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ATTENTION, MSM! Anthony Fauxci's emails are within this thread!

Good Lord again.

You first accused everyone here of saying that Fauci and the USA collaborated with China to create a virus to unseat Trump. Patently false and another example of a lying liar lying.

Let me expose you to some logic your selective-outrage, hypocritical self can't seem to grasp. The virus leak can BOTH be regrettable and be handled beyond poorly by China. Steeltime's statements are accurate. Not the basis of any conspiracy theory. It is indeed funny though how fifteen months after the virus, so many of those theories are being proven accurate. I digress...

The virus could have and likely was regrettably leaked. What happened AFTER the fact is documented, as Steeltime said. China did cover it up. China DID allow international visitors to come to and leave Wuhan. That is a fact. China DID prevent travel from Wuhan to other parts of China, fact. By doing these very things, they therefore DID let the disease spread internationally while at the same time tried to prevent it spreading at home. Odd.

If China didn't intentionally let the disease spread, they would have banned international travel - all of it - as other nations did. They did not.

If you take the angle "well maybe they didn't understand the severity of it at the time" then answer these questions...why did they prevent travel from Wuhan to other parts of China while allowing international travel to and from Wuhan? They knew something was up and prevented their own in Wuhan from traveling to other regions of China. Hmmm. But simultaneously allowed travel in and out of Wuhan. Yeah, that makes sense.

You can't do both things at the same time and appear to be negligent. Or uninformed. They made calculated decisions.


We all need to know.
Sounds like china let intentionally go international to me.

Pretty easy calculation there
Tibs, I have posted several links showing that China shut down travel from the Hubei Province - where Wuhan is located - in January of 2020 while allowing foreign travel into and out of that province.

China is partly to blame for the virus spreading globally because it continued to allow flights to Hubei for its own interests – while taking greater action to stop the spread within China.

Addressing China’s President Xi Jinping directly, historian Niall Ferguson wrote in an op-ed: “... after it became clear that there was a full-blown epidemic spreading from Wuhan to the rest of Hubei province, why did you cut off travel from Hubei to the rest of China – on January 23 – but not from Hubei to the rest of the world?”

There is new evidence to show that China locked down all domestic traffic internally by end January 2020 but pushed to open foreign travel till end March. Data from Tom Tom traffic index, a traffic location site that covers 416 cities across 57 countries show that as a result of this strategy, China, intentionally or otherwise, was able to lockdown its cities unknown to the world. While this reduced the spread of the Corona virus within China, China’s aggressive foreign travel policy lead to a virus explosion worldwide. Here is the chronological events of what happened with the requisite traffic data from 10 major cities globally and the statements from Chinese leaders that will help readers reach their own conclusions.

Beijing & Shanghai were isolated by Jan, domestic flights curtailed

The COVID- 19 virus first surfaced in Wuhan in the last week of December. On 31 December 2019 Chinese health officials first reported to WHO that 41 patients in Wuhan had contracted a mysterious pneumonia that was not responding to conventional treatment. As most patients were from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market it was closed on the 1st of January. On the 7th of January Chinese scientists identified the virus as a novel Coronavirus later termed as the COVID-19 virus. On the 11th of January the virus claimed its first life in Wuhan city. On 13th January Thailand reported the first case of Coronavirus outside China. On 20th of January Zong Nanshan the scientist named by China to lead the battle against the virus stated ” Now we can say that it is certain that it is a human to human transmission phenomenon”.

On January 22 at a meeting to decide the measures to be taken, WHO was not able warn the world of the severity of COVID-19 apparently because of resistance from Beijing. (WHO referred to it as “divergent views”) On January 23 Wuhan city was placed under quarantine and two days later the entire Hubei province was locked down. The Chinese state machinery was harnessed to enforce an unprecedented quarantine on 50 million people across 15 cities. In the last week of January domestic flights from Hubei to other parts of China was stopped and restrictions on traffic movement in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai were initiated. This was the time of the Chinese New Year when offices and schools are normally closed and it is also the prime tourism season for the Chinese. On the 31st January Italy fearing a major outbreak of Coronavirus from hundreds of tourists arriving from China closed all flights to and from China.

