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Being a fan of the developing Chaos...

What I find the most troubling is that if you are a Trump supporter, you can't tell people for fear of getting attacked- either physically or verbally. I don't wear my politics on my sleeve like the Hillary supporters do/did. But when people would ask me who I was voting for, I would say that I didn't know or that I wasn't voting. I just can't deal with being slammed for having a differing opinion. I've alrady lost family over this. It's gotten past the point of ridiculous.
. Violent nonsense all because one side lost power and can't deal with it.

This is how civil wars start. The divide gets wider. I'm just thankful I do not live in other countries like California and New York. I'd have to leave.

I think this is the whole premise and the now "retired" Barry Soetoro is behind most of it. He has set up camp a couple blocks from the White House and is running thousands of minions all across the Country in every method of subterfuge known to man.


He is using the platform of a 5013c corp called Organizing for Action to coordinate "ground swell" to mimic the Tea party


What we are seeing is not spontaneous resistance at all but organized mayhem and subversion.

Savings accounts? Are you ******* kidding me? Let me put this in perspective for you..... My mother was diagnosed with cancer in November 2002 and passed away in May 2003. In those 7 months she incurred over $800,000 dollars in total medical bills. She had insurance, but the 20% they didn't cover was over $150,000. Many days.... more than I care to recall in ICU at a cost of $7000 per day. Nothing will ever solve this problem unless something is done about the prices hospitals and doctors charge for their services.

Having worked in the Healthcare Industry for almost 20 years, I need to weigh in. Some of this may be repeats from past separate posts, so sorry in advance....
I personally believe in free market enterprise, and believe the government should not be sticking its nose into our personal lives. This includes healthcare.
With that said, the ACA was doomed from the jump. It was poorly conceived, poorly written, poorly executed, and currently poorly practiced.
The ACA is neither free market medicine, nor socialized medicine. It is a bastardized hybrid of the two, and was written with MASSIVE influence from the insurance companies and with lies upon lies about how great it was and was going to benefit all.
The democrats were in TOTAL control for Obama's first two years in office. They could have wrote and passed anything they wanted. Why didn't they pass universal socialized healthcare for all? Why not cover every single American? They steamrolled the ACA down everyone's throat without batting an eye? Why not go the full monty and put in 100% socialized medicine? Oh, that's right. Because you'd lose all your donations you get and will get from the insurance company's who lobby all of our elected crooks. Insurance premiums, copays, deductibles, coinsurance all rose, while the benefits of the plans has decreased. The major bell they were sounding was there was 52 million uninsured Americans, and the ACA would get them coverage. It did not. It only got 20 million. Yeah, that's a big number, and good for them. But I thought it was supposed to get ALL of those poor 52 million uninsured coverage?
The ACA also has many sections written into it that have nothing to do with healthcare, but everything to do with more government overreach. And before Trump signed the Executive Order that says the government would not collect any of the fines, we were all going to be screwed come 2018, as your employer would have been fined for you either taking the plan they offer through the company, or if you chose to take a plan offered through the Exchange. The only way they could have avoided a fine was to not offer insurance......the backdoor into 100% socialized medicine.
I currently work for a Hospital system. We have 11 hospitals, just shy of 1000 doctors, and many outpatient facilities and continuing care/pharmacies/etc. I have also worked for major insurance carrier, and also an insurance brokerage,
I can tell you from experience, there is a real problem with the cost of healthcare. No doubt about it. But it's not so easy to point a finger.
Someone above talked about physician malpractice insurance. I personally know doctors, friends not co-workers, but also co-workers too, that most of their malpractice premiums run them 40 - 60 percent of their income. This is why a 10 minute check up at your doctor's office is billed out to insurance at $125.00. You may only have a $20.00 copay, and then the insurance company and doctor already have a negotiated fee of $75.00. So insurance reimburses $55.00 and the doctor has to write off $50.00.
It because we have people in our society that eat deep fried mayonnaise balls for every meal and snacks, weigh 1000 pounds, is brought to a hospital because they were choking on the whole turkey they tried to eat, dies on the gurney because their heart and stomach simultaneously exploded, and the deceased's family decides to sue because the doctor and hospital didn't do enough to save them.
Insurance companies are who I point the biggest finger at......but we the people are partly to blame for their current condition. They are indeed greedy pigs, but we technically fed them. Healthcare insurance used to be just for catastrophic events. But then we got lazy and wanted to have coverage for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Thus, insurance plans were written like this, and companies bought these "cadillac policies" to entice employees to come work for them.
But now there's abortions, and gender reassignment surgery, nose jobs, boob jobs, etc.
Our body, our choice, right?
Well then we should be using our own flippin' money and not everyone else's for our own healthcare, elective or necessary.
When a tornado destroys my home, or my car breaks down, or I want a new 70 inch TV, I don't visit my community and expect them to chip in or pay for all of it.
Lastly, going back to the poor unfortunate people who "can't afford to get sick" and racked up all these bills they can't pay for, or were turned away because they had insurance......these are the BIGGEST lies.
No doctor or hospital has EVER refused to treat a patient. And patients who truly can't afford massive bills have their balances written off and eaten by the doctors and hospitals. You'll need to fill out some forms, but it happens EVERY day. I know it does because it's part of what my department does on a daily basis. Millions of dollars monthly just written off, not recouped, nothing to show for it monetarily.......but patient is healthy and none the poorer.
Savings accounts? Are you ******* kidding me? Let me put this in perspective for you..... My mother was diagnosed with cancer in November 2002 and passed away in May 2003. In those 7 months she incurred over $800,000 dollars in total medical bills. She had insurance, but the 20% they didn't cover was over $150,000. Many days.... more than I care to recall in ICU at a cost of $7000 per day. Nothing will ever solve this problem unless something is done about the prices hospitals and doctors charge for their services.

