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Are Steeler fans, on average, more knowledgeable than other fan bases' fans?

Greg Lloyd

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2023
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I think "yes" is the short answer.

For instance, as at the gym and a guy next to me says "Next year is our year." (I was i my Polamalu shirt). After I determined what he said/meant, I said "I don't know, we don't have a QB," at which time he quickly agreed and we exchanged the obvious intel: Kenny is crap, O goes way too many 3 and outs, D gets tired from being paired with such a crap offense, etc.

But the exchange made me realize, on average, Steeler fans know football, more than the average NFL fan.

Now when I got home I see that Steeler fans on FB are defending Kenny as a "great QB" and so on. Well, you can't win them all. Take Browns fan for instance: The majority think they will win the SB in 2024. I'm not exaggerating. 80% feel this way.
You ever go to Acrisure?

Do you live in Pittsburgh?

We have some really dumb fans unfortunately.

Yes, I've been to Acrisure when it was called Heinz, as well as to 3 Rivers, as a season-ticket holder. I grew up in Western PA but have moved to FL. I know some of our fans are not the brightest, but on average are more knowledgeable than most fans. That's all I'm saying.:amen:
On average, I would have to say yes, only because if your currently a Steeler fan, your likely to have been one for a long time now.

Guessing there are a lot of bandwagon fans on the franchises that are suddenly successful.

Or I may know nothing at all, but it's definitely somewhere in-between there.
We are a seasoned calloused fanbase that has felt the highest highs and lowest lows.we dont take success for granted and we respect skill and hardnosed football. I hated tb12 for years but respect his game. I know all fanbases have there share of goofballs.
I think "yes" is the short answer.

For instance, as at the gym and a guy next to me says "Next year is our year." (I was i my Polamalu shirt). After I determined what he said/meant, I said "I don't know, we don't have a QB," at which time he quickly agreed and we exchanged the obvious intel: Kenny is crap, O goes way too many 3 and outs, D gets tired from being paired with such a crap offense, etc.

But the exchange made me realize, on average, Steeler fans know football, more than the average NFL fan.

Now when I got home I see that Steeler fans on FB are defending Kenny as a "great QB" and so on. Well, you can't win them all. Take Browns fan for instance: The majority think they will win the SB in 2024. I'm not exaggerating. 80% feel this way.
Really just depends on what group of Steelers fans. The old school football fans know their football. The twitter younger Steeler fans know football but are somewhat gullible or in denial or come with agendas. The Instagram young bucks flat out just make **** up.

But as a collective whole I would put our fans against any other fan base in a football discussion as long as you keep the Instagraminights home locked away in mom's basement.
This is where I’ve been at. Whatever happens; happens.
It ultimately is called lowered expectations.

And fans have a right to take that approach for what they have been showing...
Really just depends on what group of Steelers fans. The old school football fans know their football. The twitter younger Steeler fans know football but are somewhat gullible or in denial or come with agendas. The Instagram young bucks flat out just make **** up.

But as a collective whole I would put our fans against any other fan base in a football discussion as long as you keep the Instagraminights home locked away in mom's basement.
Fans that grew up in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 2000’s are more cynical of the team.

This is probably in essence of any fan of football. The rules are different, the culture is different. It’s just the current trend now and it’s passed us by
It ultimately is called lowered expectations.

And fans have a right to take that approach for what they have been showing...
Lowered expectations and a lack of interest at times.
I would say more knowledgeable but there are plenty of clueless fans out there. The clueless ones only know the super stars and don't understand the game of football. I enjoy talking Steelers with anyone but sometimes I get a little annoyed if talking to a fan who only knows the super stars and bring little to no insight to the conversation other than "Go Kenny!" or "Go TJ!". If they start to claim they are a super fan I'll ask then to name the five starting offensive linemen. Nine out of ten cannot.
Lowered expectations and a lack of interest at times.
Which is brought about by what the put out on the field year to year. If a fan doesn't see a team pull all the stops to try to achieve what everyone desires. They ultimately have lower expectations and or lose interest. Even if partially.

