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Attempt to murder my wife tommorow


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Jul 6, 2016
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1012. Murder attempt on my wife three days later (3/27/2018)

I am the murder target of the FBI because I revealed the true face of the Feds (FBI and DEA) in Internet. To eliminate a witness of their crime, the Feds try to wrong me in criminal case. That takes three decades long. They recruit my relatives as their informants (include my wife). Now, eager to finish this case, they have to eliminate those informants because they joined the illegal surveillance. The major way they used is to arrange them in tours. It's easy to create incidents and easy to plant illegal things when they are in travel.

My wife, my brother and his wife are arranged a travel to China and Taiwan from 3/17 to 3/31. The Feds created several big events for this framed case.

1. On 3/16, President Trump signed a "Taiwan Travel Act" which is a signal to start that "murder plot". It also a payment to Taiwan to support the framed case.

2. 3/17 is original the start date of travel.

3. 3/18. A.G. Sessions fired FBI deputy Andrew McCabe. FBI is the mastermind of this framed case. This is a whip to urge the Feds finish the case in March.

4. 3/26. China launches yuan crude oil futures in Shanghai. I think to make it a success is part of payment in secret deal between US and Chinese secret police. They choose this occasion for their framed case.

5. 3/30, my relatives will go to Shanghai where my wife will go back to US. My brother will stay for another month. I think that's the time they would be arrested for a framed drug case when they pass through the Custom.

I worry about their lives because on 3/26, I read a news from "World Journal" (internet Chinese web)
"A group of Chinese girls in overseas are waiting for death penalty, what have they done?" It says these girls were charged by Malaysia government for drug smuggling and their stories.


????????????? ???????

?????/??27?? 2018?03?27?


The FBI has a Mafia style death warning habit. Here is 17 years ago, when they tried to frame a drug smuggling case on me, death warning I got,

888. The first payment for the drug case (3/18/2015)

It took two months (4/11 to 6/11) for the Feds and Chinese secret police to arrange a drug case ?to smuggle heroine from south west China to US.

6/9/2001 I received warnings from the Feds.

Author:FBI <mailto:FBI@hotmail.com> (
Subject:Your Time Is UP, Kat Hak Sung !Sat, Jun 9 2001 at 8:25 am[
Email Msg</cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi?c=emailmsgform&fid=1937-truth&mid=27> |Invite </cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi?c=inviteform&fid=1937-truth>

Message: Kat Hak Sung! Your time is up! We are giving you 3x24 hours to surrender. Turn yourself in to the local authority where you are residing now.You have been sentenced to DEATH in absentia. ..... Within 3x24 hours you should surrender and turn yourself in, to serve your death sentence under the gallows. The state of California has restored this kind of death sentence just for you. ....

6/11/2001 The day of Timothy McVeigh's execution. He was accused for Oklahoma bombing. Since then I learned the feds used to create a big event to distract public’s attention from a small case ?the murder of Kat Sung.

For something unknown, the designated drug case hadn’t broken up. The Chinese secret police must have completed their duty of the secret deal. The US had to pay for it. That’s a big loss of US international interest. Someone had to take the responsibility. FBI director Louis Freeh had to resign from his post in June, 2001 when the Feds planned drug case ended.



WASHINGTON, May 1?Director Louis J. Freeh of the F.B.I. said today that he would resign in June after an eight-year tenure


Next month, the big winner, China, got its first payment.

OLYMPICS; Beijing Wins Bid for 2008 Olympic Games

By JERE LONGMAN July 14, 2001

MOSCOW, July 13?…… the International Olympic Committee awarded the 2008 Summer Games to Beijing today.

Eight years after a narrow and unexpected defeat to Sydney, Australia, inits attempt to be host to the 2000 Olympics, Beijing more than doubled the votes Toronto received as the runner-up.


1013. Forbiden reply proves China colludes the framed case (3/29/2018)

On 3/17, in web site lunaticoutpost.com, I replied to a topic "The US Economy is only growing Because of deficit Spending". The original reply is:

I think Trump is pushed out to be the scapegoat of the coming economic crisis. I wrote this two years ago.

