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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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You know whats going to get Trump impeached........It's that according to MSM he drinks at least a dozen diet cokes a day. That will do it.

A dozen...can you believe it....that mans a monster!!
Dems want to keep this Russia circus going on for the length of Trump's term, to obstruct his agenda. Nothing more. It is time to end this bullshit. Mueller too.

Yes we know how Trump and his supporters feel, praying this goes away. Hopefully the US justice system doesn't work that way. But maybe it does, or will, from here on.

Tibs, it appears that the investigation is on the verge of unraveling. I think maybe that is more a picture for you guys at this point as opposed to Trump supporters. Matter of fact that picture sums up Trump's opposition since the moment he was elected. "Please God find something.....anything to get this guy impeached!"
Mueller is finished!

Whistleblowers Line Up To Accuse Mueller Of Lying To The Senate, Surveilling Trump

Special counsel Robert Mueller is facing new problems as multiple intelligence agency whistleblowers and former underlings accuse him of overseeing and covering up massive off-the-books surveillance activities during his tenure as director of the FBI.

A former FBI special agent accuses Mueller of lying to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding the scope of his surveillance programs.

Another NSA and CIA whistleblower accuses Mueller of overseeing a secretive program that surveilled President Donald Trump while Trump was a private citizen — an accusation that is already being heard in court.

Another whistleblower claims that former FBI agents would testify with documentation that Mueller stifled their investigations into certain terrorist networks.



Top FBI officials will be subpoenaed

A Republican on the House judiciary committee said Saturday he's gotten a commitment from committee chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) to subpoena top officials at the FBI and Justice Department in their ongoing inquiry into claims of bias against President Donald Trump.

Republicans have zeroed in on deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, top counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, FBI attorney Lisa Page, former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie, who reportedly worked for Fusion GPS, the firm that compiled opposition research on Trump in 2016.

"Chairman Goodlatte has told us he is going to subpoena those individuals," said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), in an appearance on Fox News' "Justice with Judge Jeanine."

Mueller is finished!

Whistleblowers Line Up To Accuse Mueller Of Lying To The Senate, Surveilling Trump

Special counsel Robert Mueller is facing new problems as multiple intelligence agency whistleblowers and former underlings accuse him of overseeing and covering up massive off-the-books surveillance activities during his tenure as director of the FBI.

A former FBI special agent accuses Mueller of lying to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence regarding the scope of his surveillance programs.

Another NSA and CIA whistleblower accuses Mueller of overseeing a secretive program that surveilled President Donald Trump while Trump was a private citizen — an accusation that is already being heard in court.

Another whistleblower claims that former FBI agents would testify with documentation that Mueller stifled their investigations into certain terrorist networks.



Top FBI officials will be subpoenaed

A Republican on the House judiciary committee said Saturday he's gotten a commitment from committee chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) to subpoena top officials at the FBI and Justice Department in their ongoing inquiry into claims of bias against President Donald Trump.

Republicans have zeroed in on deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, top counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, FBI attorney Lisa Page, former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie, who reportedly worked for Fusion GPS, the firm that compiled opposition research on Trump in 2016.

"Chairman Goodlatte has told us he is going to subpoena those individuals," said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), in an appearance on Fox News' "Justice with Judge Jeanine."


Really really dirty stuff. This nasty internal **** has to end. How does it end? You need real patriots in high places like these folks to do the right thing.
The backlash and witchhunt against Mueller is in full force. Trump, his GOP goons and the State media (Fox, Breitbart) are relentless in their attacks against the Special Prosecutor and the Congressional investigations. Clearly not the behaviour of an innocent man. This is what happens when you feel the noose tightening and oxygen beginning to fade. Sure signs of desperation.
The backlash and witchhunt against Mueller is in full force. Trump, his GOP goons and the State media (Fox, Breitbart) are relentless in their attacks against the Special Prosecutor and the Congressional investigations. Clearly not the behaviour of an innocent man. This is what happens when you feel the noose tightening and oxygen beginning to fade. Sure signs of desperation.

Clearly delusional.
Clearly delusional.
Clearly succumbed to an authoritarian regime with no regard for the law. Trump worshippers are the worse type of sheep there is. You want to be eaten by wolves and will cheer loudly and in unison as they're chewing the meat off your leg. To each his own.
The backlash and witchhunt against Mueller is in full force. Trump, his GOP goons and the State media (Fox, Breitbart) are relentless in their attacks against the Special Prosecutor and the Congressional investigations. Clearly not the behaviour of an innocent man. This is what happens when you feel the noose tightening and oxygen beginning to fade. Sure signs of desperation.

