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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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That's all they've got?
Tibs, wake me up......yawn.
Interviewing witnesses, collecting evidence and $4 will get you a latte at Starbucks.

As I've written for months on end, Trump's murky dealings with Russians goes back decades. I posted an investigative journalist's documentary six months ago in this thread that pointed this out in vivid detail. As well as numerous, cross-referenced articles on the subect. All of the info was out there, you just had to read the tea leaves. Most of you turned a blind eye and refused to do so, accepting Trump's posturing that all this was fake news.

At the minimum, read this op-ed written yesterday by the two founders of the research firm Fusion GPS, that's at the center of the controversy regarding the Trump dossier. Every American should demand Congress immediately release their testimony to the various congressional committees.

Or, dismiss this too as fake news as Trump (and breitbart & Fox) will surely do.

A generation ago, Republicans sought to protect President Richard Nixon by urging the Senate Watergate committee to look at supposed wrongdoing by Democrats in previous elections. The committee chairman, Sam Ervin, a Democrat, said that would be “as foolish as the man who went bear hunting and stopped to chase rabbits.”

Today, amid a growing criminal inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, congressional Republicans are again chasing rabbits. We know because we’re their favorite quarry.

In the year since the publication of the so-called Steele dossier — the collection of intelligence reports we commissioned about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia — the president has repeatedly attacked us on Twitter. His allies in Congress have dug through our bank records and sought to tarnish our firm to punish us for highlighting his links to Russia. Conservative news outlets and even our former employer, The Wall Street Journal, have spun a succession of mendacious conspiracy theories about our motives and backers.

We are happy to correct the record. In fact, we already have.

Three congressional committees have heard over 21 hours of testimony from our firm, Fusion GPS. In those sessions, we toppled the far right’s conspiracy theories and explained how The Washington Free Beacon and the Clinton campaign — the Republican and Democratic funders of our Trump research — separately came to hire us in the first place.

We walked investigators through our yearlong effort to decipher Mr. Trump’s complex business past, of which the Steele dossier is but one chapter. And we handed over our relevant bank records — while drawing the line at a fishing expedition for the records of companies we work for that have nothing to do with the Trump case.

Republicans have refused to release full transcripts of our firm’s testimony, even as they selectively leak details to media outlets on the far right. It’s time to share what our company told investigators.

We don’t believe the Steele dossier was the trigger for the F.B.I.’s investigation into Russian meddling. As we told the Senate Judiciary Committee in August, our sources said the dossier was taken so seriously because it corroborated reports the bureau had received from other sources, including one inside the Trump camp.

The intelligence committees have known for months that credible allegations of collusion between the Trump camp and Russia were pouring in from independent sources during the campaign. Yet lawmakers in the thrall of the president continue to wage a cynical campaign to portray us as the unwitting victims of Kremlin disinformation.

We suggested investigators look into the bank records of Deutsche Bank and others that were funding Mr. Trump’s businesses. Congress appears uninterested in that tip: Reportedly, ours are the only bank records the House Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed.

We told Congress that from Manhattan to Sunny Isles Beach, Fla., and from Toronto to Panama, we found widespread evidence that Mr. Trump and his organization had worked with a wide array of dubious Russians in arrangements that often raised questions about money laundering. Likewise, those deals don’t seem to interest Congress.

We explained how, from our past journalistic work in Europe, we were deeply familiar with the political operative Paul Manafort’s coziness with Moscow and his financial ties to Russian oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin.

Finally, we debunked the biggest canard being pushed by the president’s men — the notion that we somehow knew of the June 9, 2016, meeting in Trump Tower between some Russians and the Trump brain trust. We first learned of that meeting from news reports last year — and the committees know it. They also know that these Russians were unaware of the former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele’s work for us and were not sources for his reports.

Yes, we hired Mr. Steele, a highly respected Russia expert. But we did so without informing him whom we were working for and gave him no specific marching orders beyond this basic question: Why did Mr. Trump repeatedly seek to do deals in a notoriously corrupt police state that most serious investors shun?

What came back shocked us. Mr. Steele’s sources in Russia (who were not paid) reported on an extensive — and now confirmed — effort by the Kremlin to help elect Mr. Trump president. Mr. Steele saw this as a crime in progress and decided he needed to report it to the F.B.I.

