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ATTENTION, MSM! Anthony Fauxci's emails are within this thread!

While I am certainly pessimistic enough to believe that China could give a **** about a few million, or even a couple hundred million of their elderly or compromised population dying, I don't know that I can quite get to the point where I truly believe they just "released it". Certainly not right there on their home turf, although "conspiracy theory" arguments could be made that that is precisely where it would have had to be released, otherwise they risk being exposed for launching a biological weapon on some other part of the world. At least if it is released in China, they can claim victimhood themselves.

Things that really bother Conspiracy Wig? It seems, (pending outright confirmation) that the Wuhan Institute of Incompetence is largely supported by the Chinese military. I can think of no compelling reason the military would fund and support viral research unless it was for some really nefarious ****. I mean, I suppose they could say they fund that kind of research so they can better immunize their troops in the event of foreign sickness, but that's a ******* stretch.

So you have a research center, benefitting from money from the military, (and apparently agencies within our own ******* government) that is studying and evidently modifying a virus in order to make it more easily transferred from person to person. I mean, I'm really trying to understand the pro's for this kind of research. I know, I know. They make the "super bad virus" so they can then figure out the cure. But for me, that honestly just raises more questions and red flags than it resolves. One HAS to wonder if the folks in the Wuhan Institute of Incompetence didn't / don't have some kind of vaccination that they were completely capable of administering to "important" people.

No, it's certainly possible. Perhaps even likely that the Kung Flu escaped accidentally. But Conspiracy Wig is then compelled to ponder... Maybe it did escape "accidentally" instead of quite purposefully at a later date in a targeted location. Just how ******* evil IS the Chinese government? Were they working on a biological weapon that they intended to use at some future date?

All that is well and good conspiracy'ing, but you ALSO have to look at the totality of the 'Rona plague.

1) Trump is a world force and easily and undeniably on track to win a 2nd term.
2) China has been harassed, cornered and weakened by Trump policies to strengthen America at the expense of China interests.
3) The 'Rona "escapes" from a Chinese lab, funded by both the Chinese military and agencies within the U.S. government as well as the world health organization 11 months before the U.S. election.
4) The Chinese obfuscate and frankly, flat out lie about the danger of the virus.
5) The Chinese blatantly reduce transmission opportunities IN COUNTRY while freely sending infected travellers abroad.
6) The 'Rona hits the world and due to misinformation and media hype, panic ensues.
7) Given constant contradictory advise, (apparently from the same people and agencies who helped FUND research into the 'Rona lab) Trump and the U.S. make the decision to destroy the U.S. economy due to panic-mongering.
8) China, world supplier of medical supplies and medicines experiences a ******* economic BOOM as they are called upon to export massive amounts of goods.
9) The U.S. economy tanks, all eyes are on 'Rona survival and recovery and in the middle of that, 5 swing states decide they have to "stop counting"
10) They don't "stop counting", they just count in private...
11) Vegetable is declared the dictator of the U.S. The media and even the courts refuse to consider ANY claims or evidence that fraud occurred.
12) Vegetable takes over.
13) The 'Rona begins to fade from our collective fear and consciousness. 5 months in to vegetable term and practically nobody wears masks or has their general freedoms impeded due to 'Rona restrictions.
14) In order to 'enjoy' our new "freedoms" citizens are expected, damn near required to get "vaccinated" for a virus that apparently kills fewer people than the flu and generally targets elderly, co-morbid people as it's greatest victim demographic.
15) Meanwhile, vegetable has restored relationships with China, destroyed American energy independence, fomented racism and cultural divide and failed to restart the economy.

Now... The above is what has actually, and inarguably happened over the last 17 or 18 months. Occam's razor suggests that we look to the most likely reason for a given situation or outcome.

Is it more likely that the 'Rona came from a bat, then spread worldwide due to accident and "honest mistakes". Then kickstarted a random chain of events that lead to the defeat of a president who received more votes (while losing) mind you than any sitting president ever in the history of the country? Then, the same 'Rona, which we all were lead to believe would ultimately kill as much as 90% of the human population if left unchecked turns out to be easily treated by an untested vaccine that just happened to be pretty easily researched and developed in about 1/10 the time it generally takes to create such vaccines, (almost as if a solution/cure/vaccine already existed...) All while the U.S. falls into a state of economic depression and civil unrest and China massively increases its political and economic power at the world (and specifically the U.S.' expense.)

