on my experiences there I have no trust in the objectivity or integrity of the press.
I think the best example I can give that would illustrate that which was a national event and not to political or racial to talk about here is the attack on the American embassy that resulted in the death of our ambassador. In a scramble to save face the politicians came up with a lie and said the attack was based on some anti Muslim video which it was clearly not. The lame stream media ran with it and did not stop till way after the event was old news. Very little investigating took place on their part, and it could have been done via open sources in the USA.
I know that is off topic but illustrates my lack of trust or faith in the media while trying not to hit somebody's hot button issues.