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Blue wave my ***!

Keep running them socialists, Bernie Bots!

It's working!

Americans not paying for their bullshit

Short on Cash, DNC Does About-Face on Fossil Fuel Donations

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And for the cash-strapped Democratic National Committee, that means reversing a policy of not accepting money from people who are employed by fossil fuel companies.

"We have to draw the line that we are indeed a party of a big tent where all working people are welcome," said DNC Chairman Tom Perez on Friday night. "We're not a party that punishes workers simply based on how they make ends meet."

"Perez sponsored the Friday resolution that allows the DNC to accept contributions from workers that are employed by fossil fuel firms, such as those that mine coal, drill for and refine natural gas and oil."

"Perez sponsored the Friday resolution that allows the DNC to accept contributions from workers that are employed by fossil fuel firms, such as those that mine coal, drill for and refine natural gas and oil."

Most people in those lines of work should, I think, know that the Democrats want to put them out of business though.

More proof that the Demotards want socialism. This should be cited in every campaign across the nation.


Gallup reported Monday morning that “Democrats have a more positive image of socialism than they do of capitalism” for the first time since the company began polling that question over the past decade.
The major shift, Gallup says, has been that Democrats have lost faith in capitalism — even as the economy has exceeded 4.1% growth and unemployment has hit all-time lows:

Attitudes toward socialism among Democrats have not changed materially since 2010, with 57% today having a positive view. The major change among Democrats has been a less upbeat attitude toward capitalism, dropping to 47% positive this year — lower than in any of the three previous measures. Republicans remain much more positive about capitalism [71%] than about socialism [16%], with little sustained change in their views of either since 2010.
At least we can count on the Bernie Bots splitting the Dem party

ha ha

Bernie Sanders Wins Vermont Democratic Primary, but Is Expected to Turn It Down

MONTPELIER, Vt. — Independent U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders won Vermont’s Democratic Senate primary on Tuesday but was expected to turn down the nomination, as he did in his previous campaigns

Sanders, long one of Vermont’s most popular politicians, is thought to be considering a presidential run in 2020 and already is on Vermont’s November ballot as an independent.

Did you know...?

You may not have read about this GOP victory, because the liberal national media is not exactly excited to report that Republicans reclaimed a seat they had not held in 139 years. The liberal media is especially shy about reporting on a Republican victory in a district that Hillary Clinton carried by nearly 12 points in the 2016 presidential election.

From the left’s standpoint, this victory is even more frightening because the district is 73 percent African-American and Hispanic.

Furthermore, at a time when people are touting gigantic Democratic voter turnout and lagging Republican participation, this special election runoff had twice as many voters as the last Texas state Senate special election runoff in February 2015.


Nice Friday afternoon feel to it.
Good times

ha ha

Michael Moore Rips Obama, Blames Him For Allowing Trump to Win Michigan in 2016

Liberal documentary filmmaker Michael Moore criticized former President Barack Obama for actions he made during the 2016 election.

Moore began by pointing out how Hillary Clinton lost his home state of Michigan by “about two votes per precinct” and that she “never should have lost a blue state.” He added that the people of Flint felt they were “used as props” after it was learned that Clinton received debate questions in advance during the primaries and not Sen. Bernie Sanders

Moore also noted that more people voted in the April primary in Michigan than did in the general election.

He then “sadly” pivoted to President Obama, who he previously noted was the “greatest” president of his lifetime.

“In the film, I show something that sadly President Obama did by coming to Flint and telling the people the water was okay. It was still poison, and then he pretended to drink from a glass of water and then said that it wasn’t a stunt. And it was. And it just put a knife in the heart of so many people in Flint who were hoping he would come with the Army Corps of Engineers, dig up these poison pipes, and replace the pipes in the city. And he didn’t do that. And then people gave up and a lot of people stayed home. They didn’t vote for Trump, but they just stayed home.”

Even more proof that Obama is an America hating socialist. He endorsed that crazy socialist bartender chick.



R's had a great response:

As for the endorsements Obama did make, Republicans countered that they would do more harm than good.

