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Are Steeler fans, on average, more knowledgeable than other fan bases' fans?

Probably. The MOST knowledgeable fans are right here.
The FB groups are about 80% Tomlin Fan Club with thin skins and very little football knowledge.
If the TFC spent ten minutes here confronted with history, facts, and stats, they’d leave crying with their tail between their legs.
If you’re at all critical of the team you’re told to go root for someone else and if you’re at all critical of The Greatest Coach Ever Who’s Never Had A Losing Season, you’re a racist.
The participation trophy generation has grown up and become football fans.

Well said SIR !

Salute the nation
First to the title of the thread. Who exactly are the fans of fan bases? lol
I could never be a fan of Browns fans. Never!

Kidding aside...
I think of "being knowledgeable" in terms of knowing team history, statistics, roster names numbers and what college they came from. Understanding offensive and defensive strategies and schemes, the rules of the game....everything else, including one's opinion of Pickett are just that, opinions. Mason Rudolph had made many of us who thought he was a complete bum to do some rethinking on that.

I lack in a couple of the areas mentioned above, but if this board is a reflection of all Steeler fans, then yes, we are the most knowledgeable!
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First to the title of the thread. Who exactly are the fans of fan bases? lol
I could never be a fan of Browns fans. Never!

Kidding aside...
I think of "being knowledgeable" in terms of knowing team history, statistics, roster names numbers and what college they came from. Understanding offensive and defensive strategies and schemes, the rules of the game....everything else, including one's opinion of Pickett are just that, opinions. Mason Rudolph had made many of us who thought he was a complete bum to do some rethinking on that.

I lack in a couple of the areas mentioned above, but if this board is a reflection of all Steeler fans, then yes, we are the most knowledgeable!
I thought I understood that at one time. One of the things I loved about Ron Erhardt when he was here in the 90s is that, I felt like I understood what he was doing. Many times in first halves of games he run the ball up in there and wasn't getting much. But as the game wore on, he'd keep at it, he have the runs a little wider...instead of through the guards more through the tackles and they'd be gouging people. I felt like I could see it happening. A reverse made sense in Erhardt's offense, it wasn't just pulled out at random. Same with a screen.

The last number years not a lot of it makes sense to me. But I see that in a lot of games I watch, not just Steeler games.
True. There should have been a couple of trophies WON with those mid-90s defenses.
Ds and rushing games. We had a dominating back in early 90's in Foster. And then a battering ram in Bus from '96 on. Those were REAL running attacks, complete with dominating OLs. Paired with those dominating Ds a modicum of passing success should have won us a few Lombardi's, we came close in '95.

Those Ds of Woodson, Lake, Kirkland, Lloyd, Brown, Greene, Willie Williams, Perry, Steed, Buckner, Kevin Henry, Earl Holmes??? Are you kidding me?
The last number years not a lot of it makes sense to me. But I see that in a lot of games I watch, not just Steeler games.
Let's be honest: I see a lot more that doesn't make sense while watching Steelers on offense compared to the rest of the league. We only scored 17 PPG on average this year for cripes sake, something was obviously in disrepair, unless you think like Shades and will blame the D and turnovers when losing after putting up only 17 points.
Many steeler fans see things in black and gold. Smart steeler fans see things in black and white.

The knowledgeable fans have facts and statistics that backup their views and opinions.
They do not base their opinions on emotions, just the facts of what the tape and stats say.
The rose color glasses idiots base their opinions on who they view as good people, bad people, and what they want to be true, regardless of reality, and contrary to what the film and statistics show.
You will get alot of "but ifs" and "if onlys" from this type of fan. The type of fan that argues for example JuJu will not be a downgrade from Brown, Conner is just as good as Bell, The Steelers will be better without them blah blah, Johnson is a true #1, Kenny just needs time, Rudolph isn't any better, Harris would be as productive as Warren but the defense plays them different. ETC
These fans cannot accept facts or reality
95% of the people have no idea what they're watching and the league knows that.
That, plus a lot of people only care about FF and not whether their real team wins or loses.
Let's be honest: I see a lot more that doesn't make sense while watching Steelers on offense compared to the rest of the league. We only scored 17 PPG on average this year for cripes sake, something was obviously in disrepair, unless you think like Shades and will blame the D and turnovers when losing after putting up only 17 points.
If Shades could win every game 3-0 that would be his idea of a good time.
If Shades could win every game 3-0 that would be his idea of a good time.