That wouldn't mean we couldn't have catastrophic care. I figured that was a given.
My attack drone is almost ready

Lastly, going back to the poor unfortunate people who "can't afford to get sick" and racked up all these bills they can't pay for, or were turned away because they had insurance......these are the BIGGEST lies.
No doctor or hospital has EVER refused to treat a patient. And patients who truly can't afford massive bills have their balances written off and eaten by the doctors and hospitals. You'll need to fill out some forms, but it happens EVERY day. I know it does because it's part of what my department does on a daily basis. Millions of dollars monthly just written off, not recouped, nothing to show for it monetarily.......but patient is healthy and none the poorer.

It's true you can go to the hospital and receive treatment even if you can't pay, but if you do, say bye bye to ever getting a loan or a credit card .... and if you do have a credit card having your credit line stop at whatever your current balance is.... which is exactly what happened to my father. Living on a fixed income of $1200 a month, the $30K that Medicare didn't cover might as well have been $30 million. He tried sending them what he could... $50 a month as an act of good faith that he at least wasn't ignoring the fact he owed this money, even though he wasn't even putting a tiny dent in the amount he owed. As a result, he was turned over to a collection agency, his credit ruined, and the one credit card he had, WalMart, notified him that his credit line was cut off and that he was to pay the amount in full as soon as possible. In all my arguments with the hospital about this situation, never once was I told that all he had to do was "fill out some forms" and it would all be settled.
I sure wish he would have went to your place where all you have to do is "fill out some forms" and the bill magically disappears.
Good post Fedd. Quick question: so if I **** can my worthless insurance policy with a deductible that I will never meet, I won't get fined now? I would like to dump it, pay cash for doctor appointments and pick up a major medical / disaster policy. Until Trump gets this **** fixed anyway.
I think this is the whole premise and the now "retired" Barry Soetoro is behind most of it. He has set up camp a couple blocks from the White House and is running thousands of minions all across the Country in every method of subterfuge known to man.


He is using the platform of a 5013c corp called Organizing for Action to coordinate "ground swell" to mimic the Tea party


What we are seeing is not spontaneous resistance at all but organized mayhem and subversion.


Yeah I was aware of Barry doing this crap. Nasty stuff. Hope&change gleaming in the moonlight.
Know your enemy

‘Allahu Akbar’ Becomes A Rallying Call As Leftists Join Forces With Radical Muslims

An “unholy alliance” between anti-Trump leftists and radical Muslims is beginning to emerge all over America. President Trump’s recent executive order that restricted immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries is bringing a very strange mixture of people out to street protests.

On the one hand you have hardcore Muslims that are chanting “Allahu Akbar” and that believe that Islamic law will someday prevail over the U.S. Constitution, and on the other hand you have radical leftists marching right next to them that are protesting for “women’s rights”, “gay rights” and “civil rights”.

The ironic thing about all of this is that if the radical Muslims have their way, the leftists will either convert to Islam someday or will be completely destroyed. But for now they need one another, and so a very odd marriage of convenience has taken place.


"I am a Muslim day"

OK now, let's keep this in perspective.

Good post Fedd. Quick question: so if I **** can my worthless insurance policy with a deductible that I will never meet, I won't get fined now? I would like to dump it, pay cash for doctor appointments and pick up a major medical / disaster policy. Until Trump gets this **** fixed anyway.