“President Obama oversaw the slowest economic recovery in modern history and it cost Democrats more than 1,000 seats," Republican National Committee Spokesman Michael Ahrens said in a statement to Fox News. "By tying these candidates to his failed economic policies, he’s helping ensure they suffer the same fate.”
With a never ending smear campaign since 2015 against Trump, and Republicans not talking about their accomplishments enough, I think the Dem's are going to pick up a lot of seats.

Above all else, Trump needs to hold the senate. If he looses the house, there are deals to be made with his infrastructure agenda, besides the house has elections every two years.

The good news is Trump remains very popular with his base. They all need to get out and vote. Socialism is on the rise within the Democratic party.
Sadly I think my main GOP candidates are all going to lose. My U.S. Rep because his district was redrawn with more Democrats and our candidates for Senator and governor simply aren’t strong. If there’s an upside it’s that the Dems and media will misread the tea leaves.

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Sadly I think my main GOP candidates are all going to lose. My U.S. Rep because his district was redrawn with more Democrats and our candidates for Senator and governor simply aren’t strong. If there’s an upside it’s that the Dems and media will misread the tea leaves.

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I don't know what the answer to gerrymandering is, it seems open to fraud. My feeling is it should be based solely on the census every 10 years but the process is vague to me, maybe that's their goal. But no party should benefit from activism in the court or by state legislature. I've seen it's effects and watched it change communities for decades.

It did help us to send dem Corinne Brown to prison so there's that. I would have preferred her constituents realized what a crook she was and voted her out without redrawing the district.
Yeah baby... From Fox.

Early voting numbers from several key battleground states now show Republican voters turning out in far greater numbers than Democratic ones, signaling an initial GOP surge that may dull the prospects of a so-called "blue wave" on Nov. 6.

Republican voters have taken the lead in turnout numbers in Georgia, Indiana, Montana, Texas, Tennessee, Florida and Arizona -- states that Fox News analyses show are the scenes of close and pivotal House, Senate and gubernatorial races.

The results are most striking in Tennessee, where 63 percent of early voters are affiliated with the Republican Party, compared to only 30 percent aligned with the Democrats, according to one review of publicly available voting data conducted by NBC News.

Earlier this month, pop star Taylor Swift told her 110 million followers on Instagram that they should participate in early voting -- just a week after she wrote that Republican Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn "appalls and terrifies" her, and declared that Democrat Phil Bredesen has her unequivocal support. But neither of Swift's calls to action appears to have been effective, based on early voting totals.

Republicans are similarly outpacing Democrats by 11 points in Arizona, 6 points in Florida, 9 points in Georgia, 12 points in Indiana, 17 points in Montana and 10 points in Texas, the analysis shows.
Yeah baby... From Fox.

A good sign Indy, but I think those leaning right tend to vote early because they work for a living, while those on the left will be waiting for the free Uber ride to the polls on election day. Hope I'm wrong.
A good sign Indy, but I think those leaning right tend to vote early because they work for a living, while those on the left will be waiting for the free Uber ride to the polls on election day. Hope I'm wrong.

Traditionally it’s the opposite. Dems always lead in early voting because they’re more aggressive about getting the mail in ballots out. I did an absentee ballot this year for the first time in my life because I’ll be out of town on election week.
Traditionally it’s the opposite. Dems always lead in early voting because they’re more aggressive about getting the mail in ballots out. I did an absentee ballot this year for the first time in my life because I’ll be out of town on election week.

Good job. I will be in town but I'd like to do an absentee ballot. My work hours make it tough to get to the polls before they close. If there is any delay I won't make it there in time.
During the hearings I emailed POS senator Joe Donnelly and told him I wanted him to vote in favor of Kavanaugh. I just got this weak, cover your *** response. This guy voted for Obamacare, against the tax cuts and against Kavanaugh. You're toast, mfer. Hit the streets...

October 25, 2018

Dear Friend,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me about the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. As your Senator, I recognize that the constitutional responsibility to provide advice and consent on presidential nominees is one of my fundamental duties.

As you know, on June 27, 2018, Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court. On July 10, 2018, President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to fill the vacancy created by Justice Kennedy’s retirement.