China knew that the virus was capable of human-to-human transmission no later than December of 2019 but lied about that fact to the flaccid, complicit WHO and claimed that only those exposed to bats in the wet market had developed the Chinese flu - knowing that was a lie.

Chinese health care workers admitted in secret tapes that they knew how dangerous COVID-19 was when it first emerged in Wuhan — but were pressured into lying about it, a new documentary claims.

“We knew this virus transmitted from human to human. But when we attended a hospital meeting, we were told not to speak out,” one doctor said in a covertly recorded interview for the ITV documentary “Outbreak: The Virus That Shook The World.”

Doctors from the original epicenter of Wuhan were captured claiming that the virus was spreading rapidly in the early days of the health crisis, despite government officials reporting no new cases for 12 days after Jan. 5, the Sun reported.

“Many people said there was no human-to-human transmission in the early period, including the experts from Beijing. They all said the same thing,” another doctor claimed in the documentary, Metro UK reported.

Doctors from the original epicenter of Wuhan were captured on video claiming that COVID-19 was spreading rapidly in the early days of the health crisis. Others alleged the government also lied about there being no deaths until Jan. 9. “There were deaths every day in the early days,” a person identified as a senior medical professional said.

Another doctor recalled knowing that the virus was deadly as early as December 2019.

China, WHO could have helped prevent COVID-19 pandemic: congressional report​

“Actually, at the end of December or beginning of January, the relative of someone I know died of this virus,” the doctor claimed. The health care workers also alleged that local officials knew it was risky to hold Lunar New Year celebrations. “People suggested at city level that it shouldn’t go ahead, but it did because such an event would present a harmonious and prosperous society,” one said.

If China had come clean early on, then the virus spreads much, much more slowly. It's a virus, so once the genie is out of the bottle, that's it, but China actively worked to spread the disease to other nations by lying about its transmissibility, changing travel into and out of the region to protect China and expose the rest of the world. They knew damn well by late December what was happening and how dangerous the disease was and set about lying to protect China at the expense of the rest of the world.

Almost as if the nation has some vicious, genocidal tendencies. Nahhh. Unpossible.
Tibs, I have posted several links showing that China shut down travel from the Hubei Province - where Wuhan is located - in January of 2020 while allowing foreign travel into and out of that province.

China knew that the virus was capable of human-to-human transmission no later than December of 2019 but lied about that fact to the flaccid, complicit WHO and claimed that only those exposed to bats in the wet market had developed the Chinese flu - knowing that was a lie.

If China had come clean early on, then the virus spreads much, much more slowly. It's a virus, so once the genie is out of the bottle, that's it, but China actively worked to spread the disease to other nations by lying about its transmissibility, changing travel into and out of the region to protect China and expose the rest of the world. They knew damn well by late December what was happening and how dangerous the disease was and set about lying to protect China at the expense of the rest of the world.

Almost as if the nation has some vicious, genocidal tendencies. Nahhh. Unpossible.


It's not opinion. Those are dated, timelined facts.


Steeltime and Tim's analysis revolves around making assumptions and reaching conclusions based on pure speculation and hyperbole. It's taking a few known facts about what happened in Wuhan and running with it, in every which direction. The idea that China knowingly and purposefully allowed this virus to spread is the textbook definition of conjecture.

I'm not saying they're right or wrong. But it's a massive leap of faith at this point, to say the least.

Ironic, isn't it, that’s the exact same thing I was accused of regarding former guy's ties to Russia. 🤔
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Steeltime and Tim's analysis revolves around making assumptions and reaching conclusions based on pure speculation and hyperbole. It's taking a few known facts about what happened in Wuhan and running with it, in every which direction. The idea that China knowingly and purposefully allowed this virus to spread is the textbook definition of conjecture.