You stand corrected, Tomlin is a defensive guy, so 2-0 would be his climax.

Salute the nation
The knowledgeable fans have facts and statistics that backup their views and opinions.
They do not base their opinions on emotions, just the facts of what the tape and stats say.
The rose color glasses idiots base their opinions on who they view as good people, bad people, and what they want to be true, regardless of reality, and contrary to what the film and statistics show.
You will get alot of "but ifs" and "if onlys" from this type of fan. The type of fan that argues for example JuJu will not be a downgrade from Brown, Conner is just as good as Bell, The Steelers will be better without them blah blah, Johnson is a true #1, Kenny just needs time, Rudolph isn't any better, Harris would be as productive as Warren but the defense plays them different. ETC
These fans cannot accept facts or reality
That is all emotion.

I want someone to explain this to me, this criticism of not accepting reality or accepting facts. So what? Explain to me the difference it makes whether you do or don't according to you. How does our acceptance, or lack thereof, impact anything the Steelers do?
That is all emotion.

I want someone to explain this to me, this criticism of not accepting reality or accepting facts. So what? Explain to me the difference it makes whether you do or don't according to you. How does our acceptance, or lack thereof, impact anything the Steelers do?
What does it impact in anything outside of an emotional response to a win or loss?
I have met some real super dumb Steeler fans. But love them anyway.
I have met some real super dumb Steeler fans. But love them anyway.
Yep! But it sure is fun sitting at a bar watching a game surrounded by Steeler fans, even if some stuff that comes out of their mouths defies logic. I remember in '06 I was watching a game somewhere...mind you this is the year following them winning the SB, and Ben was struggling some. And this one guy was yelling at the TV to sit Ben! And the guy just lead the team to a championship for the first time after 25 years!

They won the game, they beat the Browns, and I ended drinking a few beers with him after the game. He was basically mad at Ben over the motorcycle.
That is all emotion.

I want someone to explain this to me, this criticism of not accepting reality or accepting facts. So what? Explain to me the difference it makes whether you do or don't according to you. How does our acceptance, or lack thereof, impact anything the Steelers do?
The difference is, Knowledgeable fans do not think they know better than the stats, they don't hold an opinion that is in direct opposition of what has actually been put on film.

Thats not emotion thats observation.
The difference is, Knowledgeable fans do not think they know better than the stats, they don't hold an opinion that is in direct opposition of what has actually been put on film.

That's not emotion that's observation.
Knowledgeable fans know stats do not always show the complete picture and can be manipulated to coincide with opinion.

Also film study can also be subjective. What one fan watches and thinks they observe can differ from what another watches. It also won't make a fan privy to routes run incorrectly, who is assigned to what player,etc.

Basically fans aren't professional film watchers, neither are some media sites and broadcasters etc.
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The difference is, Knowledgeable fans do not think they know better than the stats, they don't hold an opinion that is in direct opposition of what has actually been put on film.

Thats not emotion thats observation.
"Rose colored glass idiots" is emotion.

That's fine as it pertains to what you say on knowledgable. But my point is it makes no difference in the outcome of anything whether they are knowledgable or not in your eyes. If the average fans lack of knowledge cause the Steelers to lose, I could understand the angst. It doesn't. So why the "rose colored glass idiots" comments?
Knowledgeable fans know stats do not always show the complete picture and can be manipulated to coincide with opinion.

Also film study can also be objective. What one fan watches and thinks they observe can differ from what another watches. It also won't make a fan privy to routes run incorrectly, who is assigned to what player,etc.

Basically fans aren't professional film watchers, neither are some media sites and broadcasters etc.

THIS is absolute truth.

Salute the nation
Cooch kinda skews the curve. :ROFLMAO:
Cooch kinda skews the curve. :ROFLMAO:

Where is our cooooch ?

Last time I saw him, I was giving him a ride to work on the BT50. He kept telling me to sloooow down.

No football talk other than if I knew where “Backdoor Butternut BoB” lived……. I just said near Coolie’s place…

Salute the nation
Where is our cooooch ?

Last time I saw him, I was giving him a ride to work on the BT50. He kept telling me to sloooow down.

No football talk other than if I knew where “Backdoor Butternut BoB” lived……. I just said near Coolie’s place…

Salute the nation
Just don't say his name three times...