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ATTENTION, MSM! Anthony Fauxci's emails are within this thread!

how about a venn diagram of those who blamed CHINA for the Wuhan Lab created virus escape, those who hate OrangeManBad and those who voted Trump? I'd bet there's a HUGE outlier in one particular circle

though you could also create one for those who believed this was an evolutionary event, those who voted Xiden and those who cower in their closets, masked up under blankets pissing themselves at the shadows passing under the locked closet door. oh, silly me. that would be just one big red dot.
Hydroxywhathefuck and shooting bleach up your ***, yeah, that sounds like the bastion of well-reasoned, level-headed thought. No surprise you loved that one, Hungtard.

Yep, he also assumes that the same people that said the virus was a "nothingburger" are the people complaining about the origins of the virus. The Left is great at these gross mis-generalizations. We are all deplorables, we are all racists, blah blah blah.

You can look at this board as a microcosm. Many/most of us never said it was a nothingburger. I don't know anyone that did, but I won't make that blanket statement.

What you did have here were two camps. Those of us who said it wouldn't kill 200,000 and those who said it was going to kill millions. Neither camp was right, but one camp was certainly much closer.

Given we don't know what % of COVID deaths were falsified, we will never know the true death total. But it wasn't the bubonic plague they all told us it was going to be.

World War II took the lives of 75Million. COVID took the lives of 3.7 million. Perspective.
Imagine being a top expert for 37 years. World renowned, won innumerable awards. Then there’s a crisis, in your field, and as you step up, you’re degraded at every turn by a con man and his ignorant, ******* followers. Yet you carry on your duty because your country depends on it. That's professionalism. That's Dr Fauci.

On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you, Dr. Fauci.

Imagine being a top expert for 37 years. World renowned, won innumerable awards. Then there’s a crisis, in your field, and as you step up, you’re degraded at every turn by a con man and his ignorant, ******* followers. Yet you carry on your duty because your country depends on it. That's professionalism. That's Dr Fauci.

On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you, Dr. Fauci.

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imagine being the top expert in your field, and being told repeatedly, over and over again, via emails and possibly phone calls, via faxes, texts and snail mail, from other experts who are studying the virus in labs (when you are not) and you jet-set all over the nation from one tv set to the next, fielding softball questions that inflate your ego to the point where you become accustomed to not being questioned over your opinion, yet your opinion flies in the very face of those same experts previously mentioned who declare that the virus was not of an evolutionary scale with the only other possibility being that it was 100% man-made leading to the question of if it was intentionally released by the host country from whom you benefit monetarily, or a simple accident which would make the host country whom you benefit from monetarily look foolish, more evil and lead to a planet-wide level of contempt, hatred and disgust while those other countries struggle to determine if this was an act of war - which makes you then lean hard on your desire to have this virus believed to be evolutionary in scale because the money trail leads right back to your ***.

again, you're not very good at this are you?

next... Oompa Loompas? again?
imagine being the top expert in your field, and being told repeatedly, over and over again, via emails and possibly phone calls, via faxes, texts and snail mail, from other experts who are studying the virus in labs (when you are not) and you jet-set all over the nation from one tv set to the next, fielding softball questions that inflate your ego to the point where you become accustomed to not being questioned over your opinion, yet your opinion flies in the very face of those same experts previously mentioned who declare that the virus was not of an evolutionary scale with the only other possibility being that it was 100% man-made leading to the question of if it was intentionally released by the host country from whom you benefit monetarily, or a simple accident which would make the host country whom you benefit from monetarily look foolish, more evil and lead to a planet-wide level of contempt, hatred and disgust while those other countries struggle to determine if this was an act of war - which makes you then lean hard on your desire to have this virus believed to be evolutionary in scale because the money trail leads right back to your ***.

again, you're not very good at this are you?

next... Oompa Loompas? again?

It's like the movie plot where a cop kills someone and then he's put in charge of investigating the murder and he spends every waking moment misleading the investigation in hopes that the evidence doesn't come back to him. But in the end...it does...and it has for the fraud named Tony Fauci. Tibs can suck his **** off and gargle his man batter in pure delight, but the man is a ******* fraud, a ******* liar, and his actions and inactions killed people. **** off Tony!
I hope we find out the truth and real science prevails.