You are just trolling at this point. You have a whole panel of admittedly biased people.....investigating the guy they are 100% biased against. You either can't make the connection as to why this is a problem or are just trolling. Come on Tibs you have brain cells, use them.
You are just trolling at this point. You have a whole panel of admittedly biased people.....investigating the guy they are 100% biased against. You either can't make the connection as to why this is a problem or are just trolling. Come on Tibs you have brain cells, use them.

None of this was a problem until Mueller started busting Trump's campaign staffers. And now, it seems he's moving closer to Trump's inner circle. Now this is becoming a problem. You too have a brain, it would be good to dust if off a little and stop gobbling up what Trump operatives and Fox News are selling.
Washington is and has been thouroughly corrupted by partisan politics for decades now. Anyone who believes any single person holding a political office is or can be neutral is a fool... Of course Mueller was part of a plan to attack Trump, its no different than any of the other independant counsils looking into things... these things should have a very narrow scope, but they dont because they are political witchhunts and always will be.

Trump is a lousy President. He is uncouth. He is egotistical, he takes credit for things that have no tie to him and he half ***** things just to say he fulfilled a campaign promise or two, but he is the properly elected president and removing him for anything less than something outrageously major is just not right. This was true of Clinton, and Bush, and Obama... all did outrageous things, many even criminal, but none deserved to be removed from office over political witch hunts.

And lets not lie to ourselves about things... this is absolutely a witch hunt....

The dems just have to face that they lost. Even i knew there was a problem with this investigation the minute the FBI started stonewalling congress overcertain conflicts of interest...

the sad part is the progressive wailed for decades about the shadyness of the FBI, CIA and NSA when it came to fabricating things to meet what they thought was a conservative agenda, but not that the agenda of those agencies align with the progressive liberal's own, they are to be 100% trusted and embraced... give me a break... I thought they were untrustworthy then, I still do now....

The politics of this whole situation sickens me... from both sides... I mean heck, we almost elected a guy who wouldnt even publicly deny dating teenagers when first accused... both sides just want to win at all costs... its wrong
None of this was a problem until Mueller started busting Trump's campaign staffers. And now, it seems he's moving closer to Trump's inner circle. Now this is becoming a problem. You too have a brain, it would be good to dust if off a little and stop gobbling up what Trump operatives and Fox News are selling.

Let's see.......on one side of this discussion there is proven evidence that it happened in the form of text messages. On the other side AFTER A YEAR there is only speculation and nothing proven. Who's gobbling the propaganda again?
None of this was a problem until Mueller started busting Trump's campaign staffers. And now, it seems he's moving closer to Trump's inner circle. Now this is becoming a problem. You too have a brain, it would be good to dust if off a little and stop gobbling up what Trump operatives and Fox News are selling.

None of this was a problem until all of the FBI/DOJ allegations surfaced over the past two weeks. And it seems that new problems are surfacing daily with the way Mueller is handling the investigation..........enough so that the Inspector General is conducting a full scale investigation. In the meantime, President Trump continues to turn this country around.
None of this was a problem until all of the FBI/DOJ allegations surfaced over the past two weeks. And it seems that new problems are surfacing daily with the way Mueller is handling the investigation..........enough so that the Inspector General is conducting a full scale investigation. In the meantime, President Trump continues to turn this country around.

Exactly, the past two weeks. There is a concentrated effort underway to undermine Mueller and his team. It has ramped up significantly in recent days. In times like these it's wise to take a deep breath and read the tea leaves. Nothing happens in a vacuum. There is a lot of ****-slinging going on right now, I doubt much of it sticks. Mueller immediately jettisoned the agents that crossed the line with their anti-Trump comments. He then went public with it. He has nothing to hide. At it's core, I believe Mueller and the FBI are non-partisan and are serving the best interest of the nation.

Funny how quickly life-long Republicans like Comey, Mueller and Rosenstein are deemed to be lib/Dem hacks. In the blink of an eye.

If Trump is innocent of any wrongdoing, I simply can't fathom why it would be in his interest to undermine the FBI and the Special Counsel. It's his best chance to clear his name. Kellyanne Conway's been on FOX talking about a 'coup' in US politics. That's ******* insane to accuse the DOJ and FBI of something like that. Alex Jones can get away with it on his fringe, far-right freakshow, but to hear those close to the President pick up that line of argument is disturbing, to say the least.