Or is it more likely that radicalized agents within the U.S. democratic party conspired with Chinese leaders to put in to motion a chain of events that would remove Trump from office, install vegetable and pave the way for Chinese world dominance in terms of economy, politics and military?

Is it more likely that all 15 of those things above are just "weird accidents" or that they were the result of careful planning and execution of a number of plans and programs to weaken the U.S. while enriching some traitorous politicians and massively strengthening China?

Sorry for the long post. I know some of you have missed a good ole Conspiracy Wig rant.
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While I am certainly pessimistic enough to believe that China could give a **** about a few million, or even a couple hundred million of their elderly or compromised population dying, I don't know that I can quite get to the point where I truly believe they just "released it". Certainly not right there on their home turf, although "conspiracy theory" arguments could be made that that is precisely where it would have had to be released, otherwise they risk being exposed for launching a biological weapon on some other part of the world. At least if it is released in China, they can claim victimhood themselves.

Things that really bother Conspiracy Wig? It seems, (pending outright confirmation) that the Wuhan Institute of Incompetence is largely supported by the Chinese military. I can think of no compelling reason the military would fund and support viral research unless it was for some really nefarious ****. I mean, I suppose they could say they fund that kind of research so they can better immunize their troops in the event of foreign sickness, but that's a ******* stretch.

So you have a research center, benefitting from money from the military, (and apparently agencies within our own ******* government) that is studying and evidently modifying a virus in order to make it more easily transferred from person to person. I mean, I'm really trying to understand the pro's for this kind of research. I know, I know. They make the "super bad virus" so they can then figure out the cure. But for me, that honestly just raises more questions and red flags than it resolves. One HAS to wonder if the folks in the Wuhan Institute of Incompetence didn't / don't have some kind of vaccination that they were completely capable of administering to "important" people.

No, it's certainly possible. Perhaps even likely that the Kung Flu escaped accidentally. But Conspiracy Wig is then compelled to ponder... Maybe it did escape "accidentally" instead of quite purposefully at a later date in a targeted location. Just how ******* evil IS the Chinese government? Were they working on a biological weapon that they intended to use at some future date?

All that is well and good conspiracy'ing, but you ALSO have to look at the totality of the 'Rona plague.

1) Trump is a world force and easily and undeniably on track to win a 2nd term.
2) China has been harassed, cornered and weakened by Trump policies to strengthen America at the expense of China interests.
3) The 'Rona "escapes" from a Chinese lab, funded by both the Chinese military and agencies within the U.S. government as well as the world health organization 11 months before the U.S. election.
4) The Chinese obfuscate and frankly, flat out lie about the danger of the virus.
5) The Chinese blatantly reduce transmission opportunities IN COUNTRY while freely sending infected travellers abroad.
6) The 'Rona hits the world and due to misinformation and media hype, panic ensues.
7) Given constant contradictory advise, (apparently from the same people and agencies who helped FUND research into the 'Rona lab) Trump and the U.S. make the decision to destroy the U.S. economy due to panic-mongering.
8) China, world supplier of medical supplies and medicines experiences a ******* economic BOOM as they are called upon to export massive amounts of goods.
9) The U.S. economy tanks, all eyes are on 'Rona survival and recovery and in the middle of that, 5 swing states decide they have to "stop counting"
10) They don't "stop counting", they just count in private...
11) Vegetable is declared the dictator of the U.S. The media and even the courts refuse to consider ANY claims or evidence that fraud occurred.
12) Vegetable takes over.
13) The 'Rona begins to fade from our collective fear and consciousness. 5 months in to vegetable term and practically nobody wears masks or has their general freedoms impeded due to 'Rona restrictions.
14) In order to 'enjoy' our new "freedoms" citizens are expected, damn near required to get "vaccinated" for a virus that apparently kills fewer people than the flu and generally targets elderly, co-morbid people as it's greatest victim demographic.
15) Meanwhile, vegetable has restored relationships with China, destroyed American energy independence, fomented racism and cultural divide and failed to restart the economy.

Now... The above is what has actually, and inarguably happened over the last 17 or 18 months. Occam's razor suggests that we look to the most likely reason for a given situation or outcome.