We did not discuss that decision with our clients, or anyone else. Instead, we deferred to Mr. Steele, a trusted friend and intelligence professional with a long history of working with law enforcement. We did not speak to the F.B.I. and haven’t since.

After the election, Mr. Steele decided to share his intelligence with Senator John McCain via an emissary. We helped him do that. The goal was to alert the United States national security community to an attack on our country by a hostile foreign power. We did not, however, share the dossier with BuzzFeed, which to our dismay published it last January.

We’re extremely proud of our work to highlight Mr. Trump’s Russia ties. To have done so is our right under the First Amendment.

It is time to stop chasing rabbits. The public still has much to learn about a man with the most troubling business past of any United States president. Congress should release transcripts of our firm’s testimony, so that the American people can learn the truth about our work and most important, what happened to our democracy.

Glenn R. Simpson and Peter Fritsch, both former journalists, are the founders of the research firm Fusion GPS. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/02/opinion/republicans-investigation-fusion-gps.html
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Tibbs is still part of the massive neo-socialist temper tantrum that has been going on since President Trump was elected last year.
Tibbs is still part of the massive neo-socialist temper tantrum that has been going on since President Trump was elected last year.

Really when you think about it....the election of Trump is most likely the worst thing that has ever happened to the "Participation Trophy" Generation. For maybe the first time in their existence, they ....shudder.....didn't get something they wanted! Judging from the past year I'd say they are having difficulties adjusting to that fact.
As I've written for months on end, Trump's murky dealings with Russians goes back decades. I posted an investigative journalist's documentary six months ago in this thread that pointed this out in vivid detail. As well as numerous, cross-referenced articles on the subect. All of the info was out there, you just had to read the tea leaves. Most of you turned a blind eye and refused to do so, accepting Trump's posturing that all this was fake news.


Firstly, then why, after a year, we still see no charges filed against the President, and all that it has unearthed is totally unrelated to Russian collusion, or his campaign?
Secondly, if Fusion GPS used Russian sources during it's investigation to dig up dirt, why are we not investigating the Clinton Campaign for Russian collusion? Or, are we?

Like I said, until charges are filed......yawn.
As I've written for months on end, Trump's murky dealings with Russians goes back decades. I posted an investigative journalist's documentary six months ago in this thread that pointed this out in vivid detail. As well as numerous, cross-referenced articles on the subect. All of the info was out there, you just had to read the tea leaves. Most of you turned a blind eye and refused to do so, accepting Trump's posturing that all this was fake news.

Nothing about Trump's "murky dealings" with Russia as a private citizen are relevant in any way. There is nothing illegal about doing business with Russians.There is nothing illegal about letting Russians in your casino. There is nothing illegal about selling condos to Russians. What you posted was a bunch of biased journalists scouring the internet for any mention of Trump, anyone who's ever done business with Trump, and the word "Russia". I promise you, if anyone was looking hard enough we could find business dealings with shady Russian people connected to Obama, the Clintons, the Pope for God's sake. We live in a global economy.

Meanwhile there's this that you just totally ignore:


You've posted evidence of nothing, except the left and the MSM's obsession with trying to tie Trump to something, anything, shady even tangentially relating to with Russia.

This is why there is so little credibility with you and the MSM on this subject. You're the boy who cries wolf, over and over again, but no wolf is ever found. Now the big crime of the century is internet trolls targeting their ads to Michigan? Give me a break.
As I've written for months on end, Trump's murky dealings with Russians goes back decades. I posted an investigative journalist's documentary six months ago in this thread that pointed this out in vivid detail. As well as numerous, cross-referenced articles on the subect. All of the info was out there, you just had to read the tea leaves. Most of you turned a blind eye and refused to do so, accepting Trump's posturing that all this was fake news.

At the minimum, read this op-ed written yesterday by the two founders of the research firm Fusion GPS, that's at the center of the controversy regarding the Trump dossier. Every American should demand Congress immediately release their testimony to the various congressional committees.

Or, dismiss this too as fake news as Trump (and breitbart & Fox) will surely do.

Again though... if Trump has been in bed with Russia for years, and Hillary has been in bed with Russia for years, what real choice did we as Americans have in the election last year?
Nothing about Trump's "murky dealings" with Russia as a private citizen are relevant in any way. There is nothing illegal about doing business with Russians.There is nothing illegal about letting Russians in your casino. There is nothing illegal about selling condos to Russians. What you posted was a bunch of biased journalists scouring the internet for any mention of Trump, anyone who's ever done business with Trump, and the word "Russia". I promise you, if anyone was looking hard enough we could find business dealings with shady Russian people connected to Obama, the Clintons, the Pope for God's sake. We live in a global economy.

