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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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I am not on Facebook. Why would anyone get their news there? Isn't that like getting your news from late night comedy shows?

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No I'm speaking of some of the content that was posted to this board over the past year and a half that may have - inadvertantly - come from these Russian fake news plants. Since these were overwhelmingly anti-Hillary and pro-Trump in nature, they were widely disseminated on various right wing blogs, news sites, twitter and FB feeds and eventually passed on by the pro-Trump faction here on the board.

The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the Election

Russia hired 1,000 people to create anti-Clinton 'fake news' in key US states during election, Trump-Russia hearings leader reveals

How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election

Examples of fake stories that were posted here as facts?
I am not on Facebook. Why would anyone get their news there? Isn't that like getting your news from late night comedy shows?

How is a comedian mocking news you’ve already heard anything like fabricated “news” you are hearing for the first time?
I didn't vote for Hillary Clinton because she is Hillary Clinton. I don't know why liberals can't understand that.
How is a comedian mocking news you’ve already heard anything like fabricated “news” you are hearing for the first time?

Stop. **** from Bill Maher has been posted here as fact. While I can't remember who posted it, it wouldn't surprise me to learn it was you.
The people aren’t the low hanging fruit, the crimes are. And the crimes are now leverage for Mueller. If Manafort wants to avoid the clink, he can give Trump up.

Over a year of investigating collusion, and this is what they got? Crimes, yeah. But nothing to do with collusion. Perhaps you are the low hanging fruit.
I didn't vote for Hillary Clinton because she is Hillary Clinton. I don't know why liberals can't understand that.

That has nothing to do with anything. The question is did a hostile foreign government interfere in our elections and did either of the presidential campaigns knowingly participate in - or even passively accept - that interference? I don't know why non-liberals can't understand that.

edit - and to delzjc's earlier point, yes Mueller has broad powers to investigate any and all crimes he may uncover in the process, even if they're unrelated, or just tangibly related to the initial scope of the inquiry. A crime is a crime, afterall. It's his sworn duty to folllow the leads wherever they may take him. Like it or not.
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I understand I'll be ridiculed for it, but here is my take. Strictly my opinion based on what's gone down over the past year or so.

From what I can tell, Trump's business dealings over the decades have involved numerous dark money sources, be they Russian or others. Since he was shut off from financing from US banks, he had to find money elsewhere. This network of illicit money and illegal business dealings created numerous contacts and relationships, some of which included entities close to Putin. These are the skeletons in his closet. There are probably a handful of deals that, if exposed, would allow authorities to charge him for money laundering and tax evasion, among other charges. Out of this background he rose to become the GOP nominee.

Putin was eager to have a more Russian-friendly administration in the WH, one that would look the other way when it came to Ukraine, Syria and Russia exerting its influence in Eastern Europe and elsewhere. In general, a weaker US - with as much internal turmoil as possible - and a weaker NATO in particular were the desired result. The Richard Steele dossier - some of it already collaborated - shows the Russians collected dirt on Trump during his visit to Moscow, plus the info on his ties to Russian dark money, mobsters and the like. The key player here is a dude named Felix Sater, who was Trump's partner in investment deals.

Through various channels, they put in motion a two-prong effort to do what they could to help get Trump elected. The Russians created massive amounts of falsified, misleading content and flooded the net with it. They hacked the DNC emails then published them through wikileaks, undermining Hillary Clinton's candidacy. All this with the understanding Trump would stay out of Putin's hair if and when he got elected, otherwise they'd reveal the blackmail info.

Behind in the polls, Trump and his advisors may have been desperate enough to seek out this help being offered, though they tried to do this through intermediaries to keep their noses clean. The myriad of Trump advisors with clear connections to Russia and Russian interests like Manafort, Gates, Paige, Flynn, Papadopoulos,Tillerson, Sessions and Stone are omnious. The fact Trump fired Comey, in the middle of an FBI investigation into Trump and his campaign just added another layer to possible criminal wrongdoing.