For my part, I always felt Fauci loved the attention and celebrity that came with this crisis. I believed him more than politicians, but I was skeptical. If he did downplay the possibility of this being a man-made virus while KNOWING solid information and opinions from peers to the contrary, then he is a rat. Plain and simple.

Again, it proves that from the beginning (in my opinion), this pandemic was politicized immediately with the purpose of finding a way to destroy Trump and evict him from office. All information released and regurgitated by the media had the cloud of "What effect will this have on the election" over it. Truth and real science was very scarce. And Fauci appears to have gone right along for the ride, enjoying his time in the spotlight.

I hope he did this as honest mistakes (you can enjoy the spotlight and be true to yourself, don't get me wrong). And I hope maybe he was pushed a million different ways and just choose the wrong path sometimes. Mistakes are allowed.

But some of his missteps are worrisome. Some show disturbing lack of scientific knowledge and some show self-interest. I will wait on further information before making final conclusions about the man so broadly.
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I'm waiting for a responsible journalist to ask the question, "If established science made a systematic effort to hide the truth behind the man-made nature of the 'Rona in order to protect funding for their continued research, is it possible established science is making a systematic effort to mislead people about global climate change in order to protect funding for their continued research?"
... still waiting.
I'm waiting for a responsible journalist to ask the question, "If established science made a systematic effort to hide the truth behind the man-made nature of the 'Rona in order to protect funding for their continued research, is it possible established science is making a systematic effort to mislead people about global climate change in order to protect funding for their continued research?"
You know the answer, everyone with an IQ above 50 knows the answer to that question. But the mentally ill Libtards only know one thing "MSM tell me wut ta say and wut ta thunk and i do wut i can to troll da MAGA rassistss!! duhh!
People are easily misled. Now let someone in a position of power and expertise do the misleading and you get what you get.

Millions of people doing whatever you tell them to do without question. Those who question are quickly silenced.

China shutoff travel from Wuhan to other parts of China,but allowed them to travel the world. Science study my ***. Somethings are best left alone, unless you're in bioweapons development.

Dr.Fuckhead knew what these clowns did in Wuhan.

His little science pals in China working on altering this virus to make it customizable to humans, are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.

The same party who have easily killed 65-70 million of their own people.

The world should be cutting themselves off from all things China.
I've talked about my great concern about freedom of speech in this country. I think it is the greatest threat to our union over the next 20-25 years.

The #1 thing that scares me about this story more than anything is not anything about Fauci or what he knew/didn't know or even what role our government played to control information. Let's face it, that's what governments do.

What scares me the most is that Facebook (and most of the other internet controllers), for 10 months, pretty much SILENCED and CENSORED anyone that tried to state the virus originated in a Chinese Lab. I'd be curious what liberals on this board think about that in hindsight now. How disturbed are they about that? How easily could that be applied to other situations?

The willingness of our populace to jump into self-censorship so easily really, really scares me. Since when have we become so afraid of lies and words?

Never in history have the lies been the problem. It's always when one side SILENCES part of the conversation, no matter how outlandish or dangerous. When countries so easily travel down the path of censorship, it becomes much easier for governments to control the message. Doesn't that scare democrats on this board even a little?
What scares me the most is that Facebook (and most of the other internet controllers), for 10 months, pretty much SILENCED and CENSORED anyone that tried to state the virus originated in a Chinese Lab. I'd be curious what liberals on this board think about that in hindsight now. How disturbed are they about that? How easily could that be applied to other situations?

I remember the very first day this story broke, there were two main aspects regarding the origin, the bio lab in Wuhan and the exotic animal/meat market found a few blocks away.

It's no surprise we're back to where we started a year and a half later.

The line of demarcation seems to be between people who think it's possible the virus somehow got into live animals from the lab, spread to the wet market and then to humans, and those esteemed individuals - like on this board - who think China - with Fauci's and the US's backing - purposefully unleashed this virus to take down Trump or for some other, nefarious reason.