Meanwhile there's this that you just totally ignore:


You've posted evidence of nothing, except the left and the MSM's obsession with trying to tie Trump to something, anything, shady even tangentially relating to with Russia.

This is why there is so little credibility with you and the MSM on this subject. You're the boy who cries wolf, over and over again, but no wolf is ever found. Now the big crime of the century is internet trolls targeting their ads to Michigan? Give me a break.

quoted for truth.

Fusion GPS is asking Congress, Tibs, to look into the dealings of a .... GERMAN bank. Not an American bank. A German bank. Congress does not have that authority, I suspect.


Deutsche Bank AG
Historical Institute
60262 Frankfurt am Main
As I've written for months on end, Trump's murky dealings with Russians goes back decades. I posted an investigative journalist's documentary six months ago in this thread that pointed this out in vivid detail. As well as numerous, cross-referenced articles on the subect. All of the info was out there, you just had to read the tea leaves. Most of you turned a blind eye and refused to do so, accepting Trump's posturing that all this was fake news.

At the minimum, read this op-ed written yesterday by the two founders of the research firm Fusion GPS, that's at the center of the controversy regarding the Trump dossier. Every American should demand Congress immediately release their testimony to the various congressional committees.

Yes, we hired Mr. Steele, a highly respected Russia expert. But we did so without informing him whom we were working for and gave him no specific marching orders beyond this basic question: Why did Mr. Trump repeatedly seek to do deals in a notoriously corrupt police state that most serious investors shun?

What came back shocked us. Mr. Steele’s sources in Russia (who were not paid) reported on an extensive — and now confirmed — effort by the Kremlin to help elect Mr. Trump president. Mr. Steele saw this as a crime in progress and decided he needed to report it to the F.B.I.

Russia has involved itself in United States elections for generations, Tibs. Oh, and the United States involves itself in Russian elections, and Venezuelan elections, and Chilean elections, and Brazilian elections, and Israeli elections, and on and on.

So what does that have to do with Trump? The Fusion guys proclaim their brilliance and their insightful analysis and their bravery and toss in reference to the 1st amendment.

So what have they found about Russia-Trump collusion? Yep, nothing. Repeat, NOTHING, as it not one goddamn thing. So you are damn right, this whole thing so far has indeed been nothing but a

At the very least, Bannon just threw Don Jr. and Kushner under the bus.
At the very least, Bannon just threw Don Jr. and Kushner under the bus.
In a really bad way. It may be all hands on deck to create seperation for Trump Sr. from the situation, by any means neccessarily.
The Fusion guys proclaim their brilliance and their insightful analysis and their bravery and toss in reference to the 1st amendment. So what have they found about Russia-Trump collusion? Yep, nothing. Repeat, NOTHING, as it not one goddamn thing.
So you will join me in calling on Congress to release the full 21 hours of testimony given by Fusion GPS before three congressional committees? Since - according to you - there's nothing incriminating regarding Trump, why not demand Republicans release the testimony that exonerate him and prove him right? The American people deserve to know the truth, one way or another.
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Bannon has become the bastion of all truth!

remember when he was the love child of Satan and Hitler? now, he's as revered as Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton, Princess Lieawatha Fauxcohontas and Colonel Bernie Socialist
So you will join me in calling on Congress to release the full 21 hours of testimony given by Fusion GPS before three congressional committees? Since - according to you - there's nothing incriminating regarding Trump, why not demand Republicans to release the testimony that exonerate him and prove him right? The American people deserve to know the truth, one way or another.

you read what you posted, correct?
they testified regarding their own ******* finances. i couldnt care less. i believe Congress has much more to do than spend more time ******* doing not a damn thing but appeasing all the butt hurt millenials and they people who told them that they're smart enough, good enough and gosh darn it, people like them.
remember when he was the love child of Satan and Hitler? now, he's as revered as Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton, Princess Lieawatha Fauxcohontas and Colonel Bernie Socialist
Revered by whom? Bannon is a piece of **** ******* and will always be one. Nobody revers Bannon outside of the far right faction lurking in the dark corners of Breitbart. The fact he's now turning on Trump Jr. and Kushner does not exonerate him from being an evil racist *******. I'm sure he has his reasons for doing this and for doing this now. My best guess it's an attempt to somehow take pressure off Trump. We'll see real soon if Trump kicks Bannon to the curb or let's this go without a response.
they testified regarding their own ******* finances. i couldnt care less.
Sure thing, boss. Problem is, you sound just like the Republicans in Congress. You're missing the point completely about what they testified about.

