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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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LOL! Like it's an investigation surrounding anything other than Trump himself!t
You might not like Trump, but you dislike Democrats even more. This is the Ravens vs Patriots and you're rooting for the team you hate the least.

He testified that repeatedly told Trump he was not under investigation. He said that Trump told him he WANTED the people around him investigated if they did something. Did you somehow miss that part of the testimony? You just want so badly to get at Trump that you are plugging your ears to any information to the contrary.

<p>In 1992, then-President George H.W. Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger and five other individuals who had been indicted or convicted in connection with the Iran-Contra arms deal. The special prosecutor, Lawrence Walsh, was furious, accusing Bush of stifling his ongoing investigation and suggesting that he may have done it to prevent Weinberger or the others from pointing the finger of blame at Bush himself. The New York Times also reported that the investigation might have pointed to Bush himself.</p>
<p>This is what Walsh said: "The Iran-contra cover-up, which has continued for more than six years, has now been completed with the pardon of Caspar Weinberger. We will make a full report on our findings to Congress and the public describing the details and extent of this cover-up."</p>
<p>Yet Bush was neither charged with obstruction of justice nor impeached. Nor have other presidents who interfered with ongoing investigations or prosecutions been charged with obstruction.</p>
<p>It is true that among the impeachment charges leveled against President Richard Nixon was one for obstructing justice, but Nixon committed the independent crime of instructing his aides to lie to the FBI, which is a violation of section 1001 of the federal criminal code.</p>
<p>It is against the background of this history and precedent that former FBI Director James Comey's opening statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee must be considered.</p>
<p>Comey himself acknowledged that: "throughout history, some presidents have decided that because ‘problems' come from Justice, they should try to hold the Department close. But blurring those boundaries ultimately makes the problems worse by undermining public trust in the institutions and their work." Comey has also acknowledged that the president had the constitutional authority to fire him for any or no cause.</p>
<p>President Trump also had the constitutional authority to order Comey to end the investigation of former national security adviser Mike Flynn. He could have pardoned Flynn, as Bush pardoned Weinberger, thus ending the Flynn investigation, as Bush ended the Iran-Contra investigation. What Trump could not do is what Nixon did: direct his aides to lie to the FBI, or commit other independent crimes. There is no evidence that Trump did that.</p>
<p>With these factors in mind, let's turn to the Comey statement.</p>
<p>Comey's written statement, which was <a href="http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/james-comeys-opening-statement-at-senate-intelligence-committee-hearing/article/2625236" target="_blank">released in advance</a> of his Thursday testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, does not provide evidence that Trump committed obstruction of justice or any other crime. Indeed it strongly suggests that even under the broadest reasonable definition of obstruction, no such crime was committed.</p>
<p>The crucial conversation occurred in the Oval Office on Feb. 14 between the president and then-Director Comey. According to Comey's contemporaneous memo, the president expressed his opinion that retired Gen. Flynn "is a good guy."</p>
<p>Comey replied, "He is a good guy."</p>
<p>The president said, "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this thing go."</p>
<p>Comey understood that to be a reference only to the Flynn investigation and not "the broader investigation into Russia or possible links to the campaign." Comey had already told the president that "we were not investigating him personally."</p>
<p>Comey understood "the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."</p>