False. We know numerous key facts at this point that are not disputed:
  • Shi Zhengli is a Chinese virologist working at the Wuhan Institute of Virology ("WIV"), hunting for and studying SARS diseases in bats.
  • https://www.scientificamerican.com/...wn-viruses-from-sars-to-the-new-coronavirus1/
  • Shi Zhengli conducted gain-of-function research at the WIV with the SARS-originated bat viruses.
  • Dr. Shi then teamed up with Ralph S. Baric, an eminent coronavirus researcher at the University of North Carolina. Their work focused on enhancing the ability of bat viruses to attack humans so as to “examine the emergence potential (that is, the potential to infect humans) of circulating bat CoVs [coronaviruses].” In pursuit of this aim, in November 2015 they created a novel virus by taking the backbone of the SARS1 virus and replacing its spike protein with one from a bat virus (known as SHC014-CoV). This manufactured virus was able to infect the cells of the human airway, at least when tested against a lab culture of such cells.
  • https://science.thewire.in/the-scie...pened-pandoras-box-at-wuhan-people-or-nature/
  • The natural origin theory has never had the expected and previously-discovered animal link. The pangolin theory has literally zero evidentiary support. The first patients with the Chinese flu had no contact with the wet market.
  • In fact, the first patients - in late November of 2019 - seem to be three researchers at the WIV.
  • https://www.sify.com/news/researche...-report-news-international-vfyeTijiicceb.html
  • In fact, China seems to have taken steps to actively hide the first victims of the manufactured disease.
  • The coronavirus pandemic's so-called "patient zero" may never be tracked down, warns the World Health Organisation's lead expert. The stark revelation came as fears grow for a Chinese scientist who mysteriously vanished from a top secret lab at the start of the outbreak.
  • https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13774387/disappeared-wuhan-lab-missing-patient-zero-never-find/
  • The outbreak came about 1 1/2 years after the US State Department warned of very poor safety protocols at the WIV. In fact, researchers at the facility experimenting on the SARS viruses found the biological safety suits bothersome and uncomfortable to the point a lot of them were wearing ... nothing more than surgical masks when working with viruses being genetically engineered to be more deadly.
  • https://www.politico.com/news/magaz...os-under-heaven-wuhan-lab-book-excerpt-474322
  • This extraordinary article - published March 3, 2020 - outlines undisputed facts about the timeline, China's actions, China's lies.
  • https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/chinas-devastating-lies/
  • Intelligence gathering reveals China had 'evidence of human-human transmission from early December,' but continued to deny it could spread this way until January 20. The World Health Organisation regurgitated Beijing's claims despite officials in neighbouring Taiwan and Hong Kong raising concerns, the report says. Evidence of asymptomatic cases, known as 'silent carriers', was also reportedly buried.
  • https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...ays-bare-China-lied-coronavirus-outbreak.html
So my sources include Science Magazine, Nature Magazine, The Lancet, the New York Times, The National Review, Scientific American, Politico, and the Daily Mail. Liberals: "Ooh, the Daily Mail is so biased." For once in your life, LOOK AT THE DATA.

I'm not saying they're right or wrong.

You said very specifically, not three weeks ago, that the lab release theory was a "conspiracy theory." You now try to hide your prior claim. Sorry, not going to work.

But it's a massive leap of faith at this point, to say the least.

So Science Magazine, Nature Magazine, The Lancet, the New York Times, The National Review, Scientific American, Politico, and the Daily Mail are all in on the "conspiracy"? And we should take the word of China that seven researchers from the WIV just magically "disappeared" and that the virus came from a wet market though 27 of the first 41 patients had NO CONTACT with the damn market, and that the virus is natural though nobody ever FOUND THE LINK, unlike other SARS viruses, and that China ordered its researchers to destroy genetic data and stop talking about the virus BECAUSE IT'S NATURAL.

That's your take?