We walked investigators through our yearlong effort to decipher Mr. Trump’s complex business past, of which the Steele dossier is but one chapter.
our sources said the dossier was taken so seriously because it corroborated reports the bureau had received from other sources, including one inside the Trump camp.
The intelligence committees have known for months that credible allegations of collusion between the Trump camp and Russia were pouring in from independent sources during the campaign.
We suggested investigators look into the bank records of Deutsche Bank and others that were funding Mr. Trump’s businesses.
We told Congress that from Manhattan to Sunny Isles Beach, Fla., and from Toronto to Panama, we found widespread evidence that Mr. Trump and his organization had worked with a wide array of dubious Russians in arrangements that often raised questions about money laundering.
we were deeply familiar with the political operative Paul Manafort’s coziness with Moscow and his financial ties to Russian oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin.
Mr. Steele’s sources in Russia (who were not paid) reported on an extensive — and now confirmed — effort by the Kremlin to help elect Mr. Trump president. Mr. Steele saw this as a crime in progress and decided he needed to report it to the F.B.I.

Of course there is nothing to see here. Let's pretend none of this is happening and just wish it goes away.
I'm sure he has his reasons for doing this and for doing this now.

Bannon didn't do this now. He was quoted in a book by an author who has been accused in the past of falsifying quotes.
Bannon didn't do this now. He was quoted in a book by an author who has been accused in the past of falsifying quotes.

Okay, let's see if he stands by those qoutes. And let's see Trump's reaction to them. In reality all this is a minor footnote in the big picture. In due time, Mueller's investigation will uncover all these leads and half-stories that have seeped out to the public. But it is interesting to see Bannon turning on Trump's family like this. If in fact he stands by these comments about Kushner & Don Jr.'s meeting with Russians being treasonous.
He was quoted in a book by an author who has been accused in the past of falsifying quotes.
So the fact Bannon is posting the headlines to this story on Breitbart's front page should tell us....what? That Bannon doesn't stand by what is written in the book? I see zero signs he's distancing himself from what is qouted in the book, in fact, it seems to be the opposite. :noidea:

Book: Steve Bannon Calls Kushner, Manafort, Don Jr. Trump Tower Meeting with Russians ‘Treasonous’

REPORT: Bannon Says Mueller Investigation Will Target Kushner, Manafort’s ‘Greasy’ Money Laundering Deals
Sure thing, boss. Problem is, you sound just like the Republicans in Congress. You're missing the point completely about what they testified about.

Of course there is nothing to see here. Let's pretend none of this is happening and just wish it goes away.

to be clear, you're referring to the dossier created by and paid for by the Clinton Campaign, correct?
So the fact Bannon is posting the headlines to this story on Breitbart's front page should tell us....what? That Bannon doesn't stand by what is written in the book? I see zero signs he's distancing himself from what is qouted in the book, in fact, it seems to be the opposite. :noidea:

Book: Steve Bannon Calls Kushner, Manafort, Don Jr. Trump Tower Meeting with Russians ‘Treasonous’

REPORT: Bannon Says Mueller Investigation Will Target Kushner, Manafort’s ‘Greasy’ Money Laundering Deals

It's called "Rope-a-Dope" Tibs.

Pat yourself on the back for your quick strike at the bait!

The hook has been set deeply on you.

It should not surprise you given your being so very wrong about almost everything over the past two years.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
to be clear, you're referring to the dossier created by and paid for by the Clinton Campaign, correct?

It would be easier for everyone if you read up on some of the basic facts regarding this story.

The Washington Free Beacon and the Clinton campaign — the Republican and Democratic funders of our Trump research — separately came to hire us in the first place.
It's called "Rope-a-Dope" Tibs. Pat yourself on the back for your quick strike at the bait! The hook has been set deeply on you.
Ahhh, our resident Canadian Trumpster chimes in. How exactly is this a rope-a-dope? Please pontificate, waiting with bated breath to find out.
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