One of Trump's very first Executive Orders was doing away with the fines to both businesses and individuals that came under the ACA.
I believe it reads as the IRS/government is to turn a blind eye to it, as the actual ACA is still in existence and on the books.
So while it may still technically exist for this tax season, as it would be for the year 2016 when there was no Executive Order, you would not receive the fine in 2018, for the 2017 tax season.
But I know healthcare policies/issues, and do NOT work for the IRS or government. There's currently no precedence I can site since it hasn't come up yet.
Hospitals may frown on you not having insurance, as things there add up quickly and are super expensive.
But doctors' offices, at least that I deal with, LOVE people who pay cash rather than having to deal with insurance carriers.....especially government ones.
They'll even give you negotiated rates because they'll get paid at time of service rather than waiting up to 1-2 years for reimbursement.

I would recommend speaking with an insurance brokerage in your area.
One, they can shop all the major and minor players available to you, but most importantly - they'll be able to tell you the very latest in the war on the ACA and what individuals can/can't do.
They HAVE to know ALL the laws and variances because it's the most important part of their business and what they shop for you.
They don't charge for meeting with them and you asking questions, either.
It's true you can go to the hospital and receive treatment even if you can't pay, but if you do, say bye bye to ever getting a loan or a credit card .... and if you do have a credit card having your credit line stop at whatever your current balance is.... which is exactly what happened to my father. Living on a fixed income of $1200 a month, the $30K that Medicare didn't cover might as well have been $30 million. He tried sending them what he could... $50 a month as an act of good faith that he at least wasn't ignoring the fact he owed this money, even though he wasn't even putting a tiny dent in the amount he owed. As a result, he was turned over to a collection agency, his credit ruined, and the one credit card he had, WalMart, notified him that his credit line was cut off and that he was to pay the amount in full as soon as possible. In all my arguments with the hospital about this situation, never once was I told that all he had to do was "fill out some forms" and it would all be settled.
I sure wish he would have went to your place where all you have to do is "fill out some forms" and the bill magically disappears.

So, from your description, in my "magical world here" your father did not setup a payment arrangement with whatever doctor/hospital.
A lot of times, people adopt that mentality of, "I'll send what I can so they can't say I didn't make an attempt, etc."
This is the wrong answer. For hospitals or anyone you owe money to.
The very first bill you get, you need to call and say, "Hey after all my insurance payments, it says I owe $30,000.00 dollars. I don't have that sitting in my bank account right now. Is there anyway you can set me up on a payment plan?"
If you setup the payment plan, your account goes into a hold status where you are NOT sent to collections, nor negatively reflected in any way to any credit agency.
But then, the conversation should continue with your dad or whomever saying, "Also, I don't make the type of money to pay off this in its entirety any time during my lifetime. Do you have any type of charity you have for patients?"
At this point, they would be sent a financial aid application. You have to show all forms of income, you have to report all of your bills. It goes to our reviewer who adds and subtracts your debits and credits coming to your household and will return a verdict of :
1) No write-off
2) 25% write-off
3) 50% write-off
4) 75% write-off
5) Total 100% write-off

If you only receive one of the partial write-offs and not the full, you still get to be set-up on a payment plan of what would be as comfortable as possible to you and NOT go to collections or have your credit negatively affected, provided you make your agreed to payment.
My magical place sends out numerous notices advising your status and standing. If we sent a bill for $30K, and you send us a mere $50.00 in return, we'll call and send written notice at the same time, advising that is insufficient and if you cannot make payment in full to contact us immediately to set up arrangements to avoid having your credit negatively affected or sent to collections.
Not communicating with the hospital and just unilaterally deciding to only pay $50.00 without notifying the hospital is irresponsible.
Hospitals only ask who your insurance company(ies) are, your ID/Group numbers with them, and advise you that you are responsible for any deductibles/copays/coinsurances not covered by your insurances. This is explained to the patient and they are then asked to sign a document as such. They do not ask for your current financial situation, your salary, alimony payments, etc. They have no idea if you can afford it or not. If it were an emergency situation, the protocol is different. If it's a scheduled procedure, they can actually tell you what you'll owe BEFORE it happens, and even set up the financial arrangements BEFORE the procedure takes place, provided you tell them about your current financial status.
Not sure if he scheduled a procedure or was taken in unconscious from a major accident, but there are TONS of firewalls built into the registration process both ways.
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Americans are generally terrified at the thought of any "socialist" program whatsoever. the very idea of socialized medicine opens the door for other socialized services which of course is frightening. Generally the first arguments you'll hear is that we'll get shittier doctors because under socialized medicine the doctors, nurses and staff will be paid less. Obviously there's no clear proof of this. Where the dent will come in terms of payment is in the insurance industry. Certainly THEY will lose a large source of income.

