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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Start here and work your way through...may take a while.

All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts

Then pick it up from here, again, it may take a while.

reddit: Trump-Russia Investigation
that's not how it works.
you make the claim. you provide the evidence. not links. factual evidence.

for instance, your politico link discredits from clicking on the reddit link by clearly and in big letters stating:
There’s nothing inherently damning about most of the ties illustrated below.
Start here and work your way through...may take a while.

All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts

Then pick it up from here, again, it may take a while.

reddit: Trump-Russia Investigation

A majority of the things listed involve Sergei Kislyak, who (by definition) is a foreign diplomat and is SUPPOSED TO BE talking to representatives of U.S. government and potential representatives of the U.S. government.

I mean, who do you think our diplomat to Russia is talking to? Who is our diplomat to Germany talking to? Or France during that election? You talk to whoever gives you time. You make friends. You say "please and thank you and wish success". You tell how much you are looking forward to working with them.

I don't understand the outrage in Senators, Congressman or people from a political campaign talking to foreign dignitaries and diplomats. That's partly how they understand the important issues and start to create policy ideas in the first place. You can't even start to create a "plan" of bargaining with an opponent until you hear their side/desires.

Of course, maybe that explains why Obama sucked so much at foreign relations. He probably didn't talk to anyone outside of Chicago his entire political life.
This is not gonna help...

From the released intelligence documents, there is currently no direct ties between Russia and Trump.

Currently, there is only evidence that the Russians intervened with our election process.
ho ho ho!

Joe Lieberman emerges as front-runner for FBI post

Joe Lieberman, the former Democratic vice-presidential nominee, is the front-runner to be named FBI director, according to several White House officials and advisers.

Senior administration officials have told others in the last 12 hours that Trump is expected to pick Lieberman to replace FBI director James Comey

A person familiar with Wednesday’s meeting said Trump bonded with Lieberman, and the president left leaning towards the former Connecticut senator, who retired in 2013.

It's going to be funny when the only election fraud they find came from the Democrats.

I can't wait! The media is in full freak out mode. They're going to be on a Tibs-level of suicidal when the special investigator admits that there's no evidence against Trump.
From the released intelligence documents, there is currently no direct ties between Russia and Trump.

Currently, there is only evidence that the Russians intervened with our election process.

They don't even have that. The new book on the Hildebeast campaign, "Shattered", says that they cooked up the Russia thing to excuse their loss. Also we know that the NSA has the ability to leave crumbs behind on data systems that make it LOOK LIKE the Russians were there.
ho ho ho!

Joe Lieberman emerges as front-runner for FBI post

Joe Lieberman, the former Democratic vice-presidential nominee, is the front-runner to be named FBI director, according to several White House officials and advisers.

Senior administration officials have told others in the last 12 hours that Trump is expected to pick Lieberman to replace FBI director James Comey

A person familiar with Wednesday’s meeting said Trump bonded with Lieberman, and the president left leaning towards the former Connecticut senator, who retired in 2013.

I can hear it now. But he's only a token.
Lieberman is an appeasement pick. Pick a ******* conservative republican. Appeasement does not work.
This is not gonna help...


Kudos on the artwork. Well executed.

Have you picked up a Time Magazine lately? If so, you and my 85 yo father-in-law can discuss the articles.......and that would take 10 minutes.
Start here and work your way through...may take a while.

All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts

Then pick it up from here, again, it may take a while.

reddit: Trump-Russia Investigation

So if all of that stuff is already known then why has nothing been done? Because none of that stuff is improper that's why.

Let me know when they find evidence of something that is actually illegal.

Liberals are like Bengal fans complaining about Joey Porter being on the field when AB was knocked out by a cheap shot.
And regarding these "supposed" links. Thank you New York Post. Spot on.

The left’s ridiculous double standard on spilling secrets


It may be too soon to tell whether Donald Trump’s presidency will survive his disclosure to the Russian foreign minister of a piece of US intelligence. But it’s not too soon to celebrate the sudden outbreak in our Democratic press of concern for our national secrets.

This occurred over what The Washington Post and The New York Times suggest was President Trump’s inadvertent disclosure of highly classified intelligence from Israel in the Oval Office when Trump received Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

The disclosure, the Times quoted American officials as representing, “could expose the source of the information and the manner in which it was collected.” At one moment Wednesday, the Times had on its home page something like 18 pieces on this or related scandals.

What a contrast to, say, 2006. That’s when the Gray Lady thumbed its nose for news at President George W. Bush’s pleadings that the paper refrain from disclosing how the government, in its hunt for terrorists, was mining data of the Swift banking consortium.