902. Trump's job (2) (5/7/2016)

I revealed the Trump campaign was a comedy on 4/30. Within days his rivals Cruze and Kasich dropped the election campaign. It would be a joke to go on with this comic show.

This country is ruled by the Feds. They rule the country by controlled intelligence and media. They select politicians through rigged election and justify the election result through the fake poll done by media.

In 2001, Clinton left the White House with a budget surplus. That was unusual. Most U.S.presidents added deficit to the huge national debt. Yet the Feds arranged George W. Bush to win the election. They need a candidate of their own to take care of the big events they planed to create - 911 attack, the Patriot Act and the Mid-east wars.

When the media beat the drum to push up Trump's popularity, it means the Feds having another plan to produce a second "Bush". That's why I said something big will happen - bigger than 911 attack and the Mid-east wars.

The big events may relate to China, I think. 911 attack was a derivation derived from the secret deal between the Feds and Chinese secret police.(see #884 to #899) Benefited from "hosting the Olympic summer game" and "membership of WTO", China has been developed into economic power No.2 of the world. Which is shaking the super-power throne of the US. That's the story of Bush time.

Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story. That is the core interest of the Feds for which they have paid so much to China. see new secret deal at :"899. April plot (3/29/2016)".

I failed to post it. I was blocked to post #1008 for a while, I thought it might because I revealed China is the partner of this plot, the Feds doesn't want to offend their friend. I shortened the reply as this: You can see the difference.

Shortened reply:

Registered User
User ID: 1337
03-17-2018 01:18 AM

Post: #24RE: The US Economy is only Growing Because of Deficit Spending
I think Trump is pushed out to be the scapegoat of the coming economic crisis. I wrote this two years ago.

Clinton left White House a surplus. But Bush started two wars in Mid-east and finally touch off a financial crisis in 2008. Now they need someone to take the responsibility.
(This post was last modified: 03-17-2018 01:25 AM by katsung47.)

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I am sorry to hear about the murder plot on your wife. I hope she is okay.
May I suggest the witness protection program.
1012. Murder attempt on my wife three days later (3/27/2018)

I am the murder target of the FBI because I revealed the true face of the Feds (FBI and DEA) in Internet. To eliminate a witness of their crime, the Feds try to wrong me in criminal case. That takes three decades long. They recruit my relatives as their informants (include my wife). Now, eager to finish this case, they have to eliminate those informants because they joined the illegal surveillance. The major way they used is to arrange them in tours. It's easy to create incidents and easy to plant illegal things when they are in travel.

My wife, my brother and his wife are arranged a travel to China and Taiwan from 3/17 to 3/31. The Feds created several big events for this framed case.

1. On 3/16, President Trump signed a "Taiwan Travel Act" which is a signal to start that "murder plot". It also a payment to Taiwan to support the framed case.

2. 3/17 is original the start date of travel.

3. 3/18. A.G. Sessions fired FBI deputy Andrew McCabe. FBI is the mastermind of this framed case. This is a whip to urge the Feds finish the case in March.

4. 3/26. China launches yuan crude oil futures in Shanghai. I think to make it a success is part of payment in secret deal between US and Chinese secret police. They choose this occasion for their framed case.

5. 3/30, my relatives will go to Shanghai where my wife will go back to US. My brother will stay for another month. I think that's the time they would be arrested for a framed drug case when they pass through the Custom.

I worry about their lives because on 3/26, I read a news from "World Journal" (internet Chinese web)
"A group of Chinese girls in overseas are waiting for death penalty, what have they done?" It says these girls were charged by Malaysia government for drug smuggling and their stories.


????????????? ???????

?????/??27?? 2018?03?27?


The FBI has a Mafia style death warning habit. Here is 17 years ago, when they tried to frame a drug smuggling case on me, death warning I got,

888. The first payment for the drug case (3/18/2015)

It took two months (4/11 to 6/11) for the Feds and Chinese secret police to arrange a drug case ?to smuggle heroine from south west China to US.

6/9/2001 I received warnings from the Feds.

6/11/2001 The day of Timothy McVeigh's execution. He was accused for Oklahoma bombing. Since then I learned the feds used to create a big event to distract public’s attention from a small case ?the murder of Kat Sung.