Another argument is that high end, cosmetic or non-critical procedures would likely be either unavailable under socialized care or they would require significant wait times. They probably would require extra fees. That certainly seems "American" enough. I tend to agree that there's no significant harm on the surface of moving toward a socialized healthcare system wherein every American can receive standard healthcare. However I do recognize there are significant hurdles in getting to that point. It would be costly and the opportunity for abuse would be significant.
I tend to agree that there's no significant harm on the surface of moving toward a socialized healthcare system wherein every American can receive standard healthcare.

Allow me to show you the harm.
I point to the following government controlled entities from both a business standpoint as well as an efficiency standpoint :

1) The VA
2) Medicare
3) Medicaid
4) The United States Postal Service

All of these programs are government controlled and are beyond disastrous.
Do you honestly believe healthcare would turn out any different.
Medicare, the VA, and especially Social Security are severely underfunded and have been robbed of their appropriate funding by these politicians.
How do you think that would go if EVERYONE was covered under this and there were no other options for healthcare?
And you had to resort like many patients from socialized medicine countries to going to another country for care due to the long line?
Allow me to show you the harm.
I point to the following government controlled entities from both a business standpoint as well as an efficiency standpoint :

1) The VA
2) Medicare
3) Medicaid
4) The United States Postal Service

All of these programs are government controlled and are beyond disastrous.
Do you honestly believe healthcare would turn out any different.
Medicare, the VA, and especially Social Security are severely underfunded and have been robbed of their appropriate funding by these politicians.
How do you think that would go if EVERYONE was covered under this and there were no other options for healthcare?
And you had to resort like many patients from socialized medicine countries to going to another country for care due to the long line?

What would be wrong with a two tiered system? Basic care for all, advanced care for those willing to pay/insured. The better off folks choose to pay, shortening any queues.

The intangible, yet clearly valuable benefit derived from basic healthcare for all does not accrue to those afflicted: folks like RollRed, his dad and the rest of his family know they won't go broke cuz Mom got cancer.

In case it is not obvious, most folks, especially those struggling, benefit from less stress.

An enlightened society, the globe's wealthiest ever, ought to be able to look after its sick citizens.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
What would be wrong with a two tiered system? Basic care for all, advanced care for those willing to pay/insured. The better off folks choose to pay, shortening any queues.

The intangible, yet clearly valuable benefit derived from basic healthcare for all does not accrue to those afflicted: folks like RollRed, his dad and the rest of his family know they won't go broke cuz Mom got cancer.

In case it is not obvious, most folks, especially those struggling, benefit from less stress.

An enlightened society, the globe's wealthiest ever, ought to be able to look after its sick citizens.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

Sorry, I can't get behind that philosophy.
I don't think each of our individuals problems should be automatically visited on our neighbors and strangers.
I think we should all have individual responsibility. Without this, everyone could just shut down and not work/contribute. Where's the motivation if you know you're taken care of without an effort? Where would that leave us? Who would foot the bills for everything if nobody contributed?
And what's the problem with a no competition, one entity health insurance? Other than higher fixed prices, no option for something else. It's forced. You have to pay into it whatever the government deems. Across the board for everyone.
I understand the "let no one go without" mentality. It's decent human nature. Maybe even altruistic. And there are people who truly want/need/appreciate the help and will do something with that help to better themselves and make it so they don't need help again. Others simply want a hand out and want to make zero effort and contribute zero to society.
We should be our brother's keeper. We should ALL be charitable. But that charity shouldn't be forced. It'd be the same as universal auto insurance, universal food and water taxes, universal television watching taxes, universal book reading taxes.
With this, the government would dictate what you ate and drank, how much television you can watch and what programs you view, how many books you read and what books you read. Some people don't want to watch television. Some don't want to read. Some wouldn't want to eat hamburgers. Others might not like steak.
I don't understand wanting to be dependent on a government entity, and expecting that entity to know better than you personally what's best for you.

