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And it begins.....the Second Special Prosecutor to Investigate REAL CRIMES


America is sick of fake news

Reuters poll shows Republicans leading generic ballot for first time

Republicans hold a slim lead over Democrats in a generic ballot among registered voters, a new Reuters poll found, marking the first time the survey showed the GOP ahead in this election cycle.

"Say good-bye to the D-advantage in the generic ballot. Our latest Reuters/Ipsos poll shows that registered voters as likely to support Republicans as Democrats."

Notice how Tibs has disappeared. He does so when **** aint goin his way.

The Dems are slow-walking the IG report, trying to prevent its release before November. Their behavior is so predictable. I hope the IG conducted a legitimate, focused investigation, not the asinine, throw-it-to-see-if-sticks **** the Mueller team has pursued.

All political theater on both sides, dropped on Friday afternoons or right before the next DC vacations, which makes this whole turd mind numbing. Bread and circuses. I fully expect here in June to be seeing these same "matters" still being examined come November.

Word is the IG report has been focused on the Mueller investigation and the FBI handling of the Hillary emails which is logical, but the illegal behaviors of all of the former administration are glaring. There is so much info out there that the real motives of these investigators has become an investigation unto itself. Ffs when does this end?

Drip drip drip.
Notice how Tibs has disappeared. He does so when **** aint goin his way.


Not hard to figure out when you're consistently assailed from all sides based on your ideology. Why would you want to put up with it?
The real fun will start when Andy McCabe flips and starts singing. There is also that Imran probe with the Dem IT debacle.

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Notice how Tibs has disappeared. He does so when **** aint goin his way.
Oh I'm here, watching America burn to the ground while you Trump supporters grovel and cheer. I don't have anything to add to the discussions here. It's like reading the hand-written notes posted on the walls of an insane asylum. You solemnly observe, stroke your chin and keep wandering down the hall. I wish you guys nothing but the best, hope it all works out for you.
Oh I'm here, watching America burn to the ground while you Trump supporters grovel and cheer. I don't have anything to add to the discussions here. It's like reading the hand-written notes posted on the walls of an insane asylum. You solemnly observe, stroke your chin and keep wandering down the hall. I wish you guys nothing but the best, hope it all works out for you.

Get back in your safe space, ******* anti-American terrorist scum.
watching America burn to the ground

You are so out of touch, so delusional, it's beyond frightening. You embody the notion of Liberal stupidity. The USA is having a period of success in so many facets, unlike any she's seen in countless years. Jobs, the economy, foreign policy, diplomacy, immigration, manufacturing, and legally. Yet your vile contempt won't allow you to acquiesce. To acknowledge the success. Because you are an intolerant Liberal and anyone of opposite thought is the enemy. You simply hate Trump and Conservatives.

Pull thine head from thine haunches. America is greater than she's been in a long, long, long time.

THANK GOD we didn't end up with that criminal Hillary. You'd indeed have been watching America burning like an inferno.

Now crawl back under your bed and get your little kitties and their vittles.
Just like the "Russia" investigation, the only result will be a boatload of our money being wasted and nothing more.

Politics suck.
Oh I'm here, watching America burn to the ground while you Trump supporters grovel and cheer. I don't have anything to add to the discussions here. It's like reading the hand-written notes posted on the walls of an insane asylum. You solemnly observe, stroke your chin and keep wandering down the hall. I wish you guys nothing but the best, hope it all works out for you.

Does this mean that you have finally renounced your US citizenship and immigrated to Hungary officially?
Oh I'm here, watching America burn to the ground while you Trump supporters grovel and cheer. I don't have anything to add to the discussions here. It's like reading the hand-written notes posted on the walls of an insane asylum. You solemnly observe, stroke your chin and keep wandering down the hall. I wish you guys nothing but the best, hope it all works out for you.

Not exactly sure where you are getting your info from. Business is booming here in all aspects everywhere I look.
Not exactly sure where you are getting your info from. Business is booming here in all aspects everywhere I look.

Not where I live but that's to be expected.
Oh I'm here, watching America burn to the ground while you Trump supporters grovel and cheer. I don't have anything to add to the discussions here. It's like reading the hand-written notes posted on the walls of an insane asylum. You solemnly observe, stroke your chin and keep wandering down the hall. I wish you guys nothing but the best, hope it all works out for you.

