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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Trump wins again!




President Trump comes off as a guy who publicly, openly intimidated a public figure by suggesting that he may have proof of a previous conversation. Honest people don't need convincing to tell the truth. Comey, who at least admitted to leaking internal FBI docs to the press, clearly was not honest. This is clear. With a few words, a real leader managed to convince a dishonest, disgraced public figure, Comey, to tell the truth. !

What... the ****... are you talking about?

Trump is saying Comey lied, Comey is saying Trump lied. Comey has no idea if the tapes that could prove he is (supposedly) lying exist or not and says bring 'em on. Only a staunch Trumptard could see Comey as the disgraced, dishonest public official.
What... the ****... are you talking about?

Trump is saying Comey lied, Comey is saying Trump lied. Comey has no idea if the tapes that could prove he is (supposedly) lying exist or not and says bring 'em on. Only a staunch Trumptard could see Comey as the disgraced, dishonest public official.

Read my sig line. Its a couple years old.
If I had to guess, Trump probably said something similar to what Comey claims, but not word for word, and Comey embellished it slightly to make it sound as damning as possible.

This is how both can staunchly claim they are telling the truth. I would bet the truth is somewhere in the middle. And I imagine we're never really going to know. But the bottom line is even if everything Comey says is 100% true, there is no criminal case or impeachment coming out of it. In the end it's irrelevant.

Trump committed no crime. Democrats need to get over it.

Before the angry mob of breathless Democrats gets too spun up and ahead of itself, the anti-Trumpers should calm down and try to absorb just how preposterous it is to suggest that President Trump may have committed a criminal offense by supposedly obstructing justice during the Russia/Michael Flynn investigation.

Consider for a moment what would have happened if Trump had placed an op-ed in a prominent newspaper, arguing that the investigation into his campaign and former national security adviser Flynn was misguided, a wasteful use of government resources, and that he thought it should stop. To do so would be foolish, but not criminal.

Similarly, what if the president paraded up and down Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the Justice Department with a bullhorn shouting, “Stop the Flynn investigation!”?

It would be unwise and inappropriate, but no one would say the president committed a crime. And he certainly could not be charged with obstruction of justice.




Hilarious, they skipped school and work to watch "The Comey Investigation of the Century!"

and go NOTHING but more tears to show for it!


Now where have we seen those weepy faces before?





More re-hashing of election pics and memes from Spike. Over and over and over. Never gets old, I guess. It's as if Trump supporters are forever stuck on that November day. Haven't been able to digest or move on ever since. The realities of the Trump presidency must be too unbearable, hence all the craving for the nostalgia of happier times.
More re-hashing of election pics and memes from Spike

Stings - don't it?

BWAHAHAHAHA - maybe if you came crawling back on your knees and admit your were WRONG about every single stupid prediction you made for the last two years and beg forgiveness for your retarded posts I might not have to keep cramming it down your ******* throat how WRONG you were.

nah - suck it you bitter loser - I've got 10,000 more pics as proof what weepy crying fucktards you all are and I will NEVER stop stuffing them up your ***



Tibs predictions:

Trump will never run
Trump is finished for attacking The Press, The Pope, McCain, and 10,000 other reasons that you were SURE would be the FINAL STRAW - hahahahahahahahaha
Trump will have to release his taxes
Trump will never beat out the GOP candidates
Trump will never get the votes for nomination
Trump will never get the delegates at the convention, they will refuse to vote their pledges
Trump will never run against Hillary, the GOP will put someone else in his place
Trump will never never never never never ever beat Hillary!
Trump will have his delegates taken away before inauguration
Trump will never
Trump will never
Trump will never
Trump will never
Trump will never
Trump will never
Trump will never
Trump will never
Trump will never
Trump will never
Trump will never
Trump will never
Trump will never

T-shirts! Get your t-shirts here!