I have long said that the confirmation of a Supreme Court justice should not be taken lightly and deserves careful consideration and open debate. I believe that part of my job as a Senator is to thoroughly consider judicial nominations, and I took the same approach with Judge Kavanaugh as I have previously in reviewing other nominees for a Supreme Court vacancy.

On August 15, 2018, I was able to meet with Judge Kavanaugh to discuss his record, his experience working in the George W. Bush Administration and serving on the federal bench, and his views on the role of the Supreme Court. I also closely watched his confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee. On October 6, 2018, the Senate, without my support, confirmed Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court by a vote of 50 to 48.

The nomination for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court is often a challenging one. That was true when President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch, whom I supported. It was also true this year with Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation process, which included significant partisanship and anger. Now that the Senate has confirmed Judge Kavanaugh, I am hopeful he will join the other Supreme Court justices in making decisions based on the Constitution, our laws, and their collective wisdom. I believe our country needs that today more than ever.

It is a privilege to represent you and all Hoosiers in the Senate. Your continued correspondence is welcome and helps me to better represent our state. I encourage you to write, call, or email if my office can ever be of assistance. You can also check out my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter, or visit my website. Please note when contacting my Senate office that I am only able to respond to questions or concerns related to official Senate business. As such, this letter addresses the issues you raised, which relate to my work in the United States Senate.
More than 2 million votes cast and GOP maintains advantage (FL)

TALLAHASSEE — More than 2 million Florida voters have cast ballots and Republicans maintain a solid advantage over Democrats in turnout.

The blue wave remains mostly a mirage. More Republicans are "bringing it home" so far, in the words of Democratic candidate for governor Andrew Gillum.

Typically, the GOP has led from the start in mail ballots, and it edged ahead of the Democrats in early voting Thursday for the first time as several more GOP counties began early voting

Good article about the dims never ending meltdown...


When the midterm comes along the Democrats are going to find that we are not ISIS, or Nazis, or racists, or terrorists. We are Americans. We are moms and dads, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, husbands and wives, and best friends. We are voters and families who look to the future and want it to be the best it can be. Next week, we must trust and urge the American people to not reward those who condemn people for rejecting the status quo, and deciding to stand for freedom, fairness and a renewed American future.
Lindsay "1%" Graham knows....

In an appearance with Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine, the Buckeye State’s Republican gubernatorial nominee, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) argued the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation fight and the migrant caravan headed to the U.S.-Mexico border have rallied the GOP to unite as the midterm elections approach.

Graham also said that while this unification has occurred, it has put red-state Democrats on the defense.

“All the Kavanaugh and the caravan — I mean, if you’re Republican and you’re not excited about voting, you’re legally dead,” Graham said. “Kavanaugh was an assault on everything we hold near and dear. Why is it always our judges? This has been a nightmare for red-state Trump Democrats between the Kavanaugh debacle, despicable character assassination and a caravan trying to overrun our borders. This has been a nightmare for red0state Democrats, and it has unified Republicans, again, whether you are a Bush Republican, Trump Republican, vegetarian Republican, you were upset about what they were doing to Brett Kavanaugh. They tried to destroy this man’s life to hold open the seat so they could fill it. They do not recognize President Trump won the election and he chose a qualified person. And it is resonating all over this country. It has united Republicans, and it has put Democrats on the defensive.”
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Something to gnaw on as we head to the polls on Tuesday :)

This sums up the current state of the democrat party right now. I've been saying it for years, they hate America.

Don't forget they hate the military too

Disabled veteran knocks MSNBC crew for blocking handicapped spots at polling site

A disabled Air Force veteran this week voiced frustration with an MSNBC news crew for blocking handicapped parking spots outside of a polling site in Houston.

"Went to vote, and found this waiting for us. The only van accessible spot and they’re filming in it. We asked them to move, pointed out how it was wrong, then went to vote, because it takes time to load up. But came out and still there. Not even packing up, still getting ready for their shot."


I love this:

Democrats cannot refute the logic and wisdom of many of Trump’s policies; they have no policy agenda that can match what the White House is offering. They can only march and shout. Whether that approach will generate a Blue Wave, once thought a certainty, we will soon know.


I can't wait for tomorrow night and Wednesday morning.

more retarded together.jpg
What's the logic in bankrupting the country by running trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see?