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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Pretty much sums up the whole witch hunt.
Yup, particularly if you're a lunatic so far down the rabbit hole that you listen to and trust Vladimir Putin. As expected, the blow-back against Comey is in full force. Which will have literally 0% bearing on the procedings, but hey, at least you're trying. A for effort.

Ho-hum, another day, another complete fail for the hysterical screeching moonbats

Exclusive: Comey will stop short of saying Trump obstructed justice in Flynn probe

There will be much in former FBI Director James Comey’s upcoming congressional testimony that will make the White House uncomfortable, but he will stop short of saying the president interfered with the agency's probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a source familiar with Comey's thinking told ABC News.

Although Comey has told associates he will not accuse the President of obstructing justice, he will dispute the president’s contention that Comey told him three times he is not under investigation.

“He is not going to Congress to make accusations about the President’s intent, instead he’s there to share his concerns,” the source said, and tell the committee “what made him uneasy” and why he felt a need to write the memo documenting the conversation.

I find it hilarious that these liberals demand Trump's taxes. I bet none of them have even glanced at any other politician's taxes. It's not required to show your taxes. Somebody cooked that up as a campaign gimmick long ago and everyone has stuck with it.

the funniest part is thinking you will learn anything useful from a tax return. If there was anything illegal, the IRS would have been all over him. Does anybody think Trump is not routinely audited? It's been proven that Obama used the IRS as a political weapon and also that he liked to spy on people, especially Trump.

if his taxes ever get released, they will show he's richer than people thought or he's not as rich as people thought. Either way, the left will bash him. That's all they want is some rocks to throw.
I find it hilarious that these liberals demand Trump's taxes.
You do understand the precedent of candidates releasing their tax returns, correct?

The vast majority of candidates who have run for president or vice president in the last thirty-five years have indeed released their tax returns. Of the thirty-four candidates who ran during that time period, only seven—Jerry Brown, Pat Buchanan, Mike Huckabee, Steve Forbes, Rudy Giuliani, Richard Lugar, and Ralph Nader—have refused to release their tax returns altogether.

In Trump's case, this would have been the perfect opportunity to be fortright and transparent with his financial dealings, clearing up any possible irregularities or misdeeds when it comes to alleged money-laundering, doing business with mobsters and shady Russian oligarchs, holding money off-shore, obligations to foreign banks et al. As is usually the case, if there's nothing to hide, why hide it?
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Were you under the impression that Trump is guided by precedent, or that his voters would like him to be?
No, of course not. Throw caution to the wind, pedal to the metal, let's see what happens.... I get it. Just don't agree with it.
Nothing here. Moving right along.
I find it hilarious that these liberals demand Trump's taxes. I bet none of them have even glanced at any other politician's taxes. It's not required to show your taxes. Somebody cooked that up as a campaign gimmick long ago and everyone has stuck with it.

the funniest part is thinking you will learn anything useful from a tax return. If there was anything illegal, the IRS would have been all over him. Does anybody think Trump is not routinely audited? It's been proven that Obama used the IRS as a political weapon and also that he liked to spy on people, especially Trump.

if his taxes ever get released, they will show he's richer than people thought or he's not as rich as people thought. Either way, the left will bash him. That's all they want is some rocks to throw.

At President Trump's (gawd I love saying that) level and complexity of income, you get audited every year and the process in fact can take years. Every year. It's automatic. Besides, it doesn't matter what's on his tax returns, the Libs will ***** anyway. Hell, Mrs. Burgundy is the lead accountant for a company that's pretty good size but a lot smaller than Trump's and just doing the sales tax for multiple states and counties is a nightmare.
You do understand the precedent of candidates releasing their tax returns, correct?

In Trump's case, this would have been the perfect opportunity to be fortright and transparent with his financial dealings, clearing up any possible irregularities or misdeeds when it comes to alleged money-laundering, doing business with mobsters and shady Russian oligarchs, holding money off-shore, obligations to foreign banks et al. As is usually the case, if there's nothing to hide, why hide it?

College transcripts were commonly released , but hey who gives a **** about that.
Libs aren't gonna like this....


Comey must testify in favor of Trump (or he'll put himself in serious legal jeopardy)

James Comey has no choice.

The former FBI Director must say President Trump did not attempt to obstruct justice. To testify otherwise will put Comey himself in serious legal jeopardy. He would, in effect, be confessing to a crime.

As I explained in a column three weeks ago, the law requires Comey to immediately inform the Department of Justice of any effort to obstruct justice by any person, even the President of the United States. Failure to do so could result in criminal charges under a statute known as “misprision of felony” (18 USC 4).

You can expect Comey to trash Trump like yesterday’s garbage when he testifies before Congress. He will disparage the man who fired him, but he cannot accuse him of obstruction without risking his own potential indictment.

Let’s consider the witness. Comey is the guy who managed to mangle the Hillary Clinton email scandal, contort the law beyond all recognition, and usurp the authority of the Attorney General in his “de facto” dismissal of the case. In the process, he shredded the credibility of the FBI. His ignorance of the law is so conspicuous, he might have a tough time landing a job at a legal aid clinic.