Tibs predictions:
Trump will never run
Trump is finished for attacking The Press, The Pope, McCain, and 10,000 other reasons that you were SURE would be the FINAL STRAW - hahahahahahahahaha
Trump will have to release his taxes
Trump will never beat out the GOP candidates
Trump will never get the votes for nomination
Trump will never get the delegates at the convention, they will refuse to vote their pledges
Trump will never run against Hillary, the GOP will put someone else in his place
Trump will never never never never never ever beat Hillary!
Trump will have his delegates taken away before inauguration
You are delusional and hallucinating, no surprise there. I stood firmly in opposition to Trump from day one, and I obviously continue to today, stronger than ever. I pointed out in great detail - going back to last summer - all the reasons Trump would make a terrible candidate and an even worse president. I stand by everything I've ever written about him. The fact just enough voters were bamboozled by him to win the electoral vote, well that is a reflection of what is happening in the country. But it takes nothing away from the arguments I've made about him. If anything, those are all well substantiated seeing the disaster this presidency has been since inauguration. Whatever is going on in your mind about my 'predictions' on an internet messageboard is clearly taking up way too much of your mental capacity.
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More re-hashing of election pics and memes from Spike. Over and over and over. Never gets old, I guess. It's as if Trump supporters are forever stuck on that November day. Haven't been able to digest or move on ever since. The realities of the Trump presidency must be too unbearable, hence all the craving for the nostalgia of happier times.

On the contrary, ever day brings a new edition of winning in the world of the Trump supporter. It is you lefties that haven't gotten beyond that fateful day in November. But don't worry, only 7.5 more years of our incessant daily celebrations.
You are delusional and hallucinating, no surprise there. I stood firmly in opposition to Trump from day one, and I obviously continue to today, stronger than ever. I pointed out in great detail - going back to last summer - all the reasons Trump would make a terrible candidate and an even worse president. I stand by everything I've ever written about him. The fact just enough voters were bamboozled by him to win the electoral vote, well that is a reflection of what is happening in the country. But it takes nothing away from the arguments I've made about him. If anything, those are all well substantiated seeing the disaster this presidency has been since inauguration. Whatever is going on in your mind about my 'predictions' on an internet messageboard is clearly taking up way too much of your mental capacity.

Except that you (and most Liberals) would have "stood firmly in opposition" to whoever the Republican candidate was, so you opinion on Trump specifically is relatively meaningless.
Except that you (and most Liberals) would have "stood firmly in opposition" to whoever the Republican candidate was, so you opinion on Trump specifically is relatively meaningless.

I don't buy that. Trump is a whole other animal.
I don't buy that. Trump is a whole other animal.

Doesn't matter, you would be against whoever the Republican was.
Doesn't matter, you would be against whoever the Republican was.

I liked Ronald Reagan and was able to stomach George H. Bush. I know that's going back a while, but it's been that long, sorry.
Stings - don't it?
Stings my eyes. It's shrill, like typing in all caps. It makes you feel good, post all the crying lib memes you want. Don't let me get in your way.
Except that you (and most Liberals) would have "stood firmly in opposition" to whoever the Republican candidate was, so you opinion on Trump specifically is relatively meaningless.

It was the Republicans who had to decide if they would stand firmly in support of Trump during the primaries and they've been hedging their bets ever since.

Trump committed no crime. Democrats need to get over it.

Before the angry mob of breathless Democrats gets too spun up and ahead of itself, the anti-Trumpers should calm down and try to absorb just how preposterous it is to suggest that President Trump may have committed a criminal offense by supposedly obstructing justice during the Russia/Michael Flynn investigation.

Consider for a moment what would have happened if Trump had placed an op-ed in a prominent newspaper, arguing that the investigation into his campaign and former national security adviser Flynn was misguided, a wasteful use of government resources, and that he thought it should stop. To do so would be foolish, but not criminal.

Similarly, what if the president paraded up and down Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the Justice Department with a bullhorn shouting, “Stop the Flynn investigation!”?

It would be unwise and inappropriate, but no one would say the president committed a crime. And he certainly could not be charged with obstruction of justice.


Even the ultra-Liberal, out to destroy any Republican candidate, safe haven for Russian-Hacking theories Washington Post says - no crime committed.

But Tibselftardlodyte march on like loyal Liberal Lemmings.

It was the Republicans who had to decide if they would stand firmly in support of Trump during the primaries and they've been hedging their bets ever since.

Hedging our bets LMAO :)

Our party is winning...everywhere you turn. Every district, every election. The markets. Capitalism. Jobs. Destroying Obama's legacy and wiping out so much of his terrible legislation.

If that's hedging our bets, hell, consider me a Hedger. I'll wear that badge with honor.
It was the Republicans who had to decide if they would stand firmly in support of Trump during the primaries and they've been hedging their bets ever since.

