There in lies the rub.
Also let's not forget the Clintons have been willing to do pay for play political favors since bills time is Arkansas Attorney General. Directions would sure as hell rather have someone who is not only inept in the White House but shows a propensity for being bought off.
"Would you stop whining! Would you stop bringing up the past! What happened under a Democrat does not matter. NOW Republicans must face the fire!.....(and I know, the next time a Democrat gets back into office, we won't hold them accountable for this **** then either, just like we haven't in the past). SCREW TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRR!!!!!!!!! He's inSanE!!!!!!!!! NO one cares if Hillary took billions and billions from Russia, she'd actually know what to do with that money. Trump would probably spend it on a wall, AND he has orange hair! Ahhhh!" -- Tibs