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Anyone watching Impeachment circus?

I'm really not watching it. Because it's a circus. When and if they call witnesses, I'll tune in.

In the meantime, that bastion of reporting intelligence CNN is doing all it can to keep it a circus. Like the WashPO sticking 20 reporters on digging up dirt on Trump during the 2016 election and exactly zero on Hillary, CNN is fact checking Republicans during the Impeachment proceedings and not checking Dimwits at all.


CNN fact check reporter Daniel Dale fact checked claims made by President Donald Trump’s lawyers during the first day of the Senate’s impeachment trial that occurred Tuesday, but did not fact check any of the Democratic impeachment managers.

Dale critiqued the president’s attorneys Wednesday for, among other things, not saying the precise number of days the House held onto the two articles of impeachment before transmitting the articles to the Senate.

Dale also dinged Trump’s personal attorney Jay Sekulow for claiming that Trump’s counsel was denied the right to participate in the House impeachment process, and White House Counsel Pat Cipollone for claiming that Republicans were not allowed in the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) during the beginning of House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry. Dale did not fact check lead House impeachment manager Adam Schiff or any of the other managers.

Dale spent four years fact checking Trump as The Toronto Star’s Washington bureau chief before being hired by CNN last summer. Dale has been a staunch critic of the president since he came into office, and said last year that “there is no equivalence” between Trump and leading Democratic presidential candidates when it comes to the Truth.

Seems that to work at CNN one simply needs on their resume "I hate Trump" or "I hate Republicans" and you've got a damned good shot at working for Zucker.
I'm still trying to figure out how asking Ukraine to investigate the Bidens...not "smear" them, not make up stuff about them, just investigate them...constitutes cheating in an election. How is trying to learn actual facts about someone cheating? If the Bidens did nothing wrong why would anyone even care that they were being investigated?

Do they think we're stupid?
I'm not into watching treasonous coup attempts that have been going on since the day after the election. If anything a great many of these dims need jailed. These are some truly batshit crazy power hungry people. Such frauds.It's going to destroy the office of the president for the future.

I'd rather watch the p*t* win the next 10.superbowls than watch this.
I'm still trying to figure out how asking Ukraine to investigate the Bidens...not "smear" them, not make up stuff about them, just investigate them...constitutes cheating in an election. How is trying to learn actual facts about someone cheating? If the Bidens did nothing wrong why would anyone even care that they were being investigated?

Do they think we're stupid?

Because the Bidens are ******* gangsters and extortionists. That **** is pretty clear. You know actual criminal ****. Joe's son is.a.******* dirtbag and daddy is too.
Do they think we're stupid?

I think they think that if they cram a talking point down our throats long enough and loud enough, we'll buy it. I've watched the videos in their defense of Clinton and then see them today, and they're such phonies and pathological liars.
I watched some of it, it's just the same stuff over and over and over. I don't care which side you are on, i don't understand how anyone could listen to or repeat the same stuff 1000x....

This ^^^

As somebody who actually tries to convince 14 strangers (12 on the panel, 2 alternates) for a living and has spent several decades practicing the craft, I can tell you several things that I believe are absolutely, 100% beyond dispute:

  1. Juries are smarter than most people think. Don't insult them.
  2. Juries do NOT like being lectured.
  3. Juries don't care to be criticized, and pretty much always don't deserve the criticism.
  4. Juries heard you the first time. Make your point clearly, cite supporting evidence, AND MOVE ON.
Now Nadler's going on a long schpiel desperately trying to prove that it doesn't have to be a crime to warrant impeachment. That's a losing argument with the people of this country but I guess they have no choice since they haven't charged him with a crime in the articles
I'm still trying to figure out how asking Ukraine to investigate the Bidens...not "smear" them, not make up stuff about them, just investigate them...constitutes cheating in an election. How is trying to learn actual facts about someone cheating? If the Bidens did nothing wrong why would anyone even care that they were being investigated?

Do they think we're stupid?

You've probably heard of the treaty the U.S. has had with Ukraine that not only permits the president to ask about crimes, but also compels he/she to do so.

Department of State,
Washington, October 19, 1999.
The President,
The White House.
The President: I have the honor to submit to you the Treaty
Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual
Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex (``the
Treaty''), signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998. I recommend that
the Treaty be transmitted to the Senate for its advice and
consent to ratification.
Also enclosed, for the information of the Senate, is an
exchange of notes under which the Treaty is being provisionally
applied to the extent possible under our respective domestic
laws, in order to provide a basis for immediate mutual
assistance in criminal matters. Provisional application would
cease upon entry into force of the Treaty.
The Treaty covers mutual legal assistance in criminal
matters. In recent years, similar bilateral treaties have
entered into force with a number of other countries. The Treaty
with Ukraine contains all essential provisions sought by the
United States. It will enhance our ability to investigate and
prosecute a range of offenses. The Treaty is designed to be
self-executing and will not require new legislation.
Article 1 sets forth a non-exclusive list of the major
types of assistance to be provided under the Treaty, including
taking the testimony or statements of persons; providing
documents, records and other items of evidence; locating or
identifying persons or items; serving documents; transferring
persons in custody for testimony or other purposes; executing
requests for searches and seizures; assisting in proceedings
related to immobilization and forfeiture of assets,
restitution, and collection of fines; and, rendering any other
form of assistance not prohibited by the laws of the Requested
State. The scope of the Treaty includes not only criminal
offenses, but also proceedings related to criminal matters,
which may be civil or administrative in nature.


