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Beyond the KKK, Blacks Still Dying at the Hands of Democrats

Your so full of ****. Blame democrats for deaths of blacks. What about blaming blacks for killing blacks? Don't wanna go there do ya? I've got many friends that are black. Its just the color of your skin not what's in your heart. Stop with the blame.LOOK IN THE MIRROR


Dr Thomas Sowell points out how prior to LBJ's "Great Society" war on poverty that blacks were catching up to whites in all the quality of life statistics. Then the Welfare state exploded and the government check replaced the black man as father and provider for the black family. Fast forward 50 years and the rate of bastardy in the black community is 70%, young black men are committing 80% of all crimes and the term "Generational Poverty" was coined to describe the situation of welfare dependency. Dr Thomas Sowell is a black man. All of that I just described was wrought by the policies put in place by DNC politicians. The Democrats are the new slave masters to Black Americans, keeping them poor, ignorant and on the plantation as a patronage voting block.
Dr Thomas Sowell points out how prior to LBJ's "Great Society" war on poverty that blacks were catching up to whites in all the quality of life statistics. Then the Welfare state exploded and the government check replaced the black man as father and provider for the black family. Fast forward 50 years and the rate of bastardy in the black community is 70%, young black men are committing 80% of all crimes and the term "Generational Poverty" was coined to describe the situation of welfare dependency. Dr Thomas Sowell is a black man. All of that I just described was wrought by the policies put in place by DNC politicians. The Democrats are the new slave masters to Black Americans, keeping them poor, ignorant and on the plantation as a patronage voting block.

Also remember if abortion hadn't been legalized the black population (and voting influence) would be 30% larger. Black women get abortions in numbers wildly out of proportion to their percentage of the population.