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Bernie Sanders - Make America Socialist!

The kid is an *******, but it makes you wonder what the **** our congressmen are doing if they think running a dog-and-pony show to listen to themselves go "on the record" with how repulsed they are with the drug industry THEY created with passed laws that are so convoluted and written by lobbyists.

Best thing I've heard in a while is the efforts of Rep. Mia Love (who is freaking black AND a woman!) that wants to make a law that bills have to be SMALL and only about one thing. No more of this dumping tons of legislation that has nothing to do with each other into one must-past bill that keeps the lights on for America.


How this is even allowed is beyond me. This is also the first type of legislation that needs to pass if we are ever going to enact term limits. Make governing simple enough again that rookie congressmen/women can still do their job.
The kid is an *******, but it makes you wonder what the **** our congressmen are doing if they think running a dog-and-pony show to listen to themselves go "on the record" with how repulsed they are with the drug industry THEY created with passed laws that are so convoluted and written by lobbyists.

Exactly. Shreck is an ******* of epic proportion but the Congressmen are just grandstanding to make it look like they care. As far as I know he hasn't done anything illegal.
Yep, he does seem like an ******* but why is Congress wasting its time scolding this guy? If you don't like what he's doing, pass a law to prevent it. Just be aware of the unintended consequences of price controls.
Yep, he does seem like an ******* but why is Congress wasting its time scolding this guy? If you don't like what he's doing, pass a law to prevent it. Just be aware of the unintended consequences of price controls.

Or gather everyone that is pissed off about it, have them donate money to buy the rights to that drug, then sell it for whatever the **** you want.
From my understanding the free market kind of ****** the kid's idea to corner the market.

I heard another company made a drug that does the same thing and sells it for like $1/pill. So whatever he paid for the rights to the drug and his attempted price gouging didn't work anyway.
Yep, he does seem like an ******* but why is Congress wasting its time scolding this guy?
Like I said, Congress is grandstanding and trying to look like they are "for the people".

If you don't like what he's doing, pass a law to prevent it. Just be aware of the unintended consequences of price controls.
That's the thing, price controls almost always result in shortages. In this case some of the rabble will catch this on TV and think that government-run healthcare is a great idea. Surely the government won't deny me my AIDS drugs or make me pay a lot of money 'cause I votes for Bomma ten time. Heh.
I asked one of my cousins in Italy if he knew anyone in the funeral business there but he told me the taxes are too high and the economy sucks and to stay in America. .
Sounds like he doesn't want you there. No no no. Everythinga sucka here. Very very bad.. you stay in America . Bettah you stay put ..Capisci ?
From my understanding the free market kind of ****** the kid's idea to corner the market.

I heard another company made a drug that does the same thing and sells it for like $1/pill. So whatever he paid for the rights to the drug and his attempted price gouging didn't work anyway.

The free market always wins in the end. Always.
(Yes, as a matter of fact I DO have a degree in economics.)
or nobody cares

MSNBC's Clinton-Sanders Democratic debate is lowest rated of the season

MSNBC's feisty debate between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton received high marks from political observers, but not high ratings from ordinary viewers.

It was the lowest-rated debate of the 2016 election cycle by far, according to preliminary Nielsen data. The debate had a 3.3 household rating in Nielsen's metered markets.

You think Medicare and Medicaid pay at an abysmal rate? What do you think the reimbursement rate would be of all those senior citizens with a myriad of health problems living on a $1200 a month social security check would be if they didn't have Medicare/Medicaid.

Yes, they reimburse at an abysmal rate, especially Medicaid that doesn't even cover costs. Many non-profit health systems incur operating losses because of their large Medicare and Medicaid Payor mix. Ask the CEO, CMO, or CFO what that percentage is and they will know immediately off hand.

