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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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There in lies the rub.

Also let's not forget the Clintons have been willing to do pay for play political favors since bills time is Arkansas Attorney General. Directions would sure as hell rather have someone who is not only inept in the White House but shows a propensity for being bought off.

"Would you stop whining! Would you stop bringing up the past! What happened under a Democrat does not matter. NOW Republicans must face the fire!.....(and I know, the next time a Democrat gets back into office, we won't hold them accountable for this **** then either, just like we haven't in the past). SCREW TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRR!!!!!!!!! He's inSanE!!!!!!!!! NO one cares if Hillary took billions and billions from Russia, she'd actually know what to do with that money. Trump would probably spend it on a wall, AND he has orange hair! Ahhhh!" -- Tibs
And libtard lawyer Dershowitz puts it to bed. Sorry Tibs, time to hit your safe space. Comey proves that the Russian story is just a made up collusion between the democrat party and the MSM, nothing more. And the President has the constitutional right to tell the director to do whatever he wants him to do. The President is his boss. Stupid ******* liberals.


This article is highly worth quoting. Thanks for the find Indy!

Former FBI Director James Comey's written statement, which was released in advance of his Thursday testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, does not provide evidence that President Trump committed obstruction of justice or any other crime. Indeed it strongly suggests that even under the broadest reasonable definition of obstruction, no such crime was committed.

Throughout American history -- from Adams to Jefferson to Lincoln to Roosevelt to Kennedy to Obama -- presidents have directed (not merely requested) the Justice Department to investigate, prosecute (or not prosecute) specific individuals or categories of individuals.

It is only recently that the tradition of an independent Justice Department and FBI has emerged. But traditions, even salutary ones, cannot form the basis of a criminal charge.

The president can, as a matter of constitutional law, direct the attorney general, and his subordinate, the Director of the FBI, tell them what to do, whom to prosecute and whom not to prosecute. Indeed, the president has the constitutional authority to stop the investigation of any person by simply pardoning that person.

The first President Bush pardoned Casper Weinberger, his Secretary of Defense, in the middle of an investigation that could have incriminated Bush. That was not an obstruction and neither would a pardon of Flynn have been a crime. A president cannot be charged with a crime for properly exercising his constitutional authority.

For the same reason President Trump cannot be charged with obstruction for firing Comey, which he had the constitutional authority to do.

The Comey statement suggests that one reason the president fired him was because of his refusal or failure to publicly announce that the FBI was not investigating Trump personally. Trump "repeatedly" told Comey to "get that fact out," and he did not.

If that is true, it is certainly not an obstruction of justice.

Nor is it an obstruction of justice to ask for loyalty from the director of the FBI, who responded "you will get that ('honest loyalty’) from me."

Comey understood that he and the president may have understood that vague phrase -- "honest loyalty" -- "differently." But no reasonable interpretation of those ambiguous words would give rise to a crime.

Many Trump opponents were hoping that the Comey statement would provide smoking guns.

It has not.

Instead it has weakened an already weak case for obstruction of justice.

The statement may provide political ammunition to Trump opponents, but unless they are willing to stretch Comey's words and take Trump's out of context and unless they are prepared to abandon important constitutional principles and civil liberties that protect us all, they should not be searching for ways to expand already elastic criminal statutes and shrink enduring constitutional safeguard in a dangerous and futile effort to criminalize political disagreements.
<----This is exactly what Tibs and the AltLeft are doing (but don't recognize it)
but unless they are willing to stretch Comey's words and take Trump's out of context and unless they are prepared to abandon important constitutional principles and civil liberties that protect us all

When have they not shown the willingness to do either?
Sorry, I should have multi-quoted vs dropping all these bombs. But today's going to be an interesting day.

Isn't the following just WEIRD??

Ex-FBI Director James Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee he was "troubled" when his boss, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch, asked him to refer to the probe of Hillary Clinton's secret email server a "matter" and not an "investigation."

Would you read that again? Loretta Lynch instructed the Head of the FBI to call Hillary's email scandal a "matter" and not an "investigation" thus mitigating the need to pursue it and to lessen the implication of the situation. Why? For obvious political purposes.

Here, James Comey is testifying TODAY but he's referring to Lynch's actions that appear to be as bad or even more severe than what Democrats are accusing Trump of doing.

But aren't we supposed to NOT refer to the past, per Tibs? Oh, wait...Comey's referring to the past. Congress is referring to the past. I guess they all fail the Tibs "only the present and only Republican obstructions" matter test. Their bad and my bad I guess LOL

Isn't this also weird? Because Lynch and Clinton had a secret meeting, Comey felt compelled to take the recommendation on Hillary's server probe public? Wow.