Wrong, the primaries are not where you unite behind one candidate, unless you're a Democrat which is why you don't understand this. The primaries are where the party chooses their candidate.
BTW, I did not vote for Trump in the primary.
Now where we do have a problem is that the Republicans in Congress do not all back Trump as much as they should. A lot of them would prefer business as usual in D.C. and would have been perfectly happy with Hildebeast. I hope a lot of those ******* get taken out in the primary.
You are delusional and hallucinating, no surprise there. I stood firmly in opposition to Trump from day one, and I obviously continue to today, stronger than ever. I pointed out in great detail - going back to last summer - all the reasons Trump would make a terrible candidate and an even worse president. I stand by everything I've ever written about him. The fact just enough voters were bamboozled by him to win the electoral vote, well that is a reflection of what is happening in the country. But it takes nothing away from the arguments I've made about him. If anything, those are all well substantiated seeing the disaster this presidency has been since inauguration. Whatever is going on in your mind about my 'predictions' on an internet messageboard is clearly taking up way too much of your mental capacity.

Or maybe you are just wrong.

Have you been able to allow yourself the realization that the situation is unfolding in diametric opposition to your predictions and beliefs???

What if your dogmatic unflinching viewpoint is just.....wrong?

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
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The Fake News channel is prime example of Trump Derangement Syndrome as all the leftists cry themselves to sleep every night, hoping, hoping for a thread of hope - NOPE!



CNN’s War On Trump Is Going Swimmingly

Back in February, I was riding on the New York to DC shuttle and CNN’s own Jeff Zucker was seated in the row behind me with a woman I took to be a colleague or personal assistant. She was yelling loudly into her phone, loudly enough that the other passengers took note of it, at one point escalating her voice to say: “If they want war with CNN, they got it.” When we landed, I noted the likely inspiration for the call: the administration had offered Mike Pence to every network except for CNN.

Since the new administration arrived in Washington, CNN has continued this war at a fever pitch. Daily they roll out eight-person panels where not one person defending the administration is represented. They have offered the most biased coverage of the Trump administration by far, to the point that Republicans on Capitol Hill openly mock their lack of balance. A network that once strove to be centrist in their approach is now openly antagonistic, and will run with the thinnest of scoops for hours at a time in order to make their case against President Trump.

This has led them to be sloppier journalists than we’ve ever seen before. Consider their worst performance this week: CNN didn’t get anywhere near enough flack for their ridiculous story that ran on Tuesday night, which they talked about for hours, saying that James Comey would refute Trump’s claim that he was cleared three times. The four-person byline included a major host and commentator: Gloria Borger, Eric Lichtblau, Jake Tapper, and Brian Rokus.

They have since changed the headline on the piece from “Comey expected to refute Trump” to “Comey unlikely to judge on obstruction.”

For the entire evening, CNN ran with this story as their main discussion point. They told viewers over and over again that Comey was set to utterly undermine what Trump had claimed, and that he would do it in front of Congress and the people, based on two anonymous sources who turned out to be totally wrong.

On air, Borger doubled down on the story she helped report: “On CNN’s air, analyst Gloria Borger put matters more starkly, saying, ‘Comey is going to dispute the president on this point if he’s asked about it by senators, and we have to assume that he will be. He will say he never assured Donald Trump that he was not under investigation, that that would have been improper for him to do so.’”

Of course, none of that happened. In fact, Comey testified that he volunteered that information, and that contrary to Borger’s claims, he saw nothing inappropriate in doing so. The correction and update CNN ran doesn’t come anywhere near what they should’ve done, which was a total retraction:

“CORRECTION AND UPDATE: This article was published before Comey released his prepared opening statement. The article and headline have been corrected to reflect that Comey does not directly dispute that Trump was told multiple times he was not under investigation in his prepared testimony released after this story was published.”

“Does not directly dispute” should be read as “utterly and totally confirms.”

At some point, CNN is going to have to decide what they are willing to do in this war on the president and his administration, and whether they are willing to sacrifice even a semblance of balance and centrism in their quest against him, transforming themselves from a news network to an agenda-driven propaganda unit, complete with their useful idiots, their organs of the past administration, and their collection of invented sources who pass along useful lies.

Have you been able to allow yourself the realization that the situation is unfolding in diametric opposition to your predictions and beliefs???
No, I haven't. Well, certain things are going in diametric opposition to my beliefs, that is true. I predicted things would get batshit crazy if Trump won. That's not in "opposition of how the situation is unfolding" in the White House.

Or maybe you are just wrong.
I'll be the first guy that gives Trump kudos if he turns around this Titanic-sized shitshow he's got going on. It really does feel like a reality TV show, they were right about that.
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