Nonetheless, Democratic lawmakers who loathed Comey a mere seven months ago and suggested he should be unceremoniously removed, will now embrace him like he’s their “BFF”. But that’s politics.

Let’s examine the law.

Comey’s Legal Duty

The law imposes an affirmative duty on federal officials to report knowledge of a felony (here, obstruction) to the appropriate authorities. The language of the statute applies directly to Comey’s situation:

“Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

Normally, the statute is used only against those who have a special duty to report a crime, such as government officials like the FBI Director. Active concealment is an element of the crime. For example, suppressing an incriminating memorandum would be concealment because the memo would be evidence of an alleged crime. It is the equivalent of aiding and abetting a criminal act, acting as an accessory after the fact.

Did Comey alert his superiors at the DOJ or give them his memo? We do not know for certain. It is a question he will surely be asked when he testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

But no evidence has been produced thus far to suggest he told anyone other than a few colleagues at the FBI with whom he shared his memorandum memorializing his conversation with President Trump at the White House on February 14th. The words of that memo were leaked to the New York Times only after Comey was fired from his position. Whoever leaked it violated the law.

Importantly, at a congressional hearing three weeks ago, Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who served under Comey as his second-in-command, testified, “There has been no effort to impede our investigation to date.” Presumably, that would include the president.

All of which suggests that Comey will now be forced to testify that while he may have thought the president’s language was troubling or uncomfortable, it was too vague, ambiguous or elliptical to rise to the level of obstruction.

If that is Comey’s testimony, as it must be, then he committed no crime because he was under no legal duty to report the conversation to anyone.

In essence, his only way out is to clear President Trump of the dubious accusations he tried to obstruct justice.

The Conversation

According to the initial report by the Times, Trump said to his then-Director the following:

“I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

The operative term in those sentences is the repeated use of the word, “hope”. Hoping or wishing for an outcome is not the same as directing or ordering someone to end an investigation and/or clear a suspect.

It is an aspirational expression --hoping events will turn out well for Michael Flynn who was fired as the president’s National Security Adviser. It’s like saying, “I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow.” It may rain. Hoping it will not is nothing more than a desire or wish.

By contrast, if the president had said, “End the investigation and exonerate Flynn or you are fired”… that might, arguably, constitute obstruction. It is an edict or mandate to stop something.

Bear in mind that terminating the FBI Director is not, by itself, obstruction. As Comey himself admitted in a letter to his colleagues, the president has the constitutional authority to fire him for any reason or no reason at all.

In point of fact, the president has the constitutional right to tell anyone in the executive branch of government what to do and what not to do. Previous presidents have taken an activist role in directing the FBI to investigate certain matters and to refrain from investigating others. That is yet another legal wrinkle which few have considered, but constitutional scholars are well aware.

Obstruction Defined

Obstruction of justice is a specific intent crime. It is an easy accusation to throw around, but exceedingly difficult to prove in a court of law. Courts have interpreted it quite narrowly.

Under 18 USC 1505 and subsequent sections, prosecutors must prove the president “corruptly endeavored to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law.”

The key word is “corruptly”. What does it mean? Another statute, 18 USC 1515(b), defines it as:

“Acting with an improper purpose, including making a false or misleading statement, or withholding, concealing, altering, or destroying a document or other information.”

The president’s actions do not come close to satisfying the requirements of acting “corruptly”. No false statements, no withholding or concealing, and no altering or destroying evidence have been alleged by anyone.

In 2005, the Supreme Court further explained “corruptly” this way: “wrongful, immoral, depraved or evil” (Arthur Andersen v. U.S.). Okay, not much help, but you get the picture. The president’s actions would have to be sufficiently pernicious as to offend human sensibilities.

Again, “hoping” that someone can “let it go” is hardly a wicked or malevolent act as the law requires.

President Trump’s specific intent when he uttered those words to Comey can only be known by the man who made the statement, not by the man who heard it. Yes, jurors are often asked to infer intent from the words that were spoken. And Comey will likely be asked to explain how he interpreted the words.

Which brings us full circle to Comey’s dilemma. How can he say he thought the president was attempting to obstruct justice without incriminating himself in the crime of misprision of felony? He cannot. Which is precisely why Comey will testify it was not obstruction.

The law has a curious way of presenting predicaments that demand the truth.
But isn't the point of this exercise - and in all of our best interest - to get to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Not in this case. This is strictly a hoax, based on a lie. The Clinton camp started the rumor as one of the many excuses why she lost and the biased MSM hasn't stopped talking about it ever since. There has never been one shred of evidence and numerous people have stated and testified that nothing occurred. It's just a colossal waste of time and money by idiot libtard congressmen.
But isn't the point of this exercise - and in all of our best interest - to get to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

We know the point of this. It is to slow the POTUS down and hinder him from doing the job he was elected to do. It's a political witch hunt. And when this turns up nothing there will be a new outrage the week after that. This **** will never end.
But isn't the point of this exercise - and in all of our best interest - to get to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Sure if that is what the left is after. But they are simply trying to hamstring this President. This "investigation" can be used to tie up nominees and appointees. For months, maybe even years. Anything to keep the President from doing the people's work. This probably isn't going to gain the left any more votes.
Not in this case. This is strictly a hoax, based on a lie. The Clinton camp started the rumor as one of the many excuses why she lost and the biased MSM hasn't stopped talking about it ever since. There has never been one shred of evidence and numerous people have stated and testified that nothing occurred. It's just a colossal waste of time and money by idiot libtard congressmen.