So the answer would be yes, they think we're stupid.
Now Nadler's going on a long schpiel desperately trying to prove that it doesn't have to be a crime to warrant impeachment. That's a losing argument ...

I wish we had some sort of description in the Constitution to help guide us as to what behavior warranted impeachment. Something like Section 4 of Article Two of the United States Constitution:

"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Oh, and if Nadler is right, then wouldn't it be true that the criminality of Joe Biden's actions would be irrelevant, and that he could still be impeached for "abuse of power" in using his office to make his talentless, coke-smoking, stripper-impregnating son a millionaire??
Why are all the reps talking? I thought the process had moved to the Senate.
I had several more enjoyable things to do:

  • Bleach my eyes.
  • Look at photos of Chelsea Clinton.
  • Eat bad hamburger meat.
  • Drink that **** they give you before a colonoscopy.
  • Stand in the wrong line at the DMV.
  • Go to the post office, forget the package I wanted to mail, go home, get the damn package, go back to the post office, realize I forgot my wallet, go home again, go back to post office a third time and find a huge ******* line and 1 stupid postal employee behind the counter.
All vastly more worthwhile and entertaining than the ginormous waste of time and money we have seen. Seriously, if they just let Schiff and Trump engage in trial by combat, every American would benefit and I sure as hell would watch THAT.

I'm not teaching this week as a team came from UW to give a seminar on philosophy to the inmates here, and I am their escort. I'm sitting here in the back of the room on this amazing forum, and read this. It was a long laugh for me, which caused a lot of heads to turn my way.

It was worth it. Good stuff ST
So it turns out the (D)ims FINALLY admitted what I have been saying (and writing) for months - Trump committed no criminal activity, did not commit a crime. I argued with Tibs that there was no crime, argued with Trog, argued with 21, explained in some detail that the allegations do not show any criminal activity. They uniformly disputed what I said - "withheld aid," "corruption," "there's a crime there somewhere." Finally, (D)ims admitted today during the impeachment for non-crimes that there WAS NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, despite the impeachment:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“The Democrats have now conceded that President Trump has not committed a crime.” <a href="https://twitter.com/AriFleischer?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@AriFleischer</a></p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1220442676081963010?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 23, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Jerry Nadler Admits He’s Got No Impeachment Case

Nadler argues that no crime is needed for impeachment. Nadler wraps up his short presentation on Trump & Ukraine by channeling the famous Watergate quote of Sen Howard Baker R-TN. "What did the President know, and when did he know it?"

Wait, they don’t even know what Trump knew and when he knew it, but they’ve impeached him already? You see, those are things you should probably figure out before moving ahead with trying to remove a President from office. The question of intent and motive is at the very heart of any accusations being made here.

Yet, here’s Nadler admitting they don’t even have the answers to the most cardinal questions currently before the Senate.

The DNC has slit its throat. Just kill the beast and move on.
I just listen to Ben Shapiro everyday. He is breaking it down pretty good.
No, no interest at all, too boring
It's all a partisan sham. Why listen to a bunch of blow hards spew rhetoric and lies because they have no platform to run on? they have no candidate to beat Trump.
So anyone else notice the extreme dem apathy coming from this... literally this was waving the white flag announcing they didn’t really have a way to get trump or beat him with their agenda... ive talked to several dozen now that simply say they aren’t voting anymore... like its real bad outside of the hardcores....
Mark Hemingway wrote a great article on how sleazy Adam Schiff has been since Trump took office and how the MSM has been totally complicit in not calling him out for a single thing. I'm gonna have to find it and post it.
Media Keep Giving Adam Schiff the Benefit of a Doubt

By Mark Hemingway January 23, 2020

On the first night of the Senate impeachment trial, Politico dropped a bombshell: “Schiff may have mischaracterized Parnas evidence, documents show.”

What followed was a fascinating story that raised another question: How many times does the California congressman who spearheaded the Democrats’ impeachment effort -- and is prosecuting the case in the Senate -- have to mislead the public before the press stops cutting him so much slack?

In the last three years, Adam Schiff has dramatically raised his profile by aggressively attempting to show that President Trump is a Russian agent or has abused his power when it comes to Ukraine. Along the way, he’s racked up a record of distortions and untruths that in a less partisan era would have utterly undermined his credibility among journalists.