Is it more likely that the 'Rona came from a bat, then spread worldwide due to accident and "honest mistakes". Then kickstarted a random chain of events that lead to the defeat of a president who received more votes (while losing) mind you than any sitting president ever in the history of the country? Then, the same 'Rona, which we all were lead to believe would ultimately kill as much as 90% of the human population if left unchecked turns out to be easily treated by an untested vaccine that just happened to be pretty easily researched and developed in about 1/10 the time it generally takes to create such vaccines, (almost as if a solution/cure/vaccine already existed...) All while the U.S. falls into a state of economic depression and civil unrest and China massively increases its political and economic power at the world (and specifically the U.S.' expense.)

Or is it more likely that radicalized agents within the U.S. democratic party conspired with Chinese leaders to put in to motion a chain of events that would remove Trump from office, install vegetable and pave the way for Chinese world dominance in terms of economy, politics and military?

Is it more likely that all 15 of those things above are just "weird accidents" or that they were the result of careful planning and execution of a number of plans and programs to weaken the U.S. while enriching some traitorous politicians and massively strengthening China?

Sorry for the long post. I know some of you have missed a good ole Conspiracy Wig rant.

With respect to it being released intentionally, we read where folks who consider that option think "they" released it. Perhaps it wasn't them who released it.
Or is it more likely that radicalized agents within the U.S. democratic party conspired with Chinese leaders to put in to motion a chain of events that would remove Trump from office, install vegetable and pave the way for Chinese world dominance in terms of economy, politics and military?

That's it, Geronimo, you nailed it!

Or rather, former guy was just a really, really ****** President trying desperately to win re-election, who got exposed & shitcanned by the American people, then nearly set off a violent insurrection in the aftermath. 🤔

Nah, I like your batshit crazy conspiracy better, it's more exciting and keeps the faith in the MAGA base. Yeah, let's roll with that one. :rolleyes: :jagoff:
That's it, Geronimo, you nailed it!

StiltedTime, and now Geronimo? These stupid nicknames don't make the slightest bit of sense or are even remotely funny.

Now Tiborat, that's at least a little funny (and fitting) and that was just off the top of my head. Let's just say you're not joining any comedy circuits anytime soon.
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That's it, Geronimo, you nailed it!

Or rather, former guy was just a really, really ****** President trying desperately to win re-election, who got exposed & shitcanned by the American people, then nearly set off a violent insurrection in the aftermath. 🤔

Nah, I like your batshit crazy conspiracy better, it's more exciting and keeps the faith in the MAGA base. Yeah, let's roll with that one. :rolleyes: :jagoff:

Conspiracy theories leftists spewed and continue to spew that are 100% bullshit.

"Violent insurrection"? Stupid conspiracy theory. The only fatality was an unarmed 120 lb. woman shot in the throat.

Russia, Russia, Russia! Stupid conspiracy theory.

Trump ordered Capital Police to tear gas protesters for a photo op. Stupid conspiracy theory.

Officer Sicknick murdered by Trump supporters. Stupid conspiracy theory.

Trump ordered Georgia Sec'y of State to "find the fraud"? Stupid conspiracy theory.

Hunter Biden computer data "Russian disinformation." Embarrassingly stupid conspiracy theory spouted by blithering idiots.

Russia affected the 2016 election. Stupid conspiracy theory.

Russia dossier factual. Stupid conspiracy theory.

FISA warrants justified. Stupid conspiracy theory.

Trump will destroy the economy. Stupid conspiracy theory.

Trump will destroy the stock market. Stupid conspiracy theory.

How about some conspiracy theories that turned out to be true? Lots of those nowadays.

Corrupt Puerto Rican officials intentionally mishandled relief to harm Trump. "Conspiracy theory" that was true.

Chinese flu came from a lab. "Conspiracy theory" that was true.

China intentionally spread the disease to other countries to avoid being buried by its own creation. "Conspiracy theory" that was true.

Hydroxychloroquine valuable in treating the Chinese flu, attacked by leftists to hurt Trump. "Conspiracy theory" that was true.

Media intentionally interfered with 2020 election to help a dementia-ridden racist, Joe Biden. "Conspiracy theory" that was true.

Joe Biden is mentally unfit to be President. "Conspiracy theory" that is true.

Joe Biden calls on pre-selected reporters who ask pre-cleared questions, Biden then reads a cue card with prepared answer. "Conspiracy theory" that is true.

Shall I go on?

if Rushuh innerfeered with the elekshun in 2016 FOR OrangeMan, why they did not be innerfeer in 2020 elekshun?

if Rushuh innerfeered with the elekshun in 2016 FOR OrangeMan, why they did not be innerfeer in 2020 elekshun?