<p>Comey did not say he would "let this go," and indeed he did not grant the president's request to do so. Nor did Comey report this conversation to the attorney general or any other prosecutor. He was troubled by what he regarded as a breach of recent traditions of FBI independence from the White House, though he recognized that "throughout history, some presidents have decided that because ‘problems' come from the Department of Justice, they should try to hold the Department close."</p>
<p>That is an understatement.</p>
<p>Throughout United States history — from Presidents Adams to Jefferson to Lincoln to Roosevelt to Kennedy to Obama — presidents have directed (not merely requested) the Justice Department to investigate, prosecute (or not prosecute) specific individuals or categories of individuals.</p>
<p>It is only recently that the tradition of an independent Justice Department and FBI has emerged. But traditions, even salutary ones, cannot form the basis of a criminal charge. It would be far better if our constitution provided for prosecutors who were not part of the executive branch, which is under the direction of the president.</p>
<p>In Great Britain, Israel and other democracies that respect the rule of law, the director of public prosecution or the attorney general are law enforcement officials who, by law, are independent of the prime minister.</p>
<p>But our constitution makes the attorney general both the chief prosecutor and the chief political adviser to the president on matters of justice and law enforcement.</p>
<p>The president can, as a matter of constitutional law, direct the attorney general, and his subordinate, the director of the FBI, tell them what to do, whom to prosecute and whom not to prosecute. Indeed, the president has the constitutional authority to stop the investigation of any person by simply pardoning that person.</p>
<p>Assume, for argument's sake, that Trump had said the following to Comey: "You are no longer authorized to investigate Flynn because I have decided to pardon him." Would that exercise of the president's constitutional power to pardon constitute a criminal obstruction of justice? Of course not. Presidents do that all the time.</p>
<p>Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger, his secretary of defense, in the middle of an investigation that could have incriminated Bush. That was not an obstruction and neither would a pardon of Flynn have been a crime. A president cannot be charged with a crime for properly exercising his constitutional authority</p>
<p>For the same reason, Trump cannot be charged with obstruction for firing Comey, which he had the constitutional authority to do.</p>
<p>The Comey statement suggests that one reason Trump fired him was because of his refusal or failure to publicly announce that the FBI was not investigating Trump personally. Trump "repeatedly" told Comey to "get that fact out," and he did not.</p>
<p>If that is true, it is certainly not an obstruction of justice.</p>
<p>Nor is it an obstruction of justice to ask for loyalty from the director of the FBI, who responded "you will get that [‘honest loyalty'] from me."</p>
<p>Comey understood that he and Trump may have understood that vague phrase "honest loyalty" differently. But no reasonable interpretation of those ambiguous words would give rise to a crime. Many Trump opponents were hoping that the Comey statement would provide smoking guns.</p>
<p>It has not.</p>
<p>Instead it has weakened an already weak case for obstruction of justice.</p>
<p>The statement may provide political ammunition to Trump opponents, but unless they are willing to stretch Comey's words and take Trump's out of context, and unless they are prepared to abandon important constitutional principles and civil liberties that protect us all, they should not be searching for ways to expand already elastic criminal statutes and shrink enduring constitutional safeguard in a dangerous and futile effort to criminalize political disagreements.</p>
<p>The first casualty of partisan efforts to "get" a political opponent — whether Republicans going after Clinton or Democrats going after Trump — is often civil liberties. Everyone who cares about the Constitution and civil liberties must join together to protest efforts to expand existing criminal law to get political opponents.</p>
<p>Today it's Trump. Yesterday it was Clinton. Tomorrow it could be you.</p>
Based on your responses, this likely went over most of your heads.