Health insurance is the problem, not the the providers.
Yes, they reimburse at an abysmal rate, especially Medicaid that doesn't even cover costs. Many non-profit health systems incur operating losses because of their large Medicare and Medicaid Payor mix. Ask the CEO, CMO, or CFO what that percentage is and they will know immediately off hand.

Health insurance is the problem, not the the providers.

TriCare is that way as well. Horrible at reimbursing, which is why fewer and fewer doctors are accepting it. My aunt works at Allegheny General, and any time someone comes in with TriCare, she cringes. Not because of the person, but because she knows that the person and the hospital are going to have issues with TriCare and the payment(s).
Maybe it's just me but Bernie kind of reminds me of Eugene McCarthy. For those old enough to remember.
All the college kids loved him too!
Or gather everyone that is pissed off about it, have them donate money to buy the rights to that drug, then sell it for whatever the **** you want.

Thats not the problem. This particular drug isn't under patent anymore. It is in the public domain now and anyone could produce a generic version. That is if they want to spend the money to prove the drug to the FDA. The thing is this drug is not prescribed a lot and it would never sell enough to recoup your investment. Its a case of government regulations doing more harm than good.
Thats not the problem. This particular drug isn't under patent anymore. It is in the public domain now and anyone could produce a generic version. That is if they want to spend the money to prove the drug to the FDA. The thing is this drug is not prescribed a lot and it would never sell enough to recoup your investment. Its a case of government regulations doing more harm than good.

Yup, you would have to file a new drug application with the FDA, trials, studies.
And it would cost a fortune to do.
Wonder why you can't get quinine for your leg cramps anymore?
We're from the Federal Government and here to help you!
Yup, you would have to file a new drug application with the FDA, trials, studies.
And it would cost a fortune to do.
Wonder why you can't get quinine for your leg cramps anymore?
We're from the Federal Government and here to help you!

Makes my point even better. Everyone wantshould to get up in arms about what this guy has done, but won't risk their own money or, gasp, make anything actually better.
LOL, yeah, he's quite the Democrat.

Drug CEO Shkreli to Jeb: 'I'm an avid supporter'


Democrats have castigated Shkreli for hiking the price of a potentially lifesaving drug by more than 5,000 percent. Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, berated Shkreli during the hearing: "I call this money blood money ... coming out of the pockets of hardworking Americans," he said indignantly.

Cummings might be interested to know that the Democratic Senatorial Campaign in July 2015 took $33,400 of Shkreli's "blood money." The Progressive Midwesterner noticed this back in September:

When I was looking on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) website about political donations that Martin Shkreli made, I managed to find one political donation that I am 100% certain is of Turing Pharmaceuticals’s Martin Shkreli, and that is a $33,400 donation that Shkreli made to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) on July 18th of this year.


Martin Shkreli
Occupation: Contractor
Employer: Alba General Contracting
Location: Bedford, New York
Add to Compare

Leans Democratic

2014: $7,700
2012: $7,000
2004: $6,500

Martin Shkreli
Occupation: Contractor
Employer: Alba General Contracting
Location: Bedford, New York
Add to Compare

Leans Democratic

2010: $2,000
2008: $6,250
2006: $8,700
The resemblance is uncanny.... LOL

How the Bernie Sanders Approach Ruined Burlington College

When Jane Sanders was in charge of a small private college in Vermont for seven years, it sank deep into debt while trying to expand its campus. Many students took out tens of thousands of dollars in loans to attend, but their investment was questionable: Only a third of former Burlington College students earn more than the average person with a high school diploma.

Jane Sanders’ husband, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, has offered a higher-education plan that would make tuition at public colleges free. But it would do little to prod colleges, public or private, to keep costs down or ensure that a college degree is worthwhile for graduates.

Jane Sanders, who led Burlington College from 2004 to 2011, spent millions on a new campus — 33 acres along the bank of Lake Champlain — to attract more students and donations from alumni. It didn’t work: The college failed to recruit enough students or donations to repay its debts and even came close to losing its accreditation