So my view is this wasn't some massive conspiracy that Trump was the mastermind of. He didn't come up with the blueprint. He simply knew about it, and went along with it. Then began denying any of it happened, and thus came the invention of the term 'fake news' that dominated the election cycle.

Ironically enough, he very well could have been elected president without all this horseshit, by folks like many here on this board, who simply wanted to see change in Washington and voted for him.

Unfortunately, wishing all this away does not clear Trump from any wrongdoing, only Mueller's investigation can do that at this point.

Some info on Trump-Russian ties:

What this investigation was supposed to be about is whether the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to interfere with the election. So far. not a shred of evidence has come forward that it did. Again, if that changes I'll be the first to admit it. But until then everything you've written here is just wild speculation based on nothing factual.
That has nothing to do with anything. The question is did a hostile foreign government interfere in our elections and did either of the presidential campaigns knowingly participate in - or even passively accept - that interference? I don't know why non-liberals can't understand that.

It has everything to do with why I didn't vote for Hillary Clinton.

As far as the election, I don't know if anyone interfered. Neither does anyone else. What we have is a bunch of speculation in the press, and the word of a federal government that has lost the benefit of the doubt. I know people tend to believe what they want, but until the government shows me proof of any wrongdoing on either side, it is just noise. Period.

I hate the political climate in this country, because the people aren't being served, only the self interests of a government that will fight to save itself, even at the expense of our republic.

It's obvious you've sold your soul.
In my short life, I have voted for Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Obama, Romney and Trump. Who is the last Republican you voted for Tibs?
That has nothing to do with anything. The question is did a hostile foreign government interfere in our elections and did either of the presidential campaigns knowingly participate in - or even passively accept - that interference? I don't know why non-liberals can't understand that.

edit - and to delzjc's earlier point, yes Mueller has broad powers to investigate any and all crimes he may uncover in the process, even if they're unrelated, or just tangibly related to the initial scope of the inquiry. A crime is a crime, afterall. It's his sworn duty to folllw the leads wherever they may take him. Like it or not.

Better question, even if they did provide information or even work with Trump which I highly doubt what is the actual crime? Not one vote was altered or interfered with. Collusion is NOT a crime in this case so what is it?
...everything you've written here is just wild speculation based on nothing factual.
I wrote pretty clearly at the top of my post this is entirely my opinion. Not sure how I could be any clearer than that. And it's not 'wild speculation based on nothing factual,' it's speculation based on reading a lot and doing my own research on the matter.

It's obvious you've sold your soul.
That's a bit dramatic. I sold my soul because I want the truth to come out so we can put this behind us, even if it includes Mueller exonerating Trump? Or maybe I sold my soul because I have differing political views than you do? Strange comment, regardless.
In my short life, I have voted for Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Obama, Romney and Trump. Who is the last Republican you voted for Tibs?

Can't say I've ever voted for a Republican president. I did like Reagan and George H. Bush, but voting for George W, McCain (Palin?), Romney or Trump? None of that was gonna happen, sorry.

And this has what to do with the Mueller's investigation? :dontknow:
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I couldn't vote for Hillary Clinton because not only is she unlikeable, she's also the most pandering politician to ever grace the political world with her hooved feet. She's as two-faced as it comes and I'd not trust my life in her hands, and definitely wouldn't trust the lives of military personnel in her hands - as she's shown a flippant attitude towards the military. She's fake, fake fake. She's an old grandma who can't come to the understanding that her time is done and over. She didn't give a flying **** about anyone in the country, just wanted their votes. She preyed on the weak-minded, the easily impressionable and those most in need. She promised them snake oil and tried to guilt them into voting for her with "I'm with her" slogan.


