No.... you bumbling tampon fetcher/toilet scrubber/toner changer. THEY DIDN'T FILE THE PAPERWORK YOU ******* IMBECILE......WHY DID THEY NOT FILE IT AT LEAST 106 TIMES? WHY?
Let me try to explain the most basic ******* facts ever to you, the stupidest, inbred, food-stamp hogging, gastric-band stretching, cheating, basket full of used toilet paper.
That means 106 different gamblers won over a span of [how many years, *****??], and gave false info to casino employees.
So, your theory - and it is yours, you stupid, ignorant, dimwit, dumbfuck, ***-sniffing, dog-humping shitbag - is that (1) Trump owns a billion dollar casino, (2) Trump sets up his casino staff in on the deal, (3) has his croupier somehow, in view of the pit bosses, and on video, win in some rigged gambling, to the tune of [how many dollars, fuckweasel???], in front of other gamblers who could and would have benefited from the rigged game [who the **** does not bet with the hot shooter, you fat ****, dumb-****, dimwit, shitweasel???], (4) so that the gamblers can then win [how much?? Go ahead, ******, details matter, more than the amount of butter you put on your breakfast muffin. And pancakes. And eggs. And bacon. And more eggs. And toast], (5) at which point they cash in the winnings with fake information?
Is that about right?
Hey, let me explain something, you bloated, Macy's-float imitating, tax-stealing, stupid, ignorant **** - casinos make money because the odds are in their favor. No, really, google the ****. Literally every game - blackjack, slots, craps, roulette, what-the-****-ever - is designed to make the casino money.
Millions. No, tens of millions. No, hundreds of millions over the course of a couple of years.
But a casino owner needs to launder [how much, fuckwad??], and make what, a few hundred thousand? A million? 2 million?
You really are this stupid. You ignorant ****, stop cutting-and-pasting some idiotic **** from whatever ***-licking lefty web site you frequent, and think you can post that stupid **** in an echo chamber. No, fart-sniffer, I will gash you.
Again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again ...
Don't go away mad. Just douse yourself in gasoline and light a match. Or even better, douse yourself in gasoline and let me light the match.
Oh, and P.S., you ******* thief. How about upgrading your welfare queen status by becoming an actual contributor who helps pay for the site? Yes, I am talking to you, you hypocritical, lying, sponging, lowlife. Pay your ******* share, or die. Oh, **** it, just die.