Because Joe Biden is just too damn smart to let that happen again. Russia so feared him, they backed off.


Can you blame them?
StiltedTime, and now Geronimo? These stupid nicknames don't make sense the slightest bit of sense or are even remotely funny.

Now TiBorat, that's at least a little funny (and fitting) and that was just off the top of my head. Let's just say you're not joining any comedy circuits anytime soon.
Tiborat...:ROFLMAO: That's great....

That was your doing, amigo. I just expanded on it. (y)


Tiborat will now (in long line of Tiblunders™) also live in infamy.
Because Joe Biden is just too damn smart to let that happen again. Russia so feared him, they backed off.


Can you blame them?

Yeah Creepy Joe is where my dad was 3 years ago. More than likely he soils himself and doesn't even know it.
Starting to wonder if Bidenarrhea, when having those brain farts, was actually just sharting himself immeasurably?

The noose is tightening. Turns out Fauci fought a Trump directive to cancel the virus research....that killed 3.7Million worldwide.

He fought a logical, needed directive and despite COVID jumping out of that lab, insisted on keeping the research going...

Exclusive: Anthony Fauci resisted a White House directive in April of last year to cancel a research grant for a nonprofit linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology but "reluctantly agreed" after he learned that then-President Donald Trump had explicitly ordered its cancellation, according to an exclusive excerpt from a book detailing the Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fauci’s debate with other top officials on how to handle the request was detailed in "Nightmare Scenario: Inside the Trump Administration's Response to the Pandemic That Changed History," an upcoming book from Washington Post reporters Yasmeen Abutaleb and Damian Paletta.

The White House pushed the National Institutes of Health to cut funding for a study examining how coronaviruses jump from infected bats to humans following reports linking the research to the Wuhan facility at the center of the "lab leak theory," which posits the pandemic originated from a lab accident. The study’s sponsor, the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, was told not to spend the remaining $369,819 balance of its 2020 grant.

In their book, Abutaleb and Paletta provide a behind-the-scenes account of how Fauci and his colleagues at the National Institutes of Health responded to the White House’s directive:

"With questions swirling about the origins of COVID-19—experts had determined that the virus was not man-made but could not rule out that it might have slipped out of a lab—the NIH had gone to the principal study investigator on April 19 and asked that payments be halted to the subcontractor in Wuhan until it had more answers.

A few days later, the relatively small grant had garnered new attention…On the afternoon of April 24, NIH director Francis Collins and Fauci received notice that Trump wanted to formally announce in a 5:00 p.m. press conference that the grant had been terminated."

Collins and Fauci told the White House and [the Department of Health and Human Services] that they were not sure the NIH actually had the authority to terminate a peer-reviewed grant in the middle of a budget cycle. The HHS general counsel told them to do it anyway and made clear it was a direct order from the president, implying that their jobs were on the line if they didn’t comply. Fauci and Collins reluctantly agreed to cancel the grant."

According to the book, Fauci relayed the incident to his longtime friend Peter Staley, the prominent HIV/AIDS activist, who purportedly pushed him to resist the administration’s directive.

"What do you mean?" Staley asked. "You can’t cancel a grant like this."

"What do you want me to do?" Fauci said.

"Can’t you and Collins threaten to resign over this?" Staley suggested.

"You want us both to resign over a $3.7 million grant?" Fauci snapped back.

Staley instantly backed down. ‘You’re right, you’re right,’ he said. ‘That’s not what you resign over.’"

(Collins and Fauci heard from many members of the scientific community that they should have resigned. The HHS general counsel later found that the agency probably had not had the authority to terminate the grant. NIH had to reinstate the grant but stopped all of its funding.)

It was the second time in a matter of days that it looked as though Fauci was being bullied by political forces at the White House, and Staley thought it was a worrisome trend.

"You combine this with what happened with your Oval Office remdesivir announcement— and I know this doesn’t matter to the country. We’re not talking about Trump and politics and Fox and the whole country. "We’re talking about the fact that you are now our leader in AIDS, in public health advocacy," he told Fauci, his voice rising with emotion.

"In the scientific community, you are our leader. And in the course of forty-eight hours, you have broken two major tenets of how the scientific community does things. We have these rules for a reason, which you’ve been a major defender of your whole life."

Fauci did not return a request for comment on the book's claims by the time of this article’s publication.
Are they working on an AIDS passport? Asking for a friend. Cause apparently hippa laws don't apply to businesses outside the medical realm, or so I've been told.