<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/l3fQjHugtGrGhHs5y" width="480" height="258" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/wow-shocked-hillary-clinton-l3fQjHugtGrGhHs5y">via GIPHY</a></p>


then she chooses Tim ******* Kaine as her VP. And he speaks to the country in Spanish... which, yeah, it's pretty ******* great that he's bilingual and could attract the Hispanic voter bloc, but it was also seen as yet another slap in the face to those who were not sure about Hillary. Why? Because we'd been told we need to "be like other countries" ... and some of us felt we were slowly losing our identity as a country. Proof - look at those easily impressionable minds on college campuses comparing quite literally Trump and anyone who doesnt think like they do to Nazis and Hitler. Desecrating the flag, burning buildings, creating social strife, promotion of racism, dividing the country into smaller and smaller segments and blocs. Not for praise and to uplift, but to vulture upon for votes.


I didn't give a flying **** about Trump until I saw how badly the established pols were against him. The Ds hated him. The Rs hate that he's the head of their party. Yeah, he's a crass jackass and isn't the most presidential ****** we've ever had ... but after having sunshine and rainbows blown up the country's *** for the past decade, we absolutely needed a reset button pressed.

I'm not Russian and have never been to Russia. I don't even like Russian salad dressing. So, no, Russia had zero influence on me and my vote. Watching this lying sack of geriatric **** pander to her supporters and continue to belittle and demean anyone who didnt agree with her and the previous presidential administration is what made me vote AGAINST her... and vote for the one person who could beat her.
If Mueller finds people broke the law then prosecute them. Dont care what it is for. Tired of seeing all these rich people get away with whatever while if the average citizen owes $10 to the IRS they act like you committed murder. I am not talking about people just associated with Trump I am talking about people from both sides. The whole collusion thing is non-sense. I do believe that Trump or Trumps team talked to the Russians, but dont see how that is a crime. If the Russians were paid to hack the dems then maybe. The constant lying from both sides is ridiculous. Normal citizens should be outraged because these politicians think and act like they are above us and think we are stupid. Unfortunately a lot of people seem brainwashed and are constantly believing / buying into the lies. To me the ideal president would be just an average Joe or Sue (to be politically correct). I know why Trump won, but to say he honestly relates to the average citizen is BS.
I wrote pretty clearly at the top of my post this is entirely my opinion. Not sure how I could be any clearer than that. And it's not 'wild speculation based on nothing factual,' it's speculation based on reading a lot and doing my own research on the matter.

Trump involved in "dark money", tax fraud, money laundering isn't wild speculation? What information do you have on which to base that opinion? You really think the IRS hasn't been crawling up his *** for the last 30 years? He's been at some points probably the most famous wealthy businessman in the country. You really think someone involved in tax fraud and money laundering would open themselves up the intense financial scrutiny of being a presidential candidate? For what?

Wild speculation is exactly what it is, and until you produce one shred of evidence it will remain so.
Trump involved in "dark money", tax fraud, money laundering isn't wild speculation? What information do you have on which to base that opinion?
You really should read up on things. I can't do your homework for you. Plenty of info out there regarding Trump's murky business deals and connections. If you don't want to read it, then don't. If it suits you just keep telling yourself I'm pulling it out of thin air.

Wild speculation is exactly what it is, and until you produce one shred of evidence it will remain so.
Jesus lady, it's not my job to produce evidence here or elsewhere. That's above my pay grade.
You mean by Elfie? Yes, I ignore all of them. Except for occasionally arguing their absurdity for fun.


I'm the last person on here you should call a conspiracy guy. Have you read some of the stuff your fellow Trumptards have been posting on the Vegas shooter alone?

We are a nation of laws. President Donald Trump and all those around him who have not yet been named in an indictment have the presumption of innocence. As do those who have been arrested and not plead guilty. But what has unfolded today is the working of a very meticulous and seasoned prosecutor who is sending an unambiguous message. This is real. And a lot more is out there. The shockwaves coursing through Washington and the world are only beginning.

Make no mistake, Bob Mueller almost assuredly knows a lot more than he has let on. He also knows how to unfold a prosecution, to turn up the heat, send shots across bows, and build a case up the ladder. The fact that he started with such big names is telling. The hints at other knowledge, and other people, in the indictment is a serious clue that many more shoes are likely to drop. The plea deal that was off the radar suggests there are names and actions that the public has yet to give scrutiny, but the Mueller team has been hard at work ferreting out. And the president reportedly fumes about a narrative he cannot control.