We know the point of this. It is to slow the POTUS down and hinder him from doing the job he was elected to do. It's a political witch hunt. And when this turns up nothing there will be a new outrage the week after that. This **** will never end.

Sure if that is what the left is after. But they are simply trying to hamstring this President. This "investigation" can be used to tie up nominees and appointees. For months, maybe even years. Anything to keep the President from doing the people's work. This probably isn't going to gain the left any more votes.

Then why did the Department of Justice - Trump's very own Department of Justice, led by Sessions - choose to name a Special Prosecutor in this case? It's not the ******* lying liberal media, nor the Democrats, nor Hillary Clinton, nor Obama, nor anyone else. This investigation was brought about by Trump's own Department of Justice. What gives?
Then why did the Department of Justice - Trump's very own Department of Justice, led by Sessions - choose to name a Special Prosecutor in this case? It's not the ******* lying liberal media, nor the Democrats, nor Hillary Clinton, nor Obama, nor anyone else. This investigation was brought about by Trump's own Department of Justice. What gives?

2 reasons --
1. Because they know they have nothing to hide.
2. To appease the maddening leftist crowd that are promising anarchy if they don't get their way.
Then why did the Department of Justice - Trump's very own Department of Justice, led by Sessions - choose to name a Special Prosecutor in this case? It's not the ******* lying liberal media, nor the Democrats, nor Hillary Clinton, nor Obama, nor anyone else. This investigation was brought about by Trump's own Department of Justice. What gives?

I have no idea. There is no evidence of anything nefarious. Just allegations in the media from anonymous sources that members of congress parrot as fact. You know if they had anything, it would be out there. They can't keep anything Trump related from being leaked to the media, but suddenly the explosive evidence here is being kept quiet and held under wraps? LOL. If you believe that, I have ocean front property to sell you in Montana.

Look, if there is evidence, let the American people see it and hang whoever needs to be hung. Until then, shut the **** up and do the work of the people.
Then why did the Department of Justice - Trump's very own Department of Justice, led by Sessions - choose to name a Special Prosecutor in this case? It's not the ******* lying liberal media, nor the Democrats, nor Hillary Clinton, nor Obama, nor anyone else. This investigation was brought about by Trump's own Department of Justice. What gives?

Just like in the other thread: Optics and PR.

If the idea is to get to the truth and Comey risks prosecution by saying something that admits to a crime, is he going to do that? If he doesn't say what the libs want him to say, will that be the "truth" for the libs or does this have to keep going?

During the Bush 43 years, we had a guy actually confess to leaking (accidentally, I think) the CIA person's name, but the libs NEVER accepted that.
I have ocean front property to sell you in Montana.

If I can get in on this now, when Global Warmi...err Climate Chang...errr, Climate Disruption really kicks in, I will make a fortune!!
Look, if there is evidence, let the American people see it and hang whoever needs to be hung.
Glad you feel that way, I concur.

If the idea is to get to the truth and Comey risks prosecution by saying something that admits to a crime, is he going to do that?
We'll find out sooner than later. And remember, Comey's testimony tmrw is not one and the same as the Mueller inquiry. So Comey may be limited by what he can say in a public hearing, and not be as constricted in answering to Mueller behind closed doors. Comey can also strike a deal with the prosecutors in exchange for his testimony, if it gets to that.
We'll find out sooner than later. And remember, Comey's testimony tmrw is not one and the same as the Mueller inquiry. So Comey may be limited by what he can say in a public hearing, and not be as constricted in answering to Mueller behind closed doors. Comey can also strike a deal with the prosecutors in exchange for his testimony, if it gets to that.

Way to condition yourself for the big nothing burger that you will see tomorrow.
2 reasons --
1. Because they know they have nothing to hide.
2. To appease the maddening leftist crowd that are promising anarchy if they don't get their way.
Way to condition yourself for the big nothing burger that you will see tomorrow.
Oh, my bad you must be right. The Senate hearing and Mueller's special prosecutor investigation IS one and the same and it will all wrap up tomorrow. Thanks for pointing that out. /sarcasm off

And btw Trump seems awfully pissed off about 'a big nothing burger.'

Trump, furious and frustrated, gears up to punch back at Comey’s testimony

The president’s lawyers and aides have been urging Trump to resist engaging, but privately, they say they are bracing for a worst-case scenario when James Comey testifies before a Senate committee Thursday. Interviews with 20 White House officials, Trump friends and others reveal Trump’s mind-set in the run-up to a hearing that is expected to be historic.
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