The Bush administration had begged the Times not to proceed. Yet it did so. President Bush called it “disgraceful,” adding that the “fact that a newspaper disclosed it makes it harder to win this war on terror.” Treasury said it would hamper the pursuit of terrorists.

Such a hullabaloo arose from long-suffering Times readers that the paper’s executive editor, then Bill Keller, issued a 1,400-word “personal response.” In it, he suggested that if conservative bloggers were so worried they should stop calling attention to it.

Keller acknowledged that others might have come out differently than the Times did. But, he declared, “nobody should think that we made this decision casually, with any animus toward the current Administration, or without fully weighing the issues.”

Goodness. Who in the world could have imagined the Times acting out of animus to the George W. Bush administration?

Then there’s the case of The Washington Post. Three years ago, it won the Pulitzer Gold Medal for what it called “a series of stories that exposed the National Security Agency’s massive global surveillance programs.”

It had based its articles on what it called “classified documents leaked by Edward Snowden, the former government contractor who has fled to exile in Russia.” The Post quoted its lead reporter, Barton Gellman, as saying he was “relieved that we didn’t screw it up.”

The Swift story and the NSA scoops were but two examples of the press taking a hard line in respect of the public’s so-called right to know. Marc Thiessen offered a whole list of them on the Web site of the American Enterprise Institute.

Newspaper proprietors are sovereign, in my view, and I’ve spent 50 years as an editor urging reporters to try legally to get documents to back up their stories. Yet I’d never imagined anything as nihilistic as what Edward Snowden and Wikileaks have been doing.

Even President Obama’s State Department warned in a letter in 2010 that publication of documents like the ones it believed WikiLeaks had given the Times, the Post and the Guardian “place at risk the lives of countless innocent individuals,” including soldiers.

The best of the editors involved insisted they’d sifted the documents and published only material that was safe to air. Other editors, though, stopped short of getting involved with WikiLeaks and Snowden at all.

The striking thing about the current contretemps, in any event, is the reversal of roles of the Times and The Washington Post. So protective of state secrets have they become that not even the president himself gets a pass for disclosure.

Even though, the Times notes, what Trump shared with the Russians “does not appear to have been illegal.” Never mind that the president himself inherently has, as the Times put it, “the power to declassify almost anything.”

No, it mocks the administration’s denials that any inappropriate breach of secrecy occurred during the Trump-Lavrov powwow. It won’t even credit the good faith of such a combat hero as National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, who has been defending the president on this for days.

It’s tempting to suggest that all this cynicism will beget cynicism. But look on the bright side. If the Democratic press is prepared to enforce the secrecy laws on even the president, maybe we can defeat such nihilists as Snowden and WikiLeaks after all.
Can someone explain this to me like I'm 5.
And let me preface this by saying I did not vote for Trump nor did I vote for Hillary.

1) Did Russians hack voting machines? Are there any instances of voter fraud via tampered with tallies, either electronically or manually?
2) Did illegal alien Russians commit voter fraud by voting in the 2016 Presidential election? Is there any evidence or open investigation suggesting this?
3) Did the Russians and/or Donald Trump order and/or bribe James Comey to open an investigation into Hillary Clinton? And did they order/bribe James Comey to then re-open said investigation after it was thought to have been closed/resolved?

I'm pretty sure the answer to all three of these questions is "NO", but I fully admit I don't know everything.
So this continued narrative of "Russians meddling in our election" or "Russians hacking/tampering with our election" is nothing more than suspected paid Russian journalists/hackers posting stories on the internet? That's it? A disinformation campaign against a candidate? Isn't this exactly what the RNC and DNC both do during election season to the opposition? Isn't it a constant media blitz of Hillary's health, Romney's dog, Obama's birthplace, Bush Jr's partying, etc?

So essentially, the same dumb people that believed everything they read and voted for Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, and Trump anyway are now somehow brainwashed and corrupted by articles on the internet because they came from people outside of our country, and not at the behest of Debbie Waserman Schultz or Reince Pribus? And now we're going to launch an investigation into how dumb one group thinks the American people are for maybe believing these articles?
I can't wait! The media is in full freak out mode. They're going to be on a Tibs-level of suicidal when the special investigator admits that there's no evidence against Trump.

it funny that the Wikileaks guy has said his information didn't come from the Russians. No idea what would motivate him to lie about it.

Everyone is aware, due to the Wikileaks information, that the Dems perpetrated actual fraud or ran right up to the edge on it. Nobody cares.