Tibs I hope you realize as passionate as I am about politics I am also a little more level headed and moderate conservative, I don't understand how you can say that when you are not here truly seeing what is happening and only getting a distorted perspective of things from both the left and right. Real America is prospering in ways I haven't seen for decades cities still have issues but most are so poorly run they are issues of their own making. Yes there are still some pockets of racism and misogyny but to a large extent they are either self inflicted or a product of an older generation that was just raised differently. It truly is the left in this country right now that is driving the wedge of racism and inequality some for noble but misguided ideals some for truly despicable personal gain and power. Their is also a segment on the right that refuses to face relites of a modern society but they are not the driving force of the party like the truly radical drive of the left. Trump for all his warts and uncouth manners and odd speech patterns has driven home the need to stop worrying about what the worlds perceptions of our Country are and truly just dive into fixing issues both guns blazing. He is not the monster he has been portrayed and when you truly look at the end outcomes of his actions there is always a different outcome than what the left see on the surface of the action. Just like with the tariff issue it is not about putting tariffs on other countries it is about bringing them to the bargaining table to to truly equalize things from their protectionist policies that we have been to afraid to tackle lest we hurt some feelings. I know hurting feelings of our enemies and allies in more of concern than actually governing on the left but Trump rightfully doesn't care if he ruffles feathers as long as it forwards the cause. It isn't pretty but is has been needed for a long time. Obama may have been liked more by other Countries but he certainly wasn't truly respected Trump might not be liked but theres is a grudging respect because they know he will act not just talk. All the ******* politicians in this is ***** and moan and argue and blame the other side and then never have the balls to truly do anything and the few times they have tried they have failed miserably because they try to hard to appease their base rather than trying to fix the god damn problems in this country and I am talking about both sides of the aisle in the worthless House and Senate. Trump scare the bejeezus out of people like you and the career politicians because he acts rather than just bluster about acting, although he does bluster as well. Would I want Trump to date my daughter? No. But I think he is doing a pretty damn good job so far despite the rhetoric from the left and media as well as idiots in his own party.

You want to see a real perspective come back here and look at middle America and see what we see not just what the liberal elite living in their filthy crime ridden cities hiding behind their own walls and security or doormen want you to see. While not perfect you will see a reasonably accepting moderate society that for the most part aside from some religious zealots accept people for who and what they are as long as they are a functioning productive member of society. Not at all the backwards hateful bigots that the left tries to portray. In fact the biggest bigots I know are intolerant leftists who portray us that way.
Signs America is burning:




Projected Labor Force Participation Rate:


Actual Labor Force Participation Rate:




The United States GDP growth is expected to exceed 4% for the 2nd quarter of 2018. Obama never oversaw a GDP growth above 3.3%, had just 2 quarters out of 32 above 3% (Trump already has 2 in 4 quarters and the 2nd quarter of 2018 will make it 3 out of 5). Obama reached 3.3% only after the GOP took over Congress and stopped his economic "plan."


So in conclusion ... burn, baby, burn.
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Oh I'm here, watching America burn to the ground while you Trump supporters grovel and cheer. I don't have anything to add to the discussions here.

Don't fall for this a-hole's game. Charts, graphs and other proof not necessary.

He knows he's not watching a Trump led America burn, but rather watching it succeed and he ain't liking it one bit...

Proof is in his next sentence. Surely there would be a lot he could add if America was burning.
America isn't burning that was just my grill. I tried a different bacon this time. Flames everywhere. Some bacons just not good for grilling I guess.

Oh I'm here, watching America burn to the ground while you Trump supporters grovel and cheer.


And why is it always Trump supporters? Perhaps we're America supporters and want to see our country strong & prosperous?

I don't have anything to add to the discussions here.

Nothing of substance, but I'm sure you could find some more memes of Trump to entertain.

I wish you guys nothing but the best, hope it all works out for you.

Yeah, I'm sure you do. You've made it clear you hate the U.S. President so much that I'm sure you'd rather see him fail than America be prosperous. And speaking of insane asylums, there should be some room for your buddies who push agendas of Melania being abused or Ivanka having an incestuous relationship with her father. And here I thought the socialist group-think had already hit their bottom.
Lock her up!

LOL Crooked Hillary in the news again!

Democratic parties accused of funneling $84M into Clinton campaign

Up to 40 state Democratic parties could be implicated in an alleged scheme to illegally funnel some $84 million to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, according to a new report.

A federal lawsuit says the Clinton team and the Democratic National Committee went around campaign finance laws by pouring money into state parties that then sent the funds back to the DNC to help Clinton, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

The FEC complaint alleges “an unprecedented, massive, nationwide multi-million dollar conspiracy” in which Dems and Clinton’s camp were “effectively laundering nearly all contributions” given to the Hillary Victory Fund.