Ironic, isn't it, that it's the exact same thing I was accused of regarding former guy's ties to Russia. 🤔

If you think your claims about Russia and Trump - after three years of investigation, 19 lawyers, $65 million spent investigating - is in the same universe as the evidence in support of the lab-made, accidentally-released, China-lied-people-died evidence I have cited and linked above, you need serious mental health attention.
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Steeltime and Tim's analysis revolves around making assumptions and reaching conclusions based on pure speculation and hyperbole. It's taking a few known facts about what happened in Wuhan and running with it, in every which direction. The idea that China knowingly and purposefully allowed this virus to spread is the textbook definition of conjecture.

I'm not saying they're right or wrong. But it's a massive leap of faith at this point, to say the least.

Ironic, isn't it, that’s the exact same thing I was accused of regarding former guy's ties to Russia. 🤔

No, it's not. Not in the least.

The CCP made two decisions - one to forbid travel to and from Wuhan within China, but simultaneously to allow international travel to and from Wuhan....there's not a lot of wonder. That happened. It is factual. It's not hyperbole.

That decision China made was either one made by bumbling fools, or it was intentional. It's binary. There is no "every which direction."

It's actually a simple analysis.

More importantly, why do you protect China so much? ****...wait...they are on Biden's team, nevermind.
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No, it's not. Not in the least.

The CCP made two decisions - one to forbid travel to and from Wuhan within China, but simultaneously to allow international travel to and from Wuhan....there's not a lot of wonder. That happened. It is factual. It's not hyperbole.

Add in another crucial fact that China lied about - the human-to-human transmissibility of the virus. If China admits in late December or early January what it absolutely, indisputably knew - the virus was being transmitted from human to human based on the fact the first two patients had zero contact with the "wet market" and the fact their doctors had caught the disease - the world stops travel from China and into China.

That would vastly limit the spread of the virus and put most of its devastating effects in China, something that horrified the Chinese government.

Decaf is relying on the honesty and humanity of the Chinese government in this scenario. Seriously, he has said he believes the Chinese government more than he believed Donald Trump, a view shared by 99% of the mindless quisling liberals.
So how are all you "I trust science" folks doing these days? Now that you know Fauci has been full of **** pretty much from day 1.

Fauci full of ****.
WHO full of ****.
CDC either incompetent of full of ****. (Practically controlled by the teachers unions)

Where is all this 'good science' coming from? Because it sure as **** isn't coming from any of those sources.
Where is all this 'good science' coming from? Because it sure as **** isn't coming from any of those sources.

It doesn't come from true science. It comes from politicized science. From the 59-genders of science. From the scientists issuing death threats to people like the former head of the CDC.

"The Science" has been corrupted.

You hear it daily now. People will not trust science for a long, long, long time to come. They corrupted it.
It doesn't come from true science. It comes from politicized science. From the 59-genders of science. From the scientists issuing death threats to people like the former head of the CDC.

"The Science" has been corrupted.

You hear it daily now. People will not trust science for a long, long, long time to come. They corrupted it.

Politically weaponized bullshit tyrant science.
Steeltime and Tim's analysis revolves around making assumptions and reaching conclusions based on pure speculation and hyperbole. It's taking a few known facts about what happened in Wuhan and running with it, in every which direction. The idea that China knowingly and purposefully allowed this virus to spread is the textbook definition of conjecture.

I'm not saying they're right or wrong. But it's a massive leap of faith at this point, to say the least.

Ironic, isn't it, that’s the exact same thing I was accused of regarding former guy's ties to Russia. 🤔
Pull your head out of your political *** and see this for what it is. This isn't a left or right issue. This is just ******* wrong. Swallow your pride and just admit that this asshat just murdered **** tons of people on a global scale while he got rich and famous. Blood money is all he earned. There is NO OTHER way of seeing his actions. NONE. The emails prove that he knowingly spread misinformation and lied under oath in testimony to Congress. If you support him at all, even in the slightest, you can **** off troll. It makes you just as much of a liar and just as evil as that prick is. period

A scientist and a doctor explained in a Sunday op-ed the “damning” evidence suggesting that COVID-19 was altered in a laboratory.

Dr. Steven Quay and UC Berkeley emeritus professor of physics Richard Muller explained in The Wall Street Journal that the genomic structure of COVID-19 was unlike anything discovered in nature, which is the strongest evidence the coronavirus was altered in a lab.