Seriously, please explain this to me as it simply doesn't compute to me.
Sorry, I can't get behind that philosophy.
I don't think each of our individuals problems should be automatically visited on our neighbors and strangers.
I think we should all have individual responsibility. Without this, everyone could just shut down and not work/contribute. Where's the motivation if you know you're taken care of without an effort? Where would that leave us? Who would foot the bills for everything if nobody contributed?
And what's the problem with a no competition, one entity health insurance? Other than higher fixed prices, no option for something else. It's forced. You have to pay into it whatever the government deems. Across the board for everyone.
I understand the "let no one go without" mentality. It's decent human nature. Maybe even altruistic. And there are people who truly want/need/appreciate the help and will do something with that help to better themselves and make it so they don't need help again. Others simply want a hand out and want to make zero effort and contribute zero to society.
We should be our brother's keeper. We should ALL be charitable. But that charity shouldn't be forced. It'd be the same as universal auto insurance, universal food and water taxes, universal television watching taxes, universal book reading taxes.
With this, the government would dictate what you ate and drank, how much television you can watch and what programs you view, how many books you read and what books you read. Some people don't want to watch television. Some don't want to read. Some wouldn't want to eat hamburgers. Others might not like steak.
I don't understand wanting to be dependent on a government entity, and expecting that entity to know better than you personally what's best for you.

Seriously, please explain this to me as it simply doesn't compute to me.

Maybe you're unaware that governmental entities run things like electrical utilities, water utilities, energy utilities, regulate what is "food" and how it is produced, regulate telecommunications, garbage pickup, garbage dumps, road maintenance, landscaping services, etc. as monopolies, or contract same out to entities that follow strict regulation as monopolies. Yes, problems do happen with any/all governmental oversight, and I'm not arguing that they do a better job. I will argue, repeatedly, that the provision of basic health-care in a way that doesn't bankrupt any citizen, should be the goal of a wealthy, enlightened society.
The problem is in the distribution, and would seem like most arguments simply get misdirected here, helped by the onslaught of lobbyists from insurance, medical and pharma groups. Ask yourself if these folks are self-serving, like defence contractors or politicians. Simply streamlining distribution removes huge costs in almost every "business", including the governmental services above, and for the likes of Costco, Amazon, Walmart, supermarkets, Home Depot, etc....

From my perspective, society can be decent, provide basic health care (very sick people are always going to die, and regardless of treatment, some of their loved ones will be upset) simply by streamlining distribution and dumping lobbyists. Just like getting food from Costco, the quality and price can be of great benefit once the distribution get aligned more efficiently. The rest of the arguments just seems like emotional bullshit, or clear lobbying from a selfish perspective.
Maybe you're unaware that governmental entities run things like electrical utilities, water utilities, energy utilities, regulate what is "food" and how it is produced, regulate telecommunications, garbage pickup, garbage dumps, road maintenance, landscaping services, etc. as monopolies, or contract same out to entities that follow strict regulation as monopolies. Yes, problems do happen with any/all governmental oversight, and I'm not arguing that they do a better job. I will argue, repeatedly, that the provision of basic health-care in a way that doesn't bankrupt any citizen, should be the goal of a wealthy, enlightened society.
The problem is in the distribution, and would seem like most arguments simply get misdirected here, helped by the onslaught of lobbyists from insurance, medical and pharma groups. Ask yourself if these folks are self-serving, like defence contractors or politicians. Simply streamlining distribution removes huge costs in almost every "business", including the governmental services above, and for the likes of Costco, Amazon, Walmart, supermarkets, Home Depot, etc....

From my perspective, society can be decent, provide basic health care (very sick people are always going to die, and regardless of treatment, some of their loved ones will be upset) simply by streamlining distribution and dumping lobbyists. Just like getting food from Costco, the quality and price can be of great benefit once the distribution get aligned more efficiently. The rest of the arguments just seems like emotional bullshit, or clear lobbying from a selfish perspective.

Why don't you and the rest of the liberals in the country give away 75% of your checks to help the other man. I will keep mine and take care of my own.
Why don't you and the rest of the liberals in the country give away 75% of your checks to help the other man. I will keep mine and take care of my own.

I am far from a liberal.

Nice job in attaching a label and villifying.

Since you have clearly figured it out, please explain, in a manner that is consistent with society's other efficient distribution systems, your thoughts.
I am far from a liberal.

Nice job in attaching a label and villifying.

Since you have clearly figured it out, please explain, in a manner that is consistent with society's other efficient distribution systems, your thoughts.

Yeah I figured it out. It's called working and taking care of my family. It would be great if the people counting on handouts felt the same way.
Yeah I figured it out. It's called working and taking care of my family. It would be great if the people counting on handouts felt the same way.

Why so snarky?

Maybe you live very differently than most.

Do you use the regulated water or electrical or waste disposal or telecommunications that most in society do?
Why so snarky?

Maybe you live very differently than most.

Do you use the regulated water or electrical or waste disposal or telecommunications that most in society do?

Yes I do and my taxes pay for my use. All I expect is others to do the same.