It's the second of those two which I find more troubling. As usual, the far right just ran with this and have turned it into yet another unhinged conspiracy, along with the hundreds that came before.

So yeah, hopefully we'll find out how this strain of Covid started spreading in the population and turned into such a devastating, worldwide pandemic.

And everything should be on the table, as the case is investigated. But the wild presumptions and conclusions many here have reached - along with the likes of Tucker Carlson and others - seem entirely premature, to say the least.
I remember the very first day this story broke, there were two main aspects regarding the origin, the bio lab in Wuhan and the exotic animal/meat market found a few blocks away.

It's no surprise we're back to where we started a year and a half later.

The line of demarcation seems to be between people who think it's possible the virus somehow got into live animals from the lab, spread to the wet market and then to humans, and those esteemed individuals - like on this board - who think China - with Fauci's and the US's backing - purposefully unleashed this virus to take down Trump or for some other, nefarious reason.

It's the second of those two which I find more troubling. As usual, the far right just ran with this and have turned it into yet another unhinged conspiracy, along with the hundreds that came before.

So yeah, hopefully we'll find out how this strain of Covid started spreading in the population and turned into such a devastating, worldwide pandemic.

And everything should be on the table, as the case is investigated. But the wild presumptions and conclusions many here have reached - along with the likes of Tucker Carlson and others - seem entirely premature, to say the least.

Your assessment of the situation, those two being the only choices, is absolutely bogus, wrong, and off base. So the rest of what you wrote is utter bullshit. You can't even put history back together correctly.

There weren't just two camps.

In the early stages, we knew the virus came from China. It came from Wuhan, this we knew. We got lots of data saying many people were sick in Wuhan and videos and photos of the sick and dead. We knew there is a virology lab in Wuhan that historically performed research on viruses very very dangerous to man. China began instituting some bizarre travel restrictions at the time. And China was being caught not reporting the truth about what was happening to their people - those getting sicked or locked into apartments. This is what we knew early on.

That led to questions and lots of them. It did NOT lead to a group that said in March or April "The US and Fauci created this virus to unseat Trump." ::face palm:: Good lord you're as bad as the people on Twitter, where you seem to get your education.

It was said in February'ish time frame by many that if this virus turns into a pandemic, Democrats and the media would milk it as much as they could to hurt Trump...."just watch." That prediction was right.

It wasn't until some time had passed that some science and knowledge about the virus emerged that showed it behaved in unusual ways, and may have been engineered. That's when you really started to hear a larger growing # of voices saying that this **** didn't jump from a pangolin to a human. That knowledge has since grown and we now know there is a 1 in a billion chance it was animal to human. We also know virus has "fingerprints" of sequences that cannot be natural.

It wasn't until numerous people began investigating the lab and the money behind it that interesting coincidences were found....like Fauci's own agency was funding the lab, and doing what appeared to be laundering in order to fund the Wuhan lab. More investigators started following the popcorn trail. Turns out there were lots of coincidences. Now, with his emails, turns out he's looking pretty suspect.

All of this learning evolved, much of it still is...but there wasn't enough of it early for anyone at the time to make the claims you claim they did.

We never believed it was "built" to unseat Trump, but most of us believed early that it was a bioweapon. They have a history of gain of function research. So early on, we suspected it was a bioweapon. We don't trust China, rightfully. We believed it was more likely the virus escaped their lab than the wet market story. Period. That's all that was said at the time.

We also knew, early on, that the media and Liberals would jump on ANYTHING to make Trump look bad. That's a fact. They had for 3 years. We did not believe - hell I don't know anyone that does believe this - that the virus was BUILT TO UNSEAT TRUMP. Dumbest **** I've heard from you in 12 hours. But day one, we knew any natural disaster, war, pandemic, etc that came along they'd use it. And use it they did. That prediction came true.

It's fantastically different things Tibs to say the Right believed the virus was created to unseat Trump by Fauci (lies) v what happened which was the Right believed the media and democrats would jump on any opportunity they could to attack Trump (truth). After 4 years of fake Russian bullshit, 2 meaningless impeachments, trying to impeach him for ice cream, someone with 2 brain cells could have predicted that.