The louder thou doth protest... seems to be more incriminating for Trump than not.
If Trump is innocent of any wrongdoing, I simply can't fathom why it would be in his interest to undermine the FBI and the Special Counsel. It's his best chance to clear his name. Kellyanne Conway's been on FOX talking about a 'coup' in US politics. That's ******* insane to accuse the DOJ and FBI of something like that. Alex Jones can get away with it on his fringe, far-right freakshow, but to hear those close to the President pick up that line of argument is disturbing, to say the least.

We know it was an attempted coup from the folks at the upper level of the FBI who were working to elect Hildebeast and conducting illegal searches and wiretaps of Trump staffers BEFORE the election, when everyone including Trump were private citizens. The wife of the number four guy at the FBI WORKS for Fusion GPS, the company that wrote up the fake Trump/Russia dossier and (likely) used it to get their FISA warrant to wiretap Trump. This is all much worse than Watergate. Seriously.
Exactly, the past two weeks. There is a concentrated effort underway to undermine Mueller and his team. It has ramped up significantly in recent days. In times like these it's wise to take a deep breath and read the tea leaves. Nothing happens in a vacuum. There is a lot of ****-slinging going on right now, I doubt much of it sticks. Mueller immediately jettisoned the agents that crossed the line with their anti-Trump comments. He then went public with it. He has nothing to hide. At it's core, I believe Mueller and the FBI are non-partisan and are serving the best interest of the nation.

Funny how quickly life-long Republicans like Comey, Mueller and Rosenstein are deemed to be lib/Dem hacks. In the blink of an eye.

If Trump is innocent of any wrongdoing, I simply can't fathom why it would be in his interest to undermine the FBI and the Special Counsel. It's his best chance to clear his name. Kellyanne Conway's been on FOX talking about a 'coup' in US politics. That's ******* insane to accuse the DOJ and FBI of something like that. Alex Jones can get away with it on his fringe, far-right freakshow, but to hear those close to the President pick up that line of argument is disturbing, to say the least.

The louder thou doth protest... seems to be more incriminating for Trump than not.

..........And Bengazi was a result of a video.
,,,,,,,,,,And the IRS wasn't targeting conservative groups. Lois Lerner told us so.....oh wait.
..........And Bill Clinton and Lynch talked about grandkids on the tarmac.
..........And Hilary handed over all of her "work" emails, before she scrubbed her hard drives clean.
..........And Bill didn't inhale, and didn't have sex with that woman.
.........and Nixon was not a crook.

Tibs, you are getting more niaive with time. Washington is a cesspool of swamp creatures only looking to enrich themselves, and acquire influence, which they can then use to further enrich themselves. That includes Dems and Republicans. The Swamp is out to get Trump. When the Russian collusion thing fails, they will go for obstruction. When that fails, they will go after sex allegations. When that fails, it will be some other calculated accusation. This is a witch hunt, and the evidence is growing by the day.

I have no trust in what we hear out of Washington. From both sides. That is why I voted for Trump. That is why you should support him as well. That, and your 401k. And your coming tax cut.
We know it was an attempted coup from the folks at the upper level of the FBI who were working to elect Hildebeast and conducting illegal searches and wiretaps of Trump staffers BEFORE the election, when everyone including Trump were private citizens.
But you know why they got caught up in the Fed's wiretaps, right? Leading up to the election they were avidly pursuing leads concerning Russian agents, espionage and election hacking. In other words, doing their job. It's the FBI's fault that multiple members of Trump's campaign team were on the other end of the phone lines? Jesus H. Christ.

This is all much worse than Watergate. Seriously.

Washington is a cesspool of swamp creatures only looking to enrich themselves, and acquire influence, which they can then use to further enrich themselves. That includes Dems and Republicans.
Problem is Trump and his cabinet are the worst of the lot. That's what's ironic about it. You guys put a halo on the man's head and refuse to see he's as rotten as anything else in DC.

When the Russian collusion thing fails, they will go for obstruction. When that fails, they will go after sex allegations. When that fails, it will be some other calculated accusation. This is a witch hunt, and the evidence is growing by the day.
You put the cart before the horse. Shouldn't the question be: is Trump innocent of the charges of obstruction, sex allegations, tax evasion, money laundering, etc? Is that not the swamp you're so busy draining? Yet you don't give two ***** if Trump is cleared of these charges. Or you know in your heart of hearts he did nothing wrong. It's a gut feeling on your end, I presume.