For something unknown, the designated drug case hadn’t broken up. The Chinese secret police must have completed their duty of the secret deal. The US had to pay for it. That’s a big loss of US international interest. Someone had to take the responsibility. FBI director Louis Freeh had to resign from his post in June, 2001 when the Feds planned drug case ended.

Next month, the big winner, China, got its first payment.

OLYMPICS; Beijing Wins Bid for 2008 Olympic Games

By JERE LONGMAN July 14, 2001

MOSCOW, July 13?…… the International Olympic Committee awarded the 2008 Summer Games to Beijing today.

Eight years after a narrow and unexpected defeat to Sydney, Australia, inits attempt to be host to the 2000 Olympics, Beijing more than doubled the votes Toronto received as the runner-up.


1013. Forbiden reply proves China colludes the framed case (3/29/2018)

On 3/17, in web site lunaticoutpost.com, I replied to a topic "The US Economy is only growing Because of deficit Spending". The original reply is:

I failed to post it. I was blocked to post #1008 for a while, I thought it might because I revealed China is the partner of this plot, the Feds doesn't want to offend their friend. I shortened the reply as this: You can see the difference.

Shortened reply:


Oh they've been watching you. If they wanted you they'd send in the Deep 6 Shadow group from the CIA. They live someplace next the 12th Bob's burgers if you can guess 1-12 correctly by drawing a line. If I told you any more I'd have to kill you. Betty had the new DNA weapon ready for problems like you and your kin. One pop and your structure changes to that of an inbred sloth. Each eye goes in the opposite direction and you poop little crystal beads for 6 months.

No worry the feds think water chestnuts filled with tide pods will do the trick. No wonder that island in the Philippines had its sand around the edges tilted on 47 degree angle so the feds could flip the island. Well hells bell's dipped in honey trails. Golden deluxe and the winner has dinner with the biggest sinner. Oh yeah buddy they opened that hole to the other side. They dump pain in the *** problems into it. You don't come back. I hear the pain is legendary kinda like an event horizon deal.

But fear not go and walk the straight and narrow. It's the only choice you have left or the crispy cream reindeer antlers will shoot laser dipped button hooks at your toenails at 186,000 miles per second! It actually sends them back in time when they didn't have so much poison jam nerve agent just waiting to pounce on the nearest funk collector socks.
Did you know communism kills. I've developed a spray to unfuck your brain when you visit those infested lands. We have a problem in universities here as well. That clandestine project to unfuck a bunch of ****** up minds spewing poison is in the works.

Stay tuned.

When you hear the sheep yodel like Dwight Yoakum you'll know the eagle has landed

Stay safe and don't drink the green water.
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Yeah, that's what I said....even judging by the title of the thread, I was shaking my head in confusion.
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I passed this email on to the FBI and asked why they are going to murder your wife today. They confirmed and stated they already seen this posting on the SteelerNation forum since they have 5 moles who are member of the SN community tracking katsung47. Just sayin.
find an ogre to hide behind
I passed this email on to the FBI and asked why they are going to murder your wife today. They confirmed and stated they already seen this posting on the SteelerNation forum since they have 5 moles who are member of the SN community tracking katsung47. Just sayin.

No need. We send coded protons that travel down his internet connection into his fingers and into the brain. All thoughts are recorded and relayed back instantly. Oh ****. Did I say we? I need a new screen name now. ****.
So, did they end up killing his wife?

What a nutjob. I bet this guy has tons of imaginary friends.
Saturday: 3/31/2018
The time 12:00 PM.

I sit here, contemplating do I know too much?
Are roses really red? Why do they come to me to die? Why? Why?

As I open this thread

"Oh **** Katsung is on to me"

Signing off SteelerNation
See you on the other side
Saturday: 3/31/2018
The time 12:00 PM.

I sit here, contemplating do I know too much?
Are roses really red? Why do they come to me to die? Why? Why?

As I open this thread

"Oh **** Katsung is on to me"

Signing off SteelerNation
See you on the other side

Put on your anti fed ex spray. And say beetleguise 3 times before throwing 6 sweet pickles over each shoulder
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