Finally: Facebook was shutting down dissenting voices on the origins of the virus LONG BEFORE Fauci was implicated in funding the Wuhan Lab. Everything else you said is quite literally a gross obliteration of what really happened.
I remember the very first day this story broke, there were two main aspects regarding the origin, the bio lab in Wuhan and the exotic animal/meat market found a few blocks away. It's no surprise we're back to where we started a year and a half later.

You posted at least five messages on this forum announcing that the lab-leak hypothesis was a conspiracy. So don't pretend you were some wise Buddha, waiting for the evidence to come out - you gobbled up and parroted the idiotic, demonstrably false left-wing lie about a "conspiracy" relative to a lab leak and literally laughed at those who posted evidence showing it very likely came from the nearby lab researching this very type of virus.

The line of demarcation seems to be between people who think it's possible the virus somehow got into live animals from the lab, spread to the wet market and then to humans, and those esteemed individuals - like on this board - who think China - with Fauci's and the US's backing - purposefully unleashed this virus to take down Trump or for some other, nefarious reason.

So let's get this straight - after bleating the left-wing trope that the lab-leak theory was a "conspiracy," you turn around and magnanimously announce that you were dubious of a make-believe conspiracy that in fact never existed and was supposedly started by the right?

Were you born this stupid, or have you worked on it for decades?
You posted at least five messages on this forum announcing that the lab-leak hypothesis was a conspiracy.

I posted that the lab-leak - which was done on purpose by the Chinese in coordination with Fauci and US government to overthrow Trump - was a conspiracy.

The adage you live and learn doesn't seem to apply to you. You've been stuck on stupid your entire adult life.
I posted that the lab-leak - which was done on purpose by the Chinese in coordination with Fauci and US government to overthrow Trump - was a conspiracy.

Lying liar telling lies about his lies.

Nobody on this forum, ever, in any fashion, posited that the Chinese worked with Fauci to develop the Chinese flu and release it intentionally to overthrow Trump. In fact, that is one of the stupidest things you have ever written, and that is saying a lot.
Oh ok, so for the record, when you refer to the Wuhan lab leak, you too are thinking this could have been a regretable accident, that somehow the virus may have gotten out of the lab? Is that your take? Please confirm.

If so, my apologies.
Oh ok, so for the record, when you refer to the Wuhan lab leak, you too are thinking this could have been a regretable accident, that somehow the virus may have gotten out of the lab? Is that your take? Please confirm.

If so, my apologies.

Jesus Christ, I have never said or implied anything other than that, ever, in any fashion. It is painfully clear that the Chinese scientists were working on the SARS-CoV2 virus and gain of function, and the "Rat Lady" doctor gave an interview in 2018 explaining why she was doing it.

At least three Wuhan Institute of Virology scientists became seriously ill in approximately November of 2019 and were admitted to the hospital. Before then, they mingled with their families, neighbors, friends and the disease was out.

China knew of a serious problem and human-to-human transmission no later than late December of 2019. China cut off travel from Wuhan to the rest of China in early January of 2020 but allowed foreign visitors into Wuhan and back home, for the purpose of making sure the virus spread world-wide. Trump's trade position with China put China into a recession in 2019, and the leadership was terrified at the thought of the virus ravaging the country during its economic troubles while the rest of the world took advantage.

China intentionally let the disease spread worldwide, and anybody who doubts that is just not being intelligent. Look at the damn timeline. Look what China did and when.

Then, when the virus reached the United States, Trump was legitimately concerned that a pandemic would ruin the economy and badly hurt his chances at re-election. You say Trump made the disease political; I say (D)imbos made everything - EVERYTHING - political in any fashion to go after Trump and absolutely used the virus to go after Trump. Look at Beijing Joe's comments - not one negative comment about China during the campaign, literally not one, and hundreds of critical remarks about Trump. Same with Cuomo, Wolf, Whitmer.