If they would have changed out M&M I think that would factor in both mentioned areas. But it probably won't improve without an attempt at or improved play. The attempt at is questionable at best for now. The rest is a wait and see.
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I would say that Steeler fans are on average about the same as any other fan base in their collective football acumen

They do have some serious die hards that really really know their **** more than most teams die hard fans tho (also true for a few other franchises such as Chief fans, Packer backers and a few other franchises)

So I would say the run of the mill average fans are just about the same as any other teams fans regarding knowledge of the game/their team…we just have more die hards than most franchises helping out our curve imo
Really just depends on what group of Steelers fans. The old school football fans know their football. The twitter younger Steeler fans know football but are somewhat gullible or in denial or come with agendas. The Instagram young bucks flat out just make **** up.

But as a collective whole I would put our fans against any other fan base in a football discussion as long as you keep the Instagraminights home locked away in mom's basement.
Just look at the young delusional Tomlin supporters. When I ask a particular question after hearing how he's going to turn this around, blah, blah,blah. And this time last year was even worse with them talking Super Bowl and me trying to talk them down.

This is the question: Where have you seen an NFL coach stay in one place for 15+ years, peak with the former guys roster, come down, then turn the whole thing around? Crickets.....

Of course they're may be some guy pre-merger in the 1950s or 40s whatever that did it. In the modern era I can't think of anyone. I could be wrong and there may be one guy like I said from ancient history, but the point is still legit.
You ever go to Acrisure?

Do you live in Pittsburgh?

We have some really dumb fans unfortunately.

Don’t worry 81, they aren’t just at Acrisure stadium either…… !!!!

Salute the nation
Which is brought about by what the put out on the field year to year. If a fan doesn't see a team pull all the stops to try to achieve what everyone desires. They ultimately have lower expectations and or lose interest. Even if partially.

If they would have changed out M&M I think that would factor in both mentioned areas. But it probably won't improve without an attempt at or improved play. The attempt at is questionable at best for now. The rest is a wait and see.
I think the lack of interest amongst hardcore fans stems to more than just a boring product on field. Politics and fans now questioning integrity of the games.

I mean it’s still a big product and still raking in $$$. But it’s also going through a transition to appeal to its demographics
We are a seasoned calloused fanbase that has felt the highest highs and lowest lows.we dont take success for granted and we respect skill and hardnosed football. I hated tb12 for years but respect his game. I know all fanbases have there share of goofballs.

I don’t respect that cheating MFer. He cheated in every aspect of the game, got away with everything under the sun. He was given special treatment from day one. I could go on a ****-ing rant, but you get my drift—————

Salute the nation
Really just depends on what group of Steelers fans. The old school football fans know their football. The twitter younger Steeler fans know football but are somewhat gullible or in denial or come with agendas. The Instagram young bucks flat out just make **** up.

But as a collective whole I would put our fans against any other fan base in a football discussion as long as you keep the Instagraminights home locked away in mom's basement.
This is a good take right here. The younger twitter fans are a great group, but don't understand why no playoff wins in 7 years or just 4 seasons with a playoff win out of 17 is an issue. They generally have bigger problems with Watt not winning DPOY than the Steelers failing in the playoffs yet again. Different priorities because they haven't seen this team contend on a yearly basis.

I think the shear number of Steelers fans mean we have a larger number of intelligent fans, but the same goes for dumb or out of touch fans as well.
Meh, if you are talking little old ladies that are willing to discuss the game, then yeah... its a pretty broad, passionate fanbase...and more people have a little knowledge of the sport than most fanbases...

but a lot of yinzers played jv football or maybe even a little college and that means they can relate to Pro concepts... it makes listening to call in talk shows in pittsburgh extra painful. Id say we have more of those kinds of know it alls more than anything. Lol
I don’t respect that cheating MFer. He cheated in every aspect of the game, got away with everything under the sun. He was given special treatment from day one. I could go on a ****-ing rant, but you get my drift—————

Salute the nation
Do you think he cheated in tampa?