I have no trust in what we hear out of Washington. From both sides. That is why I voted for Trump. That is why you should support him as well. That, and your 401k. And your coming tax cut.
Knowing everything I know about Trump I would never support a dirtbag like him. It sucks you guys spend so much time projecting your needs, wants and dreams onto this man. You simply don't see him for what he is. I can't change that, I get it. To each his own. I'd be real careful painting with a wide brush when it comes ot 401k and tax cuts. I understand the argument but there's more to a presidency and to the federal government than short term monetary gains. At least there should be.
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I have no trust in what we hear out of Washington. From both sides. That is why I voted for Trump.

None, nada, zilch, zero. It is a reeking cesspool that needed an enema. It's getting one.
But you know why they got caught up in the Fed's wiretaps, right? Leading up to the election they were avidly pursuing leads concerning Russian agents, espionage and election hacking. In other words, doing their job. It's the FBI's fault that multiple members of Trump's campaign team were on the other end of the phone lines? Jesus H. Christ.

Where is the Russian collusion? Where is it? If the wiretaps were granted on the basis of the bullshit Fusion GPS dossier, paid for by the Clinton campaign, doesn't it make the wiretapping a crime? And it is looking like that is where it came from. I can't wait until the next Democratic nominee has a bullshit dossier revealed about them, which will result in a special prosecutor , and lead to wiretaps on their transition team.....and let's see what happens.

Problem is Trump and his cabinet are the worst of the lot. That's what's ironic about it. You guys put a halo on the man's head and refuse to see he's as rotten as anything else in DC.
Still better than the Clinton crime syndicate

You put the cart before the horse. Shouldn't the question be: is Trump innocent of the charges of obstruction, sex allegations, tax evasion, money laundering, etc? Is that not the swamp you're so busy draining? Yet you don't give two ***** if Trump is cleared of these charges. Or you know in your heart of hearts he did nothing wrong. It's a gut feeling on your end, I presume.

If you are going to assign this level of gov't intrusion and investigation to every member of congress, we will have no one left. Guaranteed.

Knowing everything I know about Hillary I would never support a dirtbag like her.

Fixed it.
But you know why they got caught up in the Fed's wiretaps, right? Leading up to the election they were avidly pursuing leads concerning Russian agents, espionage and election hacking. In other words, doing their job. It's the FBI's fault that multiple members of Trump's campaign team were on the other end of the phone lines? Jesus H. Christ.

False. There was one conversation recorded, involving Flynn - ONE. The **** against Manafort, et al. has literally NOTHING to do with Trump, or the Russians, or the election, or collusion.

What does not bother you in the least is that the FBI was in fact surveilling Trump and his campaign associates. Does not bother you in the least.

Good on you. I presume you have no issue with Trump having the FBI conduct surveillance on his 2020 opponent? What about it?

Problem is Trump and his cabinet are the worst of the lot. That's what's ironic about it. You guys put a halo on the man's head and refuse to see he's as rotten as anything else in DC.

So are you FINALLY, finally for **** sake, admitting that the skanky, diseased group of millionaires in D.C. are rotten? AS IN, ALL OF THEM??

Admit it. It will feel good. That entire group of corrupt, power-hungry, despicable, loathesome parasites should be exterminated. ******* Congress is the Patriots of government - preening, spoiled, entitled liars and cheaters out to foment disease and corrupt the game to their advantage.

You put the cart before the horse. Shouldn't the question be: is Trump innocent of the charges of obstruction, sex allegations, tax evasion, money laundering, etc? Is that not the swamp you're so busy draining? Yet you don't give two ***** if Trump is cleared of these charges. Or you know in your heart of hearts he did nothing wrong. It's a gut feeling on your end, I presume.

(1) What is the fundamental, underlying purpose of the independent counsel law??
(2) Why did your lover-hero, Obama, not refer his Mexican gun-running to an independent counsel????
(3) Why did your lover-hero, Obama, not refer Clinton's behavior to an independent counsel??????????????????????????????????
(4) If in fact, as the evidence is clearly showing, the "Mueller team" is stacked with ideologues and anti-Trumpers, DOES THAT NOT ******* UNDERCUT THE VERY ******* REASON FOR AN INDEPENDENT COUNSEL???????????????????????????????????????
If this right doesn't scare the **** out of one, what we are seeing revealed, I don't know what will. The political weaponization of the DOJ and FBI will signal the beginning of the end of the Republic.
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