You can blame the players the first 2 or maybe 3 times but from then on, it is systemic. It is a problem coming from the coaches and how they are teaching and leading their team. I gave Tomlin all the slack in the world but 2 or 3 years ago, it became obvious to even me that he is a huge problem. He is not a good leader. He is good with his players but he is not good at teaching his coaches and letting them do their jobs. He has to have his hands in everything. He is a major micro-manager. A leader is supposed to raise up other leaders (hasn't done evidenced by no coaching tree) and delegate things to those that are better than he is at the task at hand. This means his coordinators must have more of a say. Sure, he can consult but the coordinators fingerprints have to be all over the game plans, schemes, play calling, etc.