Despite Trump following Fauxci's recommendations, overseeing a fast-track for the vaccine, getting the vaccine distributed in record time, having almost 1 million doses per day delivered by the time he left office, he has been painted as the one responsible for deaths in this country. We have asked repeatedly for you and others to tell us exactly what Trump should have done and didn't, and the response has been "he should have worn a mask" (which doesn't work) and "he should have had the vaccine in public." That's it.

But for the disease, the economy continues to boom and Trump is in his second term. Instead, China killed millions and leftists have yet to say one ******* syllable of criticism of the nation, I guess because of their tremendous record on human rights.
You have a vivid imagination, I’ll give you that. Thanks for the reply, in any case.
Oh ok, so for the record, when you refer to the Wuhan lab leak, you too are thinking this could have been a regretable accident, that somehow the virus may have gotten out of the lab? Is that your take? Please confirm.

If so, my apologies.

Good Lord, Steeltime replied indicating just that and still no apology.

As he said, not one person on this board said the Chinese created the virus to unseat Trump in coordination with the USA.

Yes, we all believe it was a regrettable leak. Could it have been intentional? Maybe. None of us...you, HuffPo, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump....know how or why it got out of the lab. We just know it did. It leaked from the lab. Why is in ways at this very moment irrelevant. We must first establish that it did. Then work from there.

If and when it is determined it emanated from the lab, we need to find out why and how and work to prevent any such outbreak again. If it is determined that Fauci and his agency laundered funding to get that funding to that lab, we need to make sure that never happens again. If, and it appears to be the case, Fauci and crew worked to cover it up, we need to understand why. The fact that they were covering it up means their either knew what they were doing was wrong, or realized they made a regrettable mistake, or both. We need to figure out why, what, how on all of it.

People died. Economies were ruined. Wealth destroyed. And we will suffer for decades from how we reacted to it.

Getting to the bottom of the origins is paramount.
Good Lord, Steeltime replied indicating just that and still no apology. > Yes, we all believe it was a regrettable leak.

Seems to me you and Steeltime need to get on the same page.

Nothing he wrote makes it sound like a 'regrettable leak.' Just the opposite.

This is what I mean by those on the right used the 'lab leak' to sow wild conspiracies and run with it.

China cut off travel from Wuhan to the rest of China in early January of 2020 but allowed foreign visitors into Wuhan and back home, for the purpose of making sure the virus spread world-wide.

China intentionally let the disease spread worldwide

China killed millions

Getting to the bottom of the origins is paramount.

Nothing he wrote makes it sound like a 'regrettable leak.' Just the opposite.

This is what I mean by those on the right used the 'lab leak' to sow wild conspiracies and run with it.

China cut off travel from Wuhan to the rest of China in early January of 2020 but allowed foreign visitors into Wuhan and back home, for the purpose of making sure the virus spread world-wide.

China intentionally let the disease spread worldwide

China killed millions

Good Lord again.

You first accused everyone here of saying that Fauci and the USA collaborated with China to create a virus to unseat Trump. Patently false and another example of a lying liar lying.

Let me expose you to some logic your selective-outrage, hypocritical self can't seem to grasp. The virus leak can BOTH be regrettable and be handled beyond poorly by China. Steeltime's statements are accurate. Not the basis of any conspiracy theory. It is indeed funny though how fifteen months after the virus, so many of those theories are being proven accurate. I digress...

The virus could have and likely was regrettably leaked. What happened AFTER the fact is documented, as Steeltime said. China did cover it up. China DID allow international visitors to come to and leave Wuhan. That is a fact. China DID prevent travel from Wuhan to other parts of China, fact. By doing these very things, they therefore DID let the disease spread internationally while at the same time tried to prevent it spreading at home. Odd.

If China didn't intentionally let the disease spread, they would have banned international travel - all of it - as other nations did. They did not.

If you take the angle "well maybe they didn't understand the severity of it at the time" then answer these questions...why did they prevent travel from Wuhan to other parts of China while allowing international travel to and from Wuhan? They knew something was up and prevented their own in Wuhan from traveling to other regions of China. Hmmm. But simultaneously allowed travel in and out of Wuhan. Yeah, that makes sense.

You can't do both things at the same time and appear to be negligent. Or uninformed. They made calculated decisions.


We all need to know.