Krauthammer: Trump likely now under investigation

Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer believes that President Trump is now under investigation by the Justice Department amid probes into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Recounting Thursday's high-profile Senate testimony from former FBI Director James Comey, Krauthammer said that Trump was likely frustrated that Comey would not publicly confirm that Trump wasn't under investigation despite his private assurances.

Krauthammer added that actions that Trump made in that frustration may have backfired.

"Comey handing over his notes to former Director Mueller, who is running the [special] investigation, means that Trump is now under investigation," Krauthammer said Friday during the Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference in Washington.

"That's the irony—all he was trying to do was to get the story out that he wasn't, but in pursuit of that, he created a string of events where it's likely, we don't know, he is under investigation."
"Comey handing over his notes to former Director Mueller, who is running the [special] investigation, means that Trump is now under investigation," Krauthammer said Friday during the Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference in Washington.

what? seriously? that's what you derive from that?
It's all over but the lib crying


b b b b but it was the RUSSIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comey Says He Was Behind Leak of FBI Memos to The New York Times

From Russia With Stupidity

That towering doofus James Comey crushed the spirits of millions of democracy-hating geebos when, trapped by his own prior testimony, he was forced to admit the truth on national television.

And that truth, as those of us not caught up in the whirlpool of Menschian insanity and liberal wishcasting all know, is that the whole Russia thing is a wheelbarrow of fresh Schumer squeezed out by Hillary and her minions in order to create a narrative – any narrative – that would hide the bitter truth. We rejected her, and now we’re rejecting the Russia idiocy too.

Poor Comey, having to contort his grossly-elongated body into something like a pose of victimhood in front of the unforgiving glare of the TV lights. And all the time watched by eager, credulous resisters, taking their day off from their usual routine of sponging and posing, and gathering at mid-day to view the proceedings from lame urban bars with dorky names like “The Peculiar Muskrat & Sons,” while clutching cucumber-infused IPAs and sipping twee mixed drinks specially-formulated so that their femboy imbibers don’t start crying because they taste actual alcohol.

Where were the TREASON BOMBSHELLS OF TREASON!!!!!!!!!!! they were promised?

Probably somewhere near the jobs they were promised they’d get with their degrees in Intersectional Feminist Marketing or Gender Neutral Namibian Poetry that they took out $250,000 in loans to pay for.

So, we were treated to the embarrassing spectacle of Comey, trapped by his unequivocal, televised pre-canning testimony, still trying to throw shade on Trump by claiming that, despite his failure to report it or testify previously to this hideous alleged obstruction, Trump gave him some sad feelz.

Well, we all know the truth now. James Comey’s reputation is shattered, and all by his own doing. And there is a certain sweetness in knowing that the man Comey hated, despised, and considered his moral and intellectual inferior, is the one who broke him.



They Expected to Be Rid of Trump by Now — And It’s Driving Them Crazy

That happened yesterday! They’re still seething about it. These people… I try to get a mental image of them sitting there. They’re watching Comey, and they’re watching the testimony, and they’re waiting, and they don’t get what they want but they get close enough to it, and they just… The hatred is just multiplying. Their skin is almost incapable of containing their hatred. Their skulls are expanding at geometric proportions. “Trump is still president, damn it!” After everything they’ve done, he’s still there — and he’s over at the transportation department, and he’s rocking it!

Doesn’t Trump know he’s supposed to be sulking in the White House and thinking about quitting?

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Could you imagine the outrage from the left had Loretta Lynch kept "notes" from her meeting with Bill Clinton and then magically "leaked them" to FOX News to cover her ***....

I'm going to go with much less than that of the right had Obama asked Comey to drop the Hillary investigation or if Obama had put his hands on the orb with the terrorists.
I am supposed to take that seriously?
No, God no. You shouldn't be taking anything seriously. Not the Senate hearings, not Robert Mueller's investigation, none of it. Dershowitz proclaims there is nothing to see here, take him at his word, what more do you need to hear? He is the preeminent legal authority in the country, resting somewhere above the Supreme Court and a tick below God himself.
He testified that repeatedly told Trump he was not under investigation. He said that Trump told him he WANTED the people around him investigated if they did something. Did you somehow miss that part of the testimony? You just want so badly to get at Trump that you are plugging your ears to any information to the contrary.

Trump wanted them investigated before or after he asked Comey to back off Flynn? I heard very clear Trump asked Comey on three different occasions and then let that be known to the public for whatever bizarre reason. I heard Trump suggest he had tapes. I heard Comey say bring it! Do you want to hear the tapes, or are you the one plugging your ears?
Holy ****, you ******* morons! There was no collusion. There was no justice to obstruct. Trump can tell the FBI director to do whatever he wants. You libtards are such idiots, blind to reality.
Trump wanted them investigated before or after he asked Comey to back off Flynn? I heard very clear Trump asked Comey on three different occasions and then let that be known to the public for whatever bizarre reason. I heard Trump suggest he had tapes. I heard Comey say bring it! Do you want to hear the tapes, or are you the one plugging your ears?