In Watergate, there was a growing sense of pressure. But the crime itself was rather contained. Here the crimes are allegedly widespread and strike at the very heart of our democratic institutions. There is a strong suggestion that there were active agents for the Russian government working inside the highest echelons of the Trump campaign. Let that sink in for a moment.

One thing to keep in mind is that the best prosecutors, a distinction with which Mueller is often credited, have a sense of timing and drama. But it is not only for public consumption. It is to uncover the deepest crimes committed and to bring those who perpetrated those crimes to justice.

Will Manafort flip? Will others? Who else does he have goods on? Are there other witnesses or people of interest cooperating? Somewhere in the bowels of Mueller's offices, his team are putting these pieces together.

This is likely but the first act of a play unlike any seen before in our nation's history.

You really should read up on things. I can't do your homework for you. Plenty of info out there regarding Trump's murky business deals and connections. If you don't want to read it, then don't. If it suits you just keep telling yourself I'm pulling it out of thin air.

Jesus lady, it's not my job to produce evidence here or elsewhere. That's above my pay grade.

So you've got nothing.
So you've got nothing.
So you're lazy and perfectly fine with being led by your nose. Just be in line with popular opinion around here and keep your neck above water. Got it.
Trump involved in "dark money", tax fraud, money laundering isn't wild speculation? What information do you have on which to base that opinion? You really think the IRS hasn't been crawling up his *** for the last 30 years? He's been at some points probably the most famous wealthy businessman in the country. You really think someone involved in tax fraud and money laundering would open themselves up the intense financial scrutiny of being a presidential candidate? For what?

Wild speculation is exactly what it is, and until you produce one shred of evidence it will remain so.

Just how delusional are you people? i mean really...do you just repeat what Fox news and Limbaugh feed you?

Trump has been laundering money for Russians before. It's documented and Mueller asked for the records.


Normally, if a gambler cashes out $10,000-plus in a single day, the casino must fill out a form listing their name, physical address, Social Security number, and birthdate. The casino has 15 days to send the form to the IRS.
According to a dozen anti-money laundering experts, casinos often run into these problems. But getting caught with 106 violations in the casino's opening years is an indicator of a serious problem, they said.
The violations date back to a time when the Taj Mahal was the preferred gambling spot for Russian mobsters living in Brooklyn, according to federal investigators who tracked organized crime in New York City. They also occurred at a time when the Taj Mahal casino was short on cash and on the verge of bankruptcy.
So you're lazy and perfectly fine with being led by your nose. Just be in line with popular opinion around here and keep your neck above water. Got it.

Oh, okay. So my turn, right?

Mueller is a corrupt child-rapist. Do your homework. It's out there. And Obama ate dead babies. And Mooschelle drank baby blood. And Hillary murdered people.

Do your own research. It's true, and **** you if you don't believe it. Not on me to prove anything I say. I just post **** I read on Mediasplatters and pretend it's true.

So you're lazy and perfectly fine with being led by your nose. Just be in line with popular opinion around here and keep your neck above water. Got it.

All I keep hearing everywhere is a lot of bluster with zero substance attached to it. Color me unconvinced.
So you're lazy and perfectly fine with being led by your nose. Just be in line with popular opinion around here and keep your neck above water. Got it.

Ha ha ha. Still nothing.

No, you don't have to be in line, actually I'm often not in line. I'm not in line with popular opinion on Trump as a matter of fact. There are all kinds of real reasons not to like him. Just don't make an argument unless you're willing to back it up. Once again, your "opinion" that Trump has been involved in tax fraud and money laundering has no basis in fact. Until you produce a shred of anything that says otherwise, it will remain wild speculation.

What bothers me about this is not that Trump is being persecuted and I have some kind of undying loyalty to him. What bothers me about this is the way facts are twisted and spun and exaggerated for political purposes. That should bother all of us.
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