The two explained that in gain-of-function research, a spike protein is altered for the purpose of making a virus more transmissible or lethal. A specific genomic sequence, CGG-CGG (known as “double CGG”), they said, has “never been found naturally” in “the entire class of coronaviruses that includes CoV-2.” They explained that natural processes could not create a sequence combination if it “isn’t present in any other virus.”

Although the double CGG is suppressed naturally, the opposite is true in laboratory work. The insertion sequence of choice is the double CGG. That’s because it is readily available and convenient, and scientists have a great deal of experience inserting it. An additional advantage of the double CGG sequence compared with the other 35 possible choices: It creates a useful beacon that permits the scientists to track the insertion in the laboratory.

Now the damning fact. It was this exact sequence that appears in CoV-2. Proponents of zoonotic origin must explain why the novel coronavirus, when it mutated or recombined, happened to pick its least favorite combination, the double CGG. Why did it replicate the choice the lab’s gain-of-function researchers would have made?

A scientist and a doctor explained in a Sunday op-ed the “damning” evidence suggesting that COVID-19 was altered in a laboratory.

Dr. Steven Quay and UC Berkeley emeritus professor of physics Richard Muller explained in The Wall Street Journal that the genomic structure of COVID-19 was unlike anything discovered in nature, which is the strongest evidence the coronavirus was altered in a lab.

The two explained that in gain-of-function research, a spike protein is altered for the purpose of making a virus more transmissible or lethal. A specific genomic sequence, CGG-CGG (known as “double CGG”), they said, has “never been found naturally” in “the entire class of coronaviruses that includes CoV-2.” They explained that natural processes could not create a sequence combination if it “isn’t present in any other virus.”

Not to mention the fact that the wuhan lab is run by.....Wait for it.....

The Chinese military...
escaped... hmmm.

So there are 3 plausible things that happened:
  1. It jumped from a pangolin to a human at the wet market. Bogus, 1 in 1 billion probability that happened, but now deemed impossible given the fingerprint of the virus.
  2. They were doing gain of function research, lab worker(s) got sick, left the lab...all of mankind has it.
  3. It was intentionally released.
Number 1 is ruled out at this point. The question now will be was it accidental or intentional?

I want to believe #2. I grew up as a kid scared to death of Russia and that each night when I would go to sleep some nut over there would launch an ICBM. As I grew, I realized that self-preservation instincts keep the vast majority of us living. Russia doesn't want to seek to exist, nor does the USA. So why would China release a virus they knew would kill millions, including their own? Doesn't make sense to me. Unless there was a cost/reward benefit.

I don't want to believe the CCP would intentionally release a virus. But we don't know what we don't know. So it is possible. Billions of what ifs.

What I will say is am still a bit mystified at the over-the-top vaccine push coupled with them not being approved coupled with vaccination passport mandates. For a virus that was NOT the bubonic plague, the world's leaders are truly, over-the top hell-bent on getting 100% of humanity vaccinated. Seems quite odd to me.

You can go a normal route or a Wig route. Normal route: COVID has dangers we aren't aware of, there are other manifestations of it coming, the vax is important. Or the Wig route, the vax is populating humanity with something other than just a preventive vax.

I'll let you run with the latter. Ha ha.
By golly, back as early as May of 2020 true scientists had determined that the virus was likely man-made. At Lawrence Livermore.

Anyone remember Richard Madcow talking about this? Brian Steltler? Chris Cuomo? Anyone in the media? Or were they too busy pimping their COVID death tickers?

They knew all along. Called anyone suspicious conspiracy theorists. Bottom line - not only have we seen continual political malpractice, but journalism is dead. Pure propaganda, nothing more.

By golly, back as early as May of 2020 true scientists had determined that the virus was likely man-made. At Lawrence Livermore.

Anyone remember Richard Madcow talking about this? Brian Steltler? Chris Cuomo? Anyone in the media? Or were they too busy pimping their COVID death tickers?