Yes, it was shocking that Comey went on record saying he hopes there are tapes and wants Trump to release them. That takes balls and I trust Comey is being earnest and is standing-up for what he believes in. That should tell you he's a credible witness, if there ever was one.

Comey called the president a liar, in front of the whole nation, under oath. The type of lies that were put out there about his firing was pathetic and disgraceful. He stood up to Trump, as he should have, as the head of the FBI. He logged every interaction he had with Trump, Comey went full FBI mode, as he had too in a situation like that. I think Comey acted bravely while being confronted by the President, then stayed strong the whole way though. Including yesterday's hearing as he sat, without notes and answered a barrage of questions without hesitation. Comey is what we should expect from our elected officials. I hope he gets his job back, or has some other role in the government. The country needs people like him.

Comey handing Mueller his memos on Trump is interesting. Trump's interactions and subsequent firing of Comey will now have entered the record in that investigation. That's a new front for Mueller to grapple with. I guess you could say Trump brought this upon himself, by his own words and actions.
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No, God no. You shouldn't be taking anything seriously. Not the Senate hearings, not Robert Mueller's investigation, none of it. Dershowitz proclaims there is nothing to see here, take him at his word, what more do you need to hear? He is the preeminent legal authority in the country, resting somewhere above the Supreme Court and a tick below God himself.

No but neither are you liberals, believing this **** simply because your absolute hatred of all things not liberal has totally derailed your brains. As obstructionist as the republicans were for eight years they look down right submissive compared to the absolute insanity of the left everywhere now. McConnell maybe an ******* but the Libs like Pelosi and Watters have just gone off the deep end head first into an empty pool.

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Looks like Comey will get his wish.

House Intel Committee Just Ruined Trump’s Day Over ‘The Comey Tapes’; Buckle Up

A House panel is interested in knowing if President Trump did tape conversations between former FBI Director James Comey and himself.

Rep. Mike Conaway of Texas and Rep. Adam Schiff of California are leading a House panel that composed a letter, sent Friday, to White House coulee Don McGahn that demands the immediate release of any “tapes” existing of conversations between President Donald Trump and former FBI Director James Comey.

These “tapes” were brought up by President Trump himself after Comey disclosed that he kept memos of private conversations with Trump prior to his ultimate dismissal.

Reps. Conaway and Schiff represent the House Permanent Select Committee on the FBI’s Russia investigation and a bipartisan group of the Senate Judiciary Committee members, the latter of which is led by Rep Chuck Grassley of Iowa. Letters were also sent to request the memos Comey made.

The House group asked for both the notes that Comey may still have in his possession and those given to Comey’s friend, Professor Daniel Richman. The deadline provided by Conway and Schiff was June 23.

The whole “tapes” controversy began in May when President Trump took to Twitter to threaten James Comey with White House “tapes.”
Again he never said he had tapes he said you better hope there are not any. Easily could be typical Trump bluster.
Yeah no one knows if he has any tapes. He threatened Comey with it, but may be just another bold faced lie and evasion by Trump. It does put him on the spot, he has two weeks to respond. If he doesn't have tapes, at least he'll have to confirm that fact.
I did not listen to one word of Comey's testimony. I already knew what would come out of it -

Nothing. He's a ***** and well versed in saying nothing, and then reversing his position and saying nothing another way. He's a big tall white guy piece of **** who has no idea who he is supposed to appease to get his next gig. Sometimes a guy just needs a punch in the face so he gets some clarity. He is long overdue for that. Trump should have dumped him as soon as he took office, but he did not, and here we are.

Comey is something low brow Conservatives like you guys claim to be but really are clueless about; he is a patriot.

He released the stuff about Hillary so the country wouldn't question him as to why he didn't after the election was over.

And even though he is a Republican he refused to grab his ankles for that POS currently pretending to be POTUS.

That's a real patriot dumbasses.
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