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AV had name of a fallen Army hero on his helmet

dude's mother who was shot by the cops - the same dude being implicated in a drive-by - of course has no problem with AV's decision.


her tweet (from the article)

Michelle Kenney
16 hours ago
Let me very very very clear. The Pittsburgh Steelers took a team vote. Obviously one person didn’t like the results so they chose to do something different. I have nothing against vets and absolutely appreciate everything that they have done and continue to do for us. But this one person showed us exactly who he is and obviously he didn’t approve of how the vote turned out. In my opinion; that’s for his coach, team and organization to address NOT ME! While he was so busy being negative what it actually did now forced more people to engage in this conversation. I’m going to use this negative press and negativity to motivate me to hold the Pittsburgh Steelers even more accountable!!! Yes I believe in second chances but as we all know I believe in putting in the work and that’s how I base my collaborations. They came to me as a team/organization and I don’t care how good of an individual you are; if you are not a TEAM player then maybe you are playing for the wrong team!!! You can’t stop nothing god put in motion and I’m here for the long haul. Touchdown baby!!
dude's mother who was shot by the cops - the same dude being implicated in a drive-by - of course has no problem with AV's decision.


her tweet (from the article)

She needs to look in the mirror.. what she said is cringe worthy. Lady, Al put his life on the line so your son could attempt to murder another black kid.. get that through your thick skull.

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Those last couple sentences made me think "Is this AB's mom?"
Hard to believe someone would put a hero's name like that on their helmet, instead of the law breaking felons.

Heard Cook bad mouthing him earlier about it on the fan.

Pathetic of him to do that too.

Mark Madden is going after him too. He went to Tomlin and talked about this prior to the game, Tomlin said he didn't have a problem with it, end of story.
So she says it's not an issue for her to address, before going on to address it.

And she's going to hold the Pittsburgh Steelers even more accountable! You know, the team that chose to honor her son on their helmets on national television.
It's not a world ending issue. The thing that sticks out to me about this is that for the second time, the team as a whole voted to do one thing and Al decided to differ from them. I'm wondering if this is a little self-promotion on purpose. If so, I hope he picks up his play because the spot light gets pretty hot.
Mark Madden is going after him too. He went to Tomlin and talked about this prior to the game, Tomlin said he didn't have a problem with it, end of story.

Yeah, JuJu had a good game so fat arse needs a different bunching bag.
The truly only man out there. No hopa la about it did it moved on not like all the banner flying, fist pump , mad look on your face BS side line show with your special T shirts. These players have no reality as they make sure they are on TV with whatever is the newest and greatest *****. None have given up football or went out for one month and seen what police have to put up with. Wait a minute I guess that is old now it racists. We are given lectures before the game, the announcers in the booth during the game, then the commercials. Commercials all black faces as we are told with the underlying message, all races but blacks are racist. Has one black players stepped up and said I have been racist, no not one, no coach no assistant coach none. But we as any other race have to be scolded, lectured . Proud of AV he did not jump on the band wagon and let everyone know we all do not have to agree with one set of players. Maybe we all should contact nike and tell them are thoughts of what offends me, mem and more me and we will gat special T shirts and shoes made. NFL does not get it, they better be happy fans are not in the stadium, look at what happened in KC as they were booed. Slam away.
This kind of criticism towards a player honoring a BLACK fallen soldier will continue the decline in ratings. If you don’t believe the ratings are suffering then check them out.. don’t give me the “people are streaming the games” either. That isn’t it.

The first game of the year was down 26% compared to last year. Every Sunday game was down except the Bucs and Saints game. That was up 6% in comparison to last years prime time game. The Sunday night game was also way down.

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AV loves his country more than football. His brothers have died fighting for this country. His mindset is quite different than every other player in that locker room. What he did had no fanfare and he got his coaches approval, but the media likes to fan the flames and AV is becoming targeted again for his patriotism. Shame on all of them.
AV loves his country more than football. His brothers have died fighting for this country. His mindset is quite different than every other player in that locker room. What he did had no fanfare and he got his coaches approval, but the media likes to fan the flames and AV is becoming targeted again for his patriotism. Shame on all of them.

Exactly, the fact that this is an issue is ******* ridiculous.
There isn't a single person in the locker room who would dare question CPT Villanueva's motives. Find me another person in the locker room with a bronze star.........

Maybe the team should have done more research on this guy before slapping his name on the back of their helmets.
There isn't a single person in the locker room who would dare question CPT Villanueva's motives. Find me another person in the locker room with a bronze star.........

Maybe the team should have done more research on this guy before slapping his name on the back of their helmets.

perhaps it was decided on a players voting tally? guessing
perhaps it was decided on a players voting tally? guessing

Votes were mailed in...

No issues with Villa's decision and neither does Coach T. His black service member that died saving soldiers, while he was on fire, received the Silver star. Villa is correctly pushing for him to get a posthumous Medal of Honor.
It's not a world ending issue. The thing that sticks out to me about this is that for the second time, the team as a whole voted to do one thing and Al decided to differ from them. I'm wondering if this is a little self-promotion on purpose. If so, I hope he picks up his play because the spot light gets pretty hot.

My thoughts exactly. I respect, as a vet his decision, but why not stick w/ the decision from the team??? And Big Al---you've been quite suspect over the past 4-5 games...
Pouncy is right you know........................................ If the protesters would investigate victims further they would be "better off informed" . TaKE THE LADY WHO IS HOLDING vILLI AND THE steelers TO A higher standard due to his name on his helmet.............

Salute the nation
It's not a world ending issue. The thing that sticks out to me about this is that for the second time, the team as a whole voted to do one thing and Al decided to differ from them. I'm wondering if this is a little self-promotion on purpose. If so, I hope he picks up his play because the spot light gets pretty hot.

Then maybe Tomlin needs to be taking some heat on this, Al went to Tomlin before doing this, Tomlin gave him the go ahead.