In this latest case, Schiff sent a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler alleging that Lev Parnas, the now-indicted associate of Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, “continued to try to arrange a meeting with [Ukrainian] President Zelensky.”

The trouble is that the text messages underlying this accusation only refer to “trying to get us mr Z.” Politico’s reporting establishes that mysterious Mr. Z in this instance almost certainly refers to Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that gave Joe Biden’s son a lucrative sinecure on his company’s board of directors. Oops.

And yet, Politico apparently felt the need to contextualize its own scoop with the tiresome “Republicans pounce” trope. In the opening paragraph, Politico describes what Schiff did as “a possible error the GOP will likely criticize as another example of the Democrats’ rushed effort to impeach President Donald Trump.” It seems the problem is not that in his rush to make headlines Schiff committed a humiliating blunder -- or possibly tried to mislead the public in an attempt to make the case for impeachment look stronger than it is. The real problem is that Republicans might use this error to criticize Democrats.

This is exactly the kind of treatment that in recent years has caused Republicans to openly disdain the press. Just last week, the media got its collective dander up because Arizona Sen. Martha McSally brushed off CNN reporter Manu Raju by calling him a “liberal hack.” Fellow CNN employee Anderson Cooper devoted four minutes of airtime to denouncing McSally, saying her comment revealed “her contempt for professionalism and one of democracy’s core tenets.”

The problem here is that there’s at least one example in which McSally’s brush-off seemed a pretty accurate description of Raju’s journalism, and it’s no surprise that the story involved Adam Schiff. On Dec. 8, 2017, Manu Raju and fellow CNN reporter Jeremy Herb released a report that stunned Washington: Multiple sources had confirmed the existence of an email showing that Donald Trump Jr. had been given advance access to a trove of emails that were hacked from Clinton confidant John Podesta. It was potential evidence that the president’s son was colluding with Russians. CNN’s scoop was soon matched, which is not the same thing as being confirmed, by CBS and NBC.

The story fell apart within a few hours. It seems the reporters got the date wrong on the access email Trump Jr. received; he got it after the Podesta emails were already public. CNN later admitted it never saw the original email it was reporting on and relied on an anonymous source to say what the email said. But if you were paying attention, that source may have been far from anonymous. On a related matter, a spokesman for Schiff, then the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, told Politico “that neither he nor his staff leaked any ‘non-public information’” about Donald Trump Jr.’s testimony before the panel. It was classic example of what journalists call a “non-denial denial.”

At least one Republican congressional office told me that they cut off all access to Raju months before his report on Trump Jr.’s email imploded because it had been obvious to them that he was “Schiff’s mouthpiece.” In retrospect, it looks like a defensible move, especially when you consider that CNN didn’t retract Raju’s story – it merely rewrote it so as to make it pointless – and didn’t penalize Raju or anyone involved in reporting or editing the story.

That was two years ago. In the meantime, this drama has played itself out again. And again. On Sept. 17, 2019, as impeachment was starting to bubble up thanks to a federal whistleblower’s accusations, Schiff went on MSNBC and declared, “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to.” In early October, The New York Times reported that the whistleblower had been in regular contact with Schiff’s staff on the House Intelligence Committee and Schiff had been informed about it. In this instance, Schiff straight-up lied and the Washington Post fact checker dutifully slapped him with “four Pinocchios” as it detailed Schiff’s additional misleading statements on the whistleblower.

In December, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued a report documenting serious abuse of the process for obtaining Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants by the FBI, relating to the surveillance of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. The report largely confirmed many of the same concerns reported on in 2018 by then-Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes.

At the time, the media and much of institutional Washington largely pooh-poohed the so-called “Nunes memo,” and Schiff played a key role in this. First, he tried to suppress Nunes’ memo – Democrats on the committee voted against making it public on the grounds it risked national security. Soon after it was released, however, Schiff released his own memo in response.

A GOP press release noted that during Trump’s first year in office, Schiff spent just short of 21 hours on television, nearly all of it talking about Trump and Russia. He was famously loose-lipped in front of the camera – Schiff went so far as to assert there was “direct evidence” the Trump campaign collaborated with Russia. Even after the Mueller report concluded the opposite, Schiff was still insisting that “undoubtedly there is collusion.”

None of this seems to have dented the deference Schiff continues to receive from establishment media outlets.

Last week, The Los Angeles Times, Schiff’s hometown paper, ran a glowing profile applauding him “for his almost sentimental belief in the system.” The fawning piece quoted friends comparing Schiff to Mr. Rogers, and fueled speculation that he might run for president someday. It made virtually no mention of the controversies that have dogged him for the last three years, as he’s elevated his stature by aggressively going after Trump.

Trump does seem like a special case when it comes to policing honesty. However, the media have long portrayed Washington as a place where Democrats never screw up and Republicans always “pounce” – and these double standards were on display well before Trump descended down that golden Trump Tower escalator.

Mark Hemingway is a writer in Alexandria, Va. You can follow him on twitter @heminator.