Ex-FBI Director James Comey told a Senate committee former President Clinton's surprise meeting on Arizona tarmac with then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch prompted him to go public with FBI server probe recommendation last July.
Why would he feel compelled to go public? Pretty obvious to me, I think.
McCain needs to retire, this is f'n embarrassing.
Senator McCain is hammering this issue with Comey. Basically why is it that you came to a conclusion with Hillary Clinton and her campaign that there was no involvement with Russia, but will not come to that conclusion with Trump? He told Comey point blank, this appears to be a double standard. Comey had nothing but silence as a response.

Comments such as you concluded and ended her email server investigation, you've admitted Trump is not a point of investigation into Russia, that you believe Russia hacked our entire election without the involvement of one or the other of the candidates, but you've essentially pardoned Clinton for both allegations and yet to have excused Trump.
McCain needs to retire, this is f'n embarrassing.

He looks bad. He's not Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Feinstein bad though.

His points about the double standard resonated. Well played.
So many distraught libtards today.

UPDATE 12:50 P.M. As the public part of the hearing adjourned, and Comey has completely vindicated Trump ahead of a later closed session hearing where he and senators are likely to discuss classified information he could not bring up during the televised hearing, the whole thing turned out exactly like Breitbart News Network told you it would: A giant nothing-burger. Except for the fact that Comey admitted he is a leaker, has a network through which he has leaked information designed to harm President Trump. Oh, and that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and other Obama administration officials may have engaged in serious misconduct worthy of further investigation–which Comey testified about today.
This whole thing from start to finish is much ado about nothing.

If anything it just confirms to me Washington is filled with a bunch of spineless, backstabbing, egotistical people looking out for their self-interest over anything remotely beneficial to the American people. From everyone in our legislative branch, to everyone at the top of the executive branch, the entire intelligence community, and every bureaucratic leader of every tom, dick and harry agency.

I really think Trump is trying to drain the swamp, but there aren't even any allies to find that don't play by the stupid Washington insider rules. No wonder Trump wants to trust his daughter and son-in-law over these characters.

I honestly don't trust anyone anyone in that room as far as I can throw them.
We didn't learn anything new that we didn't already knew, .....except........that Comey nearly launched a Special Investigation in regard to the Loretta Lynch/Clinton tarmac meeting. Comey had an ax to grind with Trump, and if he had anything damning, he had the prime opportunity. Nothing there.
So... from CNN's report on Comey's testimony:

In his opening remarks, Comey flashed anger at Trump's characterization of him as unpopular among the rank and file of the FBI as well as the idea that the bureau was disorganized and chaotic.
"Those were lies. Plain and simple," Comey said flatly.

Then, when asked by Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-Va.) why he felt the need to document his meetings with Trump when he didn't do the same with past presidents, Comey responded: "I was honestly concerned he might lie about the nature of our meeting."

In the second hour of the hearings and while under questioning from Maine Sen. Angus King (I), Comey directly disputed three more claims by Trump:

That Comey had sought the Feb. 14 meeting with Trump to ask to stay on as FBI director

That Comey ever reached out to Trump via phone

That Trump's "No, no. Next question" assertion about whether he asked Comey to drop the Flynn investigation was true
Sit with that.

What you see is a former FBI director repeatedly calling the president a liar -- and acknowledging that his concerns about Trump's willingness to bend (or break) the truth led him to repeatedly document their interactions.

That's stunning stuff.

I fail to find any of that "stunning"

Seriously -- opinions, speculation and suspicions do not mean it's a lie.
All you need to know

Comey suspects Loretta Lynch was working with Clintons

Ousted FBI Director James Comey said Thursday that he suspected former Attorney General Loretta Lynch was in cahoots with the Hillary Clinton campaign last summer.

Lynch, he said, told him not to refer to the probe into Clinton’s private email server as an “investigation.”

She said just call it a matter. … That concerned me because that language tracked how the campaign was talking about the FBI’s work,” he said.

Former President Bill Clinton’s surprise meeting with Lynch at an Arizona airport also prompted him to go public with results of the FBI probe into the email server.

“That was the thing that capped it for me, that I had to do something separately to protect the credibility of the investigation, which meant both the FBI and the Justice Department,” Comey said

Haha. What a world that we live in. You people make it sound like a good day for Trump as his Precidency and the last shred of his reputation is eviscerated.
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Haha. What a world that we live in. You people make it sound like a good day for Trump as his Precidency and the last shred of his reputation is eviscerated.


Trump is demonized or idolized depending on the side of the aisle you subscribe to. I don't think those opinions will change one bit from Comey's testimony today.
Even if Comey is telling the truth, there is nothing here that is any kind of chargeable offense. The whole thing does make Trump look rather boorish and ignorant but what else is new.
Haha. What a world that we live in. You people make it sound like a good day for Trump as his Precidency and the last shred of his reputation is eviscerated.
I'm sorry, did you say something?

That's the problem with fake news, in one ear, and out the other.

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Where are Tibs and ElfiePolo and 2.1? It is kinda strange they don't have any comment. I guess this Comey stuff wasn't quite what they were misled into believing.

[h=1]“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”[/h]Ronald Reagan
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