Democrats are falling for fake news about Russia

President Donald Trump is about to resign as a result of the Russia scandal. Bernie Sanders and Sean Hannity are Russian agents. The Russians have paid off House Oversight Chair Jason Chaffetz to the tune of $10 million, using Trump as a go-between. Paul Ryan is a traitor for refusing to investigate Trump’s Russia ties. Libertarian heroine Ayn Rand was a secret Russian agent charged with discrediting the American conservative movement.

These are all claims you can find made on a new and growing sector of the internet that functions as a fake news bubble for liberals, something I’ve dubbed the Russiasphere. The mirror image of Breitbart and InfoWars on the right, it focuses nearly exclusively on real and imagined connections between Trump and Russia. The tone is breathless: full of unnamed intelligence sources, certainty that Trump will soon be imprisoned, and fever dream factual assertions that no reputable media outlet has managed to confirm.

The fear is that this pollutes the party itself, derailing and discrediting the legitimate investigation into Russia investigation. It also risks degrading the Democratic Party — helping elevate shameless hucksters who know nothing about policy but are willing to spread misinformation in the service of gaining power. We’ve already seen this story play out on the right, a story that ended in Trump’s election.

Anthony Weiner was brought down as part of a Russian plot to put the Clinton emails back in the news:

I can exclusively report that there is ample evidence that suggests that Weiner was sexting not with a 15 year old girl but with a hacker, working for Russia, part of the North Carolina hacking group ‘Crackas With Attitude’, who hacked the head of the CIA, and a great many FBI agents, police officers, and other law enforcement officials.

Libtard Alan Dershowitz knows this is a farce.

Shhhh........ he's a "right-wing hack" now.

Alan Dershowitz strongly opposes special counsel.

"To be criminal there must be admissible evidence that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that a statutory crime has been committed. It is unlikely that such a conclusion will be reached by the special counsel with regard to President Trump or anyone currently in his administration. It is possible that he may find criminal conduct on the part of General Flynn, but even that is unlikely. But even if Flynn were to be indicted it is certainly possible that Trump would pardon him."

Shhhh........ he's a "right-wing hack" now.

Alan Dershowitz strongly opposes special counsel.

"To be criminal there must be admissible evidence that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that a statutory crime has been committed. It is unlikely that such a conclusion will be reached by the special counsel with regard to President Trump or anyone currently in his administration. It is possible that he may find criminal conduct on the part of General Flynn, but even that is unlikely. But even if Flynn were to be indicted it is certainly possible that Trump would pardon him."


If Hildebeast wasn't charged with anything then that bar is pretty high, even with a double standard for Republicans.
Dems doing a great job destroying themselves

‘No Evidence’

When Does All That Evidence of Collusion Arrive?

•Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA)

“The last time we spoke, Senator, I asked you if you had actually seen evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and you said to me — and I’m quoting you now — you said, ‘not at this time.’ Has anything changed since we spoke last?” asked CNN’s Wolf Blitzer

“Well, not—no, it hasn’t,” Feinstein said.

“But I just want to be precise, Senator. In all of the—you’ve had access from the intelligence committee, from the Judiciary committee, all of the access you’ve had to very sensitive information, so far you’ve not seen any evidence of collusion, is that right?” Blitzer pressed.

“Well, evidence that would establish that there’s collusion. There are all kinds of rumors around. There are newspaper stories, but that’s not necessarily evidence,” Feinstein admitted.

• Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)

“But just to be clear, there has been no actual evidence yet,” Sam Stein of the Huffington Post asked.

“No, it has not been,” Waters said

There is such a lack of evidence in this made-up story by the media & the Dems that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed a special prosecutor to the case simply for ***** and giggles.
There is such a lack of evidence in this made-up story by the media & the Dems that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed a special prosecutor to the case simply for ***** and giggles.

Or maybe just to shut them stupid Dems up. After a while all that wailing and screeching get's on your nerves so bad, ya just have to do something, anything to relieve the pain.

Or maybe just to shut them stupid Dems up. After a while all that wailing and screeching get's on your nerves so bad, ya just have to do something, anything to relieve the pain.


Did your "president" fire Comey as well just to shut us up...............?
Ok Elfie same question to you as to the other Libs, Will you accept the results of this even if it doesn't go the way you want it to? I want you on the record here.If they say no crime or conspiracy then do you say your sorry and move on?

Personally I doubt it.

Elfie, in case you missed